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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The man, after Alexia's kick ended up kicking his calf instead of his balls, seemed to muse over his thoughts for a moment, before speaking to her in an almost business-like tone, "Well... I'm sure you realize that you're not exactly in a position to act like that. After all, we can do anything we want with you. Kill you. Torture you. Beat you up. Throw you out of the window. I could even let Club do what she wants with you." he said, gesturing over at the goblin who just had her finger in Alexia's pussy, "Of course, I doubt other demons would care to help you, considering how much you like slavery, apparently. And I'm sure they'd love to hear the story about how you've screwed up here." he said with an amused and sarcastic tone.

He put his hands on his sides, regarding Alexia, "Now, I don't really like to kick those that are smaller than me, so I figured I'd give you a chance. I may let you tag along with us, if you're going to be helpful. Otherwise, I'll let Club deal with you in any way she likes. Oh, and keep in mind that your chances of surviving on your own are small, at best." he told her, almost coldly.

And, to sugar coat the man's words, Cynthia, the crow woman she failed to rape, stepped forward to speak with Alexia, "You don't have to walk the dark path..." she said with the same, overly soft voice as before, "Assist us, and save yourself... Lest your master seek to punish you for your failure... Even though you sought to do me harm, I shall grant you mercy, and give you a second chance..."

"Please make the right decision..." she asked of her. And, on the bright side, if she agreed to help out... Maybe she could get a little sexual revenge on that wretched goblin Club?
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia continues to keep her back to the group, pouting, as she sighs, finally speaking huffily again, "Since you asked so nicely, and you obviously need my help, I guess I could help you." She looks over her shoulder, a bored expression on her face, "Although, as is, I can't do much~ give me some of your soul energy so that I at least have some power..." She slowly walks up to the man, running a hand along his crotch, an act that might've looked somewhat sexy when she was a dragon, but now looked completely wrong, "So tell me... master... who should I take energy from~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Chapter 2: You Can Trust Me

"Hey-hey-hey." he repeated as he took some steps back, out of Alexia's grip, before he crouched down to eye level with Alexia. "You're a bit fast, aren't you?" he asked rhetorically, "Listen, I think I'll give you the benefit of doubt and trust you a bit, considering you may be smart enough not to betray us for now, but we're doing things my way, alright?"

He stood back up, on his feet, while directing his index finger in the air, to represent the number '1', "So, rule one - not in a public place if we can avoid it." he told her, giving the imp a look over, before reaching his hand back to scratch his head, seeming to be giving having sex with a 'woman' as tall as a child some thought.

After that, Club interjected with a humorous, and perverted chuckle, "And rule 2, Club gets to play with little imp whenever she wants!" she announced.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia nods and follows the man, taking a step forward and putting her hands on the hem of his lower garments, then suddenly yanks down, smiling as she looks up at the man, "I guess that's fine, master, this is a pretty private place already, so let's get started!" She slowly rubs the man's cock, moving her face close to it and hiding a feeling of disgust, "Of course, of you're not comfortable with this~ I can always feed off the idiot instead~" She motioning subtly with her eyes towards the goblin as she says this.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Club, knowing who she was talking about, started throwing a tantrum, "Who are you calling an idiot, pip-squeak!" she shouted, "Why doesn't the puny little imp say that to Club's face!" she taunted her.

And to this, Cynthia chuckled with amusement, looking to the man with a smile, "Perhaps Club should do the honors, Cynder?" she said to him, giving Alexia a name, or label for the man, "I must admit, I can easily imagine those two together..." she told him, trying to cover her smile with her black wings.

Meanwhile, the man, Cynder's face went deep red when Alexia yanked his clothes down. He stepped back to avoid contact again, pulling his pants up, before looking to Club, "Rule 2... Club, you're a genius. I think I'll go with Cynthia somewhere while you two have fun." he told them, before Cynthia nodded, and walked with him, to the third, and highest floor...

And even if Alexia wanted to follow, Club was in her way whether or not she did, having moved there just in case while she glared at Alexia hungrily, and mischievously. Club grabbed her limited clothing, and with a single yank, took them off(but not tearing them), leaving her just as naked as Alexia. "Not so tough now that you a scrawny little imp, huh?" she said with a jester's grin, "Club is gonna have a lot of fun with you!" she announced.

And at the same time, as Alexia got used to her new form, she began to feel as if, maybe, she could summon her cock again... And perhaps use it on the annoying little munchkin.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia yawns and looks at Club, smiling slightly, "Oh are you, really... at least you saved me from having to strip you down before we start~" She suddenly flips into the air, trying to get used to the fact that she no longer had wings as she tries to land on Club while chanting a spell, hoping to jam her dark energy fueled tool into the little creature's front hole, while simultaneously trying to aim her tail at the back hole.

She briefly mused as she flew through the air, looking down at her cock, ""Huh, it kinda got smaller too."
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

(Imps have wings :p)

Club let out a loud, "Hah!" as Alexia leaped through the air, and naught but a moment later, joined her in her leaping, shooting upwards at a great speed, before slamming against Alexia, sending them across the room, before Club landed on top of her, with her demon cock only just missing the goblin's ass and pussy.

Club rotated her position, so that her ass was right in Alexia's face, and her demonic cock was right in front of Club's lips. "Huh, where'd you get this?" Club asked aloud as she took Alexia's cock in her hands, looking at it for only a moment before chuckling, and taking the length of Alexia's imp cock in her mouth, eagerly sucking on it, trailing her lips up and down, occasionally breaking off to lick the head, taking some of the pre-cum in her mouth...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia sighs as she looks up at Club, hating her lack of power as she groans, shifting around a little, looking up at the goblin's pussy then leans forward, starting to lick the stupid little creature, she would have to slowly drain it's soul, and once this was over, hopefully she would be able to cast more of her magic...

She grins and looks up at the goblin, "I got it from magic~ I would teach you how to get one, but you're probably not smart enough to get one~ nor do you probably want it." She starts to press her face deep between the goblin's legs, taking a few licks before moving away, "After all, you're nothing but that man's pet~"
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Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

"Oh- shut up already!" Club shouted, before slamming her ass down on Alexia's face, and rubbing her pussy along her tongue. And in that position, Club made sure to muffle whatever Alexia had to say by keeping her ass on the imp's face, while stroking Alexia's imp-cock in her hand, "Jeez, little imp is so annoying! Club will really make imp squirm now!" she said with a chuckle, before using her other hand, the one not masturbating Alexia, to reach around her length, and stick her fingers inside Alexia's pussy, fingering her while she chuckled each time Alexia reacted to her stimulation, while still grinding her ass into Alexia's face as she was licked, getting to the point of panting as her pleasure continued to build.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia squirms around, getting a little annoyed at the goblin on top of her, she really wished at this point that was able to conjure some fire, no matter how weak, anything to get this stupid little girl off of her. She responds to the goblin's movement by manipulating her own hands slowly, then jams both fingers into the goblin's flower as hard as she could.
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Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Club lets out a sexual yelp as Alexia jabs her fingers inside her slim pussy, lifting up her ass, finally freeing Alexia's face of the constant scent of goblin pussy, and positioning herself in a doggy style position, eager to let Alexia do as she wishes with her ass, "Does little imp like playing with Club's pussy?" she asks maliciously, as if making fun of Alexia, taunting her, even as they had sex in the 69 position.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia lets out a breath or relief as she starts to play with the goblin's pussy a little more, now finally free of that damned smothering feeling. She doesn't respond to the goblin's taunting, for now she had to endure, to slowly whittle away at the goblin's soul until she herself had gained enough power to do to her what she had done to Azure, turning the annoying little girl into a walking battery for her.

But for that to happen, she had to endure the current situation, to simply hold out until the right chance came along...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Club's pants of exstacy quickly turned into moans, as Alexia started to sap more and more spiritual energy from the creature while fingering her. And not soon after, Alexia feels herself a bit more loose, and free to move around as Club seemed to lose track, before she looked back, on her hands and knees, perfect for Alexia's cock to penetrate her slutty ass...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia giggles as she starts to wriggle herself loose, this stupid creature that was abusing her had gotten what it deserved, and she herself was getting a rather filling meal out of it's idiocy. She runs one hand lovingly over the goblin's back as she shakily stands up, positioning herself,

"You've had your fun~ now it's my turn~" She slaps the goblin across the rump then begins to thrust roughly into the young creature's rear end. Had they met under different circumstances, Alexia wouldn't have hesitated to ask this thing and it's brethren to join her under Jezebel, it's pure strength and unassuming looks would've been a great additional. But now, she wanted little more than to rape this stupid little creature until it was dead. She wanted to drain it's soul, all of it, then she could used the gathered energy to finish off that stupid young man and the stupid crow...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Dipping into the goblin's ass was like taking the first bite of a delicious food for Alexia, as her cock slid in, and she took her first, real 'bite' of the goblin's soul. And as soon as the head of Alexia's imp cock slid in, it's size lessened due to her transformation, to about the normal size of a dick, Club yelped, and looked back at the flat chested imp with shock, "T-that's... Club's BUTT!" the goblin shouted, before her eyes began to roll back into her head as Alexia's cock pushed inside deeper, Club's ass tightening around it, filling Alexia with great pleasure.
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia starts to thrust harder into the goblin's back hole, acting rather rough as she grabs onto the goblin's hair, looking at her angrily, but yet with a smile, "Yes Club, it IS your ass. It belongs to me now though~" She began to wonder how to make the death of the stupid creature look like an accident, after all, even if this stupid little thing couldn't figure out her plan, no doubt the other two would figure it out much easier... and then she'd be in a spot of trouble...
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Club clenches her teeth, as well as her butt around Alexia's cock as she thrusts harder. Yet at the same time, she draws no blood at all from the goblin's anus, as if her little holes were meant for large cock. Alexia's cock, just being the right size to penetrate the little creature's ass...

"W-why would imp stick her cock in Club's butt!" she whined, and only continued to whine as Alexia sped up her thrusts, slight, squishy sounds being heard as Alexia's cock was lubricated with what little juice was in Club's ass. "It hurts! Y-you shouldn't fuck Club so hard!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia starts to grunt as she continues the task, grinning as she does so, the sounds of the goblin's pleading music to her ears, she laughs as she not only doesn't stop, but increases her speed as well,

"Club is being punished for being a naughty little goblin~" She decided to bluff a little and taunt the goblin a little bit, "In fact, Cynder told me to rape you as hard as I wanted to make sure you weren't so naughty another~!"
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Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Club lets out a small squeal as Alexia increases her speed, the friction from how hard she was pounding the goblin actually beginning to hurt Alexia's cock, "J-just cum already!" Club shouted to the imp, "Club's butt hurts!"
Re: You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Alexia grins as she lets out a loud scream, her small penis emptying it's load into the goblin's ass. She pants and tries to use her gathered energy to try to bind the goblin's soul like she had done with Azure, it wouldn't be immediately helpful, but...