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ADV [183] 蟲の姦獄 / Mushi no Kangoku

dude i mean, this creator is unfindable. this is the only game that i know that he did, and seriusly i realy love his arts. i hope for future games or new apdates.
heads up, don't expect this game to get any updates this year

183 is notoriously slow and he said on Enty he'd start working on it again when he's finished his latest CG set
How do I get the original pick? I can't dig iron ore without a pick, I can't make a pick without iron ore.Am I in a loop?
How do I get the original pick? I can't dig iron ore without a pick, I can't make a pick without iron ore.Am I in a loop?
Do a search on the mountains where you can find ore deposits. You have a small chance to find it there.
It's still being updated? I remember playing the early versions years ago. The fly scene is still one of the best I've seen.
It's still being updated? I remember playing the early versions years ago. The fly scene is still one of the best I've seen.

There was an update to 0.71b last 2019. Unfortunately due to changes with the coding, the patch for 0.70 does not work with the latest one. I finished moving the new translations to the newest 0.71b version just now, please take a look at the translation thread.

Also, OP Thread still has 0.71 version, and not 0.71b. Please refer to the original website to get the latest version instead.
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I cannot activate the thing, if i click on the paper with the scenario the screen just goes black, and i cant do anything. How do i fix it?

Also the text isnt chinese or japanese its just some gibberish
Anyone know how to fix the glitch where gathering stops working? Also can someone ask the dev when is update?? :DD
I accidentally found the debug menu once and I can't find it again. We seem to be in great need of one, considering how many bugs are fucking you in this game.

Edit: Found it.
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I can't start, because when I press the Mushi No Kangoku paper, the game sends the following message: This scenario uses background drawing for event scenes. Please, click the gear i can on the lower right corner, and look for a group of 3 scroll bar settings. Move the second scroll bar all the way to the left.
I do what is asked in the description above, but it still doesn't work. After the message, the game is on a black screen. Someone help me?

Another question, how to enable Debug Menu?

I accidentally found the debug menu once and I can't find it again. We seem to be in great need of one, considering how many bugs are fucking you in this game.

Edit: Found it.

could you tell me how to get in Debug Menu?
I can't start, because when I press the Mushi No Kangoku paper, the game sends the following message: This scenario uses background drawing for event scenes. Please, click the gear i can on the lower right corner, and look for a group of 3 scroll bar settings. Move the second scroll bar all the way to the left.
I do what is asked in the description above, but it still doesn't work. After the message, the game is on a black screen. Someone help me?

Another question, how to enable Debug Menu?
Hm, some possible reasons I can think of:
  • The scenario file didn't extract properly, make sure system locale is set to JP or use an emulator. Or try downloading/extracting the scenario file again.
  • Somehow changed another setting which broke something, you can always change that slider once the game actually starts.
  • Accidentally pressed another input or returning from setting screen causes a bug that closes/hides the prompts. Again, just change it once the game is fully set up
Hopefully one of these end up being the solution.
As for debug, the picture guide in the OP tells you which setting to pick in step 2. You have to remake the save file if you're already partially set up. Unless you're using CardWirthPy. In that case, you simply just set it up as normal and press the green pencil in the bottom right to pull up the debug menu.
Reading the comments from 183/Viscaria on his recent Ci-en posts it seems that he will be working on a game soon. I don't know if that means this game or something completely new though.
Is it just me, or is the Bugshroom and Oniku events not working in 0.71b? I cannot seem to get the Bugshroom to work (item uses but does nothing, regardless of lewdness). And I've had plenty of dog encounters but have yet to end up with a dog at home. Also the translation patch doesn't seem to add the Flower and Dragonfly scenes to Recall Events for me either. Not sure what's gone wrong.

Edit: Seems that the only way to get the bugshroom scene is to find one with 4+ lust and 6+ lewdness, which was not what other sources mentioned. Still haven't figured out the dog problem.

Edit 2: Dog seems to require specifically getting raped in combat (low lewdness, failing attempts to resist) a few times, not just sex with dogs in general or getting knocked down while escaping. Mysteries solved I guess? Wish the guides were more up to date, hah.
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Is it just me, or is the Bugshroom and Oniku events not working in 0.71b? I cannot seem to get the Bugshroom to work (item uses but does nothing, regardless of lewdness). And I've had plenty of dog encounters but have yet to end up with a dog at home. Also the translation patch doesn't seem to add the Flower and Dragonfly scenes to Recall Events for me either. Not sure what's gone wrong.

Edit: Seems that the only way to get the bugshroom scene is to find one with 4+ lust and 6+ lewdness, which was not what other sources mentioned. Still haven't figured out the dog problem.

Edit 2: Dog seems to require specifically getting raped in combat (low lewdness, failing attempts to resist) a few times, not just sex with dogs in general or getting knocked down while escaping. Mysteries solved I guess? Wish the guides were more up to date, hah.
I have the same issues with the flower and dragonfly scenes not working. Also, thanks for the tip on how to get the doghouse!

EDIT: You get the doghouse by being raped by parasite beasts 3 times. Lewdness has nothing to do with it. I was lewdness 9 and got the doghouse.
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I've found this gem while browsing exhentai.org (thanks to beimond who uploaded it), and decided to put it here to let more people see it (because I've found it quite... entertaning).
This game is basically about sex with insects, so if you have any kind of insectophobia you'd better stay away... or face your fear in perverted manner.

CardWirth download link:
Module ver 0.71 download link:
Password: 183

Old translation thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/no-mushi-no-kangoku.9471/
New translation thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/183-no-mushi-no-kangoku-v0-70.11745/

Also, I should mention that further development of CardWirth is not stopped, and there are two branches:

Game's page on SeesaaWiki:
Previous gallery link:
Current gallery link:
(you can download module and open it with WinRAR of 7Zip to browse all CGs, if you have no access to exhentai.org)

Content: bestiality (mostly insects - mosquito, slug, larvae, jellyfish, wolf, fly, multiped), consensual sex, in-battle rape (can lead to game over), lust, corruption, seduction, animated, uncensored.

Also, you can open this adventure in CardWirth's built-in adventure editor and freely translate it, or fix some bugs in script, or mod it to some extent.
Also there are some debug panels, which let you modify all game variables (to gain rapid access to animations, for example).

Setup guide in pictures by monomulti:

Setup guide by sanrai (from e-hentai):
Step 0: Install CardWirth 1.50
Step 1: Set your computer to Japanese local. Applocal isn't good enough, sorry.
Step 2: Put the .cab file from the zip in the 'scenario' folder of Cardwirth.
Step 3: Click the options menu in Cardwirth. On the first page on the left hand side set the second slider all the way to the left. On the right choose the "アニメーション無し" option. It's the top one.
Step 4: Make a dummy character from the blank book menu, they don't matter. Run the scenario with them and choose the first option then back out to the inn.
Step 5: A new adventurer has been generated, use just her then run the scenario again.
Detailed setup guide by yaakujrc:

Game guide by sanrai (from e-hentai):
First off, if the bottom choice of any scene isn't to skip to the end, then there is a setting to change. Go to the house. Go downstairs. Pick the adventurer icon then pick it again. The top dialogue option will toggle the skip choice on and off. When actually in scenes, the top option will always repeat the last animation, other bracketed options will go back to a previous animation, the first non bracketed option will advance the scene by one, and some scenes have options to skip ahead.

Now for unlocking all the areas. From the house, going west takes you to the forest. From here, keep exploring until you find the girl, a path north, and a path west. Northward is an empty area, exploring here will find you a dead end further north where you can mine for ores. To the west of the forest is the swamp. Keep exploring, and further west you will find the sewer. This is the end of this path. Back at the house to the north is the beach. Exploring from here will find you the shop to the west and the water front to the north. The shop can be accessed on certain days and nights, not sure which ones, after you find the girl (you have to get raped by roaches to meet her - thanks to Tansoku for discovering that). However, at some point she starts locking her door at night regardless and you can head to the back of the shop further west. On days when the shop was open at night you'll be able to peak in on her getting pumped full of eggs. No CG, sadly.

In the downstairs of he house you can look at some character stats via the files options. The only important one is the top right one. The top number is your lust, how easy it is for enemies to knock you down, is raised by lust attacks, and caps at 6. The second is perversion, it alters certain events, is raised by sex events, and caps at 9. The third is how many times you've used the temptation ring, all that matters is you get a 1 in this to unlock some CG.

At the shop you can buy certain items from the tablet menu option. The only important 2 are the pickax in the second item group, which makes mining easier and can be bought with one lust shard, and the ring, which allows you to seduce enemies while at 3+ perversion and can be bought for 1 lust gem. Lust shards and gems can be obtained by paying 500 sp and using the orb on the shop menu while at 6-9 perversion. This is the only way to reset your perversion.

Now, for what you all REALLY want, how to unlock all the CGs! First up is roaches. Found in the forest the first one is for mid combat sex at low perversion, the second one is for at high perversion, and I'm pretty sure the third is for losing and getting a game over. Not entirely sure, I got them all without trying. Next are the jellyfish. Nothing complicated here, just get mid combat sexxed and lose and you should be good. Wolves are tricky. Their first 2 cgs require you seduce them with the ring. The third cg requires you run away from combat, get pushed down and marked, run away again, successfully this time, and then meet the dog at your house at the end of the day, setting him up a kennel. Flies, just get mid combat sexxed and lose to them and you should get the CG. They are found in the sewers. The mosquito will set up shop in your house at some point and start messing with you at night. This unlocks both CGs. Slugs are weird, but I got both CGs from getting combat sexxed, losing, then combat sexxed again. They are also in the sewers. The leeches are in the marsh. They auto down you if you don't have any of the powder item from home. At low perversion they have one CG, at high perversion you can choose a second one. For the MISC. CGs in the last menu, the butt you get for using the ring and the plant is a mushroom you can find in the forest and use at high perversion.

And I think that's it. Sadly, actual pregnancy is unimplemented at this point.
Why is mine literally just a bunch of weird ass code?