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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Jezebel laughed as she took steps forward to Alexia, suddenly holding her in a tight hug while patting her on the back, "Oh, don't worry so much about disappointing me. You'll be coming right back here if you succeed, and if you don't... Well, you won't be coming back." she said with a malicious, almost cheerful tone of voice. And the last thing Alexia saw, was Jezebel's unique smile, before the strange watery black reached up from the ground, and engulfed them both in an instant.

After going through that similar feeling of being in some kind of slumber, or a coma, only much more lesser in duration and intensity, suddenly color, and light arrived before Alexia's eyes. Alexia found herself standing in a very similar setting as before, in the middle of the open, green forest, with the sun over her head. Alexia also found that a collection of half a dozen strange little girls in witch's clothing surrounded her, and each seemed to be concentrated on a powerful spell. That is, until they realized Alexia had arrived, with Jezebel apparently gone.

"Ah! It worked!" announced one of the small girls, "We've summoned a powerful demon!" After her announcement, each of the small witches made a bow to Alexia, showing a respect deserving of a great leader, while the apparent lead began a speech, "Oh, great and mighty demon! Under the orders of the Dark Lady, we are instructed to bring down, and rape the soul of the owner of this tower!" she told Alexia, the tower of mention being the one just behind Alexia, which seemed to belong to someone powerful, given how much magical tension Alexia could feel from the very structure. "And we beg for your assistance! For she is powerful, too powerful for us, but not powerful enough for your majesty!" she complimented Alexia, sounding very mature for such a childish appearance.

"We offer many souls in trade for your eminence's assistance! Will you help us?" she implored Alexia, still maintaining her bow, and not daring to look up at a higher being.

"So over-dramatic..." Alexia hears Jezebel in her mind, "They never just say, 'hi', instead they talk your ear off."
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia raises an eyebrow as she heard what Jezebel said, "Wait, not coming back? What do you..." Before she could finish, she saw the darkness surround her, grabbing her from her current location and dumping her in somewhere in the first, "...mean by that... oh well, not like I'm going to fail anyway..." she mutters and looks up, noticing the witches surrounding her.

She stands there, blinking, listening to the witches tell her what was going on as she turns around and notices the tower, ignoring the speech for the most part, she looks at the tower, wondering if she could enter from the top, where she assumed her next victim was going to be. Catching the last part of what the witch had to say, she nods and grins, "Of course I'll help~ this'll be over before you even know it!" Spreading her wings, Alexia takes into the air, trying to find a suitable window to crash in through...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Searching, Alexia eventually found a powerful presence behind one of the windows she was searching for. And right as she was charging in to crash through, suddenly, the window opened, simply allowing Alexia to fly through. She heard the window shut afterwards, shut by a very rapable looking girl with jet black feathers, black hair, and dark red eyes, the girl she was supposed to rape, no doubt.

"Please don't break my windows." she said softly, as one would speak in a library, either because of the fact that there were tons of books around them both, or just out of habit. She regarded Alexia for a moment, noting the dark presence coming from her, "... Were you sent here to rape me?" she asked with more simplicity than any normal rape victim would.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia laughs at the girl, was she serious? It seemed she even knew that Alexia was coming, yet she was more obsessed with keeping the window in one piece than trying to hide like most victims probably would. She raises one hand, then smashes it against the window, trying to break it, "You mean like this? You're a strange one, I'll enjoy breaking you~" She slowly circles around the girl, "You seem to know I was coming, yet you didn't hide, instead you act like it doesn't even matter to you. Meaning you're either stupid, or confident that your powers will be enough to beat me." She raises one hand, trying to use the same spell that Jezebel had used to hold her still the previous day, "Oh well, either way, I'm going to make you regret sticking around!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The bird woman quickly stood in the way of the glass, as Alexia's fist slammed against some kind of magical barrier that the avian woman quickly summoned to protect not only herself, but the glass as well. And during Alexia's speech to her, the woman diverted her magical barrier all around her to protect the tower itself, instead of herself, apparently holding a higher value of all of the strange books, and artifacts in the tower than herself.

This, of course, left Alexia's spell free to do as it was supposed to. Her magic sealed around the woman, holding her limbs in place. And even this did not seem to phase the red eyed bird, as she spoke to Alexia just as calmly as before. "Please," she said in a calm, steady voice, as if simply talking to Alexia, rather than begging for something, "Please rethink your choices... I do not wish for us to fight, we might damage some of the books..." she told her, again, seeming more concerned about the objects around them.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia sneers at the bird as she laughs, clearly seeming amused, "You seem to value your books and your little tower more than your own soul. Oh well, makes things a lot easier for me." She grins as she notices that her spell had worked, and remembers Jezebel's talk of injections. Concentrating, she attempts to create a tentacle to inject the bird with a large dose of aphrodisiacs, might as well get her into the mood, "Once I'm done with you, I doubt you'll even remember what a book is~"

She starts to move behind the girl, assuming that she was now stuck in this position. This was easy. Way too easy. Something was up, and she was going to find out what, remembering what Jezbel had said to her before she had left, how she wouldn't be returning if she failed...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Held helpless in the spell, the bird woman squints her eyes a little, and gives a small gasp as the tentacle suddenly arrives, and begins pumping a powerful aphrodisiac into her veins.

Although the crow was blushing, and already looked to be losing herself to lust, she still somehow kept that calm, controlled tone, "Please... I won't warn you again... Please stop these meaningless actions, and live a different life..." she told her, while there was no actual sound of a threat in her voice.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia grunts and reaches out, grabbing for the girl's wings, remembering having hunted small birds in her youth that a few certain pulled feathers would ensure it would never be able to fly again, "You talk like you know what's going on with me~" She pulls at the feathers, then moves her hand to her crotch and begins to mumble the spell, "But at the same time you seem to have no idea what's going on with me~ or else you'd realize that there is no other choice for me, no one on the island would take me in once what I did to Azure gets out... plus quite literally, I am trading my soul for power, that's not something you can just walk away from~!" She rips at the bird's clothing, intent to start fucking her as soon as the last obscuring scrap of clothing was gone.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman winces with pain as her feathers are ripped out, and she was trembling as the aphrodisiac continued to work into her mind. The fact that she was under Alexia's control, not allowing her to move to try and satisfy her urges, seemed to be driving her insane. And as Alexia's cock appeared, only able to barely move her head, she gasped at the sight of her cock, her soft, relaxed eyes gone, replaced with lust as she looked at Alexia's dragon cock with a small amount of drool going down her face, relatively emotionless, almost excited as her clothes are torn off...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia laughs as she moves behind the bird girl, preparing to give the girl a good ass fucking. She hooks her arms around the girl's to ensure that she wouldn't be able to fight back properly, if at all, after all, the spell would keep her in check. She lightly brushes her cock against the bird's rear entrance, licking her lips in anticipation. This girl definitely had a lot of soul energy, powerful energy too. She felt it, and she craved it, if she could absorb it, who knew what she would be able to accomplish!

She bends over at first, pushing the girl forward slightly, grinning as she whispers, "Beg for my cock~" It was completely unnecessary, but Alexia felt this girl needed a lesson in humility...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman squirms, and even seems to bend over more, offering her ass to Alexia. But, her mouth speaks words of a different nature, "Please... Stop..." she says in a pleading, ecstatic voice. "I beg you..."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia stands there for a few moments, as if to contemplate stopping for Cynthia, then she shakes her head, "Sorry, no can do~ wouldn't want to leave you so... well... frustrated after all~"

She reaches forward and grabs onto Cynthia's hair as she begins to thrust, eagerly pushing her cock into the bird's tight rear hole. As she does so, she also begins to mumble another spell, one she remembered from last night's session, trying to summon the two tentacles that Jezebel had used during their happy fun time session.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The crow woman screams aloud as Alexia's magical cock rams into her tight ass. And even though her tight asshole felt great, gripping her cock, along with her two tentacles appearing, and attaching to her small tits, pulling, and sucking on what flesh they could, something was very out of place, and Alexia soon realized it, when she realized... That she was not absorbing any of the bird woman's soul. She moaned, she screamed, and Alexia could even hear the sounds of her cock moving in and out of her ass, her crotch slapping against her ass, but she was not absorbing anything at all...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia grabs the bird's hair and pulls her up, grunting, and stopping her motions, "What the hell is this? Tell me, or I'll leave you in this state~" She pulls out of the girl with a wet pop, also temporarily stopping the tentacles playing with the girl's breasts, grinning, "The drugs must be making you quite horny by this point, correct~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Standing there, the bird woman gave little response to Alexia, other than cries and moans. Until, suddenly the woman began to seemingly fade into thin air. Starting from the head, Alexia got to watch a very interesting magic trick, as the woman she just began to rape slowly started disappearing before her eyes. And it wasn't a moment longer before Alexia found out she'd been toying with an illusion, when another, almost identical in appearance, crow woman stepped out from the staircase, catching Alexia horny, and off guard.

The crow woman was already chanting by the time Alexia saw her, and felt her presence. And Alexia herself couldn't chant, before she was hit with an anti-magic spell that filled the area around her, forcing her tentacles to disappear, and blocking any summoning of magic. "You've come here to rape my soul out of me?" she questioned Alexia, before spreading her wings out wide, almost in offering, "... Then come, take your bounty..." she dared her.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia watches the illusion disappear with a smile, she had suspected something like this was happening, but wasn't prepared to see that the real one would actually still show up. She grunts as she feels the anti magic field, her cock and tentacles all disappearing, although, if she were correct... an anti magic field...

She pulls out the sword that the knight she had fought the previous day had graciously donated to her, looks at it, then heaves one arm and throws it as hard as she can towards the crow's open wings, herself dashing in from the other side, hoping to land a solid tackle to the crow's stomach and dropping her there and then.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

As an unexpected turn of events, Alexia's sword goes right through the crow woman's body, spilling a great deal of her blood on the floor. And once she charged close enough, Alexia felt herself leave the anti-magic field, allowing her to cast spells once again. However, it didn't seem necessary, as the crow woman was already almost dead, having been stuck with that sword...

And, as a method of a cheap tactic, Alexia found that she'd been toying with another illusion, when it to, faded out of existence. And, on the feeling of the woman's powerful presence behind her, Alexia turned to face her opponent, now on the other side of the room. And again, she seemed to finish casting another spell, which caused a flying projectile to slam into Alexia.

As the strange spell started to be taking effect, Alexia found that the world was oddly getting bigger around her, and a quick examination of herself noted that she was actually the one getting smaller! Her scales slowly started changing into flesh, her smooth tail turned into a tail similar to that of the succubus, her large horns shrunk into tiny little inch-long horns, and her breasts slowly deflated until she was as flat as a board... And at the same time, Alexia felt her powerful magic shrinking with her, and once the transformation was done, she found that she'd be transformed into a small imp by the crow woman...

"You didn't heed my warnings..." the real Cynthia told her, "And now... You have received your punishment... You are no longer a threat to us..." she told the now Impish Alexia.

And before, again, she could react, Alexia was suddenly blindsided from behind her, as another smaller looking woman like herself ambushed her from behind, and wrapped small, yet somehow very powerful arms around her, holding her in place, "Ha-ha! You didn't stand a chance!" the unnamed goblin taunted her...

(Could you change your character sheet to reflect Alexia's changes? A new physical description will do.)
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia swears loudly as she finds her follow up hit had instead killed an illusion, "Stop playing games with me you little bitch!" She turns around angrily, only to pause, hearing a spell being cast and her throwing up her arms to try to protect herself.

It proved mostly useless as the spell hit her anyway, causing her to let out a growl of surprise, which suddenly turned higher pitch, more childish. She looks down in horror as she finds her body was changing, shrinking, becoming weaker as she struggles to try to fight off the effects to no avail. She looks sullenly at the ground, "H..have I failed...?" She quickly looks for an escape before she was blindsided by someone.

Quickly looking around, she narrows her eyes, "Oh. It's you again." it was that stupid little... thing from yesterday, the one that had groped her. Oh how she wished she could breathe fire right now... she quickly shook her head, there was a time for longing, and there was a time for getting the fuck out, and right now, that was her priority. She quickly shoves her head backwards, trying to smash in the face of the creature holding onto her.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The goblin rested her chin on Alexia's shoulder, in order to prevent any real damage she could cause with her head, while she kept one powerful arm around her arms and body, and used the other to reach down and play with Alexia's new private parts. Using her ring finger and her index finger, she opened and closed Alexia's pussy lips several times over, arousing her, before she took Alexia back, so that she landed on her back, with Alexia on top of her.

Hooking her legs around Alexia's, the goblin parted the imp's legs open, and stuck her middle finger into her pussy, fingering the now helpless imp, and forcing her into submission.

And after a few minutes of being molested, and fingered in this fashion, a tall man, with short, blond, spiky hair, black, strangely oval shaped eyes, and wearing nothing but black clothes approached the two on the ground. "Hey Club! You mind if I have a little chat with her?" he asked the goblin, who's name was now known to Alexia as 'Club'.

And with a grimace, and a sigh of disappointment, Club let Alexia go, and let her stand so the man might speak with her. And once she was free, a quick examination showed that getting out will not be as easy as getting in was, now that she had limited magic, and was very small, and weak. Escaping the goblin, Club alone will be quite a challenge, not to mention Cynthia or the man. However, he did seem to wish to speak with her, so perhaps a better option would be to go along with it for now, so sayeth the voice in Alexia's head that sometimes would help guide her in the right direction.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia begins to pant heavily at the treatment, she felt so... humiliated, she wanted to cry, she wasn't sure why, was this also part of the transformation? She looks at the man huffily as she stands up, then suddenly pulls her foot back and swings forward, aiming between the man's legs.

She didn't really care if it hit or not, she just somewhat felt a little better as she turns away from the man, pouting a little, "What the hell do you want?"