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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay good, because my character's not going to get many more combat skills from her memories. Could we get an NPC to teach us? Possibly in return for some kind of favor?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Sure? It's a plausible explanation to why they would learn a new skill...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay, thanks.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Speaking of memory traits... should paranoid 2 make Claire "ZOMGYOU'RETRYINGTOKILLME"?... Currently she seems more like a 1 than a 2...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

She's got the knife ready for le stabbing. Paranoid doesn't always mean unreasonable, it just means she's throwing out most of what the person is saying out of hand. She's deeply paranoid, but has only been so for a little while, so she doesn't have the set-in ways or thoughts of conspiracies against her like long-term paranoid people do, so she's kind of making this up as she goes.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Which is describing Level 1 more than 2. Two, as described, would paranoia to the extent that you'd think everyone is out to get you before even MEETING them. Or in short, you'd be trying to kill/run away from them instantly, rather than trying to "inspect things first"...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I have a feeling that Rain is about to be attacked by some nurse monster or something along those lines. Bleh, maybe not. Maybe a crab will just drop from the ceiling.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Semi-reluctant to post in Phoenix's thread at the moment as... Succubus just got another critical hit on Jen. (Where the bloody hell are these 8-10s coming from?) By all rights, she'd be knocked unconscious and carried off normally, but as this is the intro scenario... I'd have to write up an NPC last minute rescue. Something I'm going to have to take some time to think up (well, design the NPC.) That or maybe I should just have Reina save Jen, as that's the NPC that seems to be most fitting given Jen's cowardice.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

... Have you tried using online dice rollers? (Also, the system I have started using utilizes two six sided die which makes the rolls more likely to be in the middle rather than a equal chance critical hit/miss or any other number. You may want to consider doing a small tweak to use more than one die just for that reason)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I've been using an online roller for the duration of the game now. But the luck's just been really odd. As most of the rolls are either horribly low (multiple 1, 2, 3s in a row) or ridiculously high (8,9,10). I'm wondering if I should go buy some actual dice and compare the effects at this point, since this is just a tad crazy.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

She tried to run away, but they kept up with her, and she decided to stop and hide. And I don't want to have her try to attack someone I know she can't beat, armed or unarmed, unless I see no other choice. Now if she keeps following Claire....
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Oh no worries there... time to demonstrate a high level awakening skill...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Why does Eva speak so weirdly?
And why do I feel like it sounds... wrong?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Yeah, but...
I dunno, the way she talks... it feels... surprisingly unnatural.
(No offense.)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Eva is one of the "holier than thou" types... And a bit "unique" if one might said. I'll state this in advance though, that if Reina is the leader of the haven loved by all, Eva would be the "evil dictator" that controls everyone through fear and rebukes...that and a crap load of high level awakening skills enough to make anyone tremble.

(I designed her speech with that of an old style sorcerer in mind)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

...does she have friends?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

I'd say Reina's the only one really... You see Eva act much more differently around Reina...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Figures, I get the regular asshole of the NPCs that decides to chain me up. :p
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion
