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OOC and Discussion Thread

Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

*follows Shrike's Dirctions*

Anyway, now that's outta my system, Shall we do GMs based on who gets dibs for the next episode? If so, i call ep. 2
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I'll only take up an episode when no one else can, or will, mostly due to my lack of experience with Firefly/Serenity in general. Although I do plan on taking Shrike's advice and start looking it up...

*Edit* Also, Shrike, you should include the download for the book in the OP of character creation. You gave 'em the sheet, but didn't give 'em the book. :p
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Give me a bit to go through everything before my character is up. Gonna take some time.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hehehe, there are a large number of errors with Avatar's char, too many for someone as lazy as I to point out. Although I will say, attributes cannot be odd numbers, and buying a specialty after getting a skill to 6, starts at 8, and costs two, and then two more to raise the specialty to ten, etc.


Influence = d6 (Costs six points)

Seduction = d10 (Costs 4 points)

Overall points used = 10


Illegal Cargo Transport Expert! - RJ

I giggled at this, heh. I was merely stating Duke's occupation before he became apart of the crew, since I'd much rather we all meet, and form a crew, rather than just start out together, as I think that would drastically improve our roleplay experience, as we'd know how our characters met, which would likely help them build relationships. As well, it's a temporary status, since I'm waiting for the roles to fill. Right now, Duke's looking to be the Socialite (and if that's what he ends up bein' I'm changin' the name of the title, socialite sounds downright weird.), although I can easily change him into the captain as well if no one chooses to fill that position.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

buying a specialty after getting a skill to 6, starts at 8, and costs two, and then two more to raise the specialty to ten, etc.

That's not the way Chibi explained it to me...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Chibi had it mixed up as well, and I think she may still have it mixed up, but I haven't re-checked her sheet in a while. Last I saw it, she still had quite a few points left unspent, mostly in the skill department.

You're better off asking Shrike, or myself about these things. We have the best understanding of it, as both of our sheets are perfectly correct.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Then get your ass on the chat so we can talk about it RJ.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Is it alright if I go ahead and make up a character sheet and whatnot, but not start the game with you all?
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

wait what? From what I saw the d8 also cost 8. *so confused*

Alright, I think I fixed it based on what you said RJ
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Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

I think I fixed it now...
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Well, it’s nice to see someone took my idea and ran with it (would have been nicer if I had been asked first…)

Anyway. I am Heretic Zed, veteran forum role player and lurker of ages. If nobody objects too loudly, I’d like to put my name in for captain of this here ship. I’m going through the rulebook now so hopefully I can have a character up before the end of the day.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Wait what? Your idea? *confused*

anyway, i don't have a problem with it, be my guest.
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Haha XD

Everyone, meet Heretic, the friend I ripped the idea off of. I let them know I had semi started it, and welcomed them to join.

We could use a captain, hop on in :D
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread

Hello Heretic, mein capitan!
Re: OOC and Discussion Thread


I tend to create about a dozen story concepts a week so it's not like I get too attached to them.

That sounds strangely like myself...