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RPG Unknown/Hiatus [Yeo][MonoGame] Ether


Apr 7, 2016
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Hello, I'm currently working on a game I'm, as of now, calling Ether from scratch using MonoGame. It's going to be very similar to an old roguelike by a Japanese developer named Noa. In terms of h-content I'm looking to make it look more like MaiDen Snow Eve or Wings of Roldea.

As of now there isn't any h-artwork, everything in the game is placeholder until I can find an artist.

Looking for artist(s). Hit me up on patreon or here, looking for pretty much everything from terrain tile sheets, player/monster sprites, and ui, to pose art, clothing/accessories and item icons.

Change Log
v1.5 -> v.1.6
Changed tile sets, now includes animated tiles. All entities now have gold, gold amount added to stat bar. Added hut interior. Added basic vendor NPC, currently sells potions, arrows, and long swords. Currently upon leaving the hut his inventory and gold reset, this will eventually be changed to save across map changes. He can buy items from you as well. Hot bar now slides away to hide. Added a white border around screen menus. Enemies can now drop gold. The default goblins that spawn in the forest have an 80% chance to drop 6-18 gold pieces that can be picked up with the G key. Map now fades out when changing maps.

v1.1 -> v1.2
Added inventory system with a few basic items to try out. Added dual wield if a weapon is equipped in both hands.

v1.2 -> v1.3
Added character profile, experience and level up mechanics, overhauled back end gui system. Tweaked inventory ui.

v1.3 -> v1.4
Added basic ranged weapon functionality, shortbow range 7 tiles 1d6+Ranged Attack Bonus. While the bow is equipped you can still use your basic unarmed attack in melee 1d3+Attack Bonus. Added basic spells, Minor Healing, uses 2 mana to heal 1d4+Level, Force Dart, uses 2 mana to deal 1d6 damage; range 10 tiles. Each spell has stock which is used when casting, at 0 stock the spell can no longer be casted. Will eventually add spell books or something of the like to recharge stocks. Added passive mana regen, and floating text for hp and mp healing. AI still needs work, won't attack outside 5 tiles still even if struck from a distance.

v1.4 -> v1.5
Added hotbar, currently can hotkey spells using number keys 1-0, do so while in the spell menu and the spell you want to hotkey highlighted. Added spell icons for hotbar. Modified enemy ai to better path and seek out targets. Factions in place so that ai can determine who is an ally and not. Enemy ai will now respond to attacks outside their normal seek radius and will chase for a given amount of turns before returning to seek mode if outside normal seek range. Added basic map traversal. Added a small hut map above forest, walk into gap to change maps. Hut area is a nice spot to rest for a bit (hold space or numpad5 to pass turns) to heal hp and mp. Walking back to forest will respawn enemies. Added a message system, currently will show a floating message to alert player of broken equipment. Fixed an issue where player would stop animating sprite when movement key was let go. Force dart spell now adds magic attack bonus damage to spell(modified by magic), and reflects such in spell menu description.

Movement / Menu Navigation
North: Up, NumPad8
South: Down, NumPad2
West: Left, NumPad4
East: Right, NumPad6
NW: Up+Left, NumPad7
NE: Up+Right, NumPad9
SW: Down+Left, NumPad1
SE: Down+Right, NumPad3

Accept: Z, Enter
Back: Escape
Fullscreen: F4

HotKeys: Number keys 1-0
Show HotBar: H
Pickup Items: G
Fire Ranged Weapon: F
Inventory: I
Spells: M
Profile: P
Pass Turn: Space, NumPad5
Save Game: F2


  • gameplay.png
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  • goldpiles.png
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  • hut.png
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  • inventory.png
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  • profile.png
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  • restarea.png
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  • spellbook.png
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The very mention of Elona has me interested. Be sure to update the thread as you add more to the game.
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Thanks for the reply, I had played Elona a fair bit back a few years go, and always enjoyed it. And for sure I'll keep this as updated as possible.
Updated to v1.2, added inventory system with a few basic items to try out. Added dual wield if a weapon is equipped in both hands. If you want an edge while messing with it, currently the only stats that really have any meaning are strength, damage and a bit of health, dexterity, actions per turn(vs other monsters in combat) and accuracy, and constitution for health.
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Updated to v1.3 added character profile, experience and level up mechanics, overhauled back end gui system. Also added some screenshots to the op.
The first time I tried 1.3, I opened the menu and tried equipping a sword. It worked, but after that, the direction keys (both the default four on a keyboard and the numpad directions) stopped working for moving through the list. I could still equip whatever was highlighted since equipping an item rearranged the list, and also exit the menu; moving through entries on the player status window also still worked.

I tried exiting the game and starting over, and it worked fine, but though I would mention it just in case.
I appreciate the feedback, I'll see what I can find. It sounds like the allow input flag on the inventory menu didn't reset back to true after you selected a side to equip the sword. If it happens again, let me know the events leading up to it, if you opened/closed the inventory first, if you opened the profile, was it a fresh character or a loaded one, ect. :)
Updated to v1.4. added basic ranged weapon functionality, shortbow range 7 tiles 1d6+Ranged Attack Bonus. While the bow is equipped you can still use your basic unarmed attack in melee 1d3+Attack Bonus. Added basic spells, Minor Healing, uses 2 mana to heal 1d4+Level, Force Dart, uses 2 mana to deal 1d6 damage; range 10 tiles. Each spell has stock which is used when casting, at 0 stock the spell can no longer be casted. Will eventually add spell books or something of the like to recharge stocks. Added passive mana regen, and floating text for hp and mp healing. AI still needs work, won't attack outside 5 tiles still even if struck from a distance.
Oh god no, spell stocks need to recharge without using a consumable. Sure have the consumable to give extra stocks for when the mage CAN'T get to a rest spot or something, but gimping a mage like that is a good way to make a class that nobody plays. The nature of random loot also compounds the basic problem, requiring them to find a specific item before they can use their class's natural abilities again.

Of course, I haven't gotten to spellcasting in Elona yet. My ranger slings arrows, not spells XD
Updated to v1.5, added hotbar, currently can hotkey spells using number keys 1-0, do so while in the spell menu and the spell you want to hotkey highlighted. Added spell icons for hotbar. Modified enemy ai to better path and seek out targets. Factions in place so that ai can determine who is an ally and not. Enemy ai will now respond to attacks outside their normal seek radius and will chase for a given amount of turns before returning to seek mode if outside normal seek range. Added basic map traversal. Added a small hut map above forest, walk into gap to change maps. Hut area is a nice spot to rest for a bit (hold space or numpad5 to pass turns) to heal hp and mp. Walking back to forest will respawn enemies. Added a message system, currently will show a floating message to alert player of broken equipment. Fixed an issue where player would stop animating sprite when movement key was let go. Force dart spell now adds magic attack bonus damage to spell(modified by magic), and reflects such in spell menu description.

How spells are acquired and maintained can definitely be discussed, as it stands how it's functioning just like Elona but modifications can be made if that system isn't liked.
Personally I think it's rather... absurd to use both spell stocks and mana points. There's no reason to over-complicate it like that. Plus it also adds a ton of unnecessary items to clog up the loot list.

I get WHY they did it with Elona but I don't agree with it.
Could you give us an idea on where and how you want to use any art for your game?

I'm not an artist, just someone who originally brushed this thread off the first time they saw it because I somehow got the notion there was going to be no art... Not sure if there was a time when the OP didn't mention art or if I was just blind. Probably blind.
I'd like it to be similar to Wings of Roldea and MaiDen Snow Eve, where the h-content will be displayed on the side while fighting with some animation, triggered by certain event triggers based on the monster/enemies being fought. Like being grabbed, knocked down/out, stripped ect. Then also story specific cg and maybe even game over cgs. This will all be dependent on the artist I find of course but that's the current plan.
, Changed tile sets, now includes animated tiles. All entities now have gold, gold amount added to stat bar. Added hut interior. Added basic vendor NPC, currently sells potions, arrows, and long swords. Currently upon leaving the hut his inventory and gold reset, this will eventually be changed to save across map changes. He can buy items from you as well. Hot bar now slides away to hide. Added a white border around screen menus. Enemies can now drop gold. The default goblins that spawn in the forest have an 80% chance to drop 6-18 gold pieces that can be picked up with the G key. Map now fades out when changing maps.
So... I've passed the 100hour mark on my character in Elona+.

I'm wondering exactly how much you want RNG to dictate a person's experience with your game. For example, for the first 10-15 hours or so I'd end up dying or getting screwed in some manner or another because the rolls I was getting just weren't enough and my character didn't have the skills to compensate for them. Since then it's been pretty smooth sailing as long as I don't bite off more than I can chew. At the same time, I'd say for the last... 30 hours I haven't come across a piece of gear that's even a lateral move from what I've got equipped, and again it's RNG rolls just not coming up in my favor.

To be fair I haven't just been farming gear for those 30 hours and random loot is part of the fun but it's still a long time to go without any advancement in the most important field while enemies keep getting stronger. Now I do believe that Elona is an extreme example of RNG loot since not only are there X types of items, there are also X materials they can be made of and X quality then compounded with blessed, cursed, doomed etc, so it's really no wonder that I keep ending up with stuff I just don't want as the vast majority of the very very very large list of items falls under that category.

I think it would be a really good idea for you to put in guaranteed ways for the player to get what they're after. They end up with... 30 junk rings? Let them use those rings to improve one they already have and find useful. NO RNG just add X rings to improve the current ring in this way, Example: I want to add sound resist to the ring I'm already using, I take it to the improvement station and select that option then it tells me I need to feed it 10 rings, I do so and my ring now gives me the base level of sound resistance. And the same would be possible for all stats.
At this point I know for sure I'd like the game to have a smoother curve overall, how I'm going to achieve this exactly, I'm not quite sure yet. I'd like it to be less RNG based, as of right now stats are completely controllable as I don't have a potential system in place and as you level up you can just select the stats you'd like to raise. I'm also going to implement skills the same way, but I also don't know if that system is preferred over the potential system. I can always go back and re-add a potential system instead of the stat/skill buying. As it stands by always giving the player stats/skills per level, the monster/enemy scale won't be that much of a factor as you won't be falling behind stat-wise. Another way I feel I can smooth out the curve is with the h-game side of things. Instead of straight up dieing, I plan to have the monsters/enemies rape the player and then leave them for dead, allowing them to continue without much loss other than maybe losing virginity or adding more sex stats.
Personally I'm a big fan of less-structured character progression, the way the Elder scrolls games handle things is my ideal; the skills and attributes you use improve as you do so. Elona's the same to a point, but potential really muddies things up, I HAVE to go find potential potions and I HAVE to have an ally cook me breakfast or my attributes aren't rising. I'm quite a bit behind of where my attributes should be ( compared to NPCs of my level) still, even after getting to the point where I've got a semi-regular supply of potential potions and all my allies have cooking ( lol, I almost never get to bed on time so it's kinda wasted).

On the other hand, I really only do one playthrough of games with that type of system since by the time I'm done I've maxed every useful skill ( and spent way too long playing ). More than likely this will be the only character I ever create for Elona and what I started out as really didn't matter, I was always going to end up with a well-rounded character and not one that fulfills a specific roll ( my Magic's lagging behind since... well I wanted to finish the fighter's guild questline before I went to mess around with the mage's guild and of course every 2-3 of the quests were a mob that I just couldn't find for hours on end) .
So you'd prefer more of a skill say, swords, gains exp when you use swords, in addition to what ever swords primary stat is. Not based on potential, but just a flat either x% or x value. That's doable, but with that I think I'd sckew stat gain based on the skill and have the player level based on stat gain instead of skill gain. Favoring combat skill gain over utility so that you don't get a Skyrim blacksmithing situation. Getting a high level character that's really good at making iron daggers but gets rocked by random mobs now because they have no combat skills to backup their level.
Generally yes, that would be my preference. I did go on a bit of a tangent there and didn't manage to get around to my point though XD . It really centers around length of the game, A long game like skyrim or elona+ just can't get me to come back for another playthrough after spending 100+ hours on that first one so having the character that will grow that entire time and able to access all the content is really essential because I'm just not willing to make a... cleric after I've finished with my sneakthief.

Then you take a shorter game like wings of roldea ( I think that one was only 20ish hours with a guide? ) where progression is much faster and there's significantly less content so multiple playthroughs aren't a deterrent having a more traditionally strict system of character progression might end up being a benefit, keeping each playthrough from feeling stale. I think the shorter the expected time of a playthrough the more beneficial that type of progression becomes.

All that said, my enchanter smith bore a hole straight through Alduin with his dual Akaviri swords pretty much instantly, when I did get around to reaching him :ROFLMAO: but I do get what you mean.