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Xivvix Test Thread

Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria laughs at the two demons attempts to catch her, which only result in the two only end up on the floor. Her gaze swivels back to the thin demon, however, as she feels the spell it had cast on her begin to take effect. She smiles however, her eyes glowing bright blue, and replies; "Thank you. I think I will." And, with that, Allyria points her outstretched hand toward the demon, gathers some of her energy, and sends it lashing out toward the demon in the form of an arrow.

(Energy blast, single target, using 6 energy.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 62/81; Battle Aura 5; Cursed

To-Hit (Stalker 1): 52 vs 51. Hit
Damage: 11 - 2 = 9. Armor takes 11/2 = 5 Durability Damage.
To-Hit (Stalker 2): 44 vs 49. Miss

The two stalkers snarl at Mina, then run forward again, swiping at her with their claws, rather than attempting to grab her. While in previous battles her spirit enhanced reflexes allowed her to easily avoid simple attacks such as this, a sudden twitch of her limbs causes the assassin to step right into the path of one of the demon's attacks. The claws swipe across her arm, tearing several gashes in her flesh, and neatly separating the arm of her dress. She thankfully manages to sidestep the other attack, just before firing off her spiritual attack.

To-Hi (Mina): 63 vs 35. Hit
Damage: (7+2)*6 = 54 - 3 - 51. Killed.

The focused beam of energy crashes through the kitchen with an intense flash of light and roaring sound, traveling straight through the path of the cackling demon at the door. When the light clears, all that is left is a trail of smoke rising into the air above a pair of dismembered, clawed feet. As the thunderous roaring sound of the blast echoes through the tight hallways of the mansion, Allyria can hear the maid crying in shock. One of the stalkers looks over to source of the crying and begins to sneer, but quickly looks back at the assassin.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria ignores the pain of her wound, issuing only a slight sigh as she feels the stalkers claws tear into her flesh and pulling away. The demons curse was seemingly more powerful than she'd thought, if it meant that she couldn't avoid a strike form one of the demons. She allows herself a smile at the charred remains of the demon that had cursed her, though it returns to her neutral combat expression as she turns toward the demon that had heard Mina gasp.

Allyria bull rushes toward the demon, maintaining her spiritual power and pounding one of her fists directly into the center of the demons chest with as much might as she can muster. After her blow lands, she jumps immediately to her right, and spins around so that both of the demons are within her view, and remains light on her feet, ready to dodge any counterattack from her foes.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 57/81; Battle Aura 5; Cursed

To-Hit (Allyria): 53 vs 42. Hit
Damage: 3 + 5 + 15 = 23.

Allyria's fist slams into the chest of the stalker on her right, her spirit enhanced strength causing the demon to stagger backwards and fall to one knee, gasping for breath. As she jumps to the side, both demons glare at her, obviously angry, but realizing just how much danger they are actually in. The two demons mutter in a strange language, and finally leap into action:

Grapple (Stalker1): 38 vs 49. Miss
Perception: Success
Grapple (Stalker2): 45 vs 20. Hit

Charging forward, the uninjured demon makes a grab at Allyria's arm, but even with a twitch nearly driving her towards the creature, she easily ducks and steps out of reach. The other demon, however, does not press forward, but jumps over the counter to it's side, eliciting a gasp of surprise and fear from the maid cowering on the other side. With a quick motion, the stalker grabs the maid and pulls her to her feet, before turning to stare at Mina with a rictus grin.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria, her battle lust in full control now, doesn't even pay attention as the other demon goes for the hidden maid. She jumps into the air, directly over the demon that had attack her, and goes a full somersault above him. As her hands are near the demons head, a bolt of energy forms on the tip of one of her fingers and points down at the top of the demons head. She releases the blast as her feet reach even with the demons head, when she appears to be floating on her belly in mid air, the bolt going right through his head and continuing on out the other side should it connect. She lands on her feet behind the demon, ready to dodge any attack to the best of her ability, despite the curse still having its annoying effect on her.

(Energy blast 7, single target, on the uninjured demon not grappling with the maid. What was her name again?)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(I originally forgot to say, then was waiting for Allyria to ask, which she never did :D. Her name will be Emily, because I am not good with fantasy names. ;))

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 45/81; Battle Aura 5; Cursed

To-Hit (Allyria): 72 vs 42. Hit
Damage: (4 + 2)*7 = 42 - 9 = 33. Killed.
Grapple (Emily): 36 vs 51. Miss.
Grapple (Stalker2): 36 vs 34. Hit.

The stalker Allyria targets jumps in surprise at the assassin's acrobatic attack, merely watching as she vaults over him and unleashes a blast of spirit energy directly in it's face. The beam of light completely engulfs the demon's head, leaving a shuddering corpse to fall to the floor in it's wake. The second stalker growls as it see's it's other companion fall, grabbing onto the maid tighter while edging its way around the room, trying to reach the door.

"Please, help me!" the maid calls to Allyria, tears forming in her eyes as she struggles in vain to escape the demon's grip. Despite the maid's resistance, the demon will have her at the door within moments.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Lol, good enough. I'm like that sometimes too.)

Allyria turns toward the demon that was now dragging the maid that had rescued her toward the door, her eyes ablaze with burning blue light as her golden aura flared with her sudden rush of anger. She didn't know exactly what the demon was going to do if it got away, but she had a pretty good idea. Not that that was likely, given that she could probably outpace it even without her powers, and it had a hostage to drag around to boot. Unless it had allies in the hallway, it would simply walk outside to be killed a few moments later.

This all flashed through Allyrias mind in about a half a second, as her face twisted into an enraged snarl. Her anger seemed to take hold of her completely as her aura darkened, turning a dark purple that barely illuminated her but cast her in a haunted, evil light. The glow of her eyes, a reflection of her spiritual powers as much as her golden aura, likewise changed from sky blue to deep crimson as she called upon her darker powers. "You..... Will.... Not.... Es....Cape......." Allyria forced through her jaws, her voice low and hoarse and not even remotely feminine as she paced parallel to the fleeing demon. Suddenly, a tiny sliver of pure darkness shot out from her and formed a curved line as it shot toward the demon from around the captive maid, thinner than the strands of a spiders web, but harder than the scales of a dragon. It was practically invisible to the naked eye, but it was aimed directly at the center of the demons head. Once it struck, it was meant to go right through bone and into the monsters braincase, where it would split off into a dozen directions, tearing through the monsters brain until the inside of its skull was nothing but a mass of bloody gore.

(Drop Battle Aura down to 1, use Piercer with 7 energy.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 37/81; Battle Aura 1
Grapple (Stalker): 35 vs 36. Miss
To-Hit (Allyria): 14 + 46 - 8 = 52 vs 42. Hit
Damage: 4 + 3 + 12 + 4 + 2 + 10 + 9 - 4 = 40. Killed

Despite how close the demon is to the door, Allyria's suddenly fearful visage causes the stalker to halt, petrified in terror. The creature's shock is just enough for the crying, squirming maid to wiggle out of his grasp, falling to her knees in front of him. The demon barely notices, however, as just at that moment, Allyria's nearly invisible attack penetrates it's skull, bursting outward when it reaches the center of it's brain. The demon's eyes widen and it shudders, then immediately falls to the floor limp.

As the demon crashes down behind her, Emily jumps and stumbles on her hands and knees over to grasp at Allyria's legs. The girl shakes uncontrollably against the assassin, swinging her head around to stare at the monster that had grabbed her. "Is... is it dead?" The demon lay completely motionless on the ground, and with it's foul presence quickly disappearing, Allyria can feel that the effects of the first demon's spell on her are likewise dissipating.

(gain 2 xp, and curse wears off)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria doesn't reply for a few moments, her auras glow slowly turning back to its usual gold from the dark purple it had briefly become. She only stares down at the dead stalker while she reins in the catastrophic anger that was still bubbling inside of her, calming herself and returning to her usual, serious but benign mentality. She only occasionally used the darker section of her usual abilities, which were incredibly potent but also tended to make her more vicious, which was hardly what she wanted the girl that had rescued her to see. Releasing a tired sigh as her aura falls away completely, Allyria replies; "Yes, it's dead. We should get going before anything else shows up. Which is the quickest way out of here? I don't know this place well enough to lead us through it. Try for servants entrances and the like, rather than primary ways out." She also pulls the frightened girl to her feat, but with as much of a gentle touch as she can muster, rather than just yanking her up to her feat.

(Sorry, yes, dropping Battle Aura.)
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Emily allows herself to be picked up, though she remains close to Allyria, despite the fearsome aura the assassin had taken on during the fight. When she is on her feet, the maid is standing directly before Allyria, staring at her with flushed cheeks. Emily's hands slowly grip Allyria's sides, before the girl suddenly jumps, eyes wide, and steps back quickly. She looks down and away, her arms slowly sliding over to hug herself.

"Right," Emily says, sounding somewhat distracted, "we can leave out the service door to the side yard." The maid carefully steps over the defeated demons towards the door and points to the right. "It's this way, right around the corner."

(I'm guessing your canceling Battle Aura?)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(Yep. Sorry for not saying it outright before.)

Allyria holds onto the maid, Emily, as she steadies herself. She doesn't pull away as the girl clutches to her, though she doesn't get any closer either, attributing the maids clinging to fright rather than anything else that might be affecting her. Her face remains calm and impassive as she waits for the maid to catch her breath, though her expression shifts into a friendly smile as she issues a light giggle when the maid jumps away from her. Allyria nods to Emilys suggestion, and says; "Lead the way, and try to keep quiet."

As she does, she stretches out her senses, attempting to detect any other demons that might be between them and the exit that the maid described.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

(No problem, just wanted to be sure ;))
Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 37/81

Stealth: Fail
Perception: Success

Just as the maid turns to leave the kitchen, she stumbles over a pot that had been knocked over during the fight. She falls to the floor with a short scream and a dull thud, but quickly pushes herself back up, appearing fine. A sheepish, apologetic expression covers her face as she looks back up at the assassin, but that changes to fear when a roar is heard from deeper down the hallway. Allyria's spiritual senses immediately identify the source of the sound, several demons of various shapes, heading towards them quickly from around the corner to their left. To the right, where Emily had said the servants entrance is, seems clear. The maid takes a few stumbling steps down the hall to the right, looking back questioningly at Allyria.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria curses under her breath as Emily stumbles and falls, and keeps her senses trained on the demons coming toward them as Emily regains her feet and heads for the door. At her beckoning, Allyria says; "Go! I'll be right behind you!" And then steps toward her, intent on following behind her as she runs. She tries to keep her senses in line with where they were trying to go, rather than on the demons behind them using her ears for that, as she follows after Emily, going as quickly as the maid will allow. She stayed behind the girl to protect her, making sure that she didn't fall behind and get herself caught the first priority in Allyrias mind. Hopefully, they could outrun the demons and hind somewhere outside, but the assassin sincerely doubted that that would happen, so she prepared to turn and fight, should it become necessary.

(Run away.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 37/81
Stealth: Fail
Perception: Success

Not long after Allyria and the maid begin their run through the darkened hallway, the assassin hears one of the demons round the corner. It lets out a sharp back, then speeds after the two girls, quickly gaining ground. It is some kind of giant dog, but twisted and demonic. Further behind the dog, Allyria can make out the figure of one of the demonic guards she had fought earlier, as well as another of the stalkers. The servants entrance is not far away now, though whether the two could reach the door before the quickly gaining demon dog caught them, she wasn't sure.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

'Shit.' Allyria thought, as she felt as much as heard the massive demonic dog bounding down the hall, quickly gaining ground on them. She might have been able to outrun the beast on her own, using her powers, but the maid would never make it, and she wasn't about to leave the girl to the demons mercy. She knew she'd have to turn and face her pursuers at some point, and if she could down the dog immediately, it might give them enough time to get clear, and hopefully give her enough time to regain her swiftly dwindling supply of energy.

That in mind, she silently hoped that there wouldn't be anything standing on the other side of the door they were supposed to escape from, begins gathering energy into her palm, and shouts; "Keep going, I'll catch up in a second!" Then, Allyria halts, spins on the spot, sets her sights on the dog that had been chasing, and slashes her hand across where its legs were in a sweep of her arm, letting out her gathered energy at the same time. A curve of soft golden light lashes out at lightning speed toward the dogs legs, barely visible and as deadly as anything else she'd used today. That energy blast was meant to take the dogs legs off if it hit, and the speed with which the dog was moving meant it likely wouldn't notice it in time. Still, Allyria kept her eyes on the beast as it came toward her, wanting to watch as the blast struck home, rather than trusting that it would. If she somehow missed, she wanted to know about it before the beast was jumping on top of her and getting its jaws around the back of her neck.

(Energy blast, 5 energy, single target.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 39/48, P = 43, EP = 32/81

Grapple (Hound vs Allyria): 44 vs 45. Miss.
To-Hit (Allyria vs Hound): 1 + 46 = 47 vs 38. Hit
Damage: 2 + 5 = 7 * 5 = 35 - 4 = 31.

Even before Allyria can release the spiritual power from her hand, the hound pounces at her, it's form nearly a blur as it speeds through the air. She just barely manages to duck under it, bending over backwards at just the right time due to the incredible amount of training her body and spirit have undergone. As the creature soars over her, a line of drool drips down onto her, and she gets a good look at just what is in store for her if she doesn't destroy their demonic pursuers. The speed of the demons attack and her need to avoid it throws off her aim, though she still manages to send the blast through it's hindquarters, searing it badly. The demonic hound yelps, but lands on all fours, slowly turning to face her again.

Emily continues running down the hall, whimpering quietly as she looks back at Allyria. She reaches the door and grabs the knob, but doesn't open it, worriedly looking back at the assassin. The two humanoid demons roar as they see Allyria's attack and charge towards her, but aren't nearly as fast as the hound. They won't be in range to attack her for a few moments.
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria just barely avoids the dogs tackle, and she suddenly feels glad that she'd turned around. Had that thing landed on top of her from behind, it would have been nearly impossible to get free of it, and from what she'd seen of its underside, she had little doubt of what would have happened then.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts as she turns to follow the flight of the hound and unleash her blast of energy, Allyria registers the charge of the other two demons. She was running out of both energy and time, and if she didn't get moving soon, she'd likely be overrun with enemies. That in mind, Allyria rushed toward the hound, her right arm suddenly growing an intense beam of blue light. Once she's in range, she drops into a runners dive, and jabs her energy blade directly into the hounds chest, intent on ending the beasts life immediately.

(Energy Blade 5, attack the dog.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 19/48, P = 43, EP = 27/81; Energy Blade 5

Hindquarters still smoking from the intense energy blast the assassin had used on it, the hellhound roars it's anger ferociously, a massive sound that even causes the walls around Allyria to shake. It rears back, then charges at Allyria again, this time staying lower to the ground however, with it's fangs bared and dripping with drool.

To-hit (Hound vs Allyria): 47 vs 45. Hit
Damage: 22 - 2 = 20. Armor takes 22/2 = 11 Durability Damage. Cloth armor destroyed.

Allyria tries to maneuver out of the way, but the demon dog is too fast, it's jaws clamping down on her midsection just as she tries to jump away. The angry demons fangs sink deep into her, drawing a long painful gash in her stomach as she stumbles away. What's more, her already torn and tattered cloth uniform catches on one of the creature's canines, and a powerful swing of it's neck tears what is left of her clothing to shreds.

Despite the pain, Allyria manages to maintain her senses and lash out at the demon as it passes her, her energy blade humming as it slides through the air.

To-Hit (Allyria vs Hound): 52 vs 38. Hit
Damage: 20 + 9 = 29 - 4 = 25. Drain 5 Energy.

Once again, Allyria is slightly late on her attack, but her supreme training makes up for it. The blade hisses as it slices down into the rear leg of the demonic hound, causing the creature to yelp again before slipping as it attempts to skid to a halt on the other side of the assassin. The dog breathes laboriously, then collapses to the ground, blue particles rising from it's leg. At first it seems the creature may recover, but the glowing wound quickly spreads, overtaking the demon quickly. In seconds, all that remains is a pile of glowing blue ash. Behind the remains of the hound, the stalker and the soldier continue up the hall, the two slowing down as they approach the assassin. After seeing how she has handled the hellhound, the two demons seem obviously cautious of the assassin.

Behind her, Allyria can hear Emily gasp, though whether it is at the coming demons, the close battle between the assassin and the hound, the vicious wound Allyria had taken already, or the sight of the amazon's body, Allyria is unsure. The maid remains in the hall, with her hand on the knob of the door.
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Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria doesn't make a sound as the demon-dog tears into her flesh, biting back the yelp of pain immediately, but she does give a startled grunt as her clothes are torn off, leaving her in nothing but her slippers. Anger fills her mind, and she lashes out at the hound, and Allyria allows herself a fierce grin as the creature dissipates into nothingness before her. She turns to the other two demons, but when she sees them approaching more cautiously, she immediately turns and bolts for the door. "Don't just stand there, hurry up and open it!" She shouts as she runs, her arms pumping while the energy blade was reduced to nothing more than a faint blue glow, and blood ran down her front from the gash in her belly. She paid no heed to her nudity now, though the two demons likely got a nice view of her shapely rear as she ran for the door. If, by the time she reached the door, the maid hadn't gotten it open, she would turn to face the demons until she did, but she would much prefer it if Emily got the damn door open and got herself through it before she reached the maid.

(Keep the blade up and book it.)
Re: Xivvix Test Thread

Allyria's Status: HP = 19/48, P = 43, EP = 26/81; Energy Blade 5; Grappled

Body Check: Pass

The maid jumps at Allyria's command, but obeys, turning back to the locked door. Though she is nervous, the impending danger speeds her fumbling with the mechanism and encourages her to open the door faster. As soon as the lock is undone, Emily opens the door and jumps through it and into the cool night air beyond, out of sight, and perhaps out of danger. As soon as Allyria turns to follow, however, both demons react immediately and lunge for the fleeing woman.

Grapple (Solder vs Allyria): 32 vs 45. Miss.
Grapple (Stalker vs Allyria): 47 vs 45. Hit.
Escape (Allyria vs Stalker): 9 + 20 = 29 vs 40. Fail.

Before she can even get halfway to the door, Allyria's wrist is caught by the pursuing stalker. The demon's grip is like iron, and she is unable to pull free, though her struggles do keep the other demon from finding purchase on her. Fortunately her blade hand is free, though she might have more trouble using it in such close quarters.