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RPG WolfRPG NTR [ya-ho-games] 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~ (RJ138193)

Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

So after beating the game, and seeing as there's no other English forum that's better to discuss about the game, I kinda don't get the ending.
I've only played the law route and I'm sure there's more to be uncovered playing chaos, but from what I could understand the black dragon is a force of nature and the pietrification disease is a system he put on place to avoid humanity growing past a certain point.
The black knight is actually the black dragon, Cecilia being the chosen one can see him around but because she hasn't awoken to the truth yet she cannot directly interact with him.
Everytime this happens people start turning into stone to lower the population and a chosen woman, aka a valkirye, has to become the maiden of sacrifice and either make a choice that will result in the death of enough people to stop the disease, or ignore it and let the it run rampant and possibly destroying society before it disappears.
This time's valkirye is Cecilia, Iris tried to steal her destiny by switching bodies placing herself on the teleporter's destination and suiciding a few moments before Cecilia teleports in, so SCIENCE happens and their souls switch bodies.
At that point Iris leaves with Cecilia's body and Cecilia is left in Iris' old body, then her heart starts beating again and the game starts.
I've also got a feeling that Iris' body isn't fact her body but the killer Tequila's body she must's snatched before when she was kidnapped and went to Galdo, wich makes the survivor inside the hut actually Tequila inside Iris' body, and considering she still knows the password for Iris' guards, she might be involved with her kidnapping as well together with Elen.
Cecilia doesn't notice the switch because the same magic that covers her identity is affecting her perception as well, this is why in the fake celebration ending you have to watch yourself in the mirror and when asked who the blonde chick is, you must input Cecilia "セシリア" to break the spell.
In the end she recovers from the disease as when the player's avatar defeats the dragon, the petrification disease disappears as well and people recover from it.
The reason why Iris stole the body is unclear, maybe she wanted the power of the valkirye for herself after finding out about it in Galdo, Mary was just emo and wanted everyone to die, Rose was trying to stage a coup because things were too fucked up at home and Elen was jealous of Cecilia and organized the kidnapping to ruin her reputation and take over her position.
You meet Cecilia again in the end restored to her true form, she's now become something akin to the players and is off to save another world, in fact she had always been there but you couldn't notice her because your eyes weren't open to the truth or some crap.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

my head hurts after reading that cause i have no idea whos who anyway lol. so the main black haired girl and the white haired girl pretty much switched bodies? is that why she has a white haired girl costume?
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Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

The white haired chick, CecilE, supposedly is Cecilia's descendant and the whole point of the game is her summoning the player to pull an asscreed on the plot and find out why her ancestor was executed for betrayal, her costume is just a bonus you get for clearing the game.
Of course Cecilia, being safely inside Tequila/Iris' body was never really executed and kept supporting her country assisting Rose after she takes over the government, at least in the law true ending.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Ah thanks for the info, also

Emperor's New Clothes
After you cleared the ruins and the first part of the resistance dungeon (trekking through the tunnel and beating the boss at the end before the castle), there will be an old man in the shadows at the eastern area of castle town (a separate map from the main map). You will need to give him ケバブーバーガー (bought at the desert village), マンガ骨 (dunno, picked up somewhere in the dungeons?), 味噌汁 (bought in hidden village), じゃがバター (gotten from the lady manning the item store at the village, but only after you've asked the old man about where to get it)

How do you get the last item? I picked all the options with the old man (accidently killed him so i had to reload and redo it all) and went to talk to the lady in front of the item store in the starter village and i still dont see the item.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

I think you need to ask the old man first where you can find the じゃがバター, he will then direct you to the shopkeeper and she'll give you the item.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

But how do you ask? i chose all possible options and then went to talk to her.

I think talking to him is like

Branch? -> Give Item | No Idea | No Idea
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Maybe you're locked out of it based on your alignment.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Theres an alignment? o_O ugh i think he took the other 3 items tho.

this game is absurdly confusing without a translation at all lol.

Oh well. i guess ill try to stumble my way to another NG+ and not murder everyone i find this time.

Hm i have a LN beside my name, does that mean Lawful Neutral?

Just went back and tried giving him the hamburger and i got this. no idea what it says tho.

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Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Theres an alignment? o_O ugh i think he took the other 3 items tho.

this game is absurdly confusing without a translation at all lol.

Oh well. i guess ill try to stumble my way to another NG+ and not murder everyone i find this time.

Hm i have a LN beside my name, does that mean Lawful Neutral?

Just went back and tried giving him the hamburger and i got this. no idea what it says tho.


Give him a Sword, the light blue one
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

What blue sword are you talking about? neither guide mentions one, just 3 food items? Im confused
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Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

According to your screenshot he wants the miso soup.
You can buy it in the hidden village.
Next will be the burger from gold village, the item shop girl will give you one, it's not for sale
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Weird, i tried giving him both items from the hidden village. oh well, ill try it again next game
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

According to Ya Ho site, v1.10 will have at least one additional scene.
1.09 just released with an item sorting bug fix.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

This game is continuing to sell extremely well, continuing to place or top the daily/weekly sale charts a few weeks after release. Ya-Ho must be pretty pleased.

Those sales are deserved, and I'm glad to see continued support with new scenes.

Sales to date: 4560, triple the number of sales of anything else released the same day.

By comparisons, something like Naked Order, that has been out for over 2 years, is only at 5184.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Thanks - gotnoface - :)
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Is there any way to disable the mouse click making decisions in the game? sometimes I switch to AGTH see what choice is which and when I click back it chooses the Choice 1. getting super annoying.
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Anyone have link for 1.10?
Re: 聖剣のセシリア~The Soul of Knights~

Is there a guide anywhere on signing up for a Japanese DLsite account?