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Wild things (Suzy)

Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The small woman laughed, "Don't need a right, just a reason." she said simply, "And taking all of your untainted souls for the next Black Mass is a pretty good reason."

Then, just like the mage did before, the chieftain raised her arm into the air, and summoned dark energy into her palm. Only, a staff wasn't what formed, instead, what formed in her hand was a large scythe, standing about half Suzy's size, and a little above the horned, small woman when she planted it on the ground. Then, the other mages took Suzy's captive comrades, and pulled them back, forming a circle-like arena for the two women to fight in. The woman suddenly seemed to be engulfed by some kind of jet black water that somehow sprung from the ground, it's presence coming to Suzy as pure concentrated darkness, engulfing the small woman, before returning to the ground, with the woman nowhere in sight. Then, Suzy suddenly heard the woman's voice behind her.

"You think you have what it takes, you little slut?" she laughed. And when Suzy turned, the woman was now standing behind her. She must have been transported by the darkness that engulfed her. She took her scythe in both hands, taking a combat stance as she seemed ready to fight Suzy, "You're pathetic. I'll break you, then watch you squirm as you get fucked mercilessly at the next Black Mass!" she announced.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Stung by the insults, and didn't like the sound of the last comment one tiny bit. She was also slightly awed by the displays of magic performed by the little creatures, Suzy shifted into a more defensive position, her spear had greater reach, so she would attempt to keep the woman at a distance until an opening was seen. After all, that's what spears and pikes were for.

(well, I'm assuming the spear is longer than the scythe?)
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

(Well, duh. :D Just look at the picture of her. It's not much larger than she is!)

Suzy was wise to go on the defensive, as the chieftain charged straight in, in an effort to put an end to the battle in one instant. Suzy managed to catch the opening she wanted, with the woman getting close enough for her attack in a reckless charge...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

As soon as the woman had charged, Suzy used one hand to attempt to grab the scythes handle, while aiming for the shoulder for the arm carrying the weapon with her spear, being not totally inclined to kill her just yet, as long as she could be incapacitated, Suzy would win...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

As soon as the small woman noticed Suzy had the upperhand, the elf only had a moment to use her blade as the small girl dodged to the side, taking a nasty cut on her shoulder, before suddenly being engulfed in the strange darkness that emerged from the ground, only to be spit out by the same dark magic further away from Suzy, as if it's purpose was to teleport the user from one place to another...

The small woman slammed the butt of her weapon into the ground, "So, you actually know how to use that thing... Good for you!" she chuckled, taking a combat stance again, "But that still won't save you..." she told her, preparing for her next attack. The small woman and Suzy would engage in the common practice of circling around each other, watching each other, and trying to figure out their opponent's next move...

This time around, the woman seemed to be waiting for Suzy to make an attack...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy would not be goaded into taking an offensive tact, no matter how long this took. To go on the offensive might easily rob her of her advantage of reach. Instead, she merely settled for staying just within spear reach and making the occasional jab as they circled round in their deadly ballet.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The little woman laughed, "Afraid? You should be. Little elven sluts like you don't amount to anything more than sex slaves!" she taunted her. And when Suzy made just the right jab, the small woman managed a complex maneuver that Suzy would never have seen coming. With her scythe, she trapped the blade of Suzy's spear by hooking it in one of the circular formations in her weapon's design, so that Suzy could not pull away easily. Next, the small woman yanked back, pulling Suzy's weapon forward, her with it, before leaping up at her, and planting her feet against Suzy's chest, hard, sending her flying back, where she landed on her back. Then, with her weapon still in hand, the little demon slammed the butt of her scythe against Suzy's body, knocking the breath out of her.

Before Suzy could counter attack, the small woman performed a back flip off of her, landing safely away. Suzy was now feeling the hurt on her front and back sides, where she was hit, and where she landed on the ground so roughly. "Pathetic!" the small woman announced, "You might as well give up now, and bend over that rump of yours so we can have a little fun with you!" she laughed.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy was completely taken by surprise at the manoeuvre performed by the chieftain, and before she knew it, was disarmed and winded on the floor in front of the little woman. Stung by the remarks, Suzy was sure she was not quite ready to surrender just yet, Suzy struggled to her knees, one hand clapped over the pain in her chest, the other on the floor, while she glared icily at the chieftain.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The small, childish woman laughed, "Is that all you've got? To think, I went easy on you, and you still lost to me. Maybe you actually want to get fucked!" she laughed, directing a finger at Suzy's spear, before the wood base of the weapon erupted into flames, and the metal melted into the earth. Then, she looked left and right, to her followers on either side of her, giving them a silent command, which they obeyed with just as much silence.

She looked back to Suzy with a confident grin, "Seeing as how you won't listen to me... Why don't you ask your friends if you should follow the ways of Sabbath?" she chuckled, holding out a paw in her direction, as her sister, Reyth, was released. Then, two other of Suzy's captive crew were released as well, except they were moving oddly, as if their movements were not their own, crawling on all fours towards Reyth.

Once she was free, Reyth immediately took the opportunity to talk, and even try to move towards her sister, "Suzy! You have to fight! They're going to make us into slaves-!" the rest of her words were cut off as the two elves possessed by a magic that made them little more than puppets grabbed her, and forced her on her back. Their hands slipped under Reyth's tight clothing, grabbing, massaging, and groping her breasts, waist, and thighs. Reyth moaned and thrashed a little, but could do nothing since she did not want to harm her friends, helplessly laying as they began what seemed to be an intent to rape her.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy, upon seeing the assault of her sister, stormed over to the controlled Elves, forgetting her pain with a squirt of adrenalin into her system, with the intention of throwing them off of Reyth, temporarily forgetting about the multitude of little woman around her... Anyone who tried to get at Reyth would pretty soon have a boot in their face if they were of the child-like women, or a too-close-for-comfort view of the floor if they were Elven...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

As Suzy charged to save her sister, the chieftain used her already infamous teleportation to appear in front of her, between her, and her sister. She quickly directed a paw in her direction, summoning her evil magic, before a strange white bolt of lightning shot forth from her outstretched paw, quickly colliding with her. It didn't hurt, not in the least, however, it felt as if a sudden strong wind pushed her with great force from where the bolt hit, quickly sending Suzy into the air, knocking her away, and on her back some distance away.

The chieftain laughed, "If you wanted to join in, all you had to do was ask!" And with that, Suzy saw more of the witches remaining motionless, casting their own, "puppet" spells on her comrades. And it wasn't long, before she could even get back up, that the captain of the boat she was on, an elf with blood red, curly hair, and a mature face, and one of the cuter, petite, blond mages who protected the boat moved over her with emotionless, empty eyes, and a blank face, quickly pinning themselves over her, holding her down, as well as fondling her breasts, and body...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy gasped as she was blasted backwards, the air forced from her lungs again as she smacked into the floor. When the puppets came at her, she couldn't do anything to stop them and could only give a quiet moan as the fondling began, offering only a little squirm in defence of herself...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

With her putting up little resistance, the two former comrades easily took advantage of her. The two elves over her slowly started removing Suzy's clothes, until she was down to her bra and panties, tossing her other clothes aside. Both the captain and the mage leaned their heads down, pulling Suzy's bra down enough so that her nipples poked out, before sealing their lips over them, sucking, and licking her breasts, sending sexual shivers along her body. Then, the possessed captain reached her hand down, sliding along Suzy's naked body, until it started working into her panties, her middle finger reaching her slit underneath, rubbing along her folds occasionally bumping against her clit, and quickly making her wet as the two elves tortured her body with their sexual teases.

And all while this was happening, Suzy heard her little sister, Reyth, moaning from her own sexual torture, a side glance given to Suzy during the time the two women were removing her clothes allowed her to see one of the possessed elves placing her face between Reyth's naked legs...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy's face turns bright red as her clothes are stripped off of her, leaving her pale skin exposed to the air. As the sucking on her nipples started, she tensed up immediately, the pleasure through her body overcoming her embarrassment as a louder moan came from her lips, and when the Captain reached down into Suzy's panties, she gave a small yelp and her hips twitched upwards as her sex was rubbed. When she caught a glimpse of what Reyth was going through, a sudden rush of anger surged through her body, but she couldn't do anything, as her mind alone could not overpower the two elves on top of her, and the fact that her body wanted it. So much. She had no choice but to allow this to continue for now...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy's panties were drawn down her legs, and her bra was undone, leaving her bare, and naked, just like her sister now was. And as the two elves above them moved to begin having sex with her, Suzy noticed that the rest of her captive crew were beginning to engage in a massive orgy. Already, her elven sisters and brothers were at the mercy of the witches who held them, most of them already moaning as the men were mounted, and the women were touched by the small witches.

Then, her possessed captain moved lower down her body, wordlessly placing her head between Suzy's legs, while the blond mage begins groping her breasts, tweaking her nipples between her fingers, while leaning up to place a kiss on Suzy's lips. A very empty, passionless kiss from a controlled puppet, before she felt the captain's tongue brush her folds, licking Suzy's flower, sending sexual surges through the woman's body...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy was overcome by a feeling of massive grief upon the sight of the utter defeat of her defeated brothers and sisters, and as the remnants of her clothes were stripped away, a few tears ran down her pale cheeks. Though with the Captain's stimulation of her pussy, and the mage's tweaking of her breasts, and that empty kiss upon her lips, Suzy felt herself getting really desperate for something more than a tongue right now, her hips twitching more and more as the stimulation continued, another moan escaping into the mage's mouth...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

The chieftain chuckled as she watched not only the defeated warrior, but the rest of her people as well left to the pleasures of sexual stimulation, and humiliation, before one of the idling witches, who did not have the opportunity to bond a partner with her magic, walked up to her. "Chief... We have all these untainted elves here... Why not start Black Mass again?" she asked.

The horned chief looked to the inquiring mage for a moment with interest, raising an eyebrow at her, "Hahaha... Very good idea... And then we can summon more demons, who will rape these pathetic sluts until all of their souls has been absorbed!" she announced, before slamming the butt of her staff into the ground, "Begin preparations for Black Mass immediately!"


It had been a very long time later. Suzy was left alone after the announcement, the reason being that the small woman claimed she wanted her and her friend's souls to be 'fresh' for the hellspawn. Suzy and everyone else was tied up to long stakes in the ground, their legs free, while their arms were bound together behind them, around the stake, arranged in a circle around a large occult symbol, in the middle of the night, with the chieftain in the center, focusing all her black magic with great concentration, using the symbol as a catalyst for her arts.

And, after a moment, the chieftain seemed to finish her spell, before opening her eyes, and slamming her scythe into the ground, hard, causing a perfect circle of darkness to envelop the symbol she was standing on. And a moment later, strange, demonic tentacles slowly began to slither out from the dark pool which was made by the black sorceress, their numbers in the dozens as they all came crawling out, headed towards the helpless men and women tied up to the stakes.

The tips of the tentacles looked very oddly like that of a normal cock, only they were extremely long, and extremely flexible cocks. And some tentacles seemed to be the opposite, appearing meant for a male, as some possessed the capability to open up like flowers, and seal themselves around the member of one of the elf men, sucking and stimulating the men as they looked in shock at what was happening.

And for Suzy, the phallus shaped members soon locked onto her as well, several of them already slowly slithering up, seeking to wrap around her legs, and fuck her just like the others in this massive, occult orgy.
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

When Suzy was released from the humiliation brought upon her by her former comrades, she thought that maybe some sort of help had arrived. This was obviously not true and she found herself soon tied to a stake in the ground, forced to watch the vile chieftain performing her black magic. Suzy could only watch on in horror as the demonic tentacles rose out of the ground and went for her brothers and sisters. When the phallus-shaped tentacles began their ascent up her legs, she moaned out a pitiful "Noooooo..." and made a likely futile attempt to beat them off with her free legs, putting off her fate at best...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Like snakes, the tentacles wrapped around her flailing legs, taking hold of them, and forcing them apart. And with her legs spread wide open, in offering to the one phallus shaped tentacle not grabbing her, it didn't hesitate, quickly launching forward, and entering her folds violently, a feeling similar to that stallion she lost her virginity to, as it went all the way inside her, until it could not push into her any further, before beginning a violent back and forth motion, fucking her wildly, and roughly, so much to the point that Suzy's skin started to bulge from the point it was pushing. And as it fucked her this way, Suzy felt her noble elven spirit being sucked away at by the demonic tentacles inside her, as the realization of what the purpose of this dark ritual seeped into her mind, making her realize that her, and her brother's and sister's souls were being fed to whatever dark manifestation the evil witches had summoned...
Re: Wild things (Suzy)

Suzy's legs were quickly restrained by the demonic appendages, and spread apart. When the remaining tentacle forced its way violently into her tight pussy, her whole body stiffened up, as memories of that horse in the fields came flooding through her, and how it had felt inside of her, and how close it was to what she was feeling now... It felt so good, and her there was no chance her body would allow her to escape just now, regardless of how her mind cowered away from the thought of what this thing was doing to her soul. She could only let out a long moan as her hips started twitching along with the tentacle inside of her as much as her restrictions would allow...