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More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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After living for most of her life on farm, Unya had been raised to believe she was going to one day have to search for a man to take care of her, and raise a family with her. At least, until her family was destroyed in a pirate raid, one of their prizes being Unya herself. Barely managing to get away, she was unable to absolutely escape, resorting to hiding within the pirate's cargo, waiting patiently, until midnight, when she escaped on one of their lifeboats...

The food and water she took with her was barely enough to sustain her, before she'd see a large island, the size of a small continent, off in the distance. The sight itself was highly strange, as the different areas of the island that she could see seemed vastly different. On the right most side, she could just glimpse the sight of icy mountains, while on the left most, she could see the edge of a jungle on the side of a cliff...

These things went out of view as she drew closer. The warm weather she'd been experiencing changed to a more cool climate, and the water's intended destination for her seemed horribly unfortunate... Ahead of her, was a small town on the outskirts of a repulsive swamp. And someone must have noticed Unya's steady approach, as several women dressed from head to toe in holy black garbs were standing on the small dock, waiting to greet her.

Dressed as servants of god, a cloth Unya would recognize from the mainland, they and the town's inhabitants seemed devout zealots of the teachings of their religion, due to the fact that the largest building, in the center of town, was a church. And as Unya docked, one of the priestesses stepped forward on the wooden planks, smiling softly at Unya, "Greetings from the grace of God, weary victim of the seas. And welcome, to our humble home." she greeted her, with the softest, most inviting voice one could ever imagine, "Whatever illness fate has deemed for you ends here, you may rest at ease in our embrace."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The escape had been horrible, cramped in a cargo container for several hours, then alone on a small wooden boat for almost as long. Unya was happy to see the island. She dismissed the changes in climate as figments of her imagination, as she was quite tired. She found a bust of energy, however, as the village came into view.

Unya was slightly creeped out by the village, and it's inhabitants. However, she was in desperate need of some hospitality right now.

"I thank you for your kindness. I have escaped from pirates, who have destroyed my village and my family. I would be very grateful if you could shelter me for a time."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The nun made a slow, polite bow, "And God shall shower the misfortunate with pleasure and comfort, whom the false God had cast a blind eye." she recited her religious teachings. "Your desire is our duty. We will provide anything we can to make you feel at home."

Smiling, the nun introduced herself, "My name is Priestess Agala... Shall we be honored by knowing yours?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"My name in Unya, daughter of Orezis." Unya was very lost in all the religious mumbo jumbo. However, it would not be wise to offend her hosts. They were friendly hosts, too, after all, and were doing a great service for her. She continued, trying to flower up her own words to match Agala's. "I am deeply thankful to you and your village." Unya was a bit unsure. She did not want to seem too bold, letting the nun take the lead seemed like a good idea.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Making another bow, Agala continued to smile blissfully at Unya, "But, you are weary, no doubt, and depraved of good nutrition. We shall treat you with the best hospitality we have to offer." Agala slowly lifts one hand from where it was folded over the other in front of her, stiffly gesturing behind her, by holding her wrist over her waist, her open palm directed to the side, "Please, this way..." she told Unya, asking her to follow.

Meanwhile, each of the other religious women watched Unya silently, with their own, blissfully happy smile...
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

This is creepy, but they seem nice enough. This isn't so bad. Unya was starting to relax a bit. She'd never heard of anything like this, but these people were clearly friendly. She was happy to be lead into the center of the village by the nun. While she was wary of appearing a freeloader, comming from a working family and all, but it would be nice to enjoy these people's hospitality for a little while.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

As Priestess Agala would lead Unya, the other nuns scattered slowly on their own, going about their lives as they were, now that they had met the newcomer. Unya would eventually find herself being led towards the town's church. "We do not have much lodging for visitors, due to our unfortunate location, but we do have many beds ready for those who believe, since a large group of our sisters were sent on a crusade not but a month ago." she explained.

Reaching the doors of the church, Agala opened the entrance to Unya, creaking the large, wooden door open, where a few nuns were inside, reading from religious texts, seated in random locations, often in pairs, speaking to each other quietly, while absorbing the contents of the text.

"Please lower your voice when within the Lord's holy halls." she instructed Unya, "Many of us are studying the true inscriptions in preparation for prayer tonight. If you are polite, and respect our desire for the hush of word, then you will be allowed to our prayer, before we dine on a great banquet."

Walking past all the benches as Agala spoke, Unya was led to a set of stairs in the back of the church, which led to the second floor. There, a simple assortment of rooms, each with their own pair of beds awaited Unya. "You may choose any room you like... And do not fear to bunk with someone who already has a room. Our religion teaches kindness, and pleasure before all else. None among our order would ever harm you." she assured her.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

As the two were walking, a thought occured to Unya. I hope they don't expect me to become a nun. I understand if I should learn about them while I'm here, and I'm willing to do that, but I need to get home eventually....

When they entered the church, Unya only nodded to each statement the nun said, not trusting herself to whisper. She was also a little busy being in awe at the place. The village had a chruch, of course, but she'd never seen something like this one. Sure, there were probably other such sized churches in the cities, but Unya was just country folk, this was all so new.

Reaching the rooms, Unya decided she had no preference, she wouldn't mind someone else in the room, she just hope they were a bit talkitive so she could ask questions. She picked the second door on the right, seemed as good as any other.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The nun accompanied Unya for a little longer, until she seemed to choose a room that suited her. The nun knocked on the door before Unya could do anything, calling out the name of the occupant afterwords, "Initiate Reene?" she called softly, "You have a new roommate..."

The sound of someone moaning, and then gasping were heard, followed by soft footsteps, before the door was opened. The nun, Reene, a blond girl with blue eyes, stood in the open doorway. The white coif and black veil that normally covers the nun's head was down, revealing her long blond hair that ran down her back, concealed by the rest of her black outfit, as well as a pair of blond locks that run down her cheeks, over her breasts.

The sound of something liquid hitting the floor would catch Unya's attention, followed by the realization that Reene's hand was dripping wet... While the other was dry.

Reene seemed to be blushing as she looked at Unya with a soft smile, blue eyes reflecting Unya's image back at her, "Hello... You are my roommate?" she inquires curiously, "I would be pleased to let you stay... And perhaps we can learn the teachings of pleasure together?"

Agala turned to Unya, smiling at her with the same, soft grin, "Reene is still new to our religion's teachings... When she arrived here, the poor girl was all alone..." she explained.

Reene nodded, "But, after Agala took me in... I've never felt so happy in my entire life... I feel so full of emotion, I can't wait to share it with others..." Reene stepped back, inviting Unya inside, "Anything I can do to give you happiness, I will try my best... Please come in, simply ask what will please you, and I will do it." she assured her.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

It was at this point Unya realized something was very wrong here. These people seriously worshiped pleasure? Not like pleasure was a bad thing, but it was still really wierd, these people were nothing like the nuns she knew of back home. Still, it sounded like this Reene was new or something, and not quite doing it right. Unya knew what the wet hand ment, but she'd been told this was a sin by her priests and nuns. Sexual relations were meant only for a man and wife, and the woman was suppost to be a virgin on her wedding night, as Unya was.

However, best not to offend her hosts. "I'm kind of tired, really. This whole ordeal has been very stressful and I've been awake for hours, it'd be nice just to take a nap or something, if that's okay?" Perhaps this... situation could be avoided or delayed untill she'd had some time to sleep.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Reene nodded, smiling at Unya, "Yes, of course." she said without hesitation, "Anything of mine you want, I will give to you. Everything that's mine, is yours." she stepped back, leaving space for Unya to come inside, "Please, come in, you said you were exhausted, I will treat you until you are fully recovered..." she told her.

Then, Agala nodded, turning, about to leave, before sharing one more thing with Unya, "Our prayer will begin tonight... I apologize if our religion might offend your own... But I only ask that you do not disrupt it... We hold our teachings to be very sacred." she told Unya, before walking back down the hall.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

It was nice that the nuns didn't mind Unya's slighty aura of being creeped out. She could relax a bit. While the girl really did need to lay down a rest, she supposed it was only right to talk to Reene a bit, though she wasn't quite sure what to say. "Hello. I'm Unya, pleased to meet you. Don't mind me, I won't get in your way." She'd allow some time for the young nun to speak, then ask which was the free bed and sit down.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Closing the door slowly after Unya would walk inside, Reene seemed to have a step of excitement over having a guest in her room. Turning around to face Unya, she had a red blush on her cheeks. "Oh... Don't worry about it... I, uh... I've never had a guest before... I'm used to praying... By myself..." she giggled a little, before directing her attention to the 'single' bed, "Um... Our religion practices experiencing pleasure together... So... Roommates don't sleep apart from each other... But..." she head lowered, one of her feet idly motioning on the ground, "If you don't... I can... I can sleep on the floor..."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Little alarms were going off in Unya's head. Maybe it wasn't just Reene that was wierd here... However, she felt bad about letting the nun sleep on the floor. The girl seemed a bit insecure. There couldn't be any harm in simply sharing the bed, Unya had confidence that Reene would keep her hands to herself, plus it might be nice to have something warm next to her as she slept. "We can share, but I'm really tired, okay." Unya still didn't want to offend these people, but she'd need to think of a course of action fast.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Reene made a couple bows quickly, as if urgent to meet some demand Unya made, "Y-yes! You are tired, I will please you." she told her, speaking as if that phrase were part of a ritual. Gently walking over, and gracefully taking Unya's hand, she pulled the tired woman over to the bed, wrapping her other arm around Unya's waist as they drew near, before setting her down on the covers.

Getting nearer than Unya may have been comfortable with, Reene certainly had an aura of eagerness about her. Her eyes fixed themselves on Unya's face, with the same, peaceful, yet eerie smile on her face. "... Lay down... The sheets are clean..." she assured her, the hand on Unya's waist giving a small grip, tugging on her eagerly, "I'll massage you... I can help you sleep comfortably..."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

This was wierd, but a massage might be nice, and Reene seemed so eager. Unya got on the bed and tried to position herself so Reene could easily reacher her without too much effort, though she still didn't know what part the nun wanted to massage. Unya could only assume this would be a back rub, but that twinge at the back of her mind was telling her otherwise...
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Once Unya laid flat on her front, with her back to Reene, the nun hesitated little, before Unya found herself mounted by the other woman. Resting herself on Unya's bottom, Reene had a small blush on her lips, and a even brighter expression of eagerness on her face as she looked down at Unya.

"I... Must massage the skin... Clothing gets in the way..." she murmured, as if shy about treating Unya in such a way, before proving otherwise, as Unya finds her shirt and top taken from her, and tossed aside in a swift motion, as if Reene was used to disrobing other women, such to the point that she developed a skill for it.

She leaned down, placing her hands on Unya's shoulders gently, yet ready to hold her down if she tried to get away, while her breath washed over Unya's neck in hot waves, "I'm very excited..." she whispered, "I'll start slow... And work my way down... Alright?" she told Unya innocently, with a lecherous undertone, before her already greased up hands smoothed along Unya's back, gliding down her hips, glancing over her ribs, before coming back, and repeating the motion in a slow, gentle loop. And based on the nature of where Reene wanted to touch Unya, she spent a good many moments, idling over Unya's womanly features...
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya tensed a bit when Reene jumped on her backside, but wasn't quite fully aware of how eager the nun was just yet. She did not object to the removal of her clothes, it made sense that they'd just be in the way. Being face down, it wasn't like the girl would get much of a view anyway. Plenty of other women had seen her naked backside when a group would have to get changed together for whatever reason, this wasn't exactly new or dirty.

As Reene started, Unya got creeped out by the way she was speaking, but quickly relaxes as hands rubber her body. Today had been quite stressful, and she couldn't do anything by lay breath deeply as the nun worked away the day's trials. A more experienced observe would almost say she was moaning, but Unya didn't think of it as such. She also didn't really notice how long Reene was lingering in certain areas, content as is for the moment, letting her eyes flutter slightly with each pass.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Reene worked her hands slowly over Unya's body, the oil on her hands slowly covering the whole of Unya's back and shoulders, at first sending a delightful wave of warmth over her skin, before seeping further into her muscle tissue, becoming absorbed into every part of her tense muscles. The effect of the oil Reene was using began to make Unya's body not only become nearly limp with relaxation, but also sent delightful shivers across her skin, relaxing the rest of her body in turn.

When Reene placed her hand on the back of Unya's neck, soaking her skin in the massage oil, she would suddenly feel the inability to even lift her head, purely from the pleasure derived from Reene's hands, stroking her neck, caressing the skin with gentle, yet pressuring strides.

"Your back is finished..." Reene announced to Unya, "I hope you aren't frightened by my massage oil... It removes all of the acid that builds up in your muscles... Allowing your body to completely relax..." she told her, before lightly tugging on Unya's side, slowly flipping her over as Unya's body limply obliged, her arms motionlessly following suit, as they to were covered in the nun's oil.

Now on her back, Unya's breasts were bare to Reene, as the farm girl would now be able to see the nun on top of her, smiling down at her, with a bright, pink flush on her cheeks. Reene's nipples could be seen, erect through her dress, a pair of little nubs poking at the black fabric that covered them. And Reene herself seemed excited, as well as pleased to have Unya in her hands.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya kept vocalizing how good the process felt. She was so relaxed, she didn't notice the lack of muscle control untill Reene flipped her. She squeaked slightly as she noticed how the nun looked at her jiggling breasts. However, she couldn't quite work up the will to move, and on some level, she really wanted those areas massaged as well. Unya blushed at the thought, but figured one time wouldn't hurt, and no one who cared would know. She just hoped that if Reene moved her focus downwards she would skip over her most important asset.