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Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Good idea, likely the two seperate threads idea will be better.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

To my knowledge, most calculators use that button to represent "to the power of", though I may be mistaken. Darn American technology...

Tch, those are probably the calculators that have all the fancy buttons on them. I found that I could easily use the 1$ calculators to just as easily accomplish the complex mathematical equations. You just have do to a little yourself, rather than have the fancy calculator do it for you, since even the most complex equations always boil down to simple math one way or another.

Also note raptor, you don't HAVE to use the money on yourselves. You can but other towers to help defend. Keep in mind that there are 5 lanes, and only 4 of you...

Tch, I know I don't have to, but only being able to heal 1 point at a time kinda sucks. >.>

I need more powah. :p

Also, quick question... I never had a range on magic attacks because I didn't know what would really be fair... Any of you have ideas?

Given how little damage they do, 4-5 squares, bout the same as the archer should be fine.

And yesh, separate tactics threads would be super.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Tch, those are probably the calculators that have all the fancy buttons on them. I found that I could easily use the 1$ calculators to just as easily accomplish the complex mathematical equations. You just have do to a little yourself, rather than have the fancy calculator do it for you, since even the most complex equations always boil down to simple math one way or another.

Try advanced calculus that way...
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

The only thing throughout math classes in highschool and now college that I found gave me a problem, were the larger numbers that took a little longer to calculate in my head. And even then, I've never needed a calculator. I've always been superb at math, even though I'm terrible at science. :rolleyes: I doubt that Advanced Calculus will change that. But, so far, I'm lovin' my philosophy classes (aka, bum classes :p) the most.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Also, there's physics and circuitry. Can you do the calculation of Q(1-e^(T/t)) in your head? (Q being themaximum charge on a capacitor, e being euler's number which is 2.7blahblahblah and goes out to infinity like pie does, and t being the RC time constant)

That's the equation for a capacitor discharging after being fully charged.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Are you saying that without a calculator, you'd find this problem unsolvable? If not, then my answer is yes, I could do it in my head. Calculators are only a tool used for convenience, and are not the only means for solving complex equations, and are a logical choice when solving it in your head would take more time.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

You could give me the decimal answer by calculating an irrational number to to some power in your head? (And that power often getting to be something extremely messy such as being .004/.067)
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Are you saying it's impossible?

(Boy, aren't we off-topic? XD)
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Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

No, I'm just saying that 2.71828182845904523536... raised to the (4/67) power is not something you can do in your head.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

No, I'm just saying that 2.71828182845904523536... raised to the (4/67) power is not something you can do in your head.

Maybe you can't...


Oh, who am I kidding. I went into English for a reason.

And apologies on not clarifying with the Front and Rear bit. Will edit, though I thought, in quoting Aika, that I'd be okay. Will designate in the future.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Quick vote... Would you guys want the option to be able to "fast forward"? I'm realizing that in the beginning, with very few, slow enemies, it'll get boring to do it 1 round at a time with you guys just waiting there for them to come to you. So I was thinking that along with tactics, your teams could vote in that thread if you wanted to jump ahead a few rounds, which wouldn't do much more than have the enemies move from their side of the board closer to you.(Which shouldn't be fatal or anything until you find stuff with 3+ movement and choose to FF for 3 or more turns...)
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Yup, saves wasting time, as you say, waiting for the slow things to get closer.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Not sure if it's from people losing interest or just not caring, but judging by the fact that only 2 people have posted past deciding what to do, I think I'll make it teams of 2 instead of 4. Try and put people who post at similar speeds together. This way it still enforces cooperation, and teams hopefully won't be delayed by lazier members.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Actually, I think the major thing is the fact that it's a multiplayer tactics game.

Most players want to make sure they don't post before everyone agrees on the course of action.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

I've personally mentioned before that I was right behind Aika, and was going to support him with my defensive abilities.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ah, but you haven't posted in the game thread.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Ah, but I just said I was going to be right behind Aika, and I'd need to know where he'd be for this round, in order to be behind him when the round starts, wouldn't I?
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

You could have posted something along the lines of 'after saying something, your character follows after Aika, standing behind her a few feet as she readies herself to fire from behind the other woman... while taking advantage of the view'.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Aika didn't move, so I probably wouldn't say she follows after her. As of right now, all I can do is make a role play post, which I don't feel inclined to do, since this is not a story heavy game.
Re: Hentai Tower Defense Interest/OOC Thread

Just saying, I believe Ryu was referring to people not posting in the game threads instead of the tactics thread.