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Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

It isn't a problem, though I can see the character is quite.... unique to say the least.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I am hoping she isn't too unique.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Well, the only problems I see right now are that while the background is acceptable, it cannot be known to the general public. The world of Clover Grove has a ton of crazy, but the average Joe on the street doesn't see it.

The other is just the minor issue that the action starts on day one of the incident, but that's easy to miss, you aren't the first to accidentally overwrite that.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Ah. I was implying that she stayed holed up until a bit later from day 1. And her background, can be a secret, and I intend it to be. It is purely an explanation of her behavior and mentality.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Going for an update tommrow, but have a dentist apointment, so I might not.

But that wasn't really what I wanted to say. I've gotten my hands on some programming tools finally, so I'm going to attempt to make a Clover Grove text adventure to help me get some experience in programming.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

I'll get to the rest of you after I get back from class this afternoon.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

*Distant, quiet voice in the crowd.*


Might edit a bit still. X3 Still not really sure how Merlacie might've come about, really depends on what you allow or prefer.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

*Distant, quiet voice in the crowd.*


Might edit a bit still. X3 Still not really sure how Merlacie might've come about, really depends on what you allow or prefer.

I might save that one for tomorrow actually, as I've got tons of stuff today to do. Technically what I was doing yesterday wasn't really important and I should of updated, but its rare I get so focused on something. (Making a poker program)
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Hai, take all the time you need, not wanting to rush you as I've said before.

Edit; I could, if you preferred, send a few basic bio-ideas to you, and you can pick one out of the list or something that seems most suitable for the setting/rules and I can then edit/expand as needed? That could make it easier for I hope, assuming all that made sense.
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Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Hai, take all the time you need, not wanting to rush you as I've said before.

Edit; I could, if you preferred, send a few basic bio-ideas to you, and you can pick one out of the list or something that seems most suitable for the setting/rules and I can then edit/expand as needed? That could make it easier for I hope, assuming all that made sense.

Send em if you want. I have a few ideas, but of course I'd go for something you yourself prefer rather then something I completely make up.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Alright... sent them, just checking for your thoughts and input. X3

To be honest it was only in hind-sight that I wanted to edit them but it'll do to say it here; I intended the character ideas to be totally malleable, if any potential start-up path/type seems too powerful or unfitting, feel free to pick it apart.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, I'm gonna get around to an update soon, I promise. Just keep getting distracted x.x
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

^w^ Excellent intro, I've posted, hopefully it's good, wanting to get back into writing!
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

A little slow right now because I'm writing my term paper, and that really saps my writing ability for anything else. After this week it should be much, much better though.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

D: *Flings a muffin at.* Good luck with the term paper!
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Sorry it took so long, lots of crap to do in college right now. Term papers, other papers, tons of math, etc x.x
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Yeah, so instead of updates recently I've been using a program and try and make my map of the city real good, and well... I've had mixed results. Probably just need a little more practice.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Now that all these holiday things are done I think I can get in some more updates.
Re: Clover Grove OOC Discussion

Something came up as I was writing, after dinner I'll update the rest.