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Healing the Soul (ranger)

Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 53/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

There were several on the North side; one on either side of the door, one in the bedroom in which she had so recently enjoyed her time with the faerie, and one large one beside the table at which they were viewing the map. The door was perhaps the most obvious point of entry, however, and there she would set up her traps, a process taking a few minutes to properly set up. Anything coming through it would be in for a fairly nasty, fiery surprise. The East wall had a pair of windows as well, which she would be able to plant simple alarms on in case something should come at them through there.

Lord Aaron remained on standby, pacing between the windows and regularly checking the map while Chloe worked, his own preparations already made. As she finished the last of her alarms, however, the old mage declared; "Something is coming... There, to the left of the path." He stood by one of the Northern windows as he said, and if Chloe glanced outside she would at first see nothing. As she scanned around, however, she would see something odd; imprints appeared on the ground, barely visible in the moonlight but still visible for their massive size and the way that the grass around them seemed to wilt. It was hard to say jut how large the invisible creature was, and even its shape was totally obscured without so much as a shimmer to form its outline.

The invisible creature had a long gait and grew closer by the second, but a span of fifty feet still separated it from the front of the cabin, and as they had spotted it before it could attack she and Lord Aaron - who was already muttering an incantation - could turn its surprise attack back upon it.
Chloe watched before she saw the outline of the creatures foot prints at least. It was huge! Taken aback for a moment she heard Lord Aaron chanting. Thinking back quickly she assumed Lord Aaron would use a fire spell to set the creature ablaze. In that case she summoned up her own magic quickly for yet another grease spell. Even if she was wrong it would still slow the creature.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 51/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

I rolled dice, but then the forum changeover happened and I lost the post. You'll just have to trust me as to what happened!

Chloe's assumption that her protector would unleash a fire spell, and he held it back as she prepared another grease spell to amplify the fire. At her command a burst of greasy fuel appeared over the invisible abomination, and the brown oily fluid showered down and then flowed over it, revealing more of the gigantic thing's horrific silhouette in the pale moonlight. The nearly twenty foot tall creature's form was unlike anything she had ever seen, with the general torso shape of a pair of horses placed end to end but without any visible head, or indeed anything even resembling such. Where the legs would have been, instead two sets of tentacles erupted from each stump, one consisted of only a single tentacle that was long and thick, while the other set swirling around the main limb were small and thin and waved in serpentine patterns. Between the two sets of "legs" were dozens more of the small tentacles, so many that the summoned oil couldn't reveal them all sharply enough for Chloe to perceive them as more than an amorphous mass. Even as she finally saw one of the things she had led to the discovery of beneath the Academy, Chloe's mind all but refused to believe it was real, like there was something so fundamentally wrong with seeing it that her brain couldn't properly account for it.

Fortunately for her sanity, she didn't have to stare at the towering creature for long as Lord Aaron sent an orb of flame towards it. The ball of fire possessed a dull blue tint near its core and started out no larger than a closed fist, but when it reached the creature's side it erupted into an explosion that ballooned outwards with a quiet rushing sound that rocked the house despite that the actual explosion had occurred some distance away. The creature stood stock still for a moment as the flames rushed over it, igniting the oil now coating its body and leaving it wreathed in flame. Then its tendrils thrashed, the beast collapsing with a thunderous crash while its tentacles writhed against it as if attempted to remove the flames consuming it. And it screamed, emitting a sound that Chloe's mind reeled to try and process only to ultimately fail; it was like she heard a piercing howl from some unnatural monster but total silence all at once, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Lord Aaron double over, clutching at his ears with a pained look on his face.

Then, naturally, it exploded. One moment the elongated wad of meat and tentacles was writhing in apparent death throes, and the next a roaring rush sound as it burst, seemingly from within. Chunks of it flew in every direction, but a second later Chloe realized that they weren't merely chunks of dead meat, but miniature versions of the creature divided in half... And every single one of them was on fire. The lesser monstrosities rained down around them, flailing wildly in an effort to douse the oily fires consuming them, but what must have been some sort of defensive mechanism was thwarted by their combined magics. The open glade around the cottage was soon covered in burning horrors, and the lone piercing howl became a cacophony of them for a few brief moments, but one by one the agonized cries died out until only the sound of burning remained. There was no smell, not even of the oil she'd summoned burning, but as silence fell again Chloe heard Lord Aaron sigh heavily beside her.

"Every time I face these things, they come up with new nightmares!" he said, clutching his chest and struggling slightly for breath. "That was only the vanguard... There'll be more coming soon. There! Look!" He pointed towards the farthest portion of the path, where a dark, vaguely humanoid shape could be momentarily seen. It stepped out into the moonlight, and to Chloe it looked like a person... Just a normal man, wearing a workman's clothing. Another stepped out into view, a woman in a dress and apron, and then another man.... A small crowd was advancing towards the cabin from the road, in a clump. All of them wore the same expression, a totally blank look with wide, unblinking eyes that stared directly towards them. "They've taken them... Some of the townspeople... Gods' mercy, why does this keep on happening!?" Lord Aaron muttered quietly, breathlessly, but already he seemed to be conjuring another fire spell when Chloe saw something shimmering around the people advancing towards them. It was like there were pale strands of some glimmering spiderweb-like substance floating in the air around them, only partially visible from so far away, but all of them seemed to be going in the same direction...
no worries was wondering if you had forgotten about me XD

Perhaps it was her unfamiliarity with the horror before her or the fact that her mind could not fully comprehend this abomination in its entirety that kept Chloe relatively unharmed as the monstrous form of flesh erupted its spawn. Her mind did reel at the sound, though her stomach kept still, She tried not to look at the writhing flaming masses but there was simply to many of them not too. Gritting her teeth she brought a hand up to cover her mouth and help Lord Aaron up to his feet but found her first effort pointless as the thing left no odor. She tensed a moment trying to smell anything. Surly with the fire spell the nearby ground should have burned and with the flaming corpse around them would burn the grass. It didn't feel right, Even in her dreams she could smell, but in your dreams they are things you have experienced before. She had never had a reason before now to use a grease spell or even set it on fire. She wouldn't know what they smelled like. A sense of dread began to fill Chloe. It was at that moment Lord Aaron spoke.

Chloe's eyes narrowed as the villagers started coming into view. Almost cursorily her eyes caught strands of filament like a spiders web reflecting in the moonlight. Maybe the villagers where not gone in this case. Maybe they where being controlled by whatever held the leashes as it were. "Lord Aaron wait! Look!" Chloe pointed out the filaments before letting loose her own spell. Slowly light began to gather in her hands as her magic built up. A wind spell that could cut would probably have been better but she did not have the skill to create such a thing on the fly instead as she brought up her hands to let loose her light spell she aimed it where she could cut the filaments but leave the villagers unharmed if a little dazzled by the laser she was about to unleash in the darkness. Hopefully what ever the filaments where they had physical form for her spell to cut threw.
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Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 43/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

I am assuming that Chloe is casting Laser by your description.
Casting: Success, if barely.

Lord Aaron stopped short as Chloe grabbed his attention, letting his spell dissipate uncast. "Those... Ahhh, I see now!" he said, and soon began doing exactly as Chloe had. "Be careful not to get too close to the people, this spell is deadly.... Severing the lines is only temporary at best, the puppetmaster must be destroyed if we want to save those people.... Assuming that they aren't already dead!"

Her magic gathered, Chloe unleashed a beam of pure white light that lanced instantly across the glade. A sweep tore it sideways, and Lord Aaron did the same, severing many of the chords. The light lanced through the strange whispy lines, leaving them floating in the wind for a moment before visibly disintegrating, but the intense concentration and power needed for casting the powerful spell ensured that it could remain for only a half a second or so, and two castings could only destroy a portion of the insidious wires. Those whose lines had been cut dropped where they stood, but the remaining controlled - who were still many - simply walked on around them before simultaneously breaking into a sprint towards them.

The alarm spell that Chloe had left on the Eastern side of the house suddenly went off just after the group broke into a sprint, signaling that something had reached the house from that side as well....
Chloe is casting and empowered: C} Ice Slick (Ball)
[This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by this spell and any who enter its area of effect up to 3 rounds later must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone.]
Cost is 12ep(4+8 from empowered) BC of 20 (level 3) Not sure if that would expand the duration of the slip chance or not. Chloe's resistance is 47 vs her spells.

Chloe cursed her lack of awareness she needed to target the source, though no doubt it was probably in cover some place. Still with the alarm going off in the east she turned her head in that direction. "Lord Aaron someone is entering the house from the east!" Gathering up her magics Chloe began to cast. Icy aura's began to fill her hands. Focusing more energy into it she brought it fourth in a swirl and let it loose targeting a section of ground before the horde (if it needs a target then the toughest looking one). Hopefully her icy ball would do the trick and prevent the charge from gaining momentum. With her spell cast Chloe began to fall back to the cabin.
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Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 31/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Empower Spell increases the spell level, which just increases the damage.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit
Damage: 6 + 1 + 6 = 13, 13 x 5 = 65 damage. FROZEN SOLID.
Resistance: The townsfolk can't make that DC.

Also Chloe never left the cabin as far as I can recall?

Turning, Lord Aaron hurried off towards the eastern side of the house, leaving Chloe to deal with the oncoming group of mind controlled villagers on her own. The group advanced still, despite how some had dropped, and with another intensified casting Chloe sent an orb of frost forward that burst before the horde and formed an icy field in front of them. The front rank of townspeople stumbled over the sheet of ice, the force exerting its will over the crowd unable to provide the crowd of simple folk with the agility necessary to balance across a field of ice. One by one they walked out onto it and stumbled, falling and sliding across the smoother surface only to stick in random places, slowly covering in frost as they were trapped in place by the empowered ice.

With a good portion of them dropped by their efforts to sever the invisible strings and another group fallen and frozen, the horde of possessed villagers was reduced to a select few... But those few broke into a sprint as they came around the edges of the ice flow she'd created, two clusters of perhaps a dozen running for the door, one on the left and one on the right. She had the time to cast perhaps two more spells before they were on the door, but now that the crowd was thinned she saw a strange something farther off in the distance. It was like a floating light blue orb, transparent and barely visible, with a more opaque dark ridge around the thing's midsection and streams of countless tendrils hanging down beneath it. The thing was big, though its full dimensions were hard to discern as she could only perceive a portion of it, and seemed only to be hovering in place doing who knows what...
My bad thought we left the cabin to fight the big invisible monstrosity.
Chloe will attempt to cast two Empowered, Intensified, magic missiles. Each should be if I did my math right. 4d6 + 16 - 2(4 if its doubled as well) x 3. Costing 11 ep each. Auto hit for the win???

The strange orb might be what was leading the villagers, or it could even be something just observing the battle. It was far enough away that she could miss with a more powerful spell, but if she could see it then some basics might work. Sweat began to bead on her face as she felt more of her stored energy begin to drain from her. She was burning threw tons of energy, and she would have to take it easy from here on out. As the arcane energy's collapsed around her arms. She released it out in an unerring bolt of energy followed by another. What ever it was would be in a surprise in a moment. As she braced for the next onslaught, she smile slightly. Maybe Arkien would leave her alone tonight if they survived this, after all she was just about spent.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 73, EP = 20/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East set off, Puppeteer DC 55

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

No worries. They were just shooting out the windows, basically.

Casting: Success.
Attacks: Well, they autohit....
Resistance: Chloe rolls a 4, for a total of 39. The creature regains 22 HP and EP from absorbing the spell.

The creature uses dark magic...
Resistance: Chloe rolls a 3, for a total of 38. Chloe fails, she takes her next turn moving out of the cabin, taking a double move for 30 feet. She is now 240 feet from the thing. Now she has a straight line, and thus will be able to run towards it, closing 60 feet per turn.

Given the DC and situation playing out, I'm coming up with some special rules; With a roll of natural 20 she will break the effect and be free to act normally. With a roll of 16+ she will only do a single move. With a roll of 19 she will slow to a walk for that turn. She may take a +10 bonus at any time, but her results will be penalized; with a 50+ total she will only reduce her movement to a walk and either do something that the creature wants or automatically take a double move, basically going forward 30 feet if she succeeds or 60 if she fails. That +10 is a diminishing return, however, as after every use it drops by 1, to a +9 and then a +8 and so on. Good roleplaying based on the scenario being played out in her head will give her bonuses to her roll. There may be ways to resolve this other than relying on dice.

The first orb of pure magical destruction appeared at Chloe's call, soon to be followed by another that she was already preparing, and without hesitation she launched it towards the nearly-invisible floating creature that she had seen off in the distance. The glowing orb lanced through the air, guided by her will, and smacked into the floating jellyfish-like thing... And then stopped. It was hitting, but it also wasn't, and as she watched her shot began to shake and break apart, wisps of energy siphoning away and flowing into the creature until the magic missile simply vanished into nothingness.

Then without warning something snaked out from the thing, one of the nearly invisible tendrils that had connected to the villagers. It traveled down the exact line that her magic missile had taken, moving like water traveling down a canal until it reached her. Where her spell had originally formed it shot out, accelerating so fast that Chloe had nowhere near enough time to get out of the way. That translucent, thread-like tendril lanced directly into her forehead, but Chloe felt no pain. It did not pierce her skin, nor did she feel it assail her soul and the dwindling "shell" of energy protecting it, but instead dug directly into her mind in a way that her brain essentially couldn't fully process.

Iridescent fog of every color imaginable and some that she couldn't even have imagined clouded her vision, and every thought came sluggishly as her neurons responded to stimuli other than those naturally produced by her own will. Her hearing was dulled to the point that she could hear what was going on around her only just, and it only became harder as random sounds of wildly fluctuating volume - though always just under what was happening in the real world - suddenly began to flutter through her mind. Her senses of smell and taste were filled with very muted forms of ever-changing flavors, like random remembrances of things she had tasted recurring from her breath or remnants among her teeth but some of which she had never imagined. Only her sense of touch went uninhibited, allowing Chloe to feel it as her body began to move without her telling it to.

The healer walked through the foyer of the small cabin, seeing Lord Aaron’s back as he defended the window, sending bursts of fire regularly to fend off waves of spindly, transparent things with mantis-like arms and narrow, eyeless, elongated heads that repeatedly rushed the window. He did not look towards her, and she could not speak to warn him of what was happening. Instead Chloe walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it to walk out.

The horde of possessed villagers - all of them under the same control that she was - were fast approaching, and as she started out towards the floating creature Chloe felt her steps hastening. It wouldn’t be long before she crossed paths, but the large group of townsfolk weren’t even looking at her. The two remaining flanks were looking straight at the door she had just walked out of instead.
T-T aww crap!

Chloe will try to regain control of herself. Not taking the +10 just yet. Hopefully she rolls high!

Chloe had only a moment of sharp fear as the tendril lanced into her at a nearly imperceptible speed. Surprisingly she felt no pain, none of the dreaded soul devouring she had felt under the clutches of the invader. Instead her senses where assaulted color's, tastes, smells, and even sounds. Like an unending array of sensation. If it hadn't been for the creatures control of her body Chloe surely would have tumbled into something from the nausea that such rapid input from her senses.

Vague outlines in the room shifted threw the rainbow fog that seemed to block her vision. Her body moved unbidden sending her threw the house. Mind reeling she passed Lord Aaron unable to warn him of the danger. Her hand undid the lock and opened the door a single tear running down her cheek in frustration. Her eyes took in the moving shapes of the villagers. How terrified they must be as well, watching themselves hurled forward. Was it like this for them as well. Did those villagers know what was going on as she did? Did they scream in silent terror as Chloe unleashed her ice magic earlier. Her stomach turned and lurched but her body kept moving. Now out of the cabin she could see the danger as the hung open the villagers turning their attention to it. She couldn't let this happen. She had to focus had to bring herself back in control.

A hint a taste on her lips... Arkien.. her lips tasted like shorn nectar. Her smell rich and deep like a scented meadow. Chloe latched onto the memory. Focusing on her time with the faerie. The massive equine tool had sent shivers up her spine. Remembering the fullness she held onto the moment trying to drown out the competing sensations that assaulted her mind. She reached out for more. Grasping for that fresh sensation that had filled her being only hours before. Chloe desperately held onto the thoughts of Arkien in a hope to stable her mind and throw off what ever vile control she was under. She needed to beat this so she could spend more time with her mistress.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 63/73, EP = 20/79, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East set off, Puppeteer DC 55, Excited

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Resistance: Chloe rolls a 13, not enough to slow down, but with where her mind went an option opens up... With a price.
Damage: 10 PP damage

Chloe felt her body heat up as her thoughts drifted to Arkien, the lustful faerie lady who had earlier seduced her, but at the same time the possessed healer felt her steps slow. The ghosts of sensation began to tingle through her as she concentrated on her encounter with the depraved sidhe, and while earlier the strange control hadn't produced directly tactile sensations, that quickly proved to be coincidence rather than benefit. The more she concentrated on her tryst with Arkien, the more she FELT Arkien, in multiple senses of the word.

The taste of her lingered, the lyrical sound of her voice flitted repeatedly through her mind, and a few seconds after she delved into mired memory and imagination Chloe practically felt as if the woman was there. She felt Arkien's presence against her back, felt the woman nipping at the back of her neck and the lobe of her ear while she heard ghosts of her delighted coos. A few seconds after that, she felt the ghost of the massive equine shaft that Arkien had conjured against her entrance, then felt it slowly slipping in until she was blessed again with that glorious fullness as the wide, flattened tip pressed into her deepest depths.

Even as Arkien-who-wasn't began to thrust into her, filling Chloe with barely there sensations crafted from her memories of their recent mating, Chloe felt pleasure tying her into knots. Her pace slowed to a walk, but didn't stop... And even as she walked forward she felt the attention of the nearby townsfolk turning her way. They were connected, after all, by the horror controlling their bodies, and as her body thrummed with lust it transferred across the connection, miring with the terror and horror of being so casually manipulated. Their path drifted, as if angling just barely to intercept her, and the longer Chloe concentrated on her amorous relations with Arkien the more her clothing itched to be removed in reality, and the more her body desired to be touched and tasted and filled in earnest. It wouldn't be enough, however, and as she continued forward unabated Chloe would feel her fantasy in reality, as if Arkien were really there, and in the corner of her mind she felt as if the faerie truly was somewhere near... And her pace grow anew towards the floating, barely visible horror all the same.

Those people, they could... Fulfill those needs growing in her body. Some part of them itched to do just that as they eyed her at closer range, men and women alike. Even if they were just random townspeople, a part of Chloe wished it as well, and if she reached for that primal urge she would feel them respond in kind, see them through the corner of her hazy vision as they turned directly toward her. Fully achieving that would stop her from moving forward, would keep the still sizeable crowd from closing in on the cabin where Lord Aaron waited while they had their way with her... But she would have to want it, intensely so, whether she forced herself to do so or not.
Well I think I will voluntarily take the fetish flaw on Chloe for Sidhe or if that is too narrow then fey. Maybe easily aroused might work better.

Chloe is still trying to resist. After all Arkein is back at the cabin not where ever the floating thing is trying to lead her. Ill take the +10 for this round

While her intention was to grab onto a sensation she knew was her's and her's alone its effects were not as she intended. Chloe's desire's responded to the echo of the townspeople amplified in a strange lust filled loop. It only made her want Arkien more. She could feel her lips o n her large breast. The cool air followed by the slight pain of her teeth and the warmth of her mouth. The gentle but needy suck from the faerie. er thoughts drifted back to the deep fullness and the sudden emptiness that she felt afterward and how much she just wanted it to be filled again. Her mind drifted to the sweet taste as she finished of Arkien with her mouth. Did that actually happen.. did it matter. She wanted to feel Arkien in her. She wanted to taste her sweet lips and feel her warmth in her and on her. The towns people nearly forgotten their desire only fueling Chloe's own they might ease the desire but they would not be the perfect form of the blue skinned fae and none of them would be as... gifted. She would be unsatisfied.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 47/73, EP = 20/79, Status = Not Really Fine, Pregnant, Empowered Grease and Flame Mine on the North side, Alarm on the East set off, Puppeteer DC 55, Excited, 180 feet to the creature

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Nah that's not too specific. Can take whichever you prefer.

Resistance: 5 + 10 = 15. Not enough, but by flavor she slows down anyway...
Pleasure Damage: 16

Chloe felt her steps slowing further as she continued to dream of Arkien, and as she delved deeper into the dream her senses dulled further. Her vision clouded over, like she was shrouded in mist too deep for her to see through, and her hearing was flooded with the dull, echoing rush of air. She could still vaguely see flashes of the field, but the creature was barely visible through the fog even if she still felt its presence dominating her mind. Even still, the sensations created by Arkien flooded her constantly, and after a few more seconds she felt the faerie's presence behind her. A glance behind, moving as if she were in slow motion, showed an image of the domineering sidhe behind her, and only then did Chloe realize that at some point she had dropped to all fours.

It was like Arkien was really there, her hands on the suddenly naked mage's hips, her weight pressing against Chloe's upraised rear. "Mmmmm.... Such a good little pet," the words felt like they were coming from leagues away, but they rang in Chloe's ear all the same. "So pliant... Eager... You can't possibly have enough, can you?" Arkien-who-wasn't gave a tittering giggle, only for Chloe to realize that she had no eyes, and that looked into them left her drawn in, left her drifting into a limitless emptiness where the faerie's eye sockets had been. "I'll give you all you can take... And some that you can't~"

Her hips rolled back and forth, going hard and fast as she pounded into Chloe from behind. The healer felt her body rock forward even as it didn't, felt the flesh of her ass ripple with impacts from an Arkien that wasn't there, and every passing second left the sensation of her equine rod filling Chloe growing more intense, more real. "You want to feel it? You want it... Inside? Feel my seed roil inside you? You'll have it... Soon..." the faerie crooned as she pounded Chloe wildly in the healer's imagination, flooding her mind with bursts of raging sensation that prompted her toes to curl and her inner muscles to seize around the phantom rod providing them with such incomprehensible bliss.
Maybe it was the empty creepy void eyes that had shocked out of her own fantasy, but with her immersion broken her situation became clear as it could again. She was on her knees, her body tingling with her own growing arousal, and the horde of mind control villagers nearby. She was still unable to break free of the magic that bound her. 'Oh gods someone please help.' Once more she tried to rally her defenses and shrug off the influence. She needed help and fast, but how could she get some attention. Suddenly a though rose threw the murky depths. Chloe tried to activate her final traps causing them hopefully to detonate and draw some attention to predicament.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 47/73, EP = 20/79, Status = Not Really Fine, Pregnant, Puppeteer DC 55, Excited, 120 feet to the creature, 4 turns have passed

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Resistance: 12, no dice.
Will edit a few more rolls in, if you'd prefer to go a little faster. Something may happen if she stalls long enough.

The fantasy lingered, but not in the way Chloe might have liked; those eyes delved into her, drawing her in deeper and deeper until she was fully immersed in her mind's eye in that inky darkness. The phantom sensations faded slowly, but that only allowed her to feel herself clamber to her feet, felt her pace pick up as she broke into a run towards the hovering creature that had forcibly assumed control of her body. The battering of her will against that control was like a sledgehammer against a fortress now, a wall of solid stone that she could just barely chip away at despite pounding on it with all her might.

As she activated her traps, however, she heard the effects and simultaneously felt them as the mines protecting the door went off... Just as the townspeople heading for the door reached them. Suddenly the front wave of people were coated in oil, and a moment later agony screamed across her distant connection to them as her flame mine exploded. The first wave simply burned, scorched to charred husks in moments, and as they died they simply collapsed and knew no more, leaving Chloe to feel them wink out en masse. The rest, however, walked into the extended pool of fire still burning from the oil trap she'd left as part of her combination. One by one, two by two, or even more, they walked into the conflagration. And they knew they were doing it, knew that it was going to kill them in hideous oily fire and smoke... And they did it anyway under the creature's influence. Every one was like a very distant mental scream, the agony matching the choking shrieks of horror and pain coming from the townsfolk as they walked into the fire and were released from the creature's control as they became useless to it.

That had certainly created quite a bit of flash and noise, but the front of the cabin was now aflame. The enchantments on the walls themselves made it proof against the flame, but even if Lord Aaron noticed the sudden detonation he might not be able to get through the fire before it went out if she didn't slow down.
Chloe is attempting to resist the creatures control again. (using the bonus again)

Tears poured down Chloe's face. Ever sense she was young, her powers had hurt people. She had done her best not too, but she was young and her control was lacking. It was why she had focused her efforts on learning to heal, she didn't like hurting living things, and now she had just ended countless lives. If only she hadn't been a fool this wouldn't have happened. Saddness and anger boiled in her as she tried to pull herself out of the creatures control again.
Chloe: HP = 73/80, PP = 47/73, EP = 20/79, Status = Not Really Fine, Pregnant, Puppeteer DC 55, Excited, 90 feet to the creature, 5 turns have passed

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Resistance: 2 + 9, total of 11, bad luck. Chloe only moves thirty... But is also forced to disrobe.

Chloe's anguish twisted in the pit of her stomach, but her guilt did her no favors as the floating horror continued to manipulate her thoughts. She could still hear wailing as the villagers walked helplessly into the burning oil she'd conjured, feel it through the wretched creature's mental connections as the men and women being sent to invade the cabin sanctuary walked into the fiery barrier that she'd created - one that she had intended to use to stop the horrors themselves - and died gruesomely in it. The flames wouldn't last forever, of course, but it was beyond her control now and the pool of burning grease would certainly last long enough to stop the entire crowd that hadn't been dealt with by one of the other measures that Chloe had tried. The hollow victory of protecting and notifying Lord Aaron was perhaps wasted on Chloe as the creature's psychic tendrils burrowed deeper into her mind, more and more of the ethereal tendrils worming their way through the air and connecting with her, sliding through flesh without disturbing it at her eyes and forehead and temple.

The thing seemed to feed upon her despair, solidifying its hold upon her further despite her increasing desperation. Every footfall drew her closer to it, closer to whatever nefarious purpose that it and its summoner had for her, but for now she slowed... And the creature dragged her back into the vision she had so hastily abandoned. Now, however, she was face to face with the mutilated Arkien, forced to stare directly into the cold, empty sockets where her eyes should have been.

"Fufufu... We'll be able to play soon, dearie... Just a little further, and a few more trifling details to clear up~" she purred, but even in her voice Chloe heard a malicious echo of some other voice, one she had never heard before but that her mind rejected even the most distant sound of with a pulse of pure dread. Even still, the hallucinatory faerie manifestation of the object of her lusts still practically oozed with seduction, triggering the most primitive reactions in the healer's brain, so it overrode her terror completely when not-Arkien continued; "Why don't you get ready for me, hrm? Much as I'd like to pull them off of you myself, those robes will just HAVE to go! Why don't you... Slip out of them for me?" It was as if Arkien herself had demanded it, and without a moment's hesitation Chloe felt her body move to obey, felt herself being exposed totally to the elements and anyone that might be watching bit by bit...
T-T poor Chloe
Chloe tries to cast the inverse of healing touch to break her legs. She is knowledgeable enough about they body it might work though just thinking about it makes me cringe. Still even if that won't work she is still resisting using any bonus she has left. Thought about trying Anesthesia but being unconscious would probably just make the thing have an easier time.

Chloe could feel her hands move without her bidding, felt the tug on her robes. Twinges of wrongness rippled threw her mind. She had to calm her mind force it back to a collected state. This was not Arkien, this is not what she wanted. Still her body moved against her ensnared by the vile creature. She had to do something before she was lost. She could not command herself to move against it. A spark of an idea awoke in her head. It might work, but if it did it was going to hurt. Trying to push the lusty thoughts from her head Chloe focused on her magics. She could not touch it but she could touch herself. Her whole body was a magical channel she could deliver a spell with her toe if she needed to. Her own breathing quickened as she tried to think of other things before trying to unleash her own magics on herself.
Chloe: HP = 35/80, PP = 47/73, EP = 16/79, Status = Definitely Not Fine, Pregnant, Puppeteer DC 55, Excited, 60 feet to the creature, 6 turns have passed, broken leg means she cannot run any longer

Lord Aaron
Arkien the Lewd Faerie

Resistance: 8 + 8, total of 16, this dice roller does nooot like Chloe. She does roll high enough to slow down and get an action...
Casting: Success.
Damage: 5 + 10 + 2 = 17, 17 x 3 = 51, 51 * 3/4 = 38 damage.

Chloe's effort of will just barely managed to cause her to slow slightly, allowing her to think, to concentrate. The creature's control kept her feet moving as Chloe did her magic, advancing ever closer. She was almost at the floating monstrosity now, and dozens of the tiny iridescent tendrils closed in around the healer's body and began to brush against her skin. Trying to ignore the uncomfortable tingling as she cast, Chloe steeled herself and then unleashed magic; she couldn't have done anything to try to harm the creature or enhance her ability to resist it, the thing would have sensed that, but she could affect herself... And there was one possible solution available to her.

Agony shot up Chloe's body as she reached into the bones of her leg and broke them. It was a clean break, she could at least be sure of that, but the horrific pain left her stumbling to the ground despite the creature's insistence that she keep walking... And while she had slowed herself, her body continued to insistently crawl forward, fresh pain shooting up her leg as, like the villagers, the pain and danger offered her no greater freedom from the monster's control...
Chloe is tyring to pour every once she can in resisting the creatures influence.

As the pain shot threw Chloe her eyes watered but the damned creature made sure she couldn't scream. Fresh spikes of pain shot threw as she dragged her naked body along the ground her useless legs still trying to move at the monsters commands. Not being able to scream just seemed to make it worse. The lack of such a primal thing that could give voice and in some measure give relief made it worse. Still she had to buy more time. Her efforts to resist the creature so far had been futile but she was yet to give up. 'Oh gods please someone!' Welling of tears and the shooting pain in her legs, yet she fought on.