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Xivvix Test Thread

Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Deciding that it would be best to rest and regain her strength before trying to escape, Allyria tries to find a good hiding spot behind some barrels that would allow her to avoid being seen if anyone or anything opened the door. Once she did, she'd collapse into a meditative pose on the floor, allowing her energies to regenerate and her body to relax after having taken the injury on her arm and the stress of combat. Once her spiritual strength had returned, she'd try to clean and bandage her wound from the initial combat against the demons.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 41/41, P = 38, EP = 73/73
Allyria's meditation is undisturbed, and she feels refreshed and energized after her rest. Though she had spent much of her time in a deep, almost coma-like, sleep, she knows that only an hour or two has passed. She can hear nothing from the rest of the house while in the store room, but she can imagine that things have not gone well for the nobles trapped in the mansion. Whether the demons are still searching for her she does not know, though they must not be looking very hard if they hadn't found her yet. Perhaps other things have caught their attention.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(I used my exp.)

Her strength restored, and perhaps even a little bit increased by the exertion from earlier, Allyria rises, ready to find and kill her target, and then escape from the mansion and bring reinforcements to deal with the demon infestation. She briefly considers searching the room for anything useful before leaving, but discounts the idea. The only weapon she had ever needed was herself, everything else was just extraneous baggage.

She stretches her senses to beyond the door, feeling for the telltale signature of the demons, before heading back out the door. If she found nothing in waiting, she would go all the way back to the room with the door leading out into the courtyard. Hopefully, the area was still relatively free of enemies, and she could use the magical alarm to draw in some of the demons as a distraction while she explored the rest of the house. Perhaps she'd even get Lord Braithwait, the apparent leader of the demons, to show himself, though she doubted it.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 48, P = 43, EP = 81

Perception: Success

Allyria's spiritual senses sweep throughout the nearby rooms. Though she can detect that demons had passed through the areas recently, she can feel no presences nearby. With no demons nearby, the assassin quickly makes her way back to the sitting room. As her senses pass over the room, she can feel the magical wards still protecting the windows, and the alarm on the door to the courtyard. The alarm will not trigger until the door is opened, which may require the application of some spiritual power.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria gives the room a quick glancing over before she considers her next actions. If she triggered the alarm, there would be no going back, and if her energy reserves ran dry again she could be easily cornered and captured. Or worse. She could try the stealthy approach, going through the mansion and searching for her target, killing or avoiding any demons she found along the way. She had no way of knowing just how many demons were here, or if any of the foul creatures even remained in the mansion, though she doubted they would have all left after taking so many captives.

There had also been the plan that Braithwait had spoken of, which Allyria knew she must discover and prevent if at all possible. She had no love for the Badarians, but she knew that any demonic uprising could eventually threaten her people, and that the Lich King would likely do little about it unless the demons threatened a place her considered important.

Deciding that she must know more, Allyria returns to the hallway which she had come from, trying to remain as stealthy as possible. She'd try to return to the main gathering room, stretching out her senses to try and detect any demons ahead of her.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyira changes her mind and heads back into the hallway between the storage room and sitting room. The hallway extends towards the front of the mansion. There are no doors leading to the dark room she passed, or the gallery, but she soon finds a door that she believes will open into the front lobby. There are no other exits that she can find, and she can hear nothing from the door to the lobby, suggesting that the crowd of nobles she had left earlier is now gone.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Still being cautious, Allyria slowly opens the door to the main hall after checking with her spiritual senses can detect anything. She almost dreads what might be beyond the door, as she remembered having seen some of the demons leap onto the nobles with clearly lethal intent. Still, corpses were nothing new to her, and if she thought the room was empty, Allyria would crack the door open and try to slip through.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Success

Allyria cracks open the door to the lobby after checking for demonic auras, confident that nothing living is present. Her familiarity with corpses is tested as she steps into the room lightly as comes upon a scene of mass slaughter. The bodies of many nobles lay strewn about the floor, some obivously killed with bladed weapons, some appearing to be ripped apart by claws, and still others smoking as if burned by intense fire. Despite these differences, Allyria's astute spiritual senses can tell that the bodies of these fallen nobles had all been drained of their spiritual energy before being killed.

Across from the door she entered in, Allyria can see another door, probably leading to the mansion's west end servants corridors. The door to the gallery is still open, but the entrance to the dining hall appears closed. Though she can't see the landing at the top of the stairs, she can tell they are clear of enemies at the moment.
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

"By the maker..." Allyria mutters as she glimpses the scene of carnage. Too many corpses to count, and, in all her days, she had never seen this many bodies in one place. Allyria very nearly loses it at that moment, the horror that the demons had wrought making her wretch. She manages to keep the contents of her stomach down, however, and manages to tear her eyes from the sea of corpses to take a look around the room. She didn't know what the demons intended to do with all of the bodies, but what worried her more was what had happened to all of their souls.

Deciding that it would be a very good idea to get out of this room as soon as possible, Allyria gets moving. She heads straight for the door leading to the dining hall, taking the path with the fewest corpses. She keeps her senses closed until she reaches the door, not wanting to feel any more of the horror that had happened here.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Perception: Success

With a hand over her mouth and nose, Allyria quickly crosses the corpse ridden lobby. As she approaches the door to the dining hall and she opens up her spiritual senses once again, and immediately feels the demonic aura of Braithwaite on the other side. What's more, there are also many other smaller demonic presences within, as well as those of humans, still alive, but seemingly spellbound. One more aura makes itself known to her, human, but gradually darkening.

As she senses the auras within, she feels another appear behind her without warning. The assassin spins, ready for an attack, but is instead confronted by a familiar face. "What are you doing out of your room?" Beatrice asks quietly, but angrily. Though the maid's face and body are easily recognizable, Allyria is surprised to see the woman's eyes now glow a bright red, and she radiates with a dark energy. What's more, she stands naked before the assassin, with no sign of humility, her body language that of a master before a servant.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria smiles to herself as she senses the presence of the demons, including her target, on the other side of the door. 'Perhaps I can end this on my own after all. If I can catch all of them in the blast, I might be able to destroy every one of the foul creatures in a single attack. But a blast lie that would likely kill all of the humans as well. Still, it might be worth it....' Allyria thinks to herself, before she senses the presence appear behind her.

Spinning and prepared to avoid an attack, Allyria smiles once more as she recognizes Beatrice. Her eyes take on their own bright blue glow as she stares down the maid, who now stood naked in front of her. This is not the friendly smile from before, however, but her malicious assassins grin, one reserved for her marks just before they die.

"Hello... Beatrice. I'm surprised to see you. Come here often? I imagine not. It can't be easy getting to our world, being a demon and all. Funny, that you never mentioned that. It wasn't hard to figure out though, what with the glowing red eyes and all.... Especially after your massage. Tell me, did you like my soul?" She says, before her hand suddenly darts forward, sending a sliver of highly concentrated energy directly at Beatrice chest. The bolt would likely kill her if it hit, but it was a gratuitous waste of energy when she knew that so many demons waited for her on the other side of the door. And if she missed, she would likely not have enough power to guarantee the destruction of all the demons in the next room.

(Energy blast 10, single target. Now to see if she's just a succubus or a full on demon lord/knight.)
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(She is but a simple succubus, just a higher ranking one than most others)

Allyria's Status: HP = 48, P = 43, EP = 71/81

As Allyria begins her response, Beatrice is obviously stunned by the woman's words. The woman's face contorts in anger, not amused that her pet would speak to her in such a way. She reaches forward to grab Allyria, but just then feels the buildup of the assassin's spiritual power. The demoness reacts instinctively and leaps away to avoid the incoming attack, moving with incredible speed.

To-Hit: 1 + 46 = 47 vs 41.
Damage: 4 + 2 = 6 * 10 = 60. Killed.

Unfortunately for Beatrice, Allyria is simply much too skilled of a spirit user to miss her target. Beatrice's eyes open wide in surprise as her body slowly disintegrates from the hole blown in her chest. "But I thought... we had fun..." she whispers sadly as her form disappears and is replaced by a cloud of smoke that swiftly disperses.

With the immediate threat removed, Allyria is now free to attempt her surprise attack on the demons in the dining hall.
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Her smile still that of the assassin, Allyria replies; "We did. But it cost too much;" to the corpse-filled room. It hadn't been pleasant or particularly easy to destroy Beatrice, despite knowing that she was a demon, but for the experienced assassin, it hadn't been particularly hard either. It's not like she'd never slain anyone whom she had lain with, after all.

Turning back to the door, Allyria waits for a moment, gathering herself, before stretching out her senses once more. She tries to find some way to get to the center of the room without getting within weapons reach of any of the demons, or at the very least as few as possible. She wanted to conserve as much of her energy as possible for her blast, and if she could find a way through without using any of her energy to avoid attacks, she would. Not knowing if any of the humans might be under demonic control, she includes them in her threat assessment.

If she found a way through, she would take it, opening the door and proceeding through as quietly as possible and making for a good position from which to unleash her attack. If the demons proved too thickly packed to risk such a strategy, Allyria would be forced to use some of her energy to strengthen her body and allow her to avoid the demons.

(Good thing too since I rolled a 1 on the to-hit. That wouldn't have hit a knight or a lord. If she can find a route through to the center of the room, run in and take it. Otherwise, activate Battle Aura 5 and run in as fast as possible.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 48, P = 43, EP = 63/81; Battle Aura 5

Perception: Success

Allyira's powerful senses allow her to easily scan the room, detecting everything living and inanimate inside. To her disappointment, she realizes that there just isn't enough cover for her to sneak all the way to the middle of the room unnoticed. The various demons inside seem spread out in a large circle around the center of the room, with her target, Braithwaite, in the center, as well as all of the human presences. Most of the humans seem to be gradually becoming weaker, except for the one next to Braithwate. Probably Cornwall, the master of the mansion, and friend of Braithwaite. He had said something about receiving a gift from the demon...

Deciding that now was not the time for contemplation but action, Allyria prepares herself for combat, using her spiritual power to enhance her physical abilities once again. Once ready, she throws herself against the doors to the dining hall, slamming them open with her improved strength, then hurtles like a comet through the room. At the sound, many of the demons turn to stare at her, though the huge and imposing Braithewaite, visible over the demons circling him, seems absorbed in concentration and doesn't look up. Allyria speeds through the room, reaching the circle of fiends before they have a chance to react. In moments she will have breached their line and will be in the center of them.

(If she keeps running, Allyria will be at the center of the group of demons next turn, provided they don't stop her)
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria closes her eyes as she runs, letting go of her physical senses and using her souls eyes and instincts to direct her movements. She sprints for the center of the room, diving and jumping to avoid any reaching demons, intent on reaching the seemingly concentrating Lord Braithwait.

She does whatever she has to to avoid the demons attacks once they take notice of her, intent only on reach the center of the room. The entire time, she gathers every bit of her energy within her, letting it build up within her. Only when she is practically on top of Braithwait does she unleash her blast, collecting and unleashing her massive amount of stored power. She prayed that she caught every single demon with her attack, knowing that she would be heavily drained after her blast.

If she does reach her goal, Allyria screams in pain from so much energy leaving her at once, and glows in a pure golden light for a brief second before emitting a blinding flash. A wave of pure, searing, spiritual energy rushes out of her, taking demons and humans alike in its wake. If possible, she tries to spare those humans who are not corrupted and working for the demons willingly, but she knows that some will inevitably be struck by her attack, since it is impossible for her mind to keep track of so many things at once. Once the wave of power fades, Allyria collapses to her knees, exhausted and spent, and opens her eyes, surveying the results of her blast.

(And this is when I wish I'd taken Flight. I have yet to use any Shadowmancer powers. And wait a second, 10 from the blast and 8 from activating battle aura should leave me with 63 energy, not 56. Unless I missed where I used some more energy. Regardless, Energy Blast 50 to all within 50 feet and drop Battle Aura once I reach the center of the room.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(You're right, I thought the activation for Battle Aura was 3*X instead of 3+X)

Allyria's Status: HP = 48, P = 43, EP = 8/81;

Grapple: 10 + 30 = 40 vs 60. Miss
Grapple: 19 + 30 = 49 vs 60. Miss
Grapple: 18 + 30 = 48 vs 60. Miss
Grapple: 7 + 30 = 37 vs 60. miss

As she hurtles past the demons, several of them reach for her, but Allyria is simply too fast. The dark skinned demons, looking much like the oens she had fought in the room earlier, only grasp air. One of them calls out, "It's the amazon, stop her!" The other demons in the circle look up at the call and after a second move toward her. Allyria is much too fast however, reaching the center of the circle and unleashing her spiritual energies in a blast.

Damage: 103. Lots of dead demons.

The blast rips through the room in a storm of energy, crashing through every creature in it's path. The demons around Allyria scream as the explosion turns them to dust, though thankfully, she was able to reign in the power of the blast that was to strike the humans around her. The many humans simply slump over unconscious. Cornwall though is simply knocked over, Allyria's senses recognizing him as human and sparring him the brunt of the attack. "What... what happened?" the man asks as he pushes himself to his feet, clutching his head in his hands.

As the energy tears through him, Braithwaite roars in pain, falling over backwards to the ground, but not disintegrating as the other demons had. His form lays still and smoking on the ground, though Allyira can tell he is not yet defeated. The massive demon breathes heavily as he recovers from the attack, but does not move yet. Cornwall though, stands up and looks at the assassin, rage contorting his face into a snarl. Anger is not the only thing to change his face though, as his skin has taken on the same reddish tinge of Braithwaite, and several black horns and spikes have begun to protrude from his form. He points a clawed finger at the woman and says, "The ritual wasn't complete yet, bitch. I'll steal your soul for this!" He takes a slow step towards the assassin, though it is clear the force of the attack has left him momentarily dazed.

(In this turn, you used 5 energy to keep Battle Aura up, then 50 for Energy Blast, then dropped Battle Aura, leaving Allyria with 8)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

"Shit....." Allyria mutters as she sees both Braithwait and Cornwall still standing. She rises shakily to her feet as the partially transformed man approaches, and decides that, if she doesn't destroy both him and the fallen demon, she will have failed.

She gathers the last dregs of her strength, knowing that to fail is to suffer a fate far worse than death, and forms it into a ball between her hands. She prepares her attack as quickly as possible, no longer using any restraint to prevent it from harming Lord Cornwall, taking advantage of both having apparently been stunned by her first attack. She sends her attack out to strike at the advancing man and fallen demon, and then immediately collapses, her energy supply dry.

(D6 + 4X when X = 50 is a min 200 damage. Tis okay though, now I gets to play more. :)
Energy blast, 20 foot cone or 10 foot radius, whichever lets me hit both of them in one shot, and use my last 8 points of energy.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Wow, I don't know how I got that wrong... Sorry for the delay, was unprepared for Allyria knocking herself unconscious to finish off her enemies)

While Cornwall stutter steps towards the assassin and the demonic Braitwaite pushes himself off the floor, Allyria gathers up the remnants of her spiritual power for a last ditch attack. As the ball of energy appears, Cornwall laughs, "You stupid bitch, the first one didn't kill me, what makes you think this will do any better. I'M INVINCIBLE NOW!" The older man turned half-demon roars as he yells his superiority, but the obviously more experienced Braithwaite reacts differently.

"No! Don't stand there! Stop her!" the demon yells, his hand already forming the symbols for a spell. It is too late however, and Allyria releases the pulse of energy. Cornwall's expression of mirth does not even change as he disintegrates into smoke. The giant ball of energy slams into the demon, who roars in pain. For a moment, the rapidly weakening assassin is unsure that her attack worked, but finally the huge, red, reptilian monstrosity begins to dissipate just as all the other demons she had destroyed. Unlike the others however, along with the expanding cloud of smoke, a wave of red energy emenates from the dying demon. As Allyria passes out, she feels the wave pass through her, her last memory one of incredible pain.

Hours later, Allyria awakes to find herself lying on a cold stone floor, instead of the tiled floor of the dining hall. Her vision is blurry, and her body is weak, though she can feel herself rapidly regaining her strength. Along with her feelings of weakness, she can feel something else. The darkness she had felt in the auras of the disguised demons now lingered with her. Besides her own darkened aura, Allyria can feel another beside her.

"...alright?" she hears a voice calling, as though from far away. "...awake yet?" the voice continues, coming closer with each second. Allyria can feel a hand on her shoulder. "Please wake up..." the voice calls, now recognizable as a woman as well as scared and desperate. Though her vision is slowly returning, Allyria has trouble making out anything of the room besides the fact that a person is kneeling next to her, shaking her.

(Gain 10 XP, Corruption resets to 0, and take 2 mutations)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Whip-tongue and pheromones. Also.... PWNED!!!!)

Allyria doesn't even have the strength to scream as the demons last revenge washes over her, the foul energy seeping into her very being and staining her soul forever. Her body warps slightly from the demons touch, changing along with her aura so that she becomes more like the demons she'd destroyed. Helpless to prevent it in her current state, Allyria only lies unconscious on the floor as her spirit recovers. In all her years as an assassin, she had never faced so many foes at once, let alone demons, nor had she ever done anything so... Heroic.

Wakening as someone talks into her ear, and shakes her, Allyria slowly returns to consciousness. Once she has a firm grip, however, her eyes bolt open, alert for danger. She jerks up and into a sitting position, reflexively grabbing the hand shaking her and yanking whoever it belonged to toward her while her other hand went for there throat. Knowing that they likely weren't hostile, Allyria has the presence of mind to grab the collar of their shirt instead, but the movement could still easily be interpreted as hostile. Once she comes back into herself, however, she releases the person she'd grabbed, blushing in embarrassment, and says; "What is it? Were all of the demons destroyed? What's going on?"
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

The woman shaking the assassin gasps as she is pulled close, a hand instinctively coming between the two women. Allyira's senses quickly return after her initial shock, and she fins herself staring into the panic-stricken eyes of a young woman. The girl trembles in the assassin's grip, though Allyria also feels the hand between the two of them slowly moving to slightly caress her breast. Feeling a bit embarrassed at her initial reaction, Allyria blushes and releases the girl. Surprisingly though the young girl, though still shaking in fear, does not retreat far, staying in a kneeling position next to the assassin with her hand still clutching the others chest.

After a second of considering Allyria's question, the girl responds shakingly, "N-no... the demons... still all over the mansion. I brought you here to hide you." Only now does the girl's hand retract, coming to her own chest as she hangs her head in shame. "I saw how you defeated them, the demons in the dining hall. I knew the others would come looking for you, so I brought you here." She begins to shake, obviously frightened, though at the same time Allyira can tell the girl's face is flushed.

Now that her senses have returned fully, Allyria can see that the two women sit in a very small room with a low ceiling, barely large enough for them to be able to stand in. The small room is illuminated by a single candle, and she can see several odd items lying around, including a small chest, which appears to be so full of clothes that it cannot be shut. They are sitting on a soft but thin blanket, which barely keeps her from feeling the cold stone floor beneath, Allyria can also feel that her clothing feels as though it is oddly positioned, perhaps having been moved, or taken off and put back on sloppily. In addition, she can feel a wet spot on her shirt, around her stomach.