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Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Well then what would you rather us do instead?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina looked a little surprised by Jenn's question, and her eyes looked back and forth, as if looking for an answer,

"I... I don't know... I'm just worried..." she said sheepishly.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Well I'm worried as well, but I don't see any better way, and we have to do *something*"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Well, we can't walk all the way from here to the Prison... it's walking distance from the Inn, and it took us an hour to drive from the Inn to here..."

Melissa pauses.

"Can I use the radio for a minute? Thanks, Jenn." She clicks it on. "Hey, Ms. Director? It's Melissa. I don't suppose you can find someone to drive, like, a truck or a van out here? Something we could ALL fit in? Over."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Hmm..." the Director thinks for a moment, "I don't believe we have such vehicles, right off hand, but I suppose I can ask some of the working force if they could find a automobile to suit your needs, and hot wire it. Although, this might take some time.

I trust in your decisions, just make the request, whatever it may be, and I'll oblige to the best of my ability,
" she told Melissa.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa takes a look at the other two, trying to judge their reactions. Finally, she triggers the radio again.

"Well, since there's no way we could walk to the Prison from here, without taking a couple days to do it, we'll need a vehicle. And we're not comfortable splitting up the group, so we need a vehicle large enough to hold us all.

"So... yes, please, ask for someone to hotwire a van or truck which can hold eleven people from here, plus the driver from there, and any guards you see fit to send along. Not necessarily comfortably in seats, mind.

"While they're doing that, we'll take a look around and see if we can get to, like, a service road really easily. Have them wait at the Inn until we've called back, so we can decide where to meet up, OK? Over."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Confirmed... Also, would you have happened to have had contact with the other group that was sent in during your exploration, since our last conversation? I seem to be unable to get in contact with them..." Amy said, her voice actually sounding worried.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Melissa exchanges a worried glance with Mina and Jenn.

"N-No, ma'am. We... haven't had any contact with the other group at all. And before you ask, I-I don't think we'd be up to searching for them, even if we didn't have the rescuees to worry about. The fight with the plant-monster... took a lot out of us. Over."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"The power came back on. That didn't happen on its own."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

The Director sighed, "How bothersome... In any case, a pick up team will be sent shortly, do be careful," she warned the girls.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Well, I guess it's time to go... back across the lake, I guess?"

(Unless someone sees a better way out. :p)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

"Will do. Melissa out."

Having finished with the radio, Melissa stashes it in her backpack, before turning to look at the greenhouse doors.

"Actually, I think there might be a road out beyond that northern door... it'd make sense, they need to be able to bring trucks up to here somehow, and there's no way they'd drive 'em over that bridge."

She gestures at the door which the Mina-clone had left through, raising her voice so everyone can hear.

"So... let's go take a look. Tag along behind us, keep your eyes open, and yell if there's something wrong. Everybody okay with that?"
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"I haven't got any great urge to stay, and that's better then the lake. Lets go."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

The eight futa women nodded uncertainly at Melissa, and followed behind the three girls when they went at a walk through the doors...

On the other side, they found that they were actually in a staff only area, that lead in multiple directions. In the open sky, with a sun that was about to set, right in front of the door they came through, was an exit that seemed to lead to the aquarium, and to the direct left of that, were stairs, that lead up, to some kind of observatory inside the aquarium, likely for the staff members who helped operate the show...

Mina giggled,

"I love dolphins!" but then, she seemed to remember the fate of most monsters, and the fact that they haven't had food for days, and went silent, the happy-go-lucky look on her face disappearing for a while as the thought of the dolphins dieing broke her heart...
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Dammit, Melissa wants to go home and SLEEP. Not pick up the remains of the Infiltration team. :()

"Oh, um, well, dolphins are pretty smart, and we're right next to the ocean... maybe they'd've escaped when things went bad?"

Melissa takes another look around. She's not expecting a highway, but there has to be some way for the zoo staff to move fertilizer and new plants and such from the warehouses earlier - and a path for pickup trucks seems more likely than they'd load it all on wheelbarrows and move it by hand.

(Um, so is there only the three exits to this area? Aquarium, Greenhouse, and Aquarium Observatory?)
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(You are correct, sir.)

Mina sighed,

"I hope you're right..." she said in a gloomy tone.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"I didn't realize it was so late... which way do you think we go? The observation area is the more likely to have a back way out, but we could always just go back through the zoo. I mean, it's almost a straight line once we get out of the aquarium."
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

(Well, where'd Mina-clone get to? She went this way.)

Melissa lets out a sigh.

"Well... I'd say try the observation area first. Less likely to be any animals in it, and we'll be able to see down into the aquarium if it turns out there's no exit from there..."

She trails off. She really doesn't want to find out that that octopus-monster from this morning DOES live in the aquarium.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]

Mina decided to add her own opinion,

"I don't want to go to the observatory... If I see any poor dolphins, turned into monsters or worse... I-I think I'll throw up..." she said as she shivered, "L-let's just go back the way we came," she suggested, and walked a little towards the door that lead to the front of the Aquarium.
Re: Zoo scouting party [Melissa, Jenn, Mina]


"Through the aquarium proper is a pretty sure way, and a straight shot. I guess there could be something there... but there could be monsters anywhere."

Jenn takes a step toward the door to the aquarium.