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Re: Zone

I've read comments on swfchan stating how the "Great has fallen" and how Zone's work isn't how it used to be.

They seem to forget projects like Kill La Kill in February and the amount of work that goes into making the effects in Tinker Bell.

I think Zone's doing just fine.

People are just needy, ignorant pricks. They forget the good that they saw just minutes ago and are "what can you do for me now". I think Zone is doing fine too...they are putting out good work.
Re: Zone

Does anyone know if you can get the panties off Zone-tan in the sex simulator without exposing her breasts?

I saw in a pic someone had done it without taking off her stockings or completely removing her dress but I want to try a titless fuck.

Edit: NM got it

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Re: Zone

Screw you for reminding me of that shit. That game is the only time guro would get me off. Spike her limbs to the ground and chainsaw through the bitch!

Honestly it's not even the gameplay that's the problem, but how it's implemented, weird hitboxes for everything, no meters to tell when she's going to be a pain in the ass until she starts, and normal logic with clothing removal is thrown out the window, if I can lift the shirt half-way I would be able to finish goddamnit!
Re: Zone

Screw you for reminding me of that shit. That game is the only time guro would get me off. Spike her limbs to the ground and chainsaw through the bitch!

Honestly it's not even the gameplay that's the problem, but how it's implemented, weird hitboxes for everything, no meters to tell when she's going to be a pain in the ass until she starts, and normal logic with clothing removal is thrown out the window, if I can lift the shirt half-way I would be able to finish goddamnit!

lol...yeah it was a pain in the ass game for sure. Wish it was a bit friendlier and more options. It almost struck me as if it was abandoned before it was completely finished. I wish I knew how to program...I would take that game and add some spice to it.
Re: Zone

New episode of ZTV out
Re: Zone

Looks like they are going back to their roots with that Ghostbusters chick.

Seems cool. Wish they'd finally make Yoruichi dammit.
Re: Zone

A shame most game developers can't put in this much quality into their works
Re: Zone

I've read comments on swfchan stating how the "Great has fallen" and how Zone's work isn't how it used to be.

They seem to forget projects like Kill La Kill in February and the amount of work that goes into making the effects in Tinker Bell.

I think Zone's doing just fine.

I'm not surprised that any variant of 4chan is full of entitled babies, tbh. Remember how they anonymously were giving the people making Breeding Season shit for not making the amount of content they wanted fast enough despite them shamelessly putting in Gamergate's <s>mary sue</s> waifu mascot in the form of a lesbian vampire or whatever?
Re: Zone

You'd judge an entire group of people based off a few examples? That's not exactly exemplary behavior there buddy. Breeding season gets a lot of shit (and it's very much warranted) because the author took donations to add content and then vanished, he's come back later to once again take donations while still not delivering the previously promised content, so people are justifiably upset.

Also take care when you're mentioning GamerGate, it's one of those things most people on the internet actually know nothing about but love to talk about like they know everything, due to the nature of the movement and the people they targeted (journalists of large gaming news outlets, for example) they got a fuck ton of false information spread about them, not to mention countless hanger-ons false-flagging their cause.

So next time mate, before opening your gob about things, do your damn research and check your facts because spreading falsehood as fact is one of the most damnable things a human being can do.
Re: Zone

Zone-tan sex tape by Freako.

Re: Zone

I've read comments on swfchan stating how the "Great has fallen" and how Zone's work isn't how it used to be.

They seem to forget projects like Kill La Kill in February and the amount of work that goes into making the effects in Tinker Bell.

I think Zone's doing just fine.

Mainly because most of Zones old work wasn't a easteregg filled video which is near impossible to rewind/forward to the good parts. not saying i don't enjoy the new works.
Re: Zone

You'd judge an entire group of people based off a few examples? That's not exactly exemplary behavior there buddy. Breeding season gets a lot of shit (and it's very much warranted) because the author took donations to add content and then vanished, he's come back later to once again take donations while still not delivering the previously promised content, so people are justifiably upset.

Also take care when you're mentioning GamerGate, it's one of those things most people on the internet actually know nothing about but love to talk about like they know everything, due to the nature of the movement and the people they targeted (journalists of large gaming news outlets, for example) they got a fuck ton of false information spread about them, not to mention countless hanger-ons false-flagging their cause.

So next time mate, before opening your gob about things, do your damn research and check your facts because spreading falsehood as fact is one of the most damnable things a human being can do.

GamerGate started as a disgruntled ex's revenge against an outspoken feminist, and nothing it's done since's shaken itself free of those ridiculous roots. Just look at who their main targets are: not even journos, but women developers, women youtubers, and a mishmash of other marginalized folks. Its red-headed stripe-sweatered mascot? A *chan reference to a GIF of Piccolo raping Vegeta. Its primary media supporters? *Breitbart journalists*.

Shut the fuck up.
Re: Zone

GamerGate started as a disgruntled ex's revenge against an outspoken feminist

Actually, back then the whole debacle was referred to as the "Quinnspiracy" and sometimes referencing "Five Guys".

GamerGate came into existance, to the best of my knowledge, after several gaming media outlets simultaneously published articles on how "gaming" as a subculture was dead and how writers shouldn't cater to people who self-identified as gamers. If I recall correctly, that dude who played Jayne in Firefly then proposed the hashtag on twitter.

Over time, as it became known that the whole "Quinnspiracy"-thing was largely falsified (not the cheating, but the gaming-relevant stuff), the connection to Zoey Quinn was deemphasized by people using the hashtag, which is where you get the sarcastic "Actually it's about ethics in games journalism" meme from. And then somehow Anita Sarkeesian was pulled in through some magic, as if her harassment hadn't been going on for months or years before that. Although I guess that a lot of the people who react abusively to social criticism of games as a medium were attracted to GG as they felt it lent them some legitimacy.

Just gonna quickly add that I have no vested interest in defending GG or whatever, but that's how I personally remember it going down back in the day.
Re: Zone

Pretty sure Anita got pulled in because she wanted to boost her popularity even more. Something video-game related was happening, and apparently people were being harassed during it, so obviously she had to get stuck in, more mean comments to her means more pity money on patreon, right?

If she actually cared about the messages she'd been sent, then she wouldn't respond to so-call death-threats by informing the social-media before calling the police, then after moving out of her on home "for her own safety" immediately telling everyone which hotel she was staying at.

Anita Sarkisian is incredibly talanted at manipulating public opinion and has worked out how to make a very large amount of money out of it. I detest her as a person, but I have to respect that.

Well, this isn't really the place to talk about gamergate, and I haven't really "taken sides" one way or another, but I've seen several false-flag operations rooted out, and a whole bunch of bullshit on the Anti side of things.

Then again, I play videogames and spend a lot of time on videogame type forums, so the stuff I've seen (even if all true) is probably only half the story.

That said, as someone who plays and enjoys videogames as a hobby, no movement that seems to have "Games are dead and people who play games are all misogynists and women-haters" as a core-belief is going to hold much sway with me.

So... How about that Zone-tan sex-tape?
Re: Zone

Pretty sure Anita got pulled in because she wanted to boost her popularity even more. Something video-game related was happening, and apparently people were being harassed during it, so obviously she had to get stuck in, more mean comments to her means more pity money on patreon, right?

If she actually cared about the messages she'd been sent, then she wouldn't respond to so-call death-threats by informing the social-media before calling the police, then after moving out of her on home "for her own safety" immediately telling everyone which hotel she was staying at.

Anita Sarkisian is incredibly talanted at manipulating public opinion and has worked out how to make a very large amount of money out of it. I detest her as a person, but I have to respect that.

Well, this isn't really the place to talk about gamergate, and I haven't really "taken sides" one way or another, but I've seen several false-flag operations rooted out, and a whole bunch of bullshit on the Anti side of things.

Then again, I play videogames and spend a lot of time on videogame type forums, so the stuff I've seen (even if all true) is probably only half the story.

That said, as someone who plays and enjoys videogames as a hobby, no movement that seems to have "Games are dead and people who play games are all misogynists and women-haters" as a core-belief is going to hold much sway with me.

So... How about that Zone-tan sex-tape?

I hear Mt. Eden's Omen during the titfuck scene, I have no problems with it.
Re: Zone

So... How about that Zone-tan sex-tape?

Indeed. On the day where we are fortunate enough to get a rather lengthy and decently done tribute to Zone-tan, instead of talking about that its nothing but ancient history on a starkly unrelated and silly topic. ::SMH::

Freako (the guy that did the thing) has done some really awesome stuff lately. I love the futa stuff he did previously. The only parts I didn't care for in the Zone-tan sex tape were the lack of creampies and the overuse of object insertions. His animation quality is steadily improving.
Re: Zone

Something video-game related was happening, and apparently people were being harassed during it, so obviously she had to get stuck in, more mean comments to her means more pity money on patreon, right?

I honestly don't get how people who consider themselves "neutral" say things like this in the later half of 2015, especially when you now have an Anti-SJ counterpart in the form of The Sarkeesian Effect. I'm sorry, but that doesn't feel like a neutral attitude to me at all.

However, I'm also legitimately sorry for my shitpost turning this thread into another near-trainwreck due to topics like that being so touchy with legit SJWs and rabid Anti-SJWs ruining the chance to spark legitimate debates.

As for the tribute, it's p legit which is great considering what usually gets squirted out at times as far as flash stuff (that doesn't require downloading exes at least) goes.
Re: Zone

Indeed. On the day where we are fortunate enough to get a rather lengthy and decently done tribute to Zone-tan, instead of talking about that its nothing but ancient history on a starkly unrelated and silly topic. ::SMH::

Freako (the guy that did the thing) has done some really awesome stuff lately. I love the futa stuff he did previously. The only parts I didn't care for in the Zone-tan sex tape were the lack of creampies and the overuse of object insertions. His animation quality is steadily improving.

Agreed. There are also certain parts that seem to have been done by Poyle?