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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

As Tina and Celes happily plucked away at their instruments, Locke shot Mami an embarrassed look.

"You should know, you suckled at your own sister's teat for long enough," he muttered, then smiled again. "Too bad Tanuki don't lactate like a holstaurus. I'll bet these girls could fill me up."

Locke cupped the undersides of Mami's enormous breasts and fondled them. "You didn't answer my question though."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mami didn't seem to react too much to him fondling her breast, other than seeming a little pleased by it. "Well, I'm sure she will be soon." she gestured to how happy Tina seemed. She'll surely be ready to be milked soon. "Anyway... I suppose this means we're with you. No point in saying 'I accept' when it's already this obvious, eh?"

(Mami and Tina have been added to the Roster)
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I guess it is obvious, isn't it?" He said, moving a hand down to her inner thigh while the other still worked over heavenly chest. "I'm happy to have you both. Together you've added music, happiness, and some know-how to our little operation. With you on our side, I'm feeling more confident than ever that we'll be all right in the end. Two beautiful girls."

He withdrew the hand from her lap and fished around in his pocket, until he pulled out a pear, holding it by the stem in front of the tanuki. "Lunch?" he asked, then put the fruit into his mouth, daring her to nibble at it while he held on to it with his teeth.

Meanwhile the banjo music went on and one, Celes grinning happily and nodding her head to the music, before suddenly she felt a stronger wiggle than usual in her belly. Then another, and another. All three eggs were wiggling. She missed a few notes, then stopped playing and set her guitar down.

"Raven? Locke! I think it's time!"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven vanished the moment Celes looked in trouble. Quickly, she returned with safety goggles, a mask, a safety nest for the eggs to land in, some needles, and talon shaped gloves, which she pulled on. "I have taken every preparation necessary for this!" Raven announced, before heading over to Celes and looking to get any lower garments she had on off of herself.

"It's a pleasurable experience... The hell are the needles for...?" Marla asked, eying Raven suspiciously.

"Just in case!" Raven answered. "Locke! Hold her hand! Celes, keep this stick between your teeth!" Raven put a soft strip of wood in Celes' mouth for her to bite down on. Raven was right there, keeping the nest centered that she made herself so that the babies would land softly. "Watch closely Locke... Our children are emerging...!" Raven said with flushed excitement.

Then, Celes would feel a rush of pleasure as the eggs would begin sliding down, her body naturally starting to push them out. The unique magic that allowed them in worked through her body to pleasure and relax Celes' body, leaving her weak and limp as the eggs slid through her vagina, before slowly parting open her nether lips to reveal a white shell. Her pink lips spread wider, the egg slowly coming out, until it simply slid out, and rolled onto the nest, cracks already forming on the hard shell. The next eggs came out similarly, second and third sliding out of Celes body while treating the girl to an orgasmic feeling, letting her know what giving birth to a mamono child was like.

Each of the eggs began cracking, before bald little harpies stuck their heads out, eyes closed and their mouths moving but not speaking, simply chirping like birds. Their arms looked thin and wiry, endng with three points that moved like fingers: their talons. They were so small as well, a quarter the size of a normal human baby.

It began with chirping, and proceeded to words in almost no time at all. "Mama! Mama!" The little birds began calling out for their mother.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke came to Celes' side quickly after her sudden outcry, while Raven became a blur of motion. Seeing how prepared she was for this situation left both male and female ranchers in quiet amazement, and for the latter, it was a swell of relief.

"Raven~" Celes said as the magic of the mamono eggs started to swell through her sensory system. Her hips rocked upwards instinctively and she cooed with pleasure.

Locke took her hand at Raven's command and squeezed it gently.

"I'm here, Celes. I'm going to watch every moment."

"Hnnh, Locke!~ You're watching me lay eggs. It's embarrassing. But please, Raven wants you to do it, so you should." She said with heavy breath. Raven held the stick up to her mouth then and the rancher paused, nodded, and then opened her mouth wide to accept the bit. Her teeth clamped down on it as the first egg started to shift downward and move out of her, bringing with it orgasmic pleasure. "Heeennnh!~~"

Locke looked on dumbfounded, struck by the fact that these were in fact his children, three lives that were starting because of him. "Our children," he whispered solemnly.

One by one the eggs emerged and as they slid into the nest, immediately they began to hatch. When the third one came out, Celes' whole body quivered and she moaned loudly through the stick in her mouth. Her girl cum squired out into the nest, splashing over the eggs. Then she gasped and let her head hang back, the stick falling out of her mouth and off to the side.

The eggs hatched and the little bald pated harpy chicks chirped for three or four seconds. Then the chirps began to develop into more human sounding phonemes. Then amazingly, they began to speak, crying out for their mother.

"Looks like they want you, Raven," Locke said with a wide grin. "Congratulations. You're a mother."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"This is..." Raven announced with astonishment. She looked to Locke as he announced who the newborns were calling out to, before looking back to them. Indeed, she had a great deal of emotion swelling up inside of her, and it was powerful enough to show through her expression. Perhaps first words to your children are important, especially if they can already talk. So, surely, she was thinking of what to say.

"I'm not sure who the mother is in this situation..." Raven announced her chosen words. Even the babies seemed at a loss, one reaching for Celes, one for Raven, and a third who was confused, simply calling out for her mama and expecting someone to know who she was talking about.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Let's hug them together!" Celes said, unable to let the poor little baby harpies be too long without knowing a loving, comforting touch. Making certain that Raven went forward with her, she brushed herself up against the harpy who was leaning towards her first, then cuddling the confused one in the middle just as Raven made contact with her as well.

"We're both your mamas." She told them. "Rely on us. We'll take care of you."

Locke watched as the human and mamono snuggled with the three baby chicks, his own daughters. He moved nearby to watch them, and was there to wave to them once Celes and Raven pulled back a little.

"What do they need?" He asked. "Should I mince up some worms?"

Celes looked to Raven. "That sounds like a nice idea. The babies need food. They'll have your appetite."

She looked back down at the hatchlings in her arms. She held two of them while Raven cradled one. "You're all so adorable. And you'll grow up to be strong, confident little beauties."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

And then Raven and Celes did hug the little harpies together. Locke's suggestion came with a responsive glance from Raven. "Well... I was going to give them some of the dissolved contents of my stomach to them... But perhaps that will work as well."

Mami adjusted her collar in the meantime, having been silently watching, only now disturbed by hearing what Raven intended to do. "Please, the latter... I'm not prepared to see the natural feeding method." Mami chuckled nervously.

Meanwhile, Tina had fainted long ago while watching the birthing process. It was too much for her.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke quickly took some worms from the can and went to the kitchen, where he used a large knife to mince up the worm meat into tiny bites that the baby harpies could manage. His daughters. Three of them. Locke felt extremely proud and stunned by the reality of it all. He was actually a father!

He scooped the minced worms back into the pail and returned to the two mothers and the chicks.

"Okay, here, some for you, some for you and I'll feed this one," Locke said, handing a handful of worm meat to Celes' hand, then to Raven's mouth, and finally taking a baby chick into his own arms and feeding her from his hand.

Both human parents, tipped a little bit of worm at a time into their baby's mouths, letting the little tykes chomp with their beaks as much as they liked.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven took the food that was in her mouth and pretty much made the same kind of graphic scene she would have if she was throwing up the contents of her stomach. It was enough to make Mami flee the scene before she too was throwing up. Meanwhile, the baby harpy in Celes' arms began calling out for it's mother again, before nestling in her arms in a rather comfy fashion, and eating to her heart's content whatever Celes' offered, until the little baby harpy would look bloated like a little balloon.

Before Locke could give his little harpy baby the same treatment, she reached her little immature wings up, and called out, "Papa," seeming to have no confusion whatsoever about who was her father.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Celes was too wrapped up in the emotion of feeding her little baby chick to be grossed out by the way Raven fed the one she was looking after. In truth, she wouldn't have been horrified at all, since she had done her fair share of research on the lifestyle habits of her favorite mamono - the black harpy.

Being able to feed her own girl by hand until her little tummy was nice and round nearly made Celes weep with joy, and she rocked the baby bird girl back and forth in her arms until she fell asleep.

"Hee hee, darling little one. You look like you've eaten too much worm pie. Ooh, I'll call you Magpie! Or Maggie for your nickname.~" Celes said.

Locke meanwhile could only beam with pride as he picked up his little birdie.

"That's right, I'm your papa. Here. Eat these so you'll grow up big, strong, and beautiful like your mamas." He fed her little worm chunks piece by piece.

"If you're naming yours Magpie, then I'll name mine Rook. It'll keep with the theme. And howabout we name the third Crow?" He looked over at Raven who had just about finished feeding the third one.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

The fat little harpy in Celes' arms went to sleep rather quickly. All the stimulation of being brought into the world seeming to knock her out rather quickly as she lay silent, except for a quiet snore, in Celes' arms.

The little harpy in Locke's arms ate the food with surprising energy. She feasted down the worm bits and held her immature wings against her body while simply keeping her mouth open, waiting for another mouthful of food.

Raven meanwhile had finished feeding her own responsibility before she looked towards Locke. "I was going to name her Yami, because I heard in zippangu, that means 'darkness'... But you can do as you like." Raven said indifferently.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Then Yami it is," Locke said. "It's a great name, and since it came from you, it's all the more special."

He looked down to the expectant Rook and fed the little tyke some more worm bits.

"Three little chicks, and three parents. It turned out well didn't it?" Celes said as she gently rocked the sleeping Magpie. "Will they be okay to sleep in the nest, Raven? Or should we keep them indoors where it's warmer?"

Locke walked over to Raven, still holding Rook and giving her little nibbles from time to time. He kissed her on the cheek.

"They're all beautiful just like their mother," he said. "Thanks, Raven. This is really one of the happiest moments of my life."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

(Yami, Rook, and Magpie's birthdays have been added to the calendar.)

(They will mature into fledglings in five weeks.)

Raven glanced over to Locke when he said that. "Locke... When you compliment me with such a pure face..." Suddenly, she grew a sadistic smile. "It makes me kind of excited, in a dangerous way... So be more careful in the future, or I fear I might indulge myself." Raven said with mirth in her tone, then turned her attention to Celes. "A nest is simply a quick and crude method. The house and it's provisions can provide heat and comfort, which is what they need as they grow their feathers."

Yami and Magpie looked content with their food, while Rook simply looked around at everyone and continued to eat. Before Locke knew it, she had fattened up like a ball from eating too much. "She's just been born and you're already spoiling her... Shame on you, Locke." Raven scolded him.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke's grin dissipated a tad at Raven's warning, but returned sheepishly as he comprehended what sort of danger he might be in.

"I guess I'll just have to time it better," he said, making the note aloud. The scolding he got from his spoiling of Rook also made him put away the rest of the food. He the put little rook over his shoulder and started patting her on the back to burp her.

"Spoiling their little girls is a father's job. Or at least it should be." He pat patted the baby chick until she burped and then brought her over to Celes and Raven.

The three adults took the newborns into the house where a warm bundle of blankets was lain on the floor and the chicks were lain down to nap next to one another.

Locke had placed himself in between Raven and Celes and had wrapped an arm around each of them. "They really are amazing," he said.

Later on, he would attempt to find Mamizou and inform her that her sister had fainted and would need tending to. Of course, he'd have done it himself if he didn't think she would have been incredibly uncomfortable if she'd woken up with him right next to her.

Celes meanwhile made certain that the chicks were situated right next to her bed. She seemed determined to sleep in the same room as her hatchlings.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Raven grinned at Locke's reply. "Celes, I may need to borrow your aid for another batch of eggs unless you set beloved here straight." Raven said with mirth.

Rook, after being patted a bit, released a loud burp before she seemed rather whiny that Locke took her food away. She even erupted into a crying fit. "You reap what you sow," Raven said casually at the rather instant results of him spoiling his daughter.

Marla chuckled in the meanwhile. "Hey Locke! I want you to feed me and make me burp too!" she announced selfishly.

After Rook was quieted and the chicks were tucked away to sleep, Locke would find Mamizou tending to her sister already before he arrived. "I've been wondering ever since I robbed you..." Mamizou hummed at Locke. "Do you really think you're cut out to be a Rancher? You seem awfully laid back, and yet all Ranchers have the goal of being the very best. It's a very competitive career, and yet you maintain such a relaxed atmosphere. Aren't you worried at all that your Ranch will collapse?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Give it some time, Raven," Celes said with mock exasperation. "We just got these three, we don't want to overtax ourselves. Please don't take advantage of Locke, even if he does tempt you. And Locke, don't be an idiot. I know you know what you're doing. Stop it and take care of our babies."

Locke didn't have time to deal with this as he was concentrating on the wailing Rook. "I didn't spoil her, I was just feeding her. Same as you guys. Hey now, hush hush. C'mon Rook, be quiet for papa."

Rook did not comply immediately, but by the time she'd been plopped down with her sisters, she'd apparently cried herself out, realizing that crying did not start the food train again. The three new harpies were settled and then Locke made his way over to the barn, where he found Mamizou tending to Tina.

"Oh?" he exclaimed upon hearing her rather bold question. "Don't mistake my calmness as a lack of competitive nature. There's nothing more that I want than for this ranch to be successful. What I want is for my mamono to operate at their very best. It's you girls that are really important. I'm just a glorified cheerleader and coach out there in the fights. I'll support as best I can, get you all the training you need, but the collective desire to succeed has to come from all of us. So what do you think Mami? Do you think I need to be some hyper taskmaster in order for us to stay afloat? What would you suggest I do?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I place the responsibility entirely in Locke's hands," Raven replied dismissively, and looking a little happy as she did so, before looking to the skies. "I want to fly while the babies sleep. I will return," she promised, before taking off.

(Raven has opened up a little more around Celes and Locke. +20 Loyalty)

Then the birds were tucked to sleep, and Locke went to meet with Mami. "Well, I'm not questioning your morale. You seem like a guy who gives his all, but what I'm wondering is when it's too much, or when it's fine to stop going forward. Where a majority of Ranchers stop is Rank C, because Rank B is where popular names start to show up, Ranchers like Melpha who have been in the business for even over a hundred years. You will eventually have to face some incredible people, and come to terms with more incredible mamono in your Ranch. It's even something of a saying I heard going about among some higher ranked Ranchers that not even Venice could tame Baphomet and get her into her ranch, so some foolish people seek out Baphomet in order to recruit her. All fail, obviously. You may have to think about tackling such difficult challenges sooner or later, though if all you find yourself to be is a glorified cheerleader, than I suppose it will truly be impossible to tame some of the greater monsters of this world," she giggled. "A cheerleader won't be taming a dragon anytime soon."

"I personally think..." Mamizou hummed. "I think you have to set a goal for yourself and reach it. Fio set a good example I recall, as she declared following a tournament that she was aiming for Venice's position. I personally think it's people like that who can make it to such incredible heights. This is just me talking though. I'd personally have you ask Fio herself about her resolve and what it means if you're truly curious."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke found himself bothered by what Mamizou was saying. Did he really need to make a goal for himself like taking Venice's job? Venice was a nice and smart rancher who had earned her position. Had she taken down other ranchers in her efforts to get there? Was Fio not content until she unseated Venice? Locke wasn't in this business to make enemies.

"I've heard about this Baphomet. I don't have any desire to have that sort of personality stomping around my ranch, shoving my loyal mamono to one side or another. Or any top level mamono for that matter, if that's what they're going to be like. My ranch is my family. We'll do our best, and do what it takes to reach our top potential. We'll compete, for certain, and we'll train up for it and win on our own merit.

"If I have a goal, it's not to go out and tame some super arrogant girl so that I can win the best tournament. My goal is to turn my own mamono into competitors capable of taking those kind of opponents on."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mamizou giggled, before petting Locke's cheek if he was in range for it. "Venice manages the three great serpents. So what I'm getting at is not for you to simply allow arrogant mamono to stomp about, but to prove your worth as a Rancher by showing that you can tame them. Just imagine how much praise you'd get by turning Baphomet into a creature civilization doesn't have to worry about?" she suggested, before waving her hand. "It's just food for thought. You really should think about how high of Rank you really want to go, since reaching Rank S means that you've defeated the very best Rancher in the world. Maybe you should set your sights lower than that if you don't want to fight Venice?"