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Yumina the Ethereal

Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Thanks.. now if I can only find out why the game is crashing. It's related to audio and I am using HDMI audio from my ATI card but the sound file crashing is Microsoft. ~snip~

First guess: Did you install Japanese Language pack before installing game?

A common problem is that system can not find the sound file to play because of faulty install due to no Japanese Language on system. Even though the game has been translated, it was written in Japanese and some code may not be compatible with English only systems.

Worst case scenario, you need to install language pack and re-install game. You can save your progress by locating and copying your save data. It will be an entire folder located deep within apdata subfolders. Just search for Yumina from apdata. Copy entire folder to safe spot before uninstall and paste it back after re-install.
Second guess: Did you install the patch?
You stated earlier about crashes when switching monitors and when something popped up while you were in full screen.
My answer to that is: "Don't do that!"
Seriously - don't. The game is massive and puts a huge load on resources. In my experience, full screen is useless because it does not change the size of display - just blacks out the rest of screen. I use Windows magnifier to make game bigger.

Good luck!

BTW: I have only had one crash and a couple of short hangups. The crash was after playing for hours on end. Now I save and exit every couple of hours. Even while in dungeon, you can do that at the warp point. Just hit resume instead of load when you restart. (Thanks to faz for reminding me about that.):)
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

1. What is the high speed dressing challenge? I know it's like a die roll or something but when it suceeds what is the bonus or what are we getting?
Success boosts drop rate in the battle immediately afterwards.

2. Hyper Battles what exactly are they? What bonuses since I get the non-stop hyper battles I imagine all battles on that floor from that point is hyper battles or is it just that room?
Hyper Battles are battles with boosted drop rate and harder enemies. Outbreak Mode has a chance of ending with every battle and carries over between floors. Ai has a chance of extending your Outbreak.

3. How are we suppose to get an idea of what the treasure chest has in it from the movie? I only seen a chest that looked like bronze or that which had nothing, plain wood chest, and the meat chest.
Gold > Wood > Cardboard. All chests contain either equipment, consumables, or materials, with the better chests having higher tier/rarer stuff.

4. How do we get keys? I am running low on keys and have not determined where to get keys from.
Keys are refilled every time you enter a dungeon. You can increase your maximum number of keys by advancing the Ordacle storyline.

Every time you enter a dungeon, it takes one of three states. I personally call them Standard, Treasure, and Monster. Dressing challenges, Hyper Battles, Outbreak Mode, Outbreak extensions, and chest appearance rate/contents are all dependent on a hidden Luck factor that is randomized upon entering a dungeon. (Pay attention to what your party members say before you enter.) Using a Luck-boosting item enhances this hidden factor for ONE floor, like how using the glasses dispels illusions for ONE floor.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

New patch available .

9/25/13 - v1.03
- Fixed Kuogalm Chimera and Kongamato Dos quests.
- Fixed more typos and script errors.

9/18/13 - v1.02
- Fixed crash when turning in quest “A New Alloy.”
- Fixed errors in some scripts and descriptions.

9/3/13 – v1.01
- Battle scripts can now display four lines of text as intended. This resolves the “Glint in the Dark” crash.
- Translated the “cannot skip unread text” system message.
- Fixed minor errors in final story script.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

New patch available .

Thanks on the tip about being able to save on every level and using the resume. Now second thing no I have not installed any patch and I see a total of these 3 and the epilogue patch how can I tell what version am I at? Also do I need to install them in order? Reason being when I first started getting crashes I reinstalled game and that did not fix the issue but when I go to install patch the patch date is showing earlier than the files I have installed?
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Thanks on the tip about being able to save on every level and using the resume. Now second thing no I have not installed any patch and I see a total of these 3 and the epilogue patch how can I tell what version am I at? Also do I need to install them in order? Reason being when I first started getting crashes I reinstalled game and that did not fix the issue but when I go to install patch the patch date is showing earlier than the files I have installed?

From what I've seen JAST themselves are the ones who put all of the fixes into one download, and that is the one you just downloaded. It has all the patches in it.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Ok is the Skill Storage broken? I do not see anyway to store skills so they skills I can not use yet are just cluttering up my available skills.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

it hold all of your skills that you aren't equip with. in other words it store you skills.

if you want to see what skill you can use. just check each character one by one.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Where do I see weapon stats? Before the second battle with the sports club I have made sure to make level 10 but I understand every 10 levels weapon levels up in stats. Also how do you get Level 2 of any skill? What is required to get level 2?
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Where do I see weapon stats? Before the second battle with the sports club I have made sure to make level 10 but I understand every 10 levels weapon levels up in stats. Also how do you get Level 2 of any skill? What is required to get level 2?

When you right click or hit escape on any screen but a battle, you get a menu. Explore it.

Weapon levels up at level 11, 21, 31, etc.

Each skill new level is purchased in shop or picked up in monster drop. To use each new level, the governing ability/abilities must be to appropriate level. If you hover over skill on equip screen you will see what abilities and levels are needed. If one or more is red, you must spend ability points to enable/upgrade. If you click the skill and it won't equip, popup appears asking if you want to see prerequisite abilities. Answer yes and go to ability screen with those highlighted. (If you already have a version of the skill equipped, the same message will appear.)

Please also note: If a skill has a yellow title it has a bonus and/or penalty that the normal skill does not. When you view the skill page, check second screen of description. Same goes for equipment.

As far as I know, special abilities won from debates or events do not level up.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

I must be fucking blind because I have gone through status, skills, abilities, and equipment and I see nothing that says anything about levels for the weapons.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

I must be fucking blind because I have gone through status, skills, abilities, and equipment and I see nothing that says anything about levels for the weapons.

There is no explicit mention of the level of weapon in the game. However, when your weapon upgrades via any means, a popup appears saying (Character)'s weapon has become (New Name). If you look under equipment, you will see the current name and a list showing all the bonuses for the weapon. There are two parts to the name which I am sure designate the current levels but I have yet to see a list of what name means what level.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Greetings, I have a problem in the last boss of Kirara Route in Hard mode. He has a skill called Rebellius Polar Star, that skill heals him every turn and had Anti-Blast. I can't deal suficient damage to take him down. How can I win this battle?
(I'm level 60)

(Sorry for my bad English, not my native language)
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Greetings, I have a problem in the last boss of Kirara Route in Hard mode. He has a skill called Rebellius Polar Star, that skill heals him every turn and had Anti-Blast. I can't deal suficient damage to take him down. How can I win this battle?
(I'm level 60)

(Sorry for my bad English, not my native language)

Simple. Level up to 100!

No, but seriously, make sure you've gotten the four strong enough to deal with a lot. If it means grind more, then grind more.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

There is no explicit mention of the level of weapon in the game. However, when your weapon upgrades via any means, a popup appears saying (Character)'s weapon has become (New Name). If you look under equipment, you will see the current name and a list showing all the bonuses for the weapon. There are two parts to the name which I am sure designate the current levels but I have yet to see a list of what name means what level.

Ahh.. thanks must of missed the messages with all the pressing of <CTRL>. I loaded and older game and I see the name changed.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

I heard if you fail the final debate, you can restart the chapter with everything you have. Is this true and what are the routes? I played 1 playthrough without knowing how to get skills or events.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

I heard if you fail the final debate, you can restart the chapter with everything you have. Is this true and what are the routes? I played 1 playthrough without knowing how to get skills or events.

Please read and/or search thread before asking these kind of questions. It's very annoying to have to repeatedly answer the same questions.

1. Yes (That I have no problem with answering.)

2. The different routes are the different girls and difficulty levels which require a guide. See the OP, page 3 and page 7. (And I had to do YOUR work to answer this question.)
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

Please read and/or search thread before asking these kind of questions. It's very annoying to have to repeatedly answer the same questions.

1. Yes (That I have no problem with answering.)

2. The different routes are the different girls and difficulty levels which require a guide. See the OP, page 3 and page 7. (And I had to do YOUR work to answer this question.)

Sorry for asking, I'll check before I ask next time.
Re: Yumina the Ethereal

save data

clear saves are saves 91 and 96

BTW Anybody has a link to the OST?