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Monster suggestions

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Simply because it was requested, I'll post updates here, should I feel they're important.
Re: Monster suggestions

I changed this to a monster suggestions thread, seeming as how I wasn't using it.

Remember, try to make the monster's appearance seem threatening, or scary. And also, when deciding it's abilities, try to stick to only one ability, and it can range to just about anything you can imagine.

If I like your idea, you just might see someone get attacked by your monster! ^_^
Re: Monster suggestions

Simple Suggestion:

Enemy: Mimic
Type: Shape shifting monster somewhat related to the slime monster
Size: Varies
Mode of Attack: Thin layer of aphrodisiacs
Appearance: In it's natural form, it resembles the slime, only it appears slightly less powerful and to an extent, somewhat slower. However, it relies not on it's physical abilities to catch prey, but rather, it lays in wait pretending to be something desirable, anything from a seemingly high powered rifle to a single apple that appears to have escaped the notice of looters. Once the victim is close enough, it will begin to create a small layer of aphrodisiac slime that can absorbed through the skin. If this tactic is unsuccessful, ie: the victim notices the slime before grabbing on or the effects aren't powerful enough (As once it has been grabbed, it is very easy to realize it's much too squishy to be the real thing), it will attempt to pounce onto it's victim and fill them with enough aphrodisiacs to make them cum over and over again until they black out. A few more advanced and older of these creatures have been known to pretend to be human, even being able to mimic simple cries for help.

(I know it's not threatening or scary, but I can try D:)
Re: Monster suggestions

It'd need to expand and contrast greatly...

I had the same idea when I made the slimes, but nothing I thought of made sense, the most I could come up with was the slime woman. :\
Re: Monster suggestions

It'd need to expand and contrast greatly...

I had the same idea when I made the slimes, but nothing I thought of made sense, the most I could come up with was the slime woman. :\

They could be relatively small in actual volume, but they can use air to "Balloon" themselves up or ball themselves up tightly?
Re: Monster suggestions

Enemy: Water Stalker
Special Attack: Drag Under
Abilities: Lays Eggs, Can generate lengths of hollow tentacle-like tubing from its mouth.
Grows to between seven and sixteen feet long, they appear to almost be alligator-like as they sit with only their eyes and snout out of the water, giving them a high degree of stealth for leaping upon unsuspecting prey. Their limbs are only slightly longer than the species they were based off of, while their tail is noticeably longer. Unlike their reptilian counterparts, they have no teeth, their jaws only used for capturing women.

Further info:
While limited in speed on land, their main purpose is to simply clamp their powerful jaws around a woman and drag her back into the water with their extreme strength. Their jaws are nearly unable to be opened once they have their prey. One of the few species without an aphrodisiac to use, they instead hold their prey underwater while raping her, until she stops struggling, using a long tentacle-like tongue they push down her throat to give her air for the duration of their breeding.

Threat Level:
Smaller Water Stalkers
On land, Threat Level D.
In the water, Threat Level A.

Larger Water Stalkers
On land, Threat Level C.
In the water, Threat Level S+.

Recovering Captives:
Women captured by this creature are left under the water, restrained by lengths of the tube-like tentacles that it generates from its mouth tied around their limbs and fastened to rocks on the floor of the water, they will have a narrow tentacle given to them leading to the surface so they can breathe, while they're left underwater for the eggs inside them to mature.

Eggs varying in size from tennis ball to watermelon size, depending on how many are laid. The size of the egg will be representative of the size (and relative threat) of the creatures born. After laid, the eggs will wait nearby to hatch while the original monster returns to breed again.

Rescue missions are considered exceptionally dangerous because they require rescuers to enter the water to retrieve the captives.
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Re: Monster suggestions

If a woman opens her air tunnel while under water, taking air in, water could seep in from the nose, flooding into the lungs and killing the person in question.

Everything else is pretty neat! :D
Re: Monster suggestions

The monster seals her nose as part of capturing her. :p problem solved.

Consider it some kind of goop that comes out of its mouth tentacle that it can use either as binding, or shaped into a tube for the woman. So it easily covers her face before it's shaped.
Re: Monster suggestions

Oh, and the egg laying thing, it needs to be inside the woman in order to propagate, it can't have long distance absorption.
Re: Monster suggestions

Yeah I think we needed a water monster... or the swimming skill would be useless... I think that one is gonna add a whole new dimension to this game Kayi good job
Re: Monster suggestions

Oh, and the egg laying thing, it needs to be inside the woman in order to propagate, it can't have long distance absorption.

It needs to be inside the woman for its primary growth period. Its time "outside" of her is when it's ready to hatch. It doesn't so much feed off of her as merely its proximity keeps her drained so she can't escape, giving the daddy stalker time to come back and impregnate her again.

Or can be dropped entirely.

EDIT: Changed that part entirely. The eggs can just lay around while the big daddy returns for more raep.
Re: Monster suggestions

It needs to be inside the woman for its primary growth period. Its time "outside" of her is when it's ready to hatch. It doesn't so much feed off of her as merely its proximity keeps her drained so she can't escape, giving the daddy stalker time to come back and impregnate her again.

Or can be dropped entirely.

Ready to hatch makes sense, but it has to be in it's final stage before leaving the woman's womb. Once it leaves her body, it can't absorb more life, even if it was only an inch away.
Re: Monster suggestions

Now the question is, do you want more exotic than the Water Stalker (and perhaps touching on other fetishes), or less exotic?

I've got ideas on both sides.
Re: Monster suggestions

Now the question is, do you want more exotic than the Water Stalker (and perhaps touching on other fetishes), or less exotic?

I've got ideas on both sides.

Mutations of zoo animals, or anything straight from a nightmare is all game.
Re: Monster suggestions

Hrm... I'll let you flesh out the mechanics, but what about a mind trap? It traps you in an illusion and makes illusions of other more physically powerful monsters rape you... you can only escape with will checks and whatnot, but you can prolong the rape by fighting off the illusions with your weaponry.
Re: Monster suggestions

Hrm... I'll let you flesh out the mechanics, but what about a mind trap? It traps you in an illusion and makes illusions of other more physically powerful monsters rape you... you can only escape with will checks and whatnot, but you can prolong the rape by fighting off the illusions with your weaponry.

More details...
Re: Monster suggestions

More details...

Damn you.... I'll call them scarecrows for the sake of argument, as I imagine them as a little head made of spaghetti and that's a cool name.

A small, physically weak monster - a little ball of tentacles or something. Anyone could crush one... but it snares you in an illusion, making your physical body collapse. Several attacking several girls would trap them in a mutual illusion all at once. The illusion would mimic the real world closely, so it wasn't instantly obvious they were trapped. To escape they either have to kill the fake monsters the scarecrows summon (which in turn mentally damages the scarecrows) or first realize they're trapped (notice, intelligence, something doesn't look quite right) and then break free (will check each turn once they realize something's wrong).

I suppose you'd need some mechanism to make sure the first one to break free can't just squish all the scarecrows attacking the group... maybe breaking the bond from the outside deals stamina damage to the girl who gets snapped out of the illusion, so you have to balance the risk of them "losing" with the damage you're certain to deal if you interfere.

Oh, and since you're not actively fighting back in the real world, they get to ignore armor. :p
Re: Monster suggestions

It's odd, how attacking the illusions would harm the creature, as they're not of any physical plain, and the monster itself is aware that they're fake.
Re: Monster suggestions

Yea, that's true. Ok, instead they either have to maintain the corpse (meaning less focus on the next monster to appear, easier to break free) or have it disappear (which makes the illusion less convincing, everyone realizes its fake and it's easier to break free).
Re: Monster suggestions

I'm not much for huge descriptions( well, at least when i'm not RPing.. ) ..=o I will list a couple things i've seen in the past though that you might like.

Pussy Hugger: Small creature with several nubs and tendrils that can be used to cause torturous like stimulation on a female's clitoris and with thousands of tiny little cilia that stimulate when latch on. Quick, mobile, but small and weak, until they get attached. While some monsters subdue with toxins, these subdue at being naturally scarily good at what they do..until they plant eggs at the end of their torture.

Venus Girl Traps : Stationary plants - not terribly frightening, but able to camouflage in their surroundings. Snatch up a girl and pull her into the pinkish center where they're tortured...and ready her with pollen. Can work with impregnate or not impregnate......the thing just could need "watered"...

Androids : since the collapse, a few strange androids have been sighted..maybe with human flesh but who collect "data" by sexing? c_c; And maybe a kidnapping would result in experimentation..?

Tentacleweed: Like a tumbleweed, but with tentacles. Especially dangerous as it obscures the victim's vision from the outside...