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[Complete - Full] ヨロズヤ★プリンセス(Yorozuya Princess) Translation


Tentacle God
Aug 26, 2013
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Original Thread: Link

Another translation is complete!

This game came out in 2014, and back then, when I first tried it, I thought it was subpar. I think I quit at the same moment I got into combat. It seemed so...uneventful. Fast forward 2 years, I thought I should give the game a second chance. I got past the combat, which still didn't seem like anything special, but then I played some more. And more. I think I played around for about 4 hours, so I thought that one day, if noone else had translated it by then, I'd pick it instead. And the day has finally come.

It's hard to find games that aren't railroaded, but hell, this is just the opposite. There is no linearity in its story. In fact, there hardly is any story. This game is about a woman trying to survive, just like any man or woman in our days. If you remove some details, Marie(the protagonist) could be one of us. She lives in a town, alone, and she tries to find jobs so that she can pay her rent, buy items she needs, pay for drinks when she goes out, etc. Monsters live outside that town, so she also has to be able to defend herself should her job take her out there! What kind of jobs will she do, you ask? Well. This is an adult game. There are some jobs that are considered SFW, and there are some that are more... questionable.

The objective of the game is pretty simple: Live your life. You can take jobs and get money to be able to pay your rent each month, or you can do nothing at all. But then, how will you be able to pay? Will you get kicked out of your home? You can't let that happen, right? Well, that's about it for the story. There is no beginning, and there is no end. Just keep playing for as long as you like.

The combat system, as I said above, isn't anything special. In fact, it's quite simplistic. You see enemies, you shoot at them, and you run around hoping they don't get you. I don't think it's a strong point for this game, but you won't be out shooting 24/7, unless you want to. There are also bosses. Those are pretty tough and a nice challenge...

Last but not least, kisekae! A.k.a., changing clothes! Do you like dressing your character up? Then this game will be to your liking. There are 8 outfits to be found or crafted. There are also plenty of different underwear. Can you collect all of them? Be careful to not lose them though, since they can get torn if you are attacked!

One more note. I made some slight changes to things that seemed to make the game harder and more annoying than intended. Those include lowered prices for bullets, and being able to get drunk faster than normal. I realize some players would love the extra challenge, but this seemed like a good change for most of you. Feedback is welcome.

I'm hoping that everything's translated, but as usual, if you find something, be it untranslated text, a mistake, or a bug, tell me and I will try to patch it up.

The announcement for my next project will have to wait until well after the new year, because there have been simply too many requests, so I will need to consider what to start working on. I wish there was a way to make everyone happy >.<

Anyway, here you go:

(TL ver1.00)

Patch version history:
v1.00: Translation released.

If you like the game and want to support the developers, feel free to buy it from DLSite.

The version I used to translate it is 1.4a.
If you need more info on how to apply my translation, check this thread:

Have fun and thank you for all the support ♪ ♪ ♪
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Wait what.... You're translating another game right away? You deserve another praise \o/
:eek::eek::eek: No breaks on the elfloren train (Try not to burn out friend)
Wait what.... You're translating another game right away? You deserve another praise \o/

I'm always working on something, and I think it's better to give something to people to look forward to!

I'll try my best not to burn myself out ^_^
Sure thing, fellas! Though to be honest, I've kind of devoted myself to Treasure Hunter Claire for now, but I translated a good deal of Yorozuya Princess before that happened.

I'm pretty sure you are looking forward to Claire as well, and hopefully that's the one that comes out first ^_^
Oh another game that looks awesome, you're doing the lords work translating these. As for Treasure Hunter Claire, I just looked it up. Oh my that looks brilliant, is there a translation being worked on? If so is there a progression post or anything because that looks like another gem!
Would prefer if her breasts were a bit bigger (wouldnt have to be by much), but looks good nonetheless, I look forward to this!
Would prefer if her breasts were a bit bigger (wouldnt have to be by much), but looks good nonetheless, I look forward to this!

Yeah, some people have told me she's not attractive at all so I made a wrong choice picking this one, but as a game it's worth playing even if someone isn't attracted to poor Marie...
I enjoy the games by this circle and I look forward to your translation. Are you planning on finishing it after treasure hunter Claire or working on both when you feel like it?
I enjoy the games by this circle and I look forward to your translation. Are you planning on finishing it after treasure hunter Claire or working on both when you feel like it?

I'll be working on this once in a while, focusing mostly on Claire for now. Things might change, but if they don't then yes, Claire will be out first, and then Yorozuya Princess will follow, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I'll be working on this once in a while, focusing mostly on Claire for now. Things might change, but if they don't then yes, Claire will be out first, and then Yorozuya Princess will follow, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Wasn't Kagura Games working on Treasure Hunter Claire? Or are you working with them?
Wait what.... You're translating another game right away? You deserve another praise \o/

oh, well...

Oh, Elfloren, good ol'chap
freely give us things to fap.

And translations that you make
always have lot of bukkake.

So, just don't stop for good
there're still games with great big boobs!
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Oh I like this circle, missed this. Seems you've put it on the back-burner for now anyways though.
Oh I like this circle, missed this. Seems you've put it on the back-burner for now anyways though.

Yeah, I wanted to work on it while working on Treasure Hunter Claire, but that game is much larger than expected, and it's Wolf too >.<
I'd love to say I'm going to finish after Claire, but there is something else waiting around the corner...