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Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

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Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Again, Zeyra is unable to land a solid hit against the creature although it is still unable to secure either of her arms. Unfortunately, the tentacle in her as is starting to no longer feel painful, but instead a feeling of warm fullness, while the tentacle in her vagina is starting to feel quite pleasent. This combined with the way her little eel friend was reacting in her womb causes her to experience a small orgasm. The resulting rush of pressure and slight air deprivation caused by the strangulation that the other tentacle makes her body gasp slightly which the tentacle on her throat uses as an opportunity to loop up and force itself into her mouth.

(Two things. first: 3 points of non-lethal damage, second: getting eights does not help your character hit the floating jellyfish thing.)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

((That's a round of stun too, right? Also, dear god that's hot, can we make this one last a little longer, pretty please? :3 ))

Zeyra's eyes roll back in her head and her arms go limp as she climaxes, overwhelmed for the moment, though she manages to keep a hold on her weapon. Subconsciously, her hips start to buck in time with the tentacles.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Taking advantage of Zeyra's temporarily stunned form, The creature manages to wrap her shield arm with one of its tentacles, it does miss trapping her weapon arm because of Zerya's bucking motion and the resulting swaying of her arm. Its other tentacles continued their motion inside Zeyra, the one in her ass pressing up against the one in her pussy to increase the sensations in both holes, and the one in her mouth started slowly secreting a sweet fluid as it massaged the inside of her mouth and throat. The creature then, deciding that Zeyra wasn't as threatening anymore, lowers three thin tentacles towards her one of which slips under her improvised skirt to start massaging her clit, while the other two worm there way under her chain shirt to start playing with her nipples.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra moans as she is toyed with, and is forced to swallow some of the fluid in her mouth. Slowly she manages to collect herself, and feebly tries to swing at the tendril that has her other arm pinned.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The only effect swinging her mace seems to have against the creature is to make it unable to grab that arm. In the mean time, Zeyra's pleasure builds as the tentacles move inside of her, the one in her pussy going so far as to fold itself over to increase how thick it feels. Stretching her pussy and ass, the internal massage continues with Zeyra's juices starting to leak as well as some of the beasts own juices starting to seep out of the tentacles and into her body. The tentacle in her throat using its juices to suppress her gag reflex and lubricate its descent as it starts to extend down her throat and partially into her stomach before withdrawing far enough into her mouth so that she can breathe before plunging back in. Zeyra can already feel the building of a second orgasm building in her body as her pleasure mounts.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra tries once more to feebly hit a tentacle with her mace, almost completely overwhelmed by the bolts of pleasure running through her body. The rest of her body is responding to the tentacles fully, as she bucks and squirms under the tendrils' attention, even starting to run her tonque over the one pistoning in her throat.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra manages to land a solid hit on the free tentacle that was going for her weapon arm, but it is too little, and too late. Soon the tentacle in her mouth plunges all the way down to her stomach and she starts to feel it pulsing slightly as it starts erupting large amounts of warm fluid directly into her. Down below she feels a similar reaction as the tentacle in her as starts filling her with its tentacle acting as a plug so the fluid can't escape. In her vagina, Zeyra feels a third rush of sensation as fluid purs into her filling her passage and womb, the volume even causing her to expand slightly. Finally, she feels warm spurts of fluid from the smaller tentacles onto her breasts and the outside of her vagina. All of this flings Zeyra over the edge and her body is engulfed by a massive orgasm. Her mind overwhelmed with pleasure, she blacks out. Later Zeyra would wake still realing slightly with pleasure. The first thing she would notice is an odd dualism in her senses. She felt both the cool air of the cave against the dried fluid on her skin and a warm wetness surrounding her at the same time. She could both see the cave where she had been attacked, and darkness. She could hear both the movement of the nearby water and the loud beating of a heart. While she puzzles over this she also feels copious amounts of liquid flowing out of her ass and vagina into a large puddle around her. The creature may have had its way with her several times even after she fell unconcious. Higher up in the chamber she notices that the vague figures of creatures like the one that attacked her still lurk, although, like before she cast the light spell, they aren't moving.

(8 Corruption Damage looping around to 4/9, Corruption Twist: Nellien Symbiosis. Non-lethal damage set to 0)
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra just sits there and holds her head for a while, trying to make the odd sensations disappear. They don't, but after a while she starts to get used to them. Standing up and wiping what she could off of herself, she continued towards the glow on the other end of the room.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra has the odd double sensation as she walks of both the eel moving in her womb and at the same time feeling herself moving inside a warm wet area. Despite this she eventually reaches the other side of the room to see a reddish glow coming from what might be a Door, however instead of looking like a normal Door, it looks as though something living had grown out of the ground there had simply had the glow inside of it.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra ignores the maybe-door for the moment and focuses on the double sensations, beginning to have an idea what was going on. She began flexing her stomach muscles and prodding herself to see if the second point of view could feel the changes in shape as well. It could, and she made up her mind that she could somehow sense what the eel inside her could as well. Experimentally, she started thinking at it, seeing if she could get some sort of a response.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

As she flexes her stomach muscles, Zeyra does indeed feel the second sensation of the warm wet area around her changing in shape. When she then tries to think at the eel inside of her, the second set of sensations get stronger. As she pokes at herself while thinking at the eel, she finds that, instead of her arm moving, the eel curls to the same side as her arm.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra tests this odd reaction a few more times before stopping. "Huh. Well it seems we're stuck together now, I'll have to come up with a name for you know. But later, now we have to figure out what's up with this strange Door." She says out loud, walking up to the odd growth and prodding it a few times.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

When Zeyra pokes the odd Door, the whole thing wobbles slightly. However, it also withdraws a thin membrane from in front of the glow allowing access. Like other Doors this one had a cascade of energy, although it is red this time. It is simply odd that the Door wasn't acting quite like a door but more like something biological.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra just shrugs and walks through carefully, in case there was a drop on the other side of this one as well.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra steps through the Door and into a warm, moist wind. Looking around she can see the walls pulsing and dripping with fluid. Small red veins run everywhere and everything she can touchy has a spongy flesh like feel. She is standing in a rounded tunnel that leads forward and backward until it hits two places where it looks like the walls have squeezed together.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"This looks... Alive." She says as she walks over to the nearest wall and runs a finger along it, examining the residue on her finger.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The liquid appears to be some sort of transparent mucus keeping the walls from drying or being covered in contaminates. Also, When Zeyra touches the wall, it ripples slightly in response.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

"Definitely alive." She says out loud, before going to the pinches part she was facing when she entered and prodded that, in an attampt to get it to open.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

The 'pinches' don't seem to open at Zeyra's prods, but they do give quite a bit. She could probably easily squeeze herself through if she wanted.
Re: Zeyra's Journey (Shrike7)

Zeyra shrugs then does exactly that, pushing herself through to the next section as carefully as she could.
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