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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(What strategy? We radio in to the Director, she goes nuts at hearing Joseph and Aya both fled in their respective fashions, then we decide whether it's worth continuing to map the Zoo or not.)

Melissa hugs Mina back, her grip getting stronger and more confident as her head clears.

"Shh, Mina... It's okay... I shouldn't have left you alone to deal with that rat-bastard... I-I guess you beat up that witch-woman? G-good for you... I-I couldn't get through her shield, and then she grabbed me, and held me down, and I couldn't hit her, and she stuck her tentacle in my pants and in me and it hurt and OH GOD..."

She leans forward, burying her face in Mina's shoulder, heedless of Mina's still-stiff penis poking her gut, crying at realizing how she'd been driven into an ecstatic coma.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Um... Jenn isn't going to be happy with Mina. The whole "penis" thing. Going to have to do something about that before Jenn does anything constructive with her.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Hm. Well... we do still have the option of swapping somebody out via helicopter. I could see Jenn going back to the Inn and somebody else (Rin, hint hint Zerospace) replacing her. She's still massively horny (orgasm status Red) and somewhat woozy (mental status Orange), although I think both stats might fix themselves with just a few minutes' rest. Which Melissa would want, too; she's somewhat out of it herself.)

(Alternatively, we could try and talk Jenn into cooperating. It's... certainly possible, given that Mina's not shown much interest in Jenn up to this point, and is probably still "full" enough to still not be interested.)

(Well, let's get through Mina and Melissa making up (again) and then we'll see. Jenn gets to catch her breath, tries not to eavesdrop, and tries to ignore her throbbing loins. :p)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


Mina only continued to cry, holding Melissa while repeating, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." over and over, until she pulled away just far enough so she could place a kiss on Melissa's lips, lasting as long as a smooch, before whispering, "Melissa, I'm so sorry, I'm just... Not human... I'm not..." she insisted.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well, since I don't think she took any stamina damage, Jenn should be back to full in a few minutes... I vote try to convince her that Mina's not a monster like the other futas Jenn saw. Shouldn't be *too* difficult, but it'll have to be done.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Not the right mood fer penis-petting, you know that. :p)

"D-don't say that! You ARE human! You ARE!"

Melissa grips Mina by the shoulders, looking her in the eye, worried and exasperated.

"You like apples! You hate that one band I've got the MP3's of! You worry about how I feel, how others feel, whether you're the cause or not!"

She calms down a little.

"You're more human than that witch-woman that was just here. You think SHE cared about what we thought, felt, wanted?"

(Well, if Jenn's not quite so polite as to be clamping her ears shut, this should help.)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Na, Jenn isn't listening right now...)

After a moment, Jenn decides she's calmed down enough, pulls her change of panties and jeans out of her backpack, and slips into them. Still not really wanting to face Mina, she doesn't yet move back into view.


She seems like a nice girl, but then I find out she has a penis. The other futas I met were working for the goddess and probably don't count as good character references... but then both David and this guy with the pony tail have claimed people like her were trying to rape them. And then Mina apparently tried to rape him. I don't like it.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina looked very ashamed of herself, as if she'd done something to deserve unparalleled guilt, as she started to cry a little more, "Melissa... I love you so much..." Mina throws herself into Melissa, pressing her head to her chest, and squeezing her tightly, nearly sucking the life out of her with her strong grip as she cried hopelessly against her lover...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well... Jenn might not be deliberately listening in, but A) she's not that far away, and B) Melissa and Mina aren't exactly keeping their voices down; I think she'd have to be concentrating pretty hard on herself not to hear them.)

Melissa can and does do little, as Mina crushes her to her chest.

"Ooof. I love you too, Mina..."

She contents herself with trying to hug back, rubbing her back with her hands in as comforting a fashion as she can manage. Eventually, though, she needs to breathe...

"Mmm... Mina... you're... crushing... me..."

Released, she puts a finger to Mina's lips, silencing her gabbled apology.

"Shush... you needed that just as much as I did... it's alright..." and she leans forwards and plants a chaste kiss on her lips. Pulling back, she says with a weak smile, "The rest will have to wait until we get back to the Inn, okay?"

Reality, as always, starts to intrude - this time in the form of Mina's penis, still insistently poking into Melissa's side. "Um... could you please pull your pants up?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(We'll go with concentrating too much to hear until this post)

Jenn collects herself, finally forcing arousal out of her mind enough that she can think about something else. She moves back into sight and silently moves to pick up the clothing that the strange woman stripped off her and place it in her backpack.


Mina hasn't tried to rape me so far, so she probably isn't going to right now. On the other hand, she didn't seem able to contain herself around the guy with the pony tail, she just saw me without my pants on and horny as hell, and I think I saw her staring at Melissa's ass earlier. I can't trust her, at all, but stabbing her probably isn't a productive move either.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina apologized insistently when Melissa begged her to stop squeezing her, and with the promise Melissa said waited for her back at the Inn, Mina gave a bright smile, and her cock even pushed a little more against her, apparently horny thoughts running through her mind, until Melissa pointed out her cock was stiff, and very noticeable. Mina didn't even think of the fact that Jenn might have seen her... Asset, but instead simply did as Melissa told her, and went for her pants, pulling them up over her hard, stiff cock.

The pants themselves didn't seem to help hide the truth, Mina was a little horny after she was almost raped by that... thing, which she wordlessly noted towards Melissa, seeking guidance, or help with this predicament. In her mind, whether or not Jenn actually saw it, she'd definitely know something was not right when she spotted that giant tent in her pants...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Hm. Well, Melissa just said a quick roll in the grass is out. A dip in the pool might do it, but wouldn't be well-received. Well... if this doesn't go off as badly as I fear... two birds with one stone, maybe?)

Mina's wordless look for guidance is hardly needed... but Melissa hugs her a little tighter after she pulls her pants up. Wanting to keep her calm, as she looks up over Mina's shoulder at Jenn, reappearing from around the barrier.

"Um... Jenn? Is something... bothering you?"

(Prediction: Jenn goes "Mina... has a penis." Melissa goes: "Yes." Jenn goes: "Mina... has an insatiable sex drive. For both sexes." Melissa goes: "Sort of." Jenn goes: "Mina... wants to rape me." Melissa goes: "She won't. She won't have sex with you unless you want to have sex with her." Jenn goes: "But she wants to." Melissa goes: "Yeah. But she won't.")
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(I never do what is expected! Unless it's convenient. Stupid post took a long time to do, had to re-write it after I flipped a coin.)

Jenn doesn't look either of the other women in the eye as she speaks.


"I... that woman... she raped me. Can I borrow the radio for a minute? I... I think I need to make a call."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Discovering that the radio is still dangling from its strap, somehow tucked under her backpack, Melissa unslings it and holds it out to Jenn, not moving from where she's hugging Mina.

"Um, sure. Did you... want to go back to the Inn and rest?"

(I'll leave off the sarcastic comments about how she also raped Melissa and (the way I read it) did also rape Mina. Okay, I guess Jenn's going home then. Amirite?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Nope. Well, probably not. Jenn's going clever. :p)

Jenn walks a few yards away from the others, turning the radio over and over in her hands. Finally she turns around to face the other girls, looking hurt.


"Do they know? At the inn? Do they know about.... her?

Is she even a 'her'? I don't know. I've never heard of one restraining themselves long enough to find out the proper pronoun."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Oh, you ASS.)

Melissa's expression darkens as Jenn speaks. Her grip on Mina tightens - stress and anger, this, not trying to comfort or restrain. She opens her mouth, once or twice, only to close it again as she decides against what she had been about to say. Then, finally, precisely...

"No. Mina wanted it kept a secret, so a secret it is." She pauses. "I use 'her'. She doesn't... behave... like a man." Another pause. "She's here, and she has a name - Mina. You haven't been told you can't use it."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Yea, I'm almost certainly not going to tell, but once I thought of that I couldn't make myself give it up. But since it was kinda jerky, I decided to flip a coin... and it came up heads. :p)


"She wants to keep it a secret. That's... a big secret. What about the girls at the inn? What do they want? I know I'd want to know if someone around me had an unnatural penis, what with all the things trying to rape me... including quite a few 'women' who've turned out to have a penis. And three women now who had tentacles they used like penises. Even among humans with penises, I've met more who try to rape me then who don't... and none of the 'real' men have tried yet."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Maybe so. But the way Jenn is going about it... she just pissed Melissa off BAD. She's spent a good part of the week convincing Mina that she's a PERSON, more than the sum of her gonads... and Jenn just tramped right back the other way.)

"So... you'd judge her just based on the fact that she has a spare piece of gristle? 'Rape' doesn't require a penis, you know." She glares for a minute. "What doesn't hurt them, they don't need to know. We aren't inviting you to share our bed. Just trust us to watch your back."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Yea, you're right. It doesn't take a penis to rape someone. Tell me to my face that she wasn't trying to rape our friend with the pony tail."

(I do feel kinda sorry for Mina, right after you convinced her she's a human... but she *does* have a bit of an "uncontrollable lust" issue that she *will* resolve with rape if she gets 'hungry' and there's nobody willing around.)
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Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina, distraught over the arguement over her, breaks away from Melissa, sightly sounding as if she's sobbing, and walks away from the two of them in a hurry, looking to be very upset with something as she does so, placing her hands on her face, and trying to get as far away from them as possible, walking along the sides of the Plaza in an effort to put some distance between them, and her...