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Without a Home (Shrike7)

Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Those around her remained quiet despite her attempt at changing the subject, all of them staring at her with their expressions carefully neutral. After a moment, Sera cleared her throat quietly, and the tension left the group of elves instantly, and the man who'd spoken before said, his tone much more jovial than it had been before; "No, I'm afraid the weather never improves. Sometimes it's a little warmer, but that just means that the snow melts, and everything is damp and muddy. Then it freezes again. You picked about the best time to travel, honestly, as it isn't nearly as cold now as it could be."

While he spoke, the two elves who hadn't yet spoken to Alberik at the table were chatting quietly to one another. They were speaking a language that she couldn't understand, but strangely felt as though she should able to. It certainly seemed familiar enough, as though she'd heard it before, but she couldn't quite understand the words. Meanwhile, the man who'd been speaking sighed, and said; "It's been a very long time since these lands were safe to travel. There are much worse things out there than humans....." He shook his head, and as she looked about, Sera had mostly finished her meal as she looked at Alberik with a calm, appraising gaze. Looking down at her own plate, which was half finished, Alberik was torn. The food was excellent, much better than she'd expected it to be, and she had would very much like to finish it before she left, given how trying the hike to reach this place had been. But, the conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere at the moment.

The man suddenly asked, out of the blue; "So.... Alberik. Where are you from, exactly? We don't see many humans around here, particularly with your type of.... Condition."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Well, she had managed to turn the conversation away from suspicion of her being a spy for this human kingdom, so Alberik was more than happy to continue her meal for the time being. When asked the question, her hand went up to her face once again, almost as if checking for herself that they were still there.

"I'm... Not too sure, actually. The oldest coherent memory i have is a blinding pain, then standing up in the forest a few hours before your patrol found me. Everything before that is just flashes. I remember... Tall, perfectly square houses stretching impossibly far into the sky, another scene in a lake, with two men's faces, a massive underground city, hanging over an incredibly large crevasse... And I can't seem to remember anything about these places, these people. It's like I'm looking at a tapestry, with no idea who made it or why..."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

The elf whod done most of the talking so far and Sera listened with rapt attention, while the other two paused only briefly in their conversation to listen to Alberik explain what little she had of her memories. It was Sera who spoke first, saying; "So... You don't remember where you're from originally? Or what you did? Not how you got to where you woke up, or why you were sent there? You don't remember.... How you got those?" The two elves took the moment of silence after her guide had asked her questions to rise from their seats. Both of them bowed, and then one said; "We must be off. We are up to patrol within the hour, and must prepare. Sir Acutan, we wish you a good evening. Lady Sera, may the winds of fate carry you as long as they will. Outsider...." At that, he paused for a moment, considering his words carefully, but then said; "Be at peace among us." With that, both men bowed slightly, a returned nod from Sera and the gentleman in front of her, apparently Acutan, as all the response they received in return, before turning and walking out of the dining hall.

Sera quickly turned to look at Alberik with concern, waiting for her to answer, and Acutan clearly awaited her response as well, though she wasn't sure why he wanted to know so much. His dour demeanor, ever even tone of voice and general seriousness made him difficult to read, and his mind proved to be totally immune to any attempts she might make at probing it.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik raised her hands in a gesture of defeat, nodding at the two as they get up to leave. "Thank you." She replies to them, before turning back to the two seated, and sighing. "I get a whole slew of images when i try to think of 'home', but again, there's no meaning behind them. I don't remember any of that, but these..." She indicates the small tendrils along the side of her face. "...feel both familiar and repulsive, like I should have a reason to hate them. But, none of this seems to bother me. It's like... I knew this would happen, and have already dealt with it." She finishes with another shrug.

She finds this Acutan's sudden interest in her strange, but reasonable. Given the respect afforded him by the two that had left, she finds herself thinking that this may be an impromptu meeting with one of the aforementioned elders. Perhaps even planned... As such, she continues as she had been since the first meeting and leaves the other's minds untouched, to avoid being rude.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

You're not wrong.
Perception: Alberik wins.

Acutan hrmmed, and nodded. He waited for a moment, no longer touching his food, as he stared at Alberik pensively. He stared at her for several moments, and Sera put down her fork slowly, watching both of them. As he did, Alberik felt something strange touching against the surface of her mind, foreign, but not aggressive or harmful. A heartbeat later, the presence was gone, and Acutan turned to Sera and nodded; "She is no threat to us, so long as she is watched. Her own abilities prevented me from gaining any real knowledge without being detected, but I detected no malicious intent. I believe that she has spoken the truth, or at least all that she knows of it."

Then, he rose, towering above the both of them, and continued; "I apologize to you, that such measures were necessary. I must also apologize, because I cannot allow you to roam our home without escort. You may not remember, but it is still possible that you are some kind of agent, waiting for the proper triggers to activate. Such have been used against us before, but the humans to the South." He smiled reassuringly, and then continued; "But, we still offer you our hospitality, until such time as you choose to leave. Take your rest here as long as you will." With that, he turned to Sera and said; "See to her needs, so long as it does not distract you from your duties overmuch." With that, he nodded to both of them, and then turned and walked away. A few elves watched him go, and then turned to Alberik with relieved expressions before returning to their meals and conversations.

Sera looked much relieved herself, and smiled falteringly at Alberik warmly as she quietly said; "I'm glad that went the way it did. I'm afraid I have to say this..... If he had found something evil within your mind, I would have been the one that would have had to kill you." Her expression brightened somewhat, and she continued; "Anyway, I'm glad it didn't come to that. Would you like any more to eat? Or to sit and chat for a while? I think Erik should be coming off duty soon, if you'd like to meet him in person. If not, we could turn in for the night. You'll be staying with me, for now." A few of those who had heard that snickered quietly, and Sera glared at them before turning back to Alberik and waiting for her response.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik raised an eyebrow at the sensation (couldn't really be called an intrusion), but said nothing until Acutan spoke up himself. "Not completely undetected. I understand, and thank you. Before you go, however, I promised an Erik of the Fallen Leaves that I would tell his superiors of his generosity. If it is proper to give him some sort of praise or reward for his kindness, I would have it so." She asked hurriedly, not wanting to spend too much of his time. After he responds, she searches her memory for a proper farewell. "Thank you, and may the rest of your evening be pleasant."

Once he leaves, Alberik turns to Sera and listens. Her eyes roam up and down when she finds out Sera would have had to kill her, taking her measure. Her lips purse for a second, but she says nothing. Once Sera had finished, she spoke up. "I think I'm full for food at least, thank you. As for the rest, I'm not sure, I guess it depends. Is there some sort of Library here? I should learn as much as I can before I leave, perhaps write something myself. I have an idea to take notes on these images in my head, maybe find some way to sort or organize them, find similarities. I would like to talk to Erik as well, perhaps he had been trailing me for a while before he announced his presence, he may have witnessed what happened to me farther back than I remember myself. I do have to ask about the guest quarters though, was it decided they weren't secure enough?""
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Acutan simply pauses and nods at Alberiks request, and continues on his way out. As she looked Sera over, the elf seemed to be relieved that she didn't have to kill Alberik, and was more relaxed now than she had been since they had entered the dining hall. When Alberik responds, Sera thinks a moment before speaking; "I doubt Erik was tailing you when he was on guard duty, unless you appeared right on our doorstep. You were a bit too frozen for that to be completely plausible. Still, I'm sure he'd like to talk to you."

Her face became a bit more glum as she continued; "I'm afraid you can't access the library, at least not yet. There are a lot of things in there that the elders would much rather not fall into the hands of outsiders, no matter how well meaning. If you'd like, I could get you something from there, or something to write with perhaps, but you wouldn't be allowed to search through them yourself." Finally she smiled impishly, an unusual expression for her, and said; "Trust me, staying in my quarters will be much more comfortable for you than staying in the guest barracks. Besides, I'm supposed to see to your needs, and I can do that better if I don't have to hunt you down every morning. There aren't any rules against it, and until the elders tell me to send you packing, I'm responsible for you."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

"I see. Sorry if my being here causes you bother. Though I suppose it frees you up from duty at the door, if they want you following me around all day. I'm fine without straight access to the library, as that makes sense. I need some sort of history book, just so I can re-learn what's generally known. And a map, so i can find out where I can go once I leave here. There's also an Item that recurs in my visions, I think it may be important, but I'll need to sketch it, it's difficult to describe..." Alberik says slowly, ticking off the short list on her hand.

"Apart from that, I think I'll be a rather dull woman to watch over, as I plan to be doing a lot of reading. The other man mentioned that this is pretty well the best weather that can be expected? How long will it take to cycle through to favourable conditions again?"
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera waited and listened as Alberik spoke, and when she'd laid out what she needed, Sera said; "Of course, I can get all of that for you. I have a writing desk in my quarters, and I'm pretty sure that I've got a few stray pieces of paper, and some ink. I can get you some paints and a canvas, if that would be easier for you. If not, I can leave you there while I go find you a book or two in the library, so long as you swear not to try and leave. I keep a set of maps in my quarters as well.

"It's alright, it's nice to have a few days off. I don't get vacations very often, even if I'm stuck inside all day." Her face creased slightly in a frown, and Sera waited for a moment before continuing; "I'm afraid he was right. We're in the heart of spring as we speak. The melt might happen sometime within the week, if we're lucky, though it's hardly safe to travel when the snows are gone either. The roads turn to mud that can swallow a man or woman whole in under a minute, and leave no trace of it save for bones locked forever within the earth. The wolves and bears like to come out too, since it's their mating season."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

"Ink and paper should do fine, it's a thick hoop of what looks like stone, with some sort of symbols on it, I can't understand them, but I can picture them very clearly. Perhaps there's another book that can translate them once I can put it down to paper." Alberik replies, looking pensive.

"Wow, and that is on the main roads?" Alberik exclaims when Sera explains the hazards of spring travel. "Perhaps it would be best to get started sooner rather than later. When is the soonest the roads can be expected to be passable again? Would it be inappropriate to try and get a message to Erik requesting he see us at your quarters? Perhaps he could stay while you go for books, if that's not too much trouble?" She asks in a rapid pace, then stops, and looks around. it suddenly occurs to her that she may wind up absorbed into a book until well after dark, she may need to grab a supply of torches or candles. But before she asks, she looks about the room to check what the mess area was lighted with. "Should we grab a supply of those, as well? I doubt I'm going to spend much time sleeping tonight..."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera shrugs at Alberiks description of the artifact, and at her later questions, the elven woman says; "They're about as good as they're likely to get right now, to be honest. It's always cold here, but right now it's just a little below freezing, which keeps things from thawing and producing the sinkholes I told you about, but the wind doesn't bite quite as hard as it may. I'll see about getting someone to tell Erik to stop by once he's off duty, if you'll hold on a moment." As she turned, Sera almost missed Alberiks question about the lights, which came from a series of glowing golden crystals placed around the walls. "Don't worry, I've got plenty of those at home, so you can stay up as long as you like!" With that, she turned away, and went over to another table that had a half dozen men and women in fighting kit sitting about. She spoke to them for a moment, and then came back quickly to say; "Erik should be over shortly after he gets off duty. He'll probably get out of his armor and get something to eat first, so you'll have plenty of time to get set up. Are you ready to go yet?"
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik looked down at her empty plate, then back up to Sera. "I believe so, yes. On our way then?" She asks, standing and following Sera out of the building.

On the way, she spent some time thinking about her current situation. If the roads were as easy to travel as they were going to get, then she may be better off leaving sooner rather than later. Though perhaps leaving in the fall, once things start to freeze again, may also be a possibility. Although, she'd have to make good time or be caught in the winter weather before she had a chance to reach anywhere of import. She'd have to see some maps or something of the sort first before she could know that, however. Perhaps she could convince them to lend her a guide, though she didn't have much to offer in return...

Snapping out of her thoughts to hear Sera talking to her, she shook her head a little and spoke. "Sorry, was thinking a bit too hard I think. Did I miss something?"
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera hadn't stopped talking since they left the dining hall and back out into the cold air. It was night now, and in the unlit complex the stars and the half-full moon were plainly visible, the great height making the astral bodies look impressive indeed. From what little of the architecture that she could see in the dark, it seemed that the buildings of Gods-Reach had been constructed with the visibility of the night sky in mind, as the heavens were never once obstructed as they passed through the small fortress-city. The elf had been naming buildings as they walked through the village, many of them preceded by several words in the strange language that was at once so familiar to Alberik, but also so alien to her.

At Alberiks interruption, the elf looked at her crossly for a moment, but then sighed and said; "Not anything of real import, I suppose. We're almost there, and we'll be going back inside presently, so you won't have to worry about the cold. Sera led her through an oaken door and into a stone hallway, the furnishings simple but homy, and up a flight of stairs. She turned right, and proceeded a ways, until she went up a second flight of stairs that looped around. The halls were dark and fairly empty, the magical crystals along the walls only coming to life as Alberik and Sera drew near, but it took only a couple of minutes before she stopped in front of a door, drew out an intricate bronze key, slid it into the lock and opened the door. The rooms within were small, a simple area with a table surrounded by a quartet of chairs, and a wooden desk with another chair in front of it, being all that was within the first room. There was another doorway directly across from the first, which was closed. Inside was dark at first, illuminated only by the light coming from the crystals hanging along the hallway, but as Sera stepped inside, a pair of the magical gems illuminated the room fully, revealing nothing more than had been evident previously save for a small fireplace on the far left side of the room.

Sera quickly turned to Alberik and gestured for her to come inside, saying; "Be welcome here, in my quarters, Alberik. Make yourself comfortable, and I'll get you something to write with and upon."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik managed to pay attention the rest of the way, though her gaze was directed upwards for most of the trip, admiring the night sky above the pair. The elven engineers and artisans had done a wonderful job with God's-Reach, their craftsmanship showing even under the dim conditions of night.

They arrived at Sera's room, and Alberik listened and nossed, then started a loop around the room before settling down at the table. "Okay. Thank you, I'll be waiting right here." She says with a smile, shuffling a bit and getting comfortable.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera quickly headed into the bedroom, it lighting up and displaying a bed clearly made for two. The elf dug into a closet, and then returned with a stack of papers and several vials of ink, several quills, a set of straightened pieces of charcoal, and numerous dyes. She carefully sets the pile in front of Alberik, and then said; "This is about all I have, there are better colors and paints at the library, but I'm not much of an artist myself, so I've never taken any of them. I can go get them later if you like, but I'd have to leave someone with you while I was out." The elven woman offered an apologetic smile to Alberik as she finished; "I'm sorry... Orders are orders."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik's face lights up at the impressive array of stuff Sera puts in front of her. "No! No no no, this is way more than I had expected, thank you very much! I was expecting a single quill and some old paper, this is very nice, thank you." She explained quickly, trying to ease the other woman. She immediately started sorting everything to the edge, and laid her hands on the table, trying to come up with a size for the object she had in her mind's eye.

Still with her eyes closed, she reaches over and starts taking single sheets off the small stack and laying them out, six in total, winding up with a square of paper on the desk a little longer than the Sera's shoulderwidth, and a fair bit larger than Alberik's, who was much thinner. She opens her eyes and takes a look at the size, then nods. "Do you perhaps have a small shield or a large plate? I think I'm bad at drawing circles..." She asks slowly, looking back up to the other woman.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera watched Alberik arranger her sheets of paper in a square without comment, and at Alberiks question, she nods, and heads over to a small cupboard. She withdraws stack of ceramic plates, four in all and each slightly larger than the last, and sets in front of Alberik, just to the side of her paper square. The smallest was four inches in diameter, and each was roughly an additional two inches, so the largest of the plates was just about a foot across. "I've got some clips if you want to attach those pieces to one another. They're in a drawer on your right." Sera said, indicating her square, and then the top drawer on her right hand side.
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

"Thanks." Alberik replied when handed the plate, finding the large on to be about the right size. She had it laid down on the paper when Sera mentions the clips. A quick check of the drawer revealed said clips, and she quickly took some to keep the edges in place as she drew. With that done and the plate in place, she began.

Using a quill to carefully inscribe the outer edge of the circle without getting ink on the plate, she then removed it and took the smaller of the middle plates, and repeated her activity, creating a smaller circle inside the first. "The detail is what will take the longest. I think this item is the clearest image i can remember..." She mumbles almost to herself, then takes the charcoal and starts on the far side, being very careful to draw delicate lines and not to smudge the paper. After about five minutes her hands start to cramp, so she leans back and inspects the work she's done so far.

All of about three inches of the outer circumference has been filled in to the inner ring with intricate scrollwork hiding runes of some description, as well as a large crack running from the inside to the out, a peice darkened along the edge to indicate a chip missing. Looking at her progress while gently massaging her hand back to life, she lets out a small sigh. "This may take a while..."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

HP = 43, PP = 52, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Sera watched patiently as Alberik drew her two circles, one within the other, and then began adding in the details. The elf made no comment over the few minutes, but as Alberik put down her tools and began massaging the cramp out of her hand, she nodded and said; "I'll be back in a few moments then." she left Alberik to her work, heading into the bedroom but leaving the door open, but moving out of sight. A slight rustling sound could be heard over the next couple of moments coming form the room, along with the sound of iron links softly rattling together and leather creaking. After several minutes of that, it became quiet, and Sera emerged once more, clearly dressed more comfortably in a simple pair of fairly light, grey breaches and a thick woolen jacket. She turned and walked over to a chair next to the table and sat down. Producing a book from under her arm, she leaned back, crossed her legs, opened her book and said; "Let me know if you need anything else."

After another hour or so, during which Sera didn't interrupt Alberiks work, a soft knock on the door sounded into the room, and her host stood up with the grace of a cat, closing her book and setting it down on the table, and smoothly walked over to the door. She opened it and stepped back slightly, her back to Alberik, and said; "Be welcome in my home, Captain Erik." An elven male stepped into the room, still garbed in ornate armor and bearing a sword at his hip and a longbow over his shoulder.

She hadn't seem him earlier, as he had remained hidden within the woods, but as she saw him now, Alberik was somehow not surprised by what she saw. He was taller than she, about six feet tall, with a lean, athletic build. His skin was pale, like Seras, and he had dark brown hair that was cut short to his head. Sharp, blue-grey eyes looked at Sera, though she watched as he silently swept his gaze across the room, before they settled for a moment on Alberik herself. It only lasted for a second, however, and he turned toward Sera once more, wearing a smile that didn't touch his eyes as he said; "Good evening, Sera. It is good to see you well, and I hope that your guest is doing well also." He stepped inside, and Sera closed the door behind him. As she did, he looked at Alberik once more, and bowed slightly, saying; "Good evening, milady. I hope that you are well, as you looked like you were about to drop when last I saw you."
Re: Alberik (Shrike7)

Alberik nodded when Sera went to her room, mumbling her thanks when the woman came back out with a book. She was already back to work sketching, seeming to move faster than before. By the time the knock on the door happened, she was just putting the finishing touches on it, had nearly run out of the charcoal, and had palms and fingers nearly black.

She set her stuff down and stood up as Erik came in, bowing as well at his greeting. Her eyebrows raised slightly at her first look at him. He was quite handsome, and she found herself idly wondering what he'd look like under that armour before she realized it and quashed the thought. "Yes, I hadn't felt it at the time, but once I got inside by a fire, it took me some time to stop shivering. Thank you again." She replied, turning to Sera next. "Are there glasses around? I think I could use a break from the sketching. It's nearly finished, in any case." She says with a wan smile, trying to rub some charcoal off her hands into her clothes. "Would it be appropriate to ask if you'd like a seat?" She asks their guest, motioning towards the table.