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More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The nun thrusted faster, and faster, visibly drawing pleasure from watching Unya writhe from sexual stimulation. "You have such an innocent heart, Unya," she moaned, whispering to her, "You accept the corruption of pleasure so willingly... You will make a fine believer!" she announced happily, before pushing her length in deep, releasing her sperm inside Unya's pussy.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya's moan was like a scream as she came as well, clamping down on the cock. Her pussy twitched and spasmed, love juice leaking in every direction. The farm girl whimpered a bit, both from pleasure and mild embarassment. She could not buck as hard against the woman as she wanted to, because she was tied down.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Panting, she slowly pulls out of Unya, a small grin on her face, while her tail removes itself from her ass as well. "You are certainly a rare one, Unya... I can easily see you becoming the Dark God's right hand, if you continue to show such astounding dedication to pleasure." she giggled.

Cum leaking down Unya's legs, dripping to the floor, familiar moans were heard from a nearby room. "Ah, Reene..." she said her name slowly, "She seems to be putting up a fight, but her resistance will not last long." She turns to Unya with a smile, "If your development continues to proceed so quickly, I think you would be perfect for disciplining her."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya's pussy twitched at the thought, the girl was mildly turned on from it, even though she felt it was wrong. She slumped as much as was possible, tired, letting the juices run down her body. It felt strangely good, and arousing. Her head hung a bit low, not wanting the meet the nun's eyes, because she didn't want to seem defiant, and because it took too much effort.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The nun turned about, giving Unya one last smile, "Goodbye, Unya... It may be hard to sleep there, but it won't be long before you're one of us..." she promised, before leaving the room. Once the door slammed shut, the only further noise was the sounds of Reene's torture in the other room. Already worn from being raped, Unya's body eventually developed a bad strain from the position she was in. She couldn't stretch, she couldn't lay down. The discomfort began to torture her.

Her body sweating from the warm, damp room, and her body convulsing on it's own from the mental torture, suddenly her hands came free of the rope that bound them, purely from the fact that she was so lubed up from her sweat. With her arms free, all that was left were her ankles. Then, she'd finally have the freedom to decide where the events of her misfortunate story continued.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya had been contemplating what would happen to her, if she'd be transformed to have a tail like the other's, when suddenly she found her chance at freedom. She quickly untied her feet, though because of her tiredness it probably wouldn't be all that quick. Then she'd slide up to the door, pressing an ear to it to see if the hall outside sounded clear. If it was, she'd exit, then listen to see if Reene was still... occupied... if she wasn't she'd attempt to rescue the girl, if not, it was probably best to get out of here on her own.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Listening to the door, and hearing the halls clear, and slowly making her way out as planned, Unya would quickly have to retreat back inside, as a pair of nuns were just leaving Reene's room. They were giggling to each other, clearly at Reene's expense when they spoke. "Poor heretic. I hope having most of your soul drained from you teaches you to not go against your fellow sisters." one nun said, before closing the door, and locking it from the outside with a crude mechanism, easily opened from one end, without a key, but impossible to escape from the other end.

The two nuns began their walk together, discussing the lewd topic of Reene's sexual torture, as they passed Unya's door. Once they were gone, and Unya made her way to Reene's room, she'd see Reene left in an uncomfortable position. She was trapped in a pillory. Her mouth had an odd device strapped to it, that forced her mouth and teeth apart, so as to allow one to insert themselves orally without fear of being bitten. There were red marks all along her body, signs of abuse. And there appeared to be a pink anal plug in her ass.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The first step was important, making sure Reene remained calm. Unya would run up and whisper in the girl's ear for her to stay quiet, else they might be caught. Then she'd try and get the facial device off, then then restraints holding her still, and finally the plug. She'd make sure Reene could support herself without falling as she worked, she didn't want to drop the girl.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Reene groaned when Unya whispered to her, and then when the device was taken off of her face, she gave a slight shudder. "You..." she said weakly, "... Came back for me..." she said quietly, as if Unya was a saint for doing so. Once she was out of the restraint, she nearly fell out of it, and landed on the floor, before Unya's wary watch helped ease her down to the ground. There, she was able to gently pull the plug out of her ass, drawing a high pitched whine from Reene, who let out a gasp when it was finally out of her.

"Unya..." she whispered her name, calling out to the girl who was saving her, a single tear rolling down her face, "... Why didn't you trust me..."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"Ummm, well...." Unya was in quite the uncomfortable position. "They... uhhh... fooled me... really, I'm not lying or anything... they said you were gonna do something bad to me, and they just seemed so authoritive..." It really wasn't a lie, either. The farm girl felt really bad about what was happening, but knew they had to get moving.
"Do you... know a way out of here... perhaps a way noone will see us taking?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"It's alright..." Reene panted, "Although... I hurt all over... I think I was raped by nearly everyone in the church..." she told Unya, letting out a small whimper, turning her head away from the many puddles of cum around the torture device that held her. Coughing a little, she groaned, nodding at Unya when asked about a secretive, discreet escape route.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"Okay, do you need me to give you a ride, because I don't think you're strong enough to lead the way, but I don't know where I'll be going." Unya knelt down, letting Reene hop on her back for a piggyback ride if needed.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"Yes, thank you..." Reene whispered to Unya, weakly getting her arms around Unya's shoulders, and her legs over her hips. "Right outside, go left, opposite where the other's left..." she started, pointing Unya in the favored direction.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya carefully walked where Reene led, slowly both for stealth and so she could be gentle with the girl. She'd nerviously glance at the exit the nuns had used, but would focus a bit on the route ahead as well. Just because they had a way out, and didn't suspect anyone to be guarding it didn't mean they were home free yet.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Following Reene's gestures and directions, Unya made her way with Reene on her back, into an odd room with many wine barrels. Around the middle of the room, Reene directed Unya to a door to her left, between the large barrels, which, when opened, immediately washed the scent of the open, wet marshlands into her nostrils.

"Just keep going straight..." Reene whispered, "We have to escape the town... Everyone is a follower of the church here..." She clung to Unya a little, grasping her in an embrace from behind. "I know of a place we can travel to... We'll be safe there for a time..."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Following Reene's gestures and directions, Unya made her way with Reene on her back, into an odd room with many wine barrels. Around the middle of the room, Reene directed Unya to a door to her left, between the large barrels, which, when opened, immediately washed the scent of the open, wet marshlands into her nostrils.

"Just keep going straight..." Reene whispered, "We have to escape the town... Everyone is a follower of the church here..." She clung to Unya a little, grasping her in an embrace from behind. "I know of a place we can travel to... We'll be safe there for a time..."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

"Okay. That's good, I had no plan besides go out into the woods, and that would probably not work for long." Seeing an exit gave Unya strength, but she still had to go slow with the heavy girl on her back. She only paused to check to see if anyone was watching the exit at the end of the passage before going as best as she could towards the woods.