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Writing help


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Since I seem to have problems with continuing Muse and there are other writers here, no doubt also suffering from a multitude of problems, I thought this thread would be appropriate. Share whatever tips, methods, articles, questions, problems, etc. here.

To start with:
A short book(dating from 1900) concerning the art of writing short stories. I haven't finished it yet, but what I've read so far has been thought-provoking.

Also, my current problem:(spoilered since it does at least partially reveal what will happen next
The third part will contain erotica. This in itself isn't that big of a problem, although I'm not very familiar with that, but it'll also be first person POV and I'm uncertain of how to proceed. So... does anyone have tips?

Also, I must apologize for my language in this post. After reading over 30 pages of text written in the style of the early 20th century, my thought are invariably also forced into such a manner of verbose.
Re: Writing help

"When you've written yourself into a corner, have a man with a gun burst in." Not an ironclad rule, but an interesting idea to get your brain moving again: Introduce a new element to give you something to go on. May go well with Checkov's Gun.
Re: Writing help

May have to poke at the book, since if it's one thing I know I have issue with, it's writing a *short* story *laughs* Fricking smut-based prompt turns into a 9 page story because my brain decides "Here, have a PLOT!" Sheesh.

As for assistance with your spoilered problem...

Various ideas for getting points of reference:

1. Read either a) Decent fanfiction (I can't say "good" because what I might think is good, you think is crap and vice-versa.) with good/great/toe-curling love/sex scenes in it that aren't just "omg, these characters are hot, let's let them have sex!" This is also a good way to sometimes find first-person styles for this; or b) a *good* romance novel or two that isn't put out by Ellora's Cave or have a photoshopped cover on it. Anthologies are good, as it gives you a mix of writing styles. Should not contain the phrases "And the banana...oh God! The banana." or "Oh my God, it was just like biting a sausage." or ANYTHING like that.

2. Watch porn with a plot that goes beyond "I'm a bored housewife and the plumber is soooooo hot!" The Lady Chatterly series is good for that. If I could think of any hentai that I've seen that's just as much story as sex, I'd recommend it but it's difficult. Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time, maybe. Or possibly Wordsworth. Can't rightly say on that one, though.

3. Have a beta reader. Someone you trust with seeing your baby before it goes out onto the forum to "redpen" the story to give you tips and check for spelling mistakes, heh.
Re: Writing help

Interesting idea here. Despite many works of writing not getting much attention on this forum, I know there are quite a few of us about.

First person erotica isn't so different from writing anything else in first person, except you are focusing on the sensations and feelings of sexuality. Now seeing as you've used the word 'erotica' over 'smut' you'll want to do more than simply describe the actions of the characters. Instead try to focus on what the main character feels. The sensation of skin, the heat of the moment, the pleasure, more than simply dick goes in cunt.

(Please note that simply writing dick goes in cunt does not good smut make).