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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Patreon won't ask for confirmation, AFAIK, (But I've only worked with monthly subs.)

You can opt-out at any point in time before it charges you and you won't pay anything, for example, if Yummy release the next chapter, and you are paying you'll get charged.

IF you are still unsure I would recommend waiting until he releases a content update and subscribing then, as Patreon (should) let you see the last content update. Try it out and if you don't like it, unsubscribe before the next content update.
With a "per creation" model, at the end of each month, patreon will count the number of updates since the beginning of that month (or the time you signed up), multiply it by the rate, cap the value by the configured monthly limit if needed, and initiate charging.

You see a running total and breakdown of what your month looks like so far linked from your homepage ( , to be precise),
though this doesn't include "per month" stuff or future creations.
If you don't think something on that list is worth your contribution, there's a big red "delete pledge" button you can use to do so, before the end of the month.
It doesn't explicitly ask you for confirmation at the end of the month, though.

There's a few warts in this system:
One, any past creations/activity that is set to "accessible to patreons at tier X or above" are accessible as soon as you promise future contribution.
This means there can be hit-and-run cases where someone signs up, grabs all gated content, and cancels their pledge again immediately.
The only way around this is for creators to manually download the list of successful contributions from last month, and DM those people links or so.
It's a donation platform, not a webshop. It's bad at buying things. It's good at throwing money at the screen.

Two, in theory a creator could go and dump a bazillion creations on the last day of the month, hoping people don't notice or don't cancel pledges in time.
They'll only do so once for an audience, though, and I imagine patreon wouldn't be too thrilled by it either.
Set sane monthly limits, and this wouldn't affect you much anyway.
The worst that can happen is someone runs off with one month's worth, but since that'll instantly piss off all their contributors, and they're looking for regular income, that would be a tremendously stupid thing to do.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

With a "per creation" model, at the end of each month, patreon will count the number of updates since the beginning of that month (or the time you signed up), multiply it by the rate, cap the value by the configured monthly limit if needed, and initiate charging.

I'm fairly new to using Patreon myself as a creator. But, I do want to note that it will count the number of "paid" updates since the beginning of that month. When I upload a "creation," I choose whether it is "paid" or "free." So, I am uploading art and creations as I go along, but only full chapters would count as "paid" updates. Also, as CrazyPerson (who sounds mysteriously sane actually) stated, you can always go and see what you are being charged for.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Just played the demo again. Still brilliant :) I would love for the goblin to show less open lewdlust (the naughty version of bloodlust), and be a bit more secretive about his voyuerism and peeping, so he isn't discovered by her so easily - it just tugs more at my loinstrings (naughty version of heartstrings) when there is an innocent/unawareness to the MC's accidental exposure, but I guess that's a matter of preference. I like slow build ups, with lots of story and background. I'm odd that way :rolleyes:

I recently played Story of Two Swords. The interaction and scenes between the MC (and her equally buxom ally), and the young shota thief they have with them, is really awesome. How he starts out shy and innocent in the face of their oversexed bodies whenever accidents happen and they show a bit more skin than they should, and then slowly turns more and more aggressive, until he can't help but touch (and do increasingly lewd things to them) when they sleep.

Can't wait for your upcoming chapter release. A lack of (english) things to dive into, has me turning to text-based AIF games for that story rich buildup, and I have a feeling that you could help remedy that situation for me :p
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Can't wait for your upcoming chapter release. A lack of (english) things to dive into, has me turning to text-based AIF games for that story rich buildup, and I have a feeling that you could help remedy that situation for me :p

I hope so. I hope this is just the first of many games. If nothing else, I should churn out a few translations as well :).

@SoaringSpirit: Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it! Don't worry, Bogwort settles down a bit. He is just excitable having just met Aylia. Additionally, he was kind of "showing her off" as they went around Zalran. He will always be a perverted bastard, but he may get more sneaky as time goes on :D

@Squark: Thank you so much. I hope you like chapter 1 as well. I'm working on it whenever I find time.

@AngleBoi7: Well, the Eliandre pretty much ruled the world at one point, and grew strong enough to challenge the Gods (and actually kill many of them). I wrote Aylia from that point of view, and she would have some "tsundere'ish" qualities, in my mind. There will be plenty of opportunity though to put your own spin on her story through the choices you make, so maybe that will change some.

Thanks for all the comments and support! The battle system is actually progressing and I have some combat in RPG Maker and actually working! Of course, it errors out whenever I "guard," but hey, no one said it would be easy...
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I hope so. I hope this is just the first of many games. If nothing else, I should churn out a few translations as well :).

@SoaringSpirit: Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it! Don't worry, Bogwort settles down a bit. He is just excitable having just met Aylia. Additionally, he was kind of "showing her off" as they went around Zalran. He will always be a perverted bastard, but he may get more sneaky as time goes on :D

@Squark: Thank you so much. I hope you like chapter 1 as well. I'm working on it whenever I find time.

@AngleBoi7: Well, the Eliandre pretty much ruled the world at one point, and grew strong enough to challenge the Gods (and actually kill many of them). I wrote Aylia from that point of view, and she would have some "tsundere'ish" qualities, in my mind. There will be plenty of opportunity though to put your own spin on her story through the choices you make, so maybe that will change some.

Thanks for all the comments and support! The battle system is actually progressing and I have some combat in RPG Maker and actually working! Of course, it errors out whenever I "guard," but hey, no one said it would be easy...

If you need help/want to for a french version, send me a PM. Otherwise, ignore this and keep on rocking.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I finally played through the prologue and enjoyed it. I only have a couple of questions if I was considering becoming a patron:

1: How many 'major game updates' are you planning? If I pledge 5$, will I end up paying a total of 20$ (4x) or 40$(8x) or more?

2: What's the time frame for the project?

3: If I were to pledge right now, is there cool insider cool stuff for cool insider cool people to see?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

I finally played through the prologue and enjoyed it. I only have a couple of questions if I was considering becoming a patron:

1: How many 'major game updates' are you planning? If I pledge 5$, will I end up paying a total of 20$ (4x) or 40$(8x) or more?

2: What's the time frame for the project?

3: If I were to pledge right now, is there cool insider cool stuff for cool insider cool people to see?

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks. To answer your questions:

1. There are 4 paid updates for Aylia's story (one for chapter 2, 3, 4, & 5). My Patreon page will ALWAYS list how many updates will occur per game, so you will know up front how much you would be contributing if you pledged from the start.

2. I'm aiming for a full release in June or July, I want to release Chapter 1 in the upcoming weeks, Chapter 2 in March, 3 in April, and so on. That is probably too optimistic though, so who knows... That said, you will ONLY be charged when I release a entire chapter, no more. (This release date is assuming I go full time at some point, if not, it will probably be a bit later for sure).

3. Those who contribute get the rewards based on their tier. I make posts regarding my current status on the project, show off some art, etc. I also run polls for game content. For example, last week the first poll ended and the supporters got to choose which mini-event occurred when Aylia and Bogwort arrive at Zalran lake, they also decided whether Triste was a virgin or not. I will be releasing a second content poll in the next few days with three more supporter decisions (should be fun).

I aim for this to be fun, so I try to include you all as much as possible. Three supporters were also recently chosen to be the Zalran bandits. Let me tell you, those are going to be 3 misfits, it's going to be awesome :D
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Thanks, I would have guessed some of those.

But you didn't address my point about Bogwort personality being kinda all over the place.

Didn't know it was a question. I don't see Bogwort's personality as being all over the place. He is a perverted bastard, who likes to drink and thieve his way to glory. :D

He is also a braggart, who is far more talk than action. I disagree that someone with cowardly traits is not vocal. I've seen plenty of people who talk a big game, but run and hide when things go south. That is kind of how Bogwort is, although, the goblin may surprise us all a few times.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Y'know what would be cool? A new Game +, with Aylia retaining her knowledge of the first play through, knowing what happens, and from there could change what she decided on the first time, you know? of course, this may not be possible, but I dunno, seems like a cool idea.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

OK, your demo really hit me hard; it's very well done. Although not so many H stuffs to let me see your 'genes' thought.
So before I would do any payment, I would like to know these few thing first....

1. How 'hardcore' will this be? would these thing be include? (some I like and some I can't really 'get into'). and can I skip them if I don't like them? (not force event or main-story)

X-Scat or golden shower
-NTR (if you count that goblin as the hero)
-Corruption (slut-ification, turn dark-side?)

2. Will it be open-world, semi-open world (need to kill boss/clear certain quest), or linear chapter.

2.1 If I advance to new chapter, will I be able to come back to get previous chapter 'stuffs' ?
2.2 When 'major update come', would you add 'stuffs' in locations /place of 'previous chapter' or place that already exist in the previous version?

3. How long the game will be / would you consider add DLC or extend the game? (more than 5 chapters that said on your Patreon).

Thank you.
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Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Playing the demo left me conflicted. There were things to like, and alot that I did not like in turn. Most of which I will reserve passing judgment on until later on. It would be unfair to even try to evaluate things like combat, which are not in the demo at all as of the time I played it. However I think at least bringing up the bigger issues I see, should offer some insight.

The biggest issue I think that I have is actually the goblin. The humor of the game was ok to good the first time around, but the second time through not so much. I think this being the main "selling point" of the game currently, that the humor needs to have an expiration date of more than one time through. It would be a shame if this game were forgotten on the basis that it was good fun the first time through but no one ever played it through the second time to see other things.

This also brings me to the thing I liked most, the goblin. I think more in the ways that I hope he gets used than in the ways that he currently is used. As I said before the written humor will probably lose its luster after the first few times. Not all humor is simply written words however.

I see this being possibly good, but care needs to be taken to hopefully be good more than just the first time through.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@AngelBoi: Yea, I could see the mentality that Bogwort did not know what Aylia was capable of. That said, the only thing I envisioned being on his mind was, "TITTIES!" Literally, when I write Bogwort, he is not the type of person who gives a lot of thought to the ramifications of his actions. He can be conniving, yes, but when a mostly naked elf falls to the ground before him, his thoughts mainly focus on one thing :p

@Freeko: Thanks for the feedback. Not sure I understand it, you say the biggest problem is "the goblin," and the thing you like the most is "the goblin." Anyways, art and humor are probably the most subjective things there are. I don't expect everyone will like Bogwort's humor, but I thoroughly enjoy writing it. I don't foresee his character changing much, as he is what he is--a goblin horn-dog. As for your feedback that the humor loses its luster the second time through, I don't doubt it. Pretty much ALL humor loses some luster after you've read it. If my outline holds true, the game should change significantly enough for subsequent playthroughs, that this may not matter. Either way, I only play 99% of my games once, so I don't know that replayability in an RPG Maker game is a paramount concern.

OK, your demo really hit me hard; it's very well done. Although not so many H stuffs to let me see your 'genes' thought.
So before I would do any payment, I would like to know these few thing first....

1. How 'hardcore' will this be? would these thing be include? (some I like and some I can't really 'get into'). and can I skip them if I don't like them? (not force event or main-story)

2. Will it be open-world, semi-open world (need to kill boss/clear certain quest), or linear chapter.

2.1 If I advance to new chapter, will I be able to come back to get previous chapter 'stuffs' ?
2.2 When 'major update come', would you add 'stuffs' in locations /place of 'previous chapter' or place that already exist in the previous version?

3. How long the game will be / would you consider add DLC or extend the game? (more than 5 chapters that said on your Patreon).

Thank you.

@NoNameForMe (which paradoxically is your name): Thanks for the comment. To answer your questions:

1. I can't give you a full list of fetishes, as I don't know them all yet. There will be the standard stuff (sex, blowjobs, titjobs, etc.). There will be monsters who can violate Aylia. Corruption will be heavily incorporated into the game (as it is a primary fetish of mine). If funding hits a certain level, there will be slavery (the dark route), and there may be gangbangs. I can tell you there will not be scat or pee stuff, as it does not interest me in the slightest.

2. The world will be semi-open. Once past the prologue, you can wander the Zalran area pretty much freely. Certain people will have quests and certain areas will have mini events. You can choose to pick up the main quest whenever you like. There will be some linear aspects though, and you won't be able to visit the other major cities until certain events happen.

2a & b: When new chapters begin, the time in the game world will advance significantly. New areas will be available to explore, quests will update, the world will change based on your earlier decisions. You can go back and explore old areas, but they will be different now. So, any missed quests or events will simply be missed. You will not be able to get 100% of the content in a single playthrough.

3. I can't tell you the overall length, and I am terrible at estimating how long it takes to play something (as I like to read and explore everything). The game will be 5 chapters long, and it will be done at that point. My second game will take place in this same worldspace, years after the events of this game--so I guess that could be considered kind of DLCish, but it is a new game with new characters. Judging by what I plan for chapter 1, that game will probably have A LOT of events and CGs, it will take me awhile to complete this game. That is a big reason why I am not charging supporters monthly, that way I have no guilt if it takes longer than I anticipate.

(Start the broken record now) You will have a better idea what to expect after I release chapter 1. I only released this prologue to find help with the battle system. I've already made a lot of progress on that front, so mission accomplished. Also, the overwhelmingly positive feedback has been extremely motivating, so thank you all!
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

First of all, I'm terribly sorry for needlessly bumping the thread, but the hype got the best of me.
Yummy-senpai, if I recall correctly, you were mentioning that there was a possibility of Chapter 1 getting released this month; should I get my hopes high, or have you encountered any problems, preventing you from releasing it in the near future?
Once again, I'm really sorry for being THAT impatient -- it's you, who's awesome enough to get all of my attention. Huge kudos for what you've done so far and congratulations on reaching yet another milestone! ~
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

*Checks calendar* Six days until the end of the month! Shit! *Runs off to work*

All joking aside, February is looking more likely. I've made significant progress on the battle scripting front, I have the HUD implemented and working. I've got the battle formula almost nailed down, and have my spreadsheet with enemy HP, skills, etc. ready to go for Chapter 1. I don't unfortunately have the custom stuff done for Bogwort's role in battles. I have two people looking at it, and when it gets done, I'll be able to wrap up Chapter 1.

So, lots of progress, but not ready yet. Personally, I can't wait to get to the stage where my focus is on drawing and writing :D. This scripting stuff is for the birds.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Hello again,

I posted a bit back, but thought I would do a real update for you guys. First, been working on the battle system quite a bit. The Battle HUD is finalized, and I've created all the icons for things like the attack command, sex appeal, etc. I've also got 90% of the prologue/chapter 1 enemies drawn and input into the game. Once I get the custom companion script from the guy helping me, I think the battle stuff will be ready to go.

Second, I've ran two content polls from my Patreon, and I have about a few miscellaneous events to input. Aside from that, I need to finish up 3 side quests and draw about 5 more CGs for the demo. It takes me about 6-8 hours to get a CG done (I know, I'm slow), but I'm hoping I'll be able to get them done in the next two weeks or so. January went by so fast... but, here's to hoping I can get the demo out soon!

Finally, my Patreon hit a major milestone! There will be three rivals now, and I'll be creating Lynne options as soon as I finish up this demo! Exciting. I can't wait to see what kind of character she will be. To commemorate this milestone, Kira wanted to say thanks to everyone who's supported this foolish project of mine, and to all you guys for the motivating words of encouragement. I appreciate the positive reception I've received and have loved the feedback so far. So, thank you!

Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Cool, good to hear that.

And wait, you're saying that you drew the CGs? That's your drawing ability?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Wolflance: No problem, don't feel obligated to support my Patreon. I appreciate the support immensely, but understand that not everyone has cash to throw around. That is completely fine. I'm glad you enjoy the game.

@Ericridge: Yes, it is my artwork. Why?
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

@Wolflance: No problem, don't feel obligated to support my Patreon. I appreciate the support immensely, but understand that not everyone has cash to throw around. That is completely fine. I'm glad you enjoy the game.

@Ericridge: Yes, it is my artwork. Why?

I didn't know that. Good job on producing CGs of this quality. Its good enough to make me remember this game longer than one day. o.o It is good enough to make me think what the hentai content will be like.

Well I don't have anything else to say at this point other than good drawings. xD

And I think with even more practice you might be able to reduce the time it takes you to draw a picture.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

Pretty nice demo here - a shame that the combat is being held up, but at least glad you're not going with the standard RPG-maker fare. Only so many times I can cast Heal II before it starts distracting from the story.

I really want to see bad things happen to Kira, the little skank.
Re: Aylia's Story - English H-Game Goodness!

As SoaringSpirit said, the game is progressing. I now have a working battle system/HUD, and have most of the skills/enemies for chapter 1 in place. I am configuring the symbol encounter script this evening.

Take it with a grain of salt, but my current goal is to finish all events and battle system components this week. After that, I would just have artwork to finish prior to release. There were some late additions and I am tweaking a few things, but I'm aiming to finish that in two weeks. Meaning, I am shooting for a February release of chapter 1. If I miss that deadline, either something came up, or I added more events (which is probably not too terrible of a reason :D)

As I said in my Patreon, I am terribly optimistic, so giving out release dates is probably the most foolish thing I could do. But, what the hell, I'm doing it anyways.

Oh, and thanks for the interest! I'm really glad people are looking forward to this. I hope you enjoy it.