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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Zero, want a bullet to the head? :3, I ran out of ideas for names. So kindly shut it before I have Mirella raped by a giant sea turtle.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

but but but but... you are ignoring meh post anyways D:
Even so, Rua DOES fit the succubus theme so it really isn't a bad choice.
Funny how we actually HAVE a succubus with a not so succubus theme.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Let's see, we have the classical succubus: Rua.

The insane dominatrix one that was sapping Jen...

And the southern country style succubus (lol what) raping Rain...

Yeah, I'd say one of them is out of place.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

And the southern country style succubus (lol what) raping Rain...

I have to ask, what inspired you to make a southern country style succubus?
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay, I hate to say this, but I got bored and started making a character, and I have a question:

Are characters supposed to remember the part in the character creation thread with the clock lady? Seems like a couple don't, and a couple might, so I'm confused...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Depends upon you really... Some choose to and some don't. Although please keep it as an "unclear dream"/"subconscious memory" at best, seeing as remember that scene in vivid detail would screw some things up. Remembering a few details of it is fine, but as for every single detail in regards to the blue garbed woman? No please.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Fair enough, I would rather not remember it happened at all, so no problems there ;)

Pretty much just backstory work left, as well as making a suitable picture once I get home. That said, it should be up in under an hour, if I get right to it :)

EDIT: Well doesn't that figure, Picture will have to wait, I have an awake person in my living room. ah well, I'll stick the rest up, see what happens.
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Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Going to go to sleep after I update my own logs of Pollusia and Castea's character sheets. If I'm lucky/people are active enough, I'll probably be able to finish off most of the introduction scenarios tomorrow.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Well then night Keylo. I think I'm going to head off and get some sleep myself.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

imma sleep soon too, was the virtuous thing the only question you had Keylo? Also, take your time starting my introduction, I'm probably stretching myself too thin just by joining, so don't feel rushed about it ;)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Updates miight be a bit slow today, trying to plot out further things in the plotline :x...
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Alright, I am now caught up with every thread, with the exception of BGs, because it gives me a headache to read his small font. Looks like everyone's having fun ;)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Okay then, in that case before I work on your introduction scenario, can I have you complete the following survey?

(Those who haven't before, please do so as well so I don't put in anything you might not want.)

Tentacles: Y/N
Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Y/N
Beastality: Y/N
Necrophillia: Y/N
Furries: Y/N
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Alright, I am now caught up with every thread, with the exception of BGs, because it gives me a headache to read his small font. Looks like everyone's having fun ;)

Oh yeah, forgot some people don't like small font. Shrike check back at my starting scenario thread in a bit, I'm going to edit my posts to normal size. It will only take a moment so it's no big deal.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Normally the font wouldn't bother me at all, were it not that I was playing on a cell phone. Stick your thumb and forefinger out in an 'L' shape. I have pretty small hands, but the sreen doesn't rise beyond my palm or reach the end of my thumb if you compare them like that.

As for the little survey, lemme see...

Tentacles: Y, of course, as a matter off fact, YY :D
Futas: ehh, sure, why not, Y
Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Y
Beastality: Y, but no horses or dogs, those pass my squick factor :/
Necrophillia: Y, same as everyone else generally
Furries: Y, so long as they're still mostly humanoid, I trust your discretion ;)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

o_O Actually, you're the 2nd to approve necrophillia... Not enough for to place it in the game, but anyway... *starts coming up for ideas for an intro*
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Well, is there any overlying theme you have for the intro's apart from the general 'basic tutorial, one monster, find rescue' kinda thing? Also, feel free to pull on what you know of any of my River's, even if she doesn't remember, though this one doesn't have the voice in her ear. Other than that, go wild ;)
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

;P I'll leave it a surprise... although I'm probably not going to pull another "Dark World" for an introduction scenario, as those are tiring to make.
Re: Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

You mean like when the one girl woke up in the middle of her prank? Aww, and here I was enyoying the thought of a pair of blasted skeletons stapled to a wall as being the first thing she sees after waking up XD

By all means, do what you can. And like I said, no hurry ;)