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Corruption Tournament OOC discussion and planning


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
Setting starting up, everyone welcome, the more the merrier, join the discussion!

Premise: Heroes fight demonic monsters,.. nues! If the demons win, each corrupts the heroine in a specific way, but, if the heroine manages to win, they will get stronger and more of a threat in the future! Heroes should be pretty common human normalish, Demons can be a lot wilder and moar twisted.

Update: We are using a High Fantasy world:
In Character coming soon!

World details coming soon!

Character creation and rulez


I've run this campaign half a dozen times in the past, its based on a homebrew pvp system, so if I get at least 6 folks started with it, happily going wild. The heroes goals will be defending their world and tne innocents, the demons corrupting.. and getting said heroines on their side. So it will be custom dice systemm based, but with an overarching storyline. I aim to create a system in which pretty much every super power is possible, from flyight over super strength to telekinetic energy blasts.
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Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Interest shown, playing for either faction.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Yaaaaaay! Finally approved! *does the 'Finally Approved' dance of joy*

And you know I'm in! If this one will be as good as the last one, then hooo-boy, we're in for a ride!
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Yaaaaaay! Finally approved! *does the 'Finally Approved' dance of joy*

And you know I'm in! If this one will be as good as the last one, then hooo-boy, we're in for a ride!

It'll be better. I occasionally actually learn from my mistakes.

Interest shown, playing for either faction.

I allow multiple characters as desired so no worry on that.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Looking forward to reading this RP! _:)3」∠)_
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

This sounds quite nice, despite the lack of context I have, I would be fine filling, but if we can secure sides now, I'd rather be on Heroine team. :D
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Same! Must protect the good of the people. And maybe have a little fun on the side. And yeah, I'm not hiding my interest all that well am I?
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Oook sounds as if we amassed enough victims. Let me go explain this:

The reason I left a lot of context wide open was because I wanted to give you lot a chance to determine this. Do you want sentais vs tentacle monsters, magical girls, fantasy heroes, sci fi, a mixture of it all? This setting can work with it all.

At its core the setting is 'hero fights demon, hero wins, demon fless, demon wins, corruption sex occurs, heroine becomes lewder and wants moar corruption sex, leading to moar losses.. or potentially even table turnings later on.'
Usually it stays with that, but in some installments it got intense, even emotional, friendships forming over mutual alliances, respect among enemies, etc. ^^
I'd normally be playing the heroes AND villains big boss to balance factions, potentially characters on either side too, liklier heroines.

But theres ways to vary up the formula based on individual players interests. I have an entire custom power system to support a plentitude of characters, but there definitly seems to be enough interest gathering already.
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Re: Corruption Tourament 6

My votes might float towards Fantasy or sci-fi. I like both and I have ideas for both that could be fun.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Seems interesting. I may join in.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Interested too, not sure how good I'd be at this but like to give it a shot!

Think I'd prefer a high fantasy setting. Is it possible to have a saintly paladin whose power let's her become stronger as she gets corrupted - as long as she maintains her purity?
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Aaalright then! Subforum set up, thanks to the residential mindflayer. Now is the chance for everyone interested to nudge the game world into a certain direction. I can do them pretty much all, from cheerful anime whacky a la Sentai (power rangers) to dark gothic sensual tones castlevania

To help me tailor this properly for you, before we start up, please give me an idea what scenario you want to play in and if you tend to hero or demon, or both, keep in mind, you can make as many heroes/villains as you can reliably roleplay with.

Powerwise: Anything goes, from summoning sex beasts over telekinesis and telepathy to simply being -really- good with a sword. Only things not in the custom ruleset that I can adjust as needed are time travel(beyond a few seconds) dimension hopping, total immortality and reality altering, for obvious reasons.

also @Raffa: If you get the others, might write out the climax of no.5 here.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

Interested too, not sure how good I'd be at this but like to give it a shot!

Think I'd prefer a high fantasy setting. Is it possible to have a saintly paladin whose power let's her become stronger as she gets corrupted - as long as she maintains her purity?

If you're not good you'll just get molested more. win for you. :p

I.. guess possible, yes, but you'd have to explain to me how you'd maintain purity.. Lets face it theres one main way most heroines will get corrupted through.. :p
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

No Super Sentai, please. I'd like to keep some part of my childhood untouched. Honestly, as I'm almost always in some High/Dark Fantasy setting, I'm casting my vote for Sci-Fi and its high-tech weaponry.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

High-Dark Fantasy works for me. Super Sentai would be hilarious but I'm fine without it (and I can just bring over a semi-similar character if I wanted to)

Currently planning for a villain to be something like a hard shadow esq user (think something like Raven from comic Teen Titans or Evard's Black Tentacles)

For a hero would be a PUNCH THINGS HARD/Muscle Wizard girl.
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

If you're not good you'll just get molested more. win for you. :p

I.. guess possible, yes, but you'd have to explain to me how you'd maintain purity.. Lets face it theres one main way most heroines will get corrupted through.. :p

Heh true, guess that'll just be part of the fun! ;)

Well, corruption through watching obscene acts and NTR, as well as groping and oral acts. She could have a chastity belt, which as long as it stays in place protects her "purity" - even if corrupted enough to get off to her fellow heroines being penetrated
Re: Corruption Tourament 6

No Super Sentai, please. I'd like to keep some part of my childhood untouched. Honestly, as I'm almost always in some High/Dark Fantasy setting, I'm casting my vote for Sci-Fi and its high-tech weaponry.

I don't need a setting to mess with that part of your childhood, just look at some juicy details of the japanese original. :p

Anyway, so far it sounds as if we lean high fantasy, thats demons, dragons and whatever falls out when you shake a D&D sourcebook hard enough. :p
Re: Corruption Tourament OOC discussion and planning

I kind of wanted to wait for more information about this, but it does sound interesting so far, and high fantasy sounds good to me. You can count me in. I don’t mind playing either faction, but I do think I’d prefer playing hero over demon.
Re: Corruption Tourament OOC discussion and planning

Looks like High Fantasy may end up winning. I'll try to throw together a character sheet tomorrow during the period between two of my classes and hunt down a suitable reference image.