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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman smiles back at her, "You and I will get along just fine..." she chuckled, seeming very pleased with Alexia's decision. She raised her hand, and placed it against Alexia's chest, between her breasts. Alexia could feel magic coming from the woman's hand, but this was different. Before, when she cast her dark magic on her, it felt like it was invading her soul, bending it, and deforming it to meet the spell's purpose. Now, it felt like it was simply wanting entry, with no force behind it, taking just as much of a humble disposition that the woman did.

"Accept me within' you. Open your heart, and soul, and we will be connected. From there, we will always be bound to each other, and I will be able to freely give you the power you seek... Making you more, and more powerful with every passing day, infusing you with the power of Hell, making you a force of unquestionable power..."

"Let me inside your soul, relax your mind, and body, and our agreement will be sealed..."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia looks at the hand hesitantly, the shakes her head on the inside and relaxes, accepting the woman's offer. She had gone this far already, no point in turning back. She muses to herself about how this was a little like marriage, then briefly thinks again about how this could be a trap, but manages to surpress the ideas and relaxes,

"Alright.. I accept..." She lowers all her defences and waits, hoping that this wasn't going to be a bad idea on her part...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Upon softening her mind, and soul, Alexia feels the woman's magic slip into her being. It felt as if small threads were wrapping around her core, fastening onto her soul. And the more threads she felt link to her body, the more Alexia began to 'feel' the presence of the woman performing the spell on her, as if she was directly being linked to the woman.

Then, suddenly, the woman removed her hand, giving Alexia a pleased smile. "Our agreement is sealed," she announced proudly, "I will grant you amazing powers, and in return, you will give me your sexual energy..." Then, she slowly raised her hand, putting a finger to her lips in thought, "... I think we need to give our little link a test, do you remember that little friend of yours? The Lizardwoman? I can feel her presence getting closer, it would appear she's catching onto where you are..."

She gave Alexia a malicious smile, "What say we show her your new powers?" she chuckled evilly, planning on doing something to Azure likely very similar to what she did to Alexia.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia smiles as she looks at the direction that Azure was most likely coming from. A few hours earlier, she would've been steadfast against the idea. Despite how much she got annoyed with Azure, especially with all the 'cousin' business, she was pretty much the only surrogate family she had.

But now, she wanted nothing more than to see the lizardwoman squirm and struggle, to be utterly defeated and raped... she wasn't exactly sure why she was having these thoughts, but at the same time she didn't really question it. Looking over at the woman, she smiles, "What do you have in mind?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman came up behind Alexia, giggling as she did so, while wrapping her arms around her waist, one hand holding her belly, and the other grasping the dragoness' hand, and moving it over her private area. "First..." she said slowly, "One of my favorite spells, and something I think you took a liking to as well... Murmur this incantation while focusing your energy on your hand, and directing it on your clitoris." Then, the woman spoke the same whisper she did before before she summoned the cock she used to rape her, only much clearer, and descriptive of the tone, to make sure the dragon woman knew how to do it. "Use it when the time is right..." she told her.

Then, a moment later, Azure, just as expected, emerged into their view, looking all around quickly, in search of Alexia. Then, she saw the two women as well, giving a pleased nod, and walking towards them confidently, "Ah, cousin, there you are!" she announced, "I'm sorry to say I missed the battle, what happened?" she asked curiously.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia nods at the woman's instructions and smiles as Azure finally appears. She slowly walks towards her 'cousin' and laughs a little at the comment, putting her hands onto Azure's shoulders, "Don't worry, 'cousin', I'd be more than glad to show you what happened during the battle with our bodies...~"

She suddenly shoves Azure to the ground, hard, following her quickly and starting to fondle the lizardwoman, smiling as she chuckles a little, "First... it started like this...~ well... it was a little different~ but you'll get the idea~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

As soon as Azure was knocked down, she shouted, "Cousin! What are you doing!" she asked in a surprised tone. She blushed, and let out a small moan as Alexia started to fondle her. She let out a growl after recovering just enough to make a retaliation, as she scooted down, so that her face was near Alexia's crotch, before bending her legs to their limit, tucking them under Alexia's arms, and fastening her claws around them, giving a large heave as she tossed Alexia a small distance off, and away from her.

Azure quickly got to her feet, and took out her sword, pointing it at Alexia, "Have you lost your mind!" she shouted at her. But then, she suddenly froze in place, going wide-eyed as she tried to move her body, but could not, when the cloaked woman stepped forward, her palm directed at Azure, as Alexia could now, through whatever bond she put on her, could feel her casting her magic.

"Now, now, that's not a proper way to treat your... Cousin, now is it?" she giggled, before slowly directing her hand downwards, "Why don't you... Sit down!" she announced, before the magic surrounding Azure sent her downwards, where she landed on her back. Then, she turned to Alexia with a smile, "Carry on~" she said cheerfully, stepping out of her way, happily ready to watch the events unfold.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia uses her wings to buffer her fall, ready to fight Azure when she sees her new friend join in. Smiling as she gets up and dusts herself off, she approaches her 'cousin' again. As she stands over the lizardwoman she chuckles, "Very good~ not many people could throw me off that easily..."

She suddenly stops and frowns, a little paranoia mixed with pride that had been creeping in the back of her mind since she started living with the lizardwomen, something that she had been concerned about, but had never raised due to how grateful for a place to stay, "You were assigned to hold me back, weren't you? To make sure I never 'embarrassed' the lizardwomen, right?! You did not care about me at all, you were not concerned with my well being, I was merely a child for you watch!"

She moves her hand to her clit, mumbling the spell as she was told, and lowers herself towards Azure, smiling, "I am going to enjoy this very much...~"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

When Alexia started throwing accusations at her, Azure went wide eyed, shaking her head as best she could under the influence of the dark magic holding her, "No! No, that's not true! You're not thinking clearly, cousin! Please, snap out of it, and help me!" she begged Alexia, but her pleading was cut short as Alexia felt dark magic stir within her, dark magic she could feel slowly seeping into her from the woman who linked their souls together, giving her more, and more dark power.

Once Alexia's spell was complete, and she channeled the black magic into her palm, she felt her clitoris growing, becoming larger, thicker, and longer, until it was a good enough size to match that of a wild beast, able to tear into a virgin like Azure quite nicely, who never had sex due to not finding a mate.

Upon seeing the dragoness' cock, Azure's eyes went wide in shock, "C-cousin! What's happened to you!? Stop, please!" she begged.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia says nothing as she grabs the lizardwomen's legs and pull her up so that her cousin was in a similar position that she was in mere moments earlier and begins to slowly begins to slowly strip Azure's clothes off, savoring the feeling of removing each piece as she looks up at Azure every once in awhile, "You have nothing to worry about 'cousin', we're just going to have a little fun..."

As she nears Azure's face, she whispers quietly, "I know it was not your fault... they made you do it... didn't they..."
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure shakes her head furiously, desperately trying to fight against the strong magical bonds holding her, and blushing as her clothes were removed off of her finely toned body, shaped from the lizardfolk's way of constant training. "Cousin! Stop! Let me free, and we can defeat that woman together! Please!" she begged, staring into Alexia's eyes as the dragoness looked up at her, "We would have banished you if we thought you would have embarrassed us! Open your eyes and see reason, cousin!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia pauses and looks at Azure for a few moments, as if considering her words, then kisses her cousin on the lips and shakes her head, "Protecting the others until the end... how noble of you..." She pulls back and shifts around a little until her newly grown phallus was lightly touching Azure's virgin hole,

"And do you believe I am so weak that I would be unable to fight this woman by myself...? I side with her because she promises me power!" She smiles as she looks down at her 'cousin', "Power which cannot be achieved by simply training~" She laughs as she suddenly thrusts into Azure as hard as she can, hoping to break into the girl in one swift motion.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure lets out a bone chilling cry into the air as Alexia's demonic magic-formed cock breaks her hymen, and rapes the lizardwoman first of her virginity. Alexia felt Azure's blood coat her cock, as well as felt it leak out, trailing in small amounts down her ass, and onto the ground. At this point, the previously proud, and mighty lizardwoman now had tears running down her face, with her eyes shut completely, and her teeth clenched in an effort to choke back all the feeling from being raped this way.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia savors the feeling and the sight for a little while before she starts to push in and out of her 'cousin', grunting slightly with each motion, "Ngh...~ you are very tight my 'cousin'~, apologies to your future husband~ if you ever find one~" She starts to move at a much more rapid pace, shivering in pleasure from the act.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure let out a yelp each time Alexia pushed her cock inside her, too busy being wrapped in the sensations from being raped in such a way. Alexia's cock throbbed excitedly inside Azure's tight folds, already quickly on the road to cumming from how tightly she was squeezed, Azure's legs bucking in the air each time Alexia thrusted inside her. And as Alexia raped the lizardwoman, she began to feel an extraordinary feeling of bliss, a warm feeling of energy being absorbed into her very being from Azure, as Alexia would soon be able to discern the feeling as Alexia, feeding off the energy Azure was giving off from the powerful sex. The very promised feeling of power seeping into her core as she raped Azure, driving her cock inside the broken virgin's hole...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia continues to pound at the hole with the same vigor and roughness as when she herself was raped, letting out several loud moans as she looks down at her 'cousin',

"Ng...h... so tight 'cousin'~ I hope you're ready~ cause I'm getting pretty close~" She starts to slow down a little, starting to do stronger and more solid thrusts, waiting for that moment of sweet release...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

After a few more thrusts, and a few more moans from Azure, Alexia felt that orgasmic feeling sky rocket inside her, driving her mad with sexual pleasure as her demonic cock swelled with orgasmic bliss, before she felt a breathtaking release, and she came inside Azure, pumping her thick, white seed into the woman below her...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia pants as she smiles and looks down at her 'cousin', letting out a few shivers as the last of her seed exits her cock. She slowly pulls away from the girl, as she sighs, "See? That wasn't so bad, now was it cousin~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure either didn't care to listen to Alexia, or did not hear her words. The lizardwoman was staring blankly up into the sky, her breathing somewhat labored, and her natural presence somewhat lacking, while Alexia herself felt as if she was brimming with power... Almost feeling as if she had a part of Azure's essence inside her very being...

At that moment, Jezebel (ˈje-zə-ˌbel), the woman who granted Alexia her powers, and who's name flowed into Alexia's mind (as a convenient excuse for me to be lazy >;3), stepped up behind Alexia, placing her hands on Alexia's hips teasingly as she whispered another lesson into the dragon's ear, "I think you're ready for another spell..." she said seductively, "You see... Our power comes from those who we absorb... And it's handy to have a... Assistant or two to give us a little boost every now and then..." she told the dragoness, directing her meaning towards Alexia's former friend Azure.

Jezebel then whispered another incantation into Alexia's ear, before telling her what it's purpose was, "This little spell... Will grant you control over a wounded soul... Allowing your threads to take hold around it, and seal it to you..." she took one hand off of her hip, and pointed at Azure, who was still laying on the ground, her soul's presence fairly weak from Alexia feeding on her. "Use it on her... I think she'd serve a much better purpose in life as your slave, don't you think?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia breathes slowly as she looks at her cousin, smiling as she brushes her hand over Azure's hair, "Do you hear that cousin? We can still be together despite what's happened~ and as my slave, I know for sure that you won't betray me~"

She holds a hand over her cousin and begins to recite the incantation, looking at the prone Lizardwomen with a big smile on her face.