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Jen (Phoenix)

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Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen opens the first box and finds a full length lab coat. Putting it on she discovers that it covers her to just below the knees. Content for the moment for better coverings, she ponders her next move.

Jen DEF: 2 + 1
Jen CONST: 4

Search Again
Travel S/N/W
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Still nervous about whether or not there would be creatures in the boxes, Jen decides to check them one last time.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen searches again, and this time her search is fruitless. Searching most of the other boxes, she fails to find anything other than old medical equipment.

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1

Search Again
Travel S/N/W
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Satisfied with her search, Jen tries to slowly ease open the nearby door and peek inside.

(Question: why is there the option to go south? I just came from the east...)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

(Typo, sorry)

Jen eases the door to her north open to find a dark bathroom. Turing the light on, she sees that it is very clean, much like everything else on this floor. There is a sink, toilet, and a medicine cabinet hanging on the wall. There are no other exits.

Travel S
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

From what she can tell, there don't seem to be many hiding places for monsters in here... Still, a quick check behind the toilet and in the medicine cabinet wouldn't hurt.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Searching the toilet and cabinet, she finds that this place has been cleaned out. Not even dust lines the shelves.

Search Again
Travel S
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Satisfied that the room is empty of things that might sneak out behind her and attack, Jen moves back outside.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen reenters the hallway and looks around. She is caught off guard by a smack to her back. Spinning around, she sees a small, half broken, robot. This one appears to be designed off of a tank, with treads and what appears to be a small gun barrel with many different attachments on top.

Jen DEF: 2
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Tank HP: 2

Flee N/W/E (67%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Wha...? Jen starts to think. Thankfully, a half broken robot isn't scary enough to send her running. Realizing that if she does try to run, she'll probably be shot, Jen instead moves forward to attack and put the robot out of it's misery.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen swings her baseball bat at the robot, connecting with it and knocking one of the treads off. The robot shoots a rubber slug out of it;'s gun but misses Jen wide to her right.

Jen DEF: 2
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Tank HP: 1

Flee N/W/E (83%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Feeling confdant in here ability to defeat pre-damage enemies, Jen swings her bat again.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen swings again, confidence building in her with each enemy she defeats. The robot tries to again shoot her with a rubber slug, this time connecting with her in the chest, knocking her backward.


Jen DEF: 1
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Tank HP: 1

Flee N/W/E (83%)
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Kahhhh Jen gasps out as the air is forced from her lungs. Drawing in a deep breathe she tries to swing again and destroy the thing.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen swings again, this time hoping to kill the thing. This time she is successful, landing a blow to the top, sending smoke into the air. The robot lurches toward her once or twice before spazzing to a stop, the red light going out on it's top.

Jen DEF: 1
Jen CONST: 4 + 1
Tank HP: 0

Search the area
Search the bot
Travel N/W/E
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Shaking herself slightly, Jen moves off to the west. The droid might have still alerted it's fellows even if it was injured and she didn't want to stick around to find out.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen comes to the end of the Western hallway. She notices that there is a door to her north and a hallway to the south. Nothing else really seems to pop out to Jen.

Jen DEF: 2
Jen CONST: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Once again, Jen decides that it's better to know what's behind you than to set forth without knowing. Gently, she eases the door open to try and look inside without alerting any occupants.
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Jen opens the door and discovers a dark broom closet behind it. She steps into the room, looking at the shelves of various containers, cleaners, and dusty books.

Jen DEF: 3
Jen CONST: 4 + 1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Jen (Phoenix)

Almost deciding that the room was fine to close and leave, Jen does a double take at the books. Maybe they might give a hint as to what this place is.
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