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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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"The heart is the most precious thing to a living being. It is the center of the soul. It beats in tune with the organ of the same name. And it holds the memories of everything you care for, either with love, or hatred. Cherish your precious heart, Kala. Don't ever let anyone take it away from you."

Those words, which echoed in Kala's mind even after her humanity was lost, became the most important words of her life. On that day, the day when Kala had died to the world, no matter how much of her body had been warped, and corrupted, there was one thing the hands of darkness could not touch. The light that burned through her soul.

Her most precious heart. A crystal shaped jewel, amidst a mass of shapeless slime.

Floating in a black abyss, Kala's existence was swallowed by the maw of Hell. Wrapped in the embrace of darkness, her very soul felt like it was breaking apart. Digested. There was no escaping it. It was all around her. Her life was draining from her, fueling the evil's power. It very well seemed like not only would she die, but her very existence would disappear completely. Her slow approaching end was nearing her every moment, with every fragment of her soul that left her. Until...

A strange moment. The taste of the darkness around her slipped into her lips. It tasted bitter, and wretched, but in desperation, without any logical mind to make decisions, her basic instinct took over, and began to eat the soul, which had been eating her. It quickly became delicious, and sweet. She had no idea whether some of the soul she was absorbing used to be her own, but there was no time to think. Rather than be broken apart, and lose her precious heart to the evil around her only soul, she had to take the darkness inside.

Each mouthful she took, began to form a shell around her crystal heart. She felt her power coming back to her, and more, she felt the power of the succubus magic making her even more powerful than before. The predator had become the prey. Kala found herself feeding on the succubus magic, instead of it, feeding on her. It was all to protect her heart, her most precious heart. Even if she had to become a monster, her heart was more important than anything else. It was pure survival instinct. Nothing else.

The slime that had been Kala, gathered around a single crystal lying on the ground. It moved, and pulsated with life. The purple hue turned to blue on the crystal's command. Instead of it's acidic touch dissolving her soul, it hardened, and became a protective shell. This slime was no longer meaningless goo. It had a name.

Kala... Her name is Kala.

However, she didn't feel like Kala at all. Her current form was no different than a lie. She had been broken down. And it was time to rebuild herself.

A human form rose from the slime, the blue goo remembering the shape that surrounded the heart it surrounded, and protected. It continued to shape, and form Kala. And each moment that passed, she felt more and more like the real Kala.

But, feeling was only one thing. She could not see. And that was when her eyes opened. A pair of white, piercing eyes. Ears followed. A small, ringing noise in her ears, the sound of silence, the absolute lack of sound.

Her form was complete. Kala, was reborn.


Chapter 1: Precious Heart

Her feet were submerged in shallow water, up to her ankles. All around her, was a circular perimeter of plain stone, it's height only just extending over the base of the water. Behind her, water silently flowed from the statue of an angle holding a pitcher, pouring the life giving water into the pool Kala stood in. She could hear, that much she knew, as her slightest movement drew aquatic noises from around her feet. But still, the water from the angel's pitcher made no noise at all.

There was only the fountain. Everything else beyond the edge of the stone, was pure darkness. It seemed like a fountain in the middle of starless space. Just being there made it seem that Kala's survival of her ordeal was all just a dream.

However, a voice came. Whispering from the void that surrounded her.

"Good morning... Kala," whispered a calm, serene voice. "I'm happy to see you're finally alright..." the feminine voice told her with genuine care.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Startled, but less so because the voice was so soothing, Kala looked about her into the endless space, wondering who was speaking to her and where the voice had come from.


Kala made and effort to speak, but though her form had given her a human shape, there was no air moving through her voice box anymore, at least not in the manner that she had taken for granted in her life - or previous life, rather.

Kala concentrated on her inner form and pushing air through it in a way that made noise properly.

"Hhheheerrrrellloo? hhheeello? whhooo ahh oo?"

The words were far from perfect, but Kala was comforted that she still could make distinct sounds. With not much practice, she might be back to her old self... well at least sounding like herself.

Kala gazed down sadly at her new form. It had not been a dream - or she was still caught up in it. Nightmare would have been a better word. She held out her translucent blue hands and arms in front of her, an saw droplets of her own substance fall and drip into the pool below only to collect and become one with her again. Most unnerving was the sensation of feeling the drop fall through the air as though it were still a part of her, connected in some way.

She felt a radiance coming from within her and looked through her chest to stare in wonder at the glowing jewel, her precious heart, nestled in the core of her transformed body.

She would have wept then in that moment if she could have, but the voice, when it answered, would call her back to the present, in this timeless place, her fountain outside of the world.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Through the silence of the void around her, Kala would not hear the voice for a time, as she thought to herself about her condition, her woes, and even whether or not what she was experiencing was a dream. Unexpectedly, she heard the voice rouse again, speaking to her clearly, as if the wait had only lasted a short moment.

"I am someone whom you've never met. I brought you here, and helped you to recover, while your body was transformed. Your crystal heart is my doing. It is your true heart. Even though you've lost your body, and have become what you are now, I've granted you a chance to avoid the fate of most who suffer what you have suffered." she told Kala calmly, her serene voice echoing through the world almost made it seem like she was the goddess who ruled over this place.

"It may be too much to ask of you, but I must ask of your help. I could not stop fate's actions with your body, but your soul is something more special than the flesh you carried with you. If this existence is too much to bear, I will grant you peace. But I implore you to hear my plea. If this world is to see a time where victims such as yourself are no longer attacked, and are not robbed of their humanity, we must work together."

Preaching to Kala, the voice seemed passionate about her objective. And, at the base of the water, Kala knew that if she sank into the seemingly bottomless depths, she'd be granted the peace of death. It was only reasonable. After something so traumatic, who would want to live as a mamono? But, at the same time, the voice asked of her help, for a task she was yet to know. Based on her words however, it was doubtful that she desired anything ill-natured...
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala thought morbidly about her situation, and considered the cold finality of what would happen if she allowed herself to sink downwards, to ignore this voice's plea and drown herself in oblivion. Looking down at the radiance of her crystal heart however, quickly she dismissed such thoughts. Her soul was burning bright, and to destroy such a thing when it could still do some good was not an option in Kala's mind.

The voice sounded genuine, and she had no reason to doubt it.

"Whhhaa tt, wooed you ave me doooo? Kala answered, making subtle alterations to her speech. She would have it down soon, she was certain. "Nnn.. who... are you?"
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Her crystal heart shining above the pool, Kala would realize that the water was a representation of the River Styx. A path to the land of the dead. A portal to a land representing the finality of death, the utter end of existence. Discreetly, Kala could hear the land below calling her. It promised an escape. Without words, she felt in her heart that rather than wishing to gain something from her demise, it gave her the option to let her existence end. Ahead, in the eyes of the stone holding the water pot, Kala could see more hardships ahead. The voice around her speaking to her, beckoning her to rise, despite her inhuman form, to assist those who would see her as a monster.

No satisfaction, or peaceful nirvana was promised. Only a plea for help.

"It is a cruel fate, that I ask you to endure. The slime from your body runs like tears along your figure. Please do not think highly of me, for I feel as wretched as those who rendered you in this form. You have suffered more than I, you have suffered more than those I'd ask you to save. At times, you may believe that they are not worth saving. You may believe that some are better suited to being your food, the slave of a mamono."

"Before I give you the answers you ask of me, I must tell you of matters far more important. My name, my plea to you, pales in comparison to the hardships of answering my prayer to you. You, one who holds her heart in pure crystal, without the stain of evil, must face those who's hearts wield the color of obsidian. Dark, and evil. However, despite this, you were never destined to be our savior. Fate, as it has deemed, has given you the power of choice. You stand as one of many, those who have been chosen by fate, to decide the outcome of this world. Whether everyone suffers, lives in a paradise of peace, or beckons to you as their ruler... You have been given choice."

The voice suddenly went silent. The echos from her words leaving a silent ringing in Kala's ears.

Suddenly, the intense color of blue in the water around Kala began to move, and pull along the base of the water in a thousand strands, waving like hair along the water. Each of the uncountable strands gathered towards the only figure in the void; the statue.

The blue hue of the strands gathered around the statue's body, giving it the color of blue flesh. Several thick strands gathered in curls around certain parts of her body, giving her outward appearance a symmetric, artistic flare. Reaching up to her eyes, an emerald glow shined from her pupils. The water flowing from the water pot suddenly lifted on it's own, a sight thought impossible, and began to orbit around the woman's body. Upon closer inspection, the woman's body was see through... Just like Kala's.

"My name... Is Undine..." she introduced herself before Kala, their see through shapes facing each other over the water.

Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

"Ah?" Kala was bewildered and fearful of the words the voice had spoken. Instead of the peace of oblivion, it offered hardship without guarantee of reward. It offered enemies and pain and... loneliness. It seemed to not be offering much at all, and the land of the dead beckoned her. What was this choice? What prayer needed to be answered? Why was Kala chosen? Why was she trapped in this body of slime?

Gooey blue tears trickled down Kala's cheeks, dripping off her face and reforming with her body on her chest where they splattered.

Then the water began to move and a figure appeared from the statue before her, a transparent figure of beauty, whose form reminded Kala slightly of her own, though it was clearly of a different substance, and the woman was prettier by far, she thought.

"Are - are you a Goddess, Undine?" she asked when the figure had formed fully in front of her. Her voice box had adjusted itself to her liking now. She just had to speak slow. "If you are, nnn if you ask me... I will... choose to answer your prayer. Though I do not know what I must do or how I shall do it, in this form..." she raised her dripping hands, palms upwards to the goddess. "I will fight against evil."
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Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Undine nodded to Kala's question, "I govern the element of water. So, yes, in a way, I am the Goddess of Water. I was able to help you, only after you assumed this new shape, because I could communicate with your body, and help ease it's passing into the world of monsters. As well, I prevented you from becoming mindless, and savage. With my pure water, I pushed away all of the foul pollution threatening to stain your soul, in the hopes that you could continue your quest to aid those in need, and ensure that the world remains pure."

"Take my hand, Kala." Undine requested of her, extending her liquid hand. "I will bring you out of this realm, between the state of life and death, and to the surface of life. There, I will teach you how to make your soul shine on the path of sanctuary, and peace."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala did not know what else to say, but Undine's words felt so true and her visage was so kind and divine, that she could not refuse her. Extending her hand to the Goddess Undine, Kala rose out of the pool between life and death. Kala looked upon Undine's beauty and somewhere deep inside of her heart she found her hope, a small pinpoint of light that once found, blossomed into a healthy glow that filled the diamond inside her with a warming radiance.

"Yes," Kala said. "I wish to go. I wish to learn."

Her hand clasped the cool purity of the Goddess, and she felt the divine essence wash over her. The touch was familiar, and she knew that Undine must indeed have been the one to purify her corrupted form. Cleansed by the waters of Undine. Resurrected in her image. Kala found peace in that as she floated upwards with her newly discovered Deity.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

When Kala's hand touched Undine's, and their fingers clasped each other's hands, the waters from the fountain around them suddenly rose in a perfect circle along the water's edge. Feeling a sense of uplifting wind, the empty pillar of water, with the two liquid women inside, slowly lifted them into the air. From the depths of this purgatory, Undine did not let go of Kala's hand, as if ensuring that she would not be lost, or fall from the pillar. Her guide, slowly floating above Kala on the uplifting wind, Kala would see, through Undine's body, the pillar reach the top of the seemingly endless void. A light marked the end of the pillar, and glowed bright within the oppressive darkness.

Getting closer, the light shined so bright, Kala could no longer see anything. Blinded, she felt a sudden intake of air into the pocket she used as a lung to speak. The blinding light fading, Kala would find that the light was not as bright as it had seemed, but where she was, happened to be very dark. Around her, she was within a pool almost exactly similar to the pool in the realm between life and death. Within a large room that resembled a huge cathedral, various statues of aquatic, holy figures of women who resembled Undine greatly were all around her.

Under where she stood, waist deep in the water, an incomplete symbol she couldn't recognize was under her. It seemed as if part of the design of the small pool of water, until Kala's movements shifted the water, and the shape nearly vanished. Looking back up, investigating the cause, Kala would see that the light from a window above held the design. Made with blue sapphire, three crescent shapes touching, and facing away from each other, cast a blue ray down upon Kala, and into the water, depicting the shape in the bottom of the pool as if it were made into the design itself.

Asides from being just a reflection, Kala could feel a strange magic from the symbol, as she felt something similar when she rose in the pillar, to this temple of water.

In front of her, Undine rose slowly from the water, without causing any ripples in it at all, as if she were one with the water. Looking at Kala, Undine directed her hands at the water they were in. "This is the water which I brought your heart to. That crystal." she directed at Kala's crystal heart. The capsule for her soul. "I cast your heart into this pool of water, when the sun was directly above. With the magic of the crystal above us at it's peak," she mentioned the symbol above them, "the corrupt magic infecting you was evaporated from your heart, allowing you to retake your power, as well as a great deal of power from the crystal."

Undine turned, and walked to the stairs behind her, leading out of the water. But to Kala, she simply seemed to glide along the water, until she truly did appear to walk as the rest of her figure appeared out of the water. With Kala's figure, pure, and uncorrupted, she felt she could manifest her body completely as she was doing. Compressing her slime into the shape of a naked human woman, Kala would find the power to walk, and stand over the other creatures of slime who's minds are lost. And most importantly, over the creature who transformed her this way. And perhaps from this, she would feel a sense of triumph over the monster.

Looking back to her, standing on the stairs, Undine addressed Kala, waiting for Kala to gather strength to her body, and follow her, "Come, Kala," she called to her, "I'd like to show you something very important."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

A shimmer of excitement and apprehension rippled through Kala as her hand clasped the goddess' own. This Undine was beautiful, calm, full of grace, her savior and her world at this moment in time. Were it not for her, Kala might never have agreed to returning to the world in such a state. From Undine came a wave built of hope and purpose, and as the two of them ascended to the light, so too did Kala's spirit rise within her.

She took her first breath, then her second. How odd yet familiar it felt to her. Sight returned to her as the brightness faded to reveal an ancient holy place, a temple site devoted to Undine, her new patroness. The symbol of Undine glowed down upon the pool she arose from, and Kala - her memory still filled with the knowledge of magic - felt the mystic essence housed within it.

Undine spoke to her then, and the sound of her voice was clear and unwavering, and she told her of the method she had used to resurrect her. It had a reassuring effect on Kala, who nodded slowly as she took the knowledge in. It helped to form her identity. She was a unique thing - a woman now freed of her body and inhabiting a more primordial form - yet still a woman, and most importantly, a pure creature, free of the corruption that had slain her. She had been purified in the waters of her goddess, and knowing that, she felt no more fear about her identity. She knew what she was, and no longer felt shame. Who could be shamed, knowing they were handled and made pure by Undine? In a way, she was in Undine's image - yes, she was not simply a slime.

She saw Undine take on a human form and Kala believed.

In mimicking her Goddess, she formed her own figure, remembering the details of her old body and creating its duplicate with her own mass, condensing and solidifying every last drop until she was a blue version of her old self. She even felt her body and sensed that though she was slick to the touch, she was perfectly solid if she kept up just a whim of concentration.

Undine spoke again, asking her to follow closely for she had something important to show her. Kala hurried to heed the call, and said back to her, "Yes, I am with you, Undine."

She followed closely, padding behind the goddess on humanoid feet.
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Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Undine rose past each step, until she reached the top, and traveled out of the ritualistic dome that housed Kala's soul, and purified it. Upon leaving it, Kala would find herself within the temple grounds, a grand hollow in the earth, with countless waterfalls seen no matter where one looked. A single split in the earth's crust above allowed the sun's light to shine on the temple grounds, appearing as if a mighty blade had split it, giving the temple light.

Many other various works of masonry were in the distance, making Undine's grand temple grounds appear as if it were it's own city. And given that Kala could see many figures of different races, girls with octopus legs, and green skinned kappas, majestic mermaids, and even a sea bishop hosting a group prayer, calling it a city may not be such a false statement.

The layout of Undine's holy grounds was complex, and would be difficult for someone such as a human to navigate, as the various constructions, and idols of Undine's worship were placed upon unsorted platforms, either sticking out from the walls of the underground hollow, or upon flats of land, just over the water's surface below. Every so often, from one of these platforms, Kala could see an aquatic Mamono diving into the water from the platform's edge, adding to the never ending sounds of water through the hollow in the earth.

"This place has not seen a human for a very long time." she told Kala. "Rather than a place where our kind can come to rest with their loved ones, this place is a sanctuary for those who wish to seek refuge from the human world for a time. Unlike the chaos that constantly ensues between Mamono and humans, this place offers unending peace, and safety. This is why few of it's visitors stay for very long. Many venture forth, once they feel they're ready, and seek a mate."

Undine turns to Kala from where they stood, on a balcony just over a massive waterfall, and smiles at her, the rings of water floating around her never once losing their harmony. "The same fate awaits you. Without love, we, as a species, cannot exist. Even the most wretched, and most evil of Mamono, eagerly seek love in their own ways. Though I say that the world needs you, Kala, do not forget to love. Though it is cruel to say, our love is not often mutual. We have only so many ways to express our love, and impatience is natural. Know, that by loving a human without a mutual expression of emotion, should not deter you. The body's of human men are strong, but their hearts are often frail, and soft. Showing your love to them, most often, will cause them to feel the same for you." she tells her, as if taking the role of Kala's instructor, teaching a newborn what to do with her new life.

"Without love, your body will fade." Undine tells Kala sadly. "Truly, sadness and depression can kill us, such that a Mamono who has never known love, often dies of sheer loneliness. Though your quest is an important one, do not forget your heart."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala knew from her memories that she should feel shocked at the instruction she was receiving from Undine. To express and take love from another without mutual feelings being present was a violent concept to humans. Yet, she was no longer human, was she? She was something else. She was a Mamono, a monster girl, and she would exist now in a different state than her human self. Yet she had those human memories to draw upon.... maybe in a way it would make some things easier. Certainly she was unique, and in the presence of Undine, her ressurector, she could not believe otherwise that she was beautiful in her new state.

She looked upon the sanctuary for the other water-based Mamono. They might have given her reason to fear when she was just a human woman, but now she looked upon them as cousins. They were Undine's children, just as she was. A distant love for them trickled through her, and her slimegirl's mouth curved into a fond smile.

"I will love," she said to Undine. "I will love often and I will love with care... Oh Undine, my beloved Goddess... what am I to do? What is my quest? What shall you expect of me?"

Kala's heart glowed within her, and she felt appreciation for being returned to the world of life. She would live again, and she would love again, and if the fate's willed it, she would triumph over the evil and chaos in this world.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Undine nodded slowly, "I am very to hear you say that," she tells Kala with a pleasant tone to match her meaning. "Naturally, those who suffer your fate lose themselves to the succubus magic that corrupts them. Even though the real woman still resides in the corrupted heart, they are polluted, and drugged into doing things they would never have thought to do, seeking love, even if it means causing harm. They are-"

Undine suddenly gasps, as the earth around them trembles. Screams of shock were heard from various places of the temple as the earthquake took place. "Spirits, what was that?" Undine asked with a troubled calm.

From overhead, the large crack in the earth, a large shadow suddenly covered most of the temple in darkness, as the sound of an oddly familiar machine, somehow reminding Kala of something, was heard overhead...

"Target found," came a female voice over the radio as the carrier flew over the large crack in the earth, just within the jungle.

"It's her, she's still alive," replied a male voice.

In the dock, where various armored soldiers were hustling into large golems, and leaping into their cockpits, a loud, commanding voice, belonging to a mature woman was heard. "You have your orders, rescue, or terminate."

"I see squids," a man announced from inside of his golem.

"Great, I hate squids," the woman to his right responded.

"I've got visual on the target," a man shouted from across the pitch black docking station at the underside of the ship. "... It looks like our mission is to terminate, she's beyond saving now..." Grimly, he and the rest of the pilots shared similar feelings at the sight of the clear blue slime, with a single crystal in her body.

Undine's eyes widened, as the bottom side of the large object in the sky suddenly began to open. "It's them...!" she announced with fear. Running up to the edge of the purification temple that Kala came from, Undine suddenly shouted as loud as she could, to the rest of her temple, "The Magi are here! Everyone, please leave immediately!"

Turning around, Undine regarded Kala with an urgent look. "I apologize, Kala. I thought I had more time. But it seems one's past is something that quickly catches up with you. Let us retreat to the water, where we are stronger. They will undoubtedly pursue us for great lengths."

With that said, Undine turned about, just as several enormous figures fell from the ship above, golems made seemingly out of nothing but black steel, with tough looking, large bodies, stable, flat feet, and overpowering hands that looked as if they could flatten either Undine or Kala in one strike. They landed on the varies platforms of Undine's temple, crushing statues beneath their heavy feet, and destroying the masonry of her sanctuary, as the various inhabitants fled from the arrival of the animated monsters.

"Hurry!" Undine exclaimed, before leaping off of the edge, diving into the water below.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

The Magi... vague memories of her old life began to snap back into place for just a fraction of a second before scattering again in the urgency of the moment. The steel behemoths that caused such concern in Undine and made all of these wonderful creatures scatter for their lives had crashed down amongst them now. No... the Magi had it all wrong! There was no need to harm this temple!

Oh this was terrible! And from Undine's words and the own disquieting fragments of Kala's memory, she had the horrid feeling that she might be the cause of all this danger. She pumped her humanoid legs quickly as she could, urging herself to hurry toward the edge of the water. She wobbled and teetered dangerously after the first step, having not yet prepared her 'muscles' for an all out sprint. She adapted quickly though, hardening her legs into stilt-like density and shape and letting the momentum carry her forward.

At the last moment before the steel golems closed in, she pushed herself away from the floor, leaping into the air and in doing so returning to nigh-liquid shape, diving into the water at high speed and bulleting through the current as fast as she could will it.

She quickly discovered that movement through the water was more natural to her form, and she could disperse through the undercurrents as necessary to maintain a swift speed. She located Undine through the depths and followed her wherever she would take her. Undine was her hope, she must stay with her or be lost and easy prey for the Magi.

What are they doing? Why now when I'm so uncertain?
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Swimming through the large body of water, Undine headed downwards, towards a small tunnel system. With signs of light on the other side, it was apparent that it was it's own kind of entrance. Or in this case, an escape route. Hearing sounds of splashing coming from behind, it became apparent that the humans had abandoned their golems when it was clear the entire temple was fleeing, and switched into swimming gear to give chase to the fleeing monsters. Most importantly among them, Kala herself.

From behind, Kala could sense a magical presence behind her. The Magi soldiers, with odd masks over their face, seemed to be giving power to the masks that covered their noses and mouths. Following Kala and Undine as they swam to the underground tunnel, those masks, powered by magic, seemed to allow them to breathe underwater.

With odd devices on their backs, almost like a fan, they quickly began speeding quickly towards Kala and Undine. One of them raised a harpoon gun, seeming to aim it at Kala. Closing one eye, his sights slowly began lining up with her crystal heart.

Quickly, Undine spun around in the middle of swimming, before holding both her hands out, sending a sudden wave, almost like a whirl pool in the middle of the water towards the two humans chasing them, a man and a woman. Caught by surprise, the two Magi dressed in black, skin tight suits suddenly began swirling through the water rapidly, shaking their senses as they were spun around, seemingly non-stop. Undine seemed to possess a great deal of power, when in her own territory.

"Keep going!" Undine rushed Kala, motioning back to swimming rapidly through the water. Proceeding through the dark tunnel, dimly lit by the sunlight from the other side, Kala and Undine swam through, until they suddenly emerged into the open sea. To stay in such a place, and not worry about oxygen, Kala's first experience in such an alien, and beautiful land was definitely on a grand scale. However, the joyous sight would suddenly be cut short.

All of the light that shined on the rich landscape of the ocean floor, would suddenly be eclipsed by the Magi ship above. Suddenly dropping from above, another golem creature, seemingly designed for movement underwater, splashed into the ocean in front of the two Mamono women.

"I found you, Kala..." a man's voice announced with a disheartened tone from the solid, fat animation of material. "I'm sorry you had to suffer this. But I'm here to save you from being a monster..." he announced, his voice distorted by the water as he spoke as if ending Kala's life was doing her a mercy, saving her in some way.

The golem suddenly lifted it's arm, raising it's palm, which directed itself at Kala. A mass of bubbles suddenly released from the wrist, as the palm quickly came speeding towards Kala, fingers curling, as if about to crush Kala's crystal, and release her soul.

With a moment to spare, suddenly the hand dropped, losing it's momentum, and slowly floating down to crash into the dusty ocean floor. Able to see the golem once more, a large boulder was seen, crashing into the shape, directed by a whirlpool from Undine. The man inside was heard exclaiming in shock as his machine tipped over, and slammed on it's side. On the front, a plate that seemed to cover and protect where the pilot stayed, suddenly broke off. A mass of bubbles floated up towards the sky, as the man inside was seen, desperately struggling with straps that held him down. A look of panic was on his face, his hands working frantically at the bindings to free himself, and seek oxygen.

Undine suddenly called Kala's attention over, as the shadow above from the ship slowly began to move, seeming to be leaving. "Kala, we must hurry!" she urged the slime girl, turning without another word, and swimming away from the ship, even as it left. And, uncovered by the shadow, the shape of the immobile golem came into view. It's pilot, unmoving, trapped inside of it. Drowning.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Kala had been unaware just how close to oblivion she had been with the harpoon gun training itself upon her crystal heart. Her malleable form spun around to see Undine's handiwork just as the amazing currents ripped through the water to bedazzle, disorient, and toss the pursuing man and woman away. Truly Undine was a master over the underwater domain. But even these uses of power must be draining, otherwise there would be no need to flee further.

She trusted in Undine's orders and knew from vague memories that the Magi had more than their fair share of tricks up their sleeves. She had been one of them, afterall. She knew that. Yet her memories refused to stabilize. Names would not come, faces were there one moment and gone the next. Every recognition was a reflex, a muscle memory - only the muscle was her spirit, encapsulated in now in her heart.

She kept going, forming the back of her body into an undulating tail that would propel her at amazing speed through the slipstream in the tunnel and out into the ocean proper. What a sight it was, and what a shame that it was spoiled so suddenly.

"I found you, Kala..."

That man's voice. It seemed so familiar. Memory was there and then it wasn't, like white noise over a radiowave catching the barest of words from a nearby signal for just a moment before reverting back to unintelligible nonsense. There was something there, a memory just beyond that would come if only she could somehow tune herself properly to its wavelength.

What had he just said? Save me? But he was wrong, poor man... Kala had already been saved, he just didn't understand that. She saw the raised fist, and knew then that she must be destroyed. Oblivion it seemed would find her anyways. It was such a shame... just as she had rejoined the wonder of life. It made this fragile glimpse of the ocean world seem all the more poignant.

She heard the crash resound through the water, a dulled thud. She looked to see the machine teeter over onto its side, indented by the boulder flung by her guardian underwater angel, Undine. The man inside, that man whose voice had been in her memory, he was trapped and panicking. So far underwater... there was no way he'd be able to rise to the top, if lack of oxygen did not kill him, then the rapid change in water pressure would burst his lungs.

Was his voice to be lost from her memory forever? He seemed to have cared for her, even if he acted now out of ignorance. Could he have been important to her before? Did he deserve to die now?

Undine called to her, and her animal instinct was to follow, to flee and be safe. But her heart held her fast, floating and staring at the drowning man. She glanced towards Undine, met her eyes. Undine would see all the explanation she would need in that shared glance.

Then with a whip like motion of her "tail," Kala turned herself about and raced downward towards the pilot's seat. With a folding of her arm, she harden the edge of her forearm into a sharp, knife shaped blade. She swiped it across the straps trapping the man inside, breaking his bonds, then, without knowing exactly why it would work, she enveloped the man within her body mass, protecting against the water pressure. With her tail she would rocket them both towards the surface of the ocean, and as they rose, she kissed him on the lips, and let her oxygen-rich bubbles release inside his mouth, allowing him to breath normally as they rose. She sent a coating of her own slime down his throat and into his lungs, keeping them from expanding too much, helping to aid in the eventual resurfacing at normal atmospheric pressure. It would feel extremely weird, but he would realize halfway up that she was not in fact hurting him, but rather helping him to breath safely.

They broke the surface and she withdrew all traces of herself from within him, forming into a normal slimegirl top with her tail still floating beneath her.

"There's so much we Magi didn't understand," she told the man as she held him afloat in her arms, making certain that he was conscious enough to float by himself. "I'm only just beginning to grasp it. I'm not the one who needed saving today."

And with that she immediately slipped away from him and sped with all her might downwards and away from capture, hoping that the act of surfacing had not in fact doomed her. She simply couldn't have let that man drown because of her. Not when he had thought he was doing her a mercy.
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Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Eyes closed, the man floated upwards in Kala's body without motion. He would wince however, when Kala's substance entered his body. And during that kiss, a trail of red caught Kala's eye. Flowing from his side, to the cockpit from which he was rescued, was a stream of blood. His eyes were not closed as a result of being unconscious, but from pain. She would even feel some of his blood that didn't wash away, begin to leak into her body wrapped around him.

Above the water, with the ship in view, the shadow that had been moving, slowly began to vanish over the rocky, grey mountain of stone that had been Undine's invaded sanctuary. And the moment Kala turned to quickly be on her way, Undine floated above the water in front of her, her head and shoulders gracefully surfacing with no effort at all, as if she and the water were one.

Raising her hand above the water, she held a clear ball, seemingly made of glass, before it would visibly start becoming hazy as the sound of a voice rang from it. The vibrations being from the sound waves forming from the magic concentration inside.

"It seems he dropped this," Undine announced. "I felt a magical presence drifting to it, and was worried when you hurried back. But it appears they use this to communicate at a distance."

Raising it further, she held it up to Kala, as her arm began to glow the color of blue, seeming to pour her magical power into the ball.

"To all ground personnel, you are not to pursue the target further. Officer Castil has been captured by the water elemental Undine." a female voice announced.

"Undine!?" exclaimed a youthful girl, "We weren't told we were heading into Undine's territory!"

Undine lowered the ball, reaching forward to slip it into his pocket. Though before she backed away, she hesitated. "He is bleeding... It is your obligation now, to see that he survives." she instructed her, before turning, and splashing through the water, heading back to her sanctuary, with the knowledge that the humans were leaving. Though she seemed in a hurry, she went slow enough to allow Kala to keep up, should she wish to speak with her.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Blood. The man was bleeding. She'd only just noticed it as the tinny, mineral rich substance entered her body mass. She felt her body absorb it, felt a tiny amount of strength ebb into her. It was disturbing. She did not like the fact that she could feed on blood. She resolved not to do it unless it could not be helped. She hardened her body against the man's side, applying pressure to the spot where he was bleeding.

Undine appeared from the water, rising from the surface seemingly without effort, holding the glass ball in her hands. Yes. Kala remembered something like that. Memories had been hazy and ephemeral before, but not that Undine held it before her, the slime maiden knew that she had seen this sort of device, even used it perhaps, in her previous life.

The voices within the ball seemed to make it clear that the ground forces were pulling away. The temple would be safe for a time. She only hoped that no one else had been hurt, on either side.

Undine looked at the officer, named Castil by the voice in the communicator artifact. The elemental pointed out the bleeding and informed Kala of her obligation.

"My obligation..." Kala looked at the officer's pained expression. Then, seeing that Undine had moved back towards the temple, Kala took a large breath of oxygen into her before putting her lips back over Castil's and forming a protective layer around him as she pulled the man back down into the depths, through the tunnel, and back into Undine's sanctuary, all the while being careful to apply pressure to his wound and staunch the flow of blood. She found her body quite capable of doing this, for she could guarantee complete airtight coverage of the wound, and could harden body there to make certain the blood didn't seep into her either.

She sped along, keeping up with Undine as the moved back to the temple.

"Undine," she said, "I do not wish to see him die. But I do not know how badly he is hurt, and I do not know if I have any magic left after... after my rebirth. How can I heal him?"

When they reached dry land within the temple, Kala would gently lay the officer down on the ground and return to her slime girl shape, while keeping a small bit of her still sealed around his wound. She would lie next to him and brush back his sopping wet hair to clear his brow.

"Officer Castil... Can you hear me?" She hesitated, then said, "It's me, Kala."
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

Undine turned back to look at Kala as she swim up behind her, and made her inquiry as to the man's condition. A simple smile was the first reply Kala received for a good time, before Undine would answer with clarifying words. "Did you think you were causing him harm, when his blood merged with your body?" Undine asked Kala coyly. "Long before the dark magic of this land appeared, you would not be far from the truth. But the curse you are afflicted by is unique. Many of the means, and instincts that monsters such as we had, that lead us to harm humans, transformed into means which would actually help us charm them. Please inspect his wound, to see what I mean." Undine requested at the end of her explanation.

And should Kala look, she'd see that her slime, in contact with any bruised, or wounded part of his body, was slowly, and visibly changing, becoming brighter as the flesh mended, and the bruises went away.

"Your body is a natural healing salve," Undine announced with a grin.

A single 'isle,' which actually was one of the many of the similar isles on top of the naturally formed pillars of rock, was low enough for them to reach from the water. The largest of the isles, in the center of the chasm, was the main connector to many of the other isles, by means of lengthy rope bridges. Some that were destroyed from the previous invasion of Magi, were already being repaired by the early arrivals to the temple, who came back after the Magi left, with alarming progress. They seemed used to it.

Motioning with her hand, Undine silently instructed Kala to lay Castil down on the grass. Wrapped within Kala, the man's features were more clear in the sunlight. The more Kala would see, the more she'd remember. His slick, wet blond hair brought forth an image of his heroic image of wavy blond hair. The shine of water on his face reminded her of his feminine features, and silky white skin. His eyes opening, he reminded her of his blood red, demonic eyes.

"... Kala?" Castil responded to her, his voice reminding her of the one she knew, in what seemed a long time ago.

Erik Castil, the youngest Officer, who, thanks to his half-blood demon genetics, became very popular, just from his aptitude alone, before his powerful sense of justice won favor of many of the other Magi. Kala would remember witnessing the Magi corrupt his sense of right and wrong. He saw justice in slaughtering Mamono women as monsters who would seek to cause harm to the innocent.

"The Magi's existence is an ill omen!" Kala would remember Erik shout, "So long as monsters continue to attack humans, Magi will remain as a constant reminder of the darkness wanting to sweep the land! I will fight, until the Magi are no longer needed! Then, everyone can live in peace!

"Kala... I'm glad you're here to listen to me say that. I really look up to you... I guess the other's think I'm kind of crazy, actually suggesting that the magi need to disappear, but our purpose is clear, isn't it? If the Magi lasted forever, that would mean the terror of monsters would never end, right?" he laughed, a faint image of his confident smile flashing into Kala's mind. "I'm going to become this world's greatest hero! I'm going to do what the Holy Warrior from long ago could not, and destroy Persephone in the darkest depths of Hell! Then, Kala, I'll ask you again. You'd better not reject me twice!"

All in an instant, Kala would recall that last memory she had of him. Out of nowhere, the boy appeared, and confessed that he was taken with her beauty, personality, and her powerful skills. A woman so great, no man in their right mind wouldn't desire her. Perhaps Kala would remember why she refused him at that time, or perhaps the reason would evade her in light of her new form, and her new outlook on life. But no matter her thoughts at that time, the face of the man in her body, was that of a man with shattered pride.

His eyes wide open, Erik looked upon Kala with tears streaming down his face. "Kala... In the end, I really was as weak as you thought I was..." he told her grimly. The look in his eyes was one who was ready for death. "I couldn't even save you from this fate..."

His ignorance deeply rooted in his mind, he truly believed he was staring at the one who was about to take his life. Watching, Undine could only observe with pity for him.
Re: Precious Heart (Kala)

At first, Kala did not understand what Undine was getting at when she talked about the dark times and the unique nature of her curse. Kala had thought that she would be like all the other slimes she had studied long ago in her previous life - beings of consumption in its purest form. Thus it startled her to peer down at the young officer's wound and see the bruises receding and the flesh knitting at a magically accelerated rate. It was as if she had cast one of her old healing spells - only now she felt no drain of energy.

Undine grinned and told her of how she was, unlike any other, a natural healing salve.

Something about this struck Kala as both funny - for to her old human self, the concept would have been ridiculous - and also quite wonderful. She was not merely a healer, she was a cure all. Her very existence was to heal - and this was a refreshing thought in a world that she knew to have so many hurts.

She brought the young man to a low isle and laid him out gently on the rocks. Nearby, various monster girls were arriving back to the sanctuary and placing the broken debris back into place.

Ah, Erik... Erik Castil. That was this young officer's name. In studying his face and features, Kala was able to mentally hang the memories of her old life onto the image before her. His hair was normally wavy, his features always pale and fine and just a tad delicate. His eyes bore the mark of his demon heritage, but that was something he had always fought to exceed and prove himself greater than. He had risen through the ranks of the magi quicker than any in recent times. He had been younger than her by a good six years, yet still, for some reason with girls his age throwing themselves at him, he'd only had eyes for her.

It had been flattering, as well as embarrassing and unfortunate. But why? An image flashed of another man, and then it was gone again. Had she had feelings for someone else? Perhaps that was it. She remembered being fond of Erik though. Fond and even a bit sad that she had needed to reject him. She had worried when he told her of his grand idealistic plan that he might do something foolishly brave just to impress her. The silly man didn't realize that had he gone and got himself killed or worse, that she might never have forgiven herself.

That must be what Erik is going through, looking at me, thinking I've met a fate worse than death. Kala thought. I need to convince him that I haven't. I had a choice - death, or this, and I chose this and I keep seeing reasons why this was the better choice.

Erik looked at her with teary, splotched red eyes, resolved to death, and spoke what he thought were his last words. Such foolish, lovestruck words, she thought. How many men had died with such tragic romance upon their lips?

She formed as best she could into her complete humanoid form, the better to not shock him he supposed, even though it meant she would appear "naked" to him.

"Oh Erik..." she said gently, clearly, as she brushed away his tears, only to leave a small trace of slime upon his cheek. "I never, ever thought you were weak. Rejoice then, for you are wonderfully mistaken. The Kala you knew is still here. My body has changed, but I am still the mistress of my heart and soul. And you... you may yet get your chance to do what the Holy Warrior could not."

Her white eyes stared down at his red ones with tender care and love. Not the love lost that Erik might have thought of in his mind as he prepared to die, but a love for life and goodness and salvation. Kala had promised Undine that she would love, and found it an easy thing to keep that promise.

Even as she gazed with a lover's care at the young man, she braced herself for the ignorance that might soon follow. Erik's sense of justice had long been warped by the Magi. He was brash and headstrong and more than most, changing his mind about things would be difficult. But she was prepared. She would heal ignorance much as she would heal wounds.