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Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Oddly enough, Luna showed a strange amount of "concern" in comparison to her usual attitude towards possible factors that would hinder the "completion of the mission", in which she would suggest to simply discard the "useless". One would almost say that the girl was "genuinely worried" for the boy, if not for the fact that she was known as a ice cold killer...


"Are thou sure of thy condition?... It would not do for thee to collapse in the middle of a brawl..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph looks at Luna thought the corner of his eye, without turning his head, "What, are you my mother now?" he shook his head, and adjusted the webbing which held his sword, gun, and ammo, "Alright... I suppose you're following me, just don't get in my way, and I'll try to ignore you," he told them, and walked out of the room, back the way they came in.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"...Some fools are truly beyond salvation..."

Although Luna did not directly show her annoyance via facial expression, the manner in which she had placed that comment certainly did, as did her body language. Nonetheless, despite her "complaint", the red-eyed girl was the first to follow the boy out of the room. An unexpected and contradictory action that seemed to imply there was more than one reason for which she was following him...

(Action: Follow Joseph... what else? >.>;;)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

(Bleh, heh, Burning hasn't logged on for a super long-long time, continue?)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

( I guess, go.)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

The three girls, following Joseph, were lead outside, and the boy lead them straight out, back to the middle of the lobby. Before he stopped at the map in the room, he seemed to remember something, and scratched his head for a second...

"It was..." his head lowered, as if having difficulty remembering something, until he gave a start, and placed his finger on the large pool area, apparently where they had their main show...

"Here-" he announced, "that's where that fat ass manager kept the codes to the power generator!" Joseph twisted his mouth a little, as if thinking of what creatures might wish to ensnare them, before turning, unannounced, headed to the North West, past the door they just came from...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily was a little weirded out by what just happened. Thinking about it, though, she realized Joseph must have knowledge about this place. Her curiosity was piqued again at how he would know this stuff. She figured he was just some employee before hell broke loose. Asking him, but not expecting an answer that dosen't involve arrogance or simply avoiding the question, she said,


"How do you know about this place? Did you used to work here or something?"
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph turned on Emily, as if she had somehow insulted the arrogant boy, "Yeah... I used to clean up fish shit, you want me to tell the details?" he said sarcastically, and then pointed into the sickening green water, "Hop in, trust me, it's fun once you get used to it." he told her, before continuing.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily just rolled her eyes at Joseph knowing this would be the type of response she'd get from the guy. She didn't really seem to mind all the conflict that came with having him around but that didn't stop her from being an ass to him herself. Sarcastically she said back to him,


"Sounds like the perfect job for you."

(I wouldn't say she's trying to be mean to him just making a joke at his expense)
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph let out a, 'hmph' at Emily's 'joke,' "Keep talkin' creampuff, and you'll be finding out what's in the water real quick." he glanced at Emily with an idle threat.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]


"If the two of you are done bickering like children...I'd recommend we pick up the pace a bit before some filth manages to find us..."

Stating this in the same toneless voice she constantly employed when she was under her "killer's mask", Luna opted to show her annoyance in regards to the idle chatter by beginning to walk slightly ahead of the group, her blade unhitched and ready to be drawn at any time. To Luna, time spent chatting uselessly was time better spent accomplishing an objective,..
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily ignored Joseph's threat. Also when Luna spoke she tuned her out. Having fun messing with Joseph she turn to face him, widening her eyes, and said in a very overly girly voice that didn't fit her personality at all,


"Oh Jeeze! Thank you so much! No one's ever called me a creampuff before!"

When she was done talking she giggled like a small girl would. Then like nothing happened she faced away from Joseph and started walking faster matching Luna's pace.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph twisted his mouth, "Tch, do you even know what you're doing?" he mentioned at the girls trying to walk ahead of him, "I'm so glad you know exactly where to look, I'll let you go on ahead, while I relax here."

Joseph stopped walking, and decided to lean against a wall, watching the two women trying to walk ahead, in his mind, laughing at the fact that they are supposed to follow him, and they're trying to lead, "Fucking idiots, if they wanna show off so bad, let 'em. Less work I have to do. Unless... Maybe I can lose them entirely...? That'd be handy..."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily felt stupid for getting ahead of herself and taking her joke too far by walking ahead of Joseph. Still even though she felt this way she said to him, still messing with him,


"If you wanted us to follow you so badly you could just tell us."

She then waited for Joseph to cacth up to them and followed his pace alongside him rather then behind not wanting him to charge in alone if they saw any monsters.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Stopping her movement for a moment, Luna makes no movement at all, then... imitates Joseph's action, in that she also backs up against the wall and stops moving, her voice sounding almost provocative.


"...Unlike some, I have no one who is in need of "rescue"... and I am not enough of a charitable person to save someone simply because they are in distress...after all, in this world as it is, those who can not hold their own are only useful as bait, and they are best used in such a manner..."

Whether or not Luna was truly serious or not in her statement that "the weak were only useful as fodder", could not be distinguished given her lack of facial expression and emotion in her speech. However, it probably could be confirmed that Luna was the type that would leave a stranger to die, if not kill them outright should she dislike them, rather than save them should she be left to her whims.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

"If you wanted us to follow you so badly you could just tell us."

Joseph growled, "By all means, go the fuck away!" he gestured with his hands in a dismissing motion, "I have no problem with all of you hitting the road, you've done nothing but get in my way so far anyway, so if the mood takes you, go ahead and hit the fucking road!" he dismissed Emily.

"...Unlike some, I have no one who is in need of "rescue"... and I am not enough of a charitable person to save someone simply because they are in distress...after all, in this world as it is, those who can not hold their own are only useful as bait, and they are best used in such a manner..."

Joseph regarded Luna with a strange expression, "...What the fuck are you talking about, twit?" he insulted her, "And yeah, that's true, that's why I'm slightly entertaining the thought of having you idiots around, they might rape you instead of kill me, which works out great."

He didn't move from his spot, intent on staying put, "Until these retards either hit the road, or fall in line, I don't give a damn which, so long as they make up their fucking mind with what they want to do, rather than whine and bitch like a bunch of idiots just to prove some kind of point, of which, they don't fucking have." he thought to himself.
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Iris was really getting sick of this pointless bickering that kept going back and forth between her three party members. This entire time Iris had kept silent however she really couldn't take this pointless ignorance any longer. It wasn't that Josephs insults that were somewhat directed at her were bothering her, it was that they were all wasting time fighting when they had a job to do. Finally ending her long silence with an annoyed sigh Iris suddenly spoke up in a plain voice with a hint of annoyance. Her words were directed at everyone, although she sort of looked off as she spoke.

" This arguing is pointless. We all have something we need to take care of and shouldn't be wasting time bickering. " Iris looked right at Joesph for a moment and spoke to him directly then, her voice and tone had no change in it. " Joseph, could you please lead the way?"

Iris continued to stand by Luna as she waited for some kind of response, hoping that the ignorance stopped and they all could continue the mission.

Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Emily rolled her eyes at his comment of them only being in his way. Stopping herself from saying something along the lines of him needing help just to get a first aid kit she put out her arms in a gesture that made it look like she was waiting for him to lead the way. Saying to him, while keeping her position,


"Lead the way. Believe it or not I don't want to leave anyone behind that is stuck here."
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Luna, despite being too stubborn to admit that she had made an error, did realize the important of having Joseph lead them to the control codes, even if only to make the mission proceed faster. Making a mock bow to Joseph, her next words dripping with obvious sarcasm, she pretended to concede for the moment...


"Very well then, allow this "twit" to apologize for not knowing her place and acting out of line my lord. This "twit" would be "ever so grateful" if my lord would kindly guide us to our objectives, and make no further comment until then..."

Despite saying this however, her eyes were the ones that told the true story that she wished to convey. Essentially that she would settle this with him in a more secure and secluded place...
Re: Zoo Infiltrating Party [Iris, Emily, Luna]

Joseph put a hand to his face at Luna's sarcasm, "Just shut the hell up, before I bury you in a hole," he said, getting off the wall, and started to walk in a charging way, his shoulders bumping rudely against Iris and Luna's, forcing them to get out of his way. They didn't have much chance to move away, as he just stormed by them, and rudely shoved them out of his way.

After getting past them, he did not regard the three further, he just kept walking down the hall, towards the administration office, he didn't seem to check if the three girls were following him, either...