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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Omg! with no Japanese skills I though they banned me from aegis! lol @@ and you say it is just maintenance ? thanks goddess.

Aarkken, Cornelia picture it's up for a while already . check wiki:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

First 100/2 map with the black knight bro is really easy with bro support.
If you have 2 strong snipers and a strong ninja, you do not even hqve to worry about that fatass demon. They will kill him even before he have a chance to move.
Becareful with the tasknaster since their attack have stunt
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

can you guys tell when game will be up ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Omg! with no Japanese skills I though they banned me from aegis! lol @@ and you say it is just maintenance ? thanks goddess.

Aarkken, Cornelia picture it's up for a while already . check wiki:

He wants the SPRITE. not the pictures.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

oh, sorry , I just woke up . I will post the sprite when game it's up .
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah I just woke up too and the game is down, thought it was extended maintenance. So glad I have 50+ crystals, I'm going to need to spend some to catch up with as far behind as I am.

Oh and thanks Anelai, I should be good. Random collapsed lung. All they could tell me was that it was because I was young, tall and skinny, over and over again. Apparently it just happens and I don't even smoke, buh. I went in for stomach pains and the guy was like "Good thing we did a chest xray or we might not have noticed" lol.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fruit, it doesn't sound good @@. What country do you live anyway ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fruit, it doesn't sound good @@. What country do you live anyway ?

US. They had to insert a tube to re inflate my lung (Which is a bit deceptive since it was on suction, pulling air and liquids out of my chest cavity that had escaped my lung). Normally they put a bigger one in the side of your torso but they just put a smaller one in my chest, probably why it took so long to recover. So hey if you randomly have trouble breathing or pain under your ribs, you might have a collapsed lung :p I think it's especially bad if it's on the left side since it can put pressure on your heart but mine was right side.

I wish the image under Aegis would update. I wanna see these new units. They're gold units right? I think I missed some talk about them, maybe I'll go back some pages. I failed the final 50/5 map because my team was too high cost again, really need a low cost 4th healer and a lower cost witch than Desupia apparently. At least the witch I can do, healer will be a nightmare since I need them for awakenings too.

Does anyone use those buff units eg. Dancers or Anna in their main sortie group or only for certain maps / strategies?

I feel they just aren't worth the deploy limit cost when you could drop another archer or something am I missing out by not using one?

I do sometimes. Waltz is so cheap if you don't need another unit on the field, there's no reason not to grab her. With a high skill level her range is actually really impressive. Mostly I add her into other teams though, she's usually on my farming team and I use her for specific strategies a lot. I look forward to seeing their awakenings.

Think of it this way: Even without her skill active, she's giving like 40 attack and 32ish defense to everybody in range. For high attack speed units who naturally have low attack, that could be quite a difference in dps against lightly armored units. If you catch like 4 units in her natural range, it almost makes up for missing out on a unit. Then of course when you activate her skill, she really shines. Boosting your whole team has the benefit of improving your ability to deal with physical and magic resistant enemies too over just placing another fighter down. Waltz will buff your archers and casters/healers after all, so she's pretty well rounded.

Still, she's probably not necessary save for odd cases, just fun to see her boosting everybody in my opinion. Anna, no, I don't use her, she's way too specialized and her bonus on her passive that you actually want to use (passive team buff) isn't very helpful for the Prince.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

sounds like they almost let you die thats scary I hope that doesn't happen to me I'm pretty skinny also. but man all these events at the same time guess I wont have time to try and farm the map with all the angel/mage drops anymore.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna will buff your archers and casters/healers after all, so she's pretty well rounded.
Anna works with other units too? I was under the impression that she only worked with the prince. Looks like I'll have to check it out when the game comes back up.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anna works with other units too? I was under the impression that she only worked with the prince. Looks like I'll have to check it out when the game comes back up.

Was my typo, I meant to say dancer Waltz. Anna isn't very good in my opinion, I'd take Waltz over her about any day. Anna was a bit of a let down in my opinion, especially being released right after Waltz. I don't think she's black material yet. Here's hoping she gets a good awakening.

That said, I'm not too interested in Hana atm. Comparing her to Waltz, I like Waltz's higher attack/defense. Not sure the added range is worth farming her. I mean with any spare charisma I'll run her maps, but I'm not going to spend crystals on it. Too bad we don't know their awakening abilities.

Now Ninja Saki, I may need to try to acquire her. If the freaking game would go back up, I'd be farming magic crystals. For a black unit she's not the most impressive, usually they're so powerful that they overcome the typical role of their class, but she's still just a ninja. Her stats aren't much higher than Azami really, even lower defense. I just like her auto skill for being a black and her awaken ability is good. That and you know, must acquire more black units. At least her skill can be active frequently.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That would be right need another 200 crystals to get Saki and the game still isnt up yet....


Blade guy is correct I was after her AW Sprite not artwork.
Took me a second to figure out what the site you linked me was, its just the smartphone version of the wiki I never use that even on my phone its so bad.


I see what you are saying in regards to the buffs for units, but seeing as how most maps limit you to roughly 8 units on map at a time which for me is normally,

2-3 Healers
2 Archers
2 Melee either soldiers or HA
And maybe 1-2 Mages / Witches depending on enemy types either that or melee duelists.

I just don't see her being worth more than any of those units on a map that requires decent units.
Low tier maps yeah take whatever.

The new dancer Hana that drops from Rural and the road to metroplis, she is more of a ranged dancer compared to the other two yeah?

Just checked the wiki and realised I stuffed up a little on which units were which, from what I can see Hana is pretty much the same as Marnie just with slighty higher stats, maybe AW will change that but who knows when we will get that.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aarkken, this wiki does not work well with my tablet nie my phone - I can't see whole starts table 'cos it's impossible to move page horizontally. I am on phone so that's the version I link . I quite like it but it took some time to learn .

I have CC Cornelia for few days already . I can show you first scene with her if you guys want . Sprite must wait till game is up.

ps. I see app update on DMM but I can't download it with my mobile internet ( duno why, it's not so bad. unfortunately it stucks on 35%)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah the PC version of the wiki does that on my phone as well can't scroll right for stat tables but I rarely use the wiki on my phone for stat tables anyway.

Probably best to wait until the game is actually fully back before trying to download it from DMM.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Im glad I didnt bother getting Azami since we can get Saki now and Akane seems pretty awesome too doesnt have the paper defense like chizuru and can avoid melee attacks also with minds eye. Also I would of had more problems beating the werewolf maps if I didnt have Anna to make the prince have matk. I hope w/e maps give the awakening crystals gives a bit more than the vampire missions since they got us doing the other event at the same time
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


HP: 1027/980/757
Attack: 227/323/259
Defense: 223/267/395
Range: 182/170/170

In short: Waltz is by far the best attack wise, Marnie is by far the best defense wise, and Hana gives up a ton of attack and defense for some hp and added range. Marnie will probably have the best awaken ability among them since she was a premium gacha unit as well.

Remember that their attack and defense are boosted by the Prince and other stat raising abilities, so Hana will suffer from less bonuses from them since she puts all her cookies in HP and range, that won't likely be buffed by any other unit. Of course after awakening her range may be extended again and with her skill, it could allow you to boost extra members on your team that the other dancers can not. It's really a flavor choice as usual, especially since we don't have their awaken info yet.

I personally think that Waltz is the best atm, but Marnie will probably be the victor after their awakenings (If similar cost anyways). Hana benefits the most from higher skill levels since she'll use the range multiplier the best.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Emergency Maintenance Finished at 22:00:
-Divine Intervention Buffs Fixed for Emergency Mission Event.
-3 Apology Crystals During Maintenance on January 29th.

Saki and Akane require magic crystals, not revival crystals in case you think you need those. And yeah, Anna is actually an awesome unit just for the fact that she can turn the Prince into a 10-cost Princess Lilia. That alone is enough to make Anna a game-breaking black unit, especially for new players having problems with enemy armour units when their parties are mainly pre-CC (i.e. Royal Castle Recapture's early black armour that makes the map super hard).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's definitely terrible for a dancer unit. She's good for people that have Marnie already and can feed it to her to raise her skill. Other than that, she's probably a good unit to farm for feeding if the drop rate is decent. I can't see myself raising Hana, but I'll be trying to farm for her with spare charisma whenever I can.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


HP: 1027/980/757
Attack: 227/333/259
Defense: 223/267/395
Range: 182/170/170

In short: Waltz is by far the best attack wise, Marnie is by far the best defense wise, and Hana gives up a ton of attack and defense for some hp and added range. Marnie will probably have the best awaken ability among them since she was a premium gacha unit as well.

Waltz has 323 attack, but still - statwise Hana is inferior to Waltz. 12 range is not enough of a difference. However, what will make most difference is likely their AW ability, so min-maxers like myself still need to farm Hana.

Note, that since it is their 1mil celebration unit, maybe their AW will be quite good. Also I could risk guessing, that dancer AW appears near end of this celebration.