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More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Panting from the exertion of her orgasm, Reene giggled, grinning as she wriggled her finger over Unya's pussy, keeping her at her current state of pleasure, "Because... I'm a servant to my lord... It is just one of many gifts bestowed upon me for my loyalty..." With a moan, she leaned down to cup her lips over Unya's clit, tugging on it, pressuring it to cause a little more pleasure, "Even now, I'm performing his will..."

Dipping her middle finger into her pussy, Reene was careful not to break her hymen, as she began stroking along her pressure point within her pussy, marking herself as the first person to ever touch her in a place she always found so sacred, determined to return the favor, and bring Unya to cum.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The answer did not satisfy Unya, but she could not continue to question as Reene moved to more sensitive spots. Her voice could only utter loud moans as her pleasure points were worked. She started to move in ways that aided the nun in her quest. Quickly Unya did not care about anything other the reaching her first orgasm. Eventually she managed to squeak out a few works of encouragement to Reene. "Yes! Yes! Do it! I'm al... almost there!"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Reene did as Unya begged her to, digging her finger deeper into her pussy, grinding it around to spin Unya's lust into a vivid orgasm, while gently yanking at her clitoris with her mouth by creating a powerful suction, and mercilessly flicking at the tiny nub with her tongue.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

With quickening moans, Unya came. She arched her back as fluids gushed out of her pussy, coating anything nearby, including any part of Reene that that nun did not quickly draw back. The farm girl screamed, though her thankfully she did not have a very high pitched voice. When she had given it her all, she flopped back down on the bed, panting as she lay exausted. She had no energy to do anything but wait for Reene to either coax her up for whatever reason, or for the nun to lay down with her, for sleep or otherwise.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Drawing her head and hands back, Reene let out a gasp as Unya's juices came suddenly gushing out. She felt her heart skip a beat from the piercing, orgasmic scream the farm girl unleashed from her voice. Watching the result of her climax come forth in a stream of clear liquid, Reene was enticed. And not only by that, but also by the way Unya's abs rose and fell from her ecstatic breathing.

Reene felt greedy, even though she knew it was wrong... She knew Unya was special. Weakened by the salve, touched by a Dark Priest, even pushed to the point of cumming, the girl remained completely conscious. The others would no doubt seek her out, and touch her as well. And once they found out about her, they would no doubt follow tradition, and weave the black garb over her. Make Unya one of them.

"It is a sign..." Reene whispered to herself, "A sign from the Dark God herself..." She said, completely convinced that she was right. She couldn't let the others find out about Unya. This human was special, and God herself was charging her with a great task. Through the divine words reaching her heart, she knew what she had to do with Unya. But for now, it had to wait. She could enjoy the human a little longer.

Gracefully turning around, Reene laid atop Unya, their breasts mushing together, as she reached for, and drew the covers over their bodies. Slowly flipping over, Reene brought Unya with her, so that they were both laying on their sides, facing each other. Smiling, the nun placed a light kiss on Unya's lips. "You are quite amazing, Unya..." she complimented her, "How do you feel...?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya was tired, she rolled easily with the nun into position. She kept her arms behind the other girl's back in an embrace, but there was not much strength behind it. She softly moaned a few times before responding to Reene's questions. "Uhhhhh.... that was... amazing... but... I'm really tired now..." She rested her head on top of Reene slightly, careful not to put too much pressure down. While she was sure it wouldn't cause any harm, she wanted to be as soft and gentle as possible. She had enough energy to cuddle, and in her inexperience, this is how she showed it.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Their nude bodies writhing together, Reene moaned happily as she embraced Unya, and was embraced in turn. After a little snuggling, happily adjusting themselves until they found the perfect condition to settle in together, Reene's leg hooked between Unya's, and her tail wrapped around the red head's waist. With something to wrap her arms around, and with plenty of exhaustion, accompanied by a comfortable bed to finally rest in, sleep would come quickly for Unya, her mind quickly going blank without her even knowing she had fallen asleep...


The time that had past her seemed both quick and long. Her perceptions, having gone unused for countless hours during her rest, were uncertain, and woozy. But the first thing she'd find, was that Reene had departed from the bed during her rest.

The smell of sex was still in the air, and it took a little moment for Unya's eyes to adjust to the darkness of night, not more than a few seconds before she could see clearly enough to know her surroundings. She'd feel a little dirty, obviously from the accumulated sweat that had dried during her slumber.

Nearby, on Reene's table, there was a plate of rather delicious looking food, and a wooden cup of cold water that Reene must have prepared for her. Beside it, a note. It read,

'Please do not leave the room, and do not answer the door for any reason. I will be right back.
~ Reene'
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya frowned slightly at the note. She'd like to get out of the room and look around, at the very least. However, for now she would not cause any trouble, though she wondered why she was not allowed to answer the door. She could see how leaving an interupting prayer or something would be rude of her, but answering the door, how could that be bad?

Sighing, Unya grabbed a little bit of food, only moderately hungery, then took a look around the room now that she was alone. Who knew what kind of interesting things might be hidden in here.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Investigating around the room, Unya found several books stashed away in a little nightstand besides the bed. The most interesting one, appearing to be this religions equivalent of a bible, did the best to draw attention to Unya's curiosity for discovery. And in her search to find something interesting, would find the book opening in her hands, taking her to the middle section of the (un)holy scripts.

Rather than words alone, Unya saw sketches and drawings of direct, sexual acts. On the first page she read, what was depicted as a human girl, was bent over, on her hands and knees in an erotic fashion, with another, voluptuous woman behind her, mounting her ass, legs stretching far apart, back straight, with her hands on the bottom girl's waist. But this other woman did not appear quite so human. She was dressed very much like one of the many nuns throughout this church, but with enough taken off to engage in sex. Her tail was visible, and she had similarly pointed ears, like the elves Unya had heard about in stories.

And what Unya would see depicted right around the area where their bodies met, the human's ass and the nun's crotch, was a strange gesture of a 'drawing' force, as if the nun was pulling something from the human into herself, right on top of what would clearly be seen as a phallus lodged inside the girl's pussy.

The story on the side of just the first picture told the story of how the human knew only sad stories throughout her life. She hailed from a prosperous kingdom of humanity, and was cast out one day unjustly. No longer needed as apart of their society, the women felt worthless, like an unwanted stray dog. Then, a nun, seemingly the same as the on in the picture, appeared before her. The nun took the woman into her hospitable church, a building the woman had never seen before. There, the woman was quickly seduced by the charm of this new religion the nun preached to her. Not promises, but actual gifts of pleasure instantly bestowed upon her quickly made the lost woman fall in love with the 'Dark God,' and in a matter of moments, begged the nun to make her a servant of this god, to live for this pleasure, instead of constant misery.

The nun gladly accepted, taking the woman to her private chambers, and holding her in a loving embrace. Removing the cloth from the skin, the nun penetrated the human's body, sucking out the misery that plagued her soul, and dissolving it within her own happiness, all while making passionate love to her. On the next page, the story continued with another drawing. The sexy, yet ragged looking woman was sitting in the nun's lap, legs spread wide, with the phallus now in her ass, and the nun's tail in her pussy. The human woman seemed to be having the time of her life. As if this really was a wish-come-true for her.

And written in the passage, it said simply that the human's body eventually became as sensitive as a sex organ. To such a degree, that there was no difference between her ass and her pussy. When the nun knew this, she pierced the woman's pink lips with her tail. The blessing of the Dark God washed into her soul like a stream into a lake. Accepting the blessing inside her, the woman soon wore the permanent mark of the Dark God. And on the final page of the story, before another verse started, was a picture of two nuns, one bearing a resemblance to the human from before, their tails twining around each other, as they kissed in front of the religious alter of their church, binding their sisterly love together, a bond as unbreakable as their service to their god, for the remainder of their lives...

Just as Unya would be done reading, or perhaps waiting if she did not wish to read the book, there would be a sudden, but light, knock on the door. The voice that called from the other side was not Reene, but the lead priestess from before. "Unya?" she called, "May I speak with you for a moment? It's about Reene."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya quickly put the book back where she found it before slowly going over to the door. She was going to open the door, things around here were just to strange to pass up the chance to talk to someone else, plus Reene's tail slightly worried her, moreso now that she read the story. She was a quick thinker, and already have a few excuses as to why she would disobey the note. Her first excuse was mostly truthful, the person at the door sounded like the woman in charge, that seemed important enough to open the door anyway. If questioned later Unya would put on an innocent act, and hopefully acting all sweet and whatnot would stem any anger Reene had.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Seeing the face of the priestess before her, and then the two other nuns behind her, Unya was greeted by the priestess' raised eyebrows. "Ah, Unya! It is most urgent that I speak with you regarding the matter at hand. You see, our own sister Reene has suddenly vanished with a precious artifact in her possession. We will deal with the thievery when the time comes, but we were more concerned with your well being."

Despite Unya being naked, the priestess reached forward, and attempted to push the door open. "We're worried she may have done something 'dark' to you. Please, if you will allow me, let me examine you."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya stepped back to allow the nuns to enter. Truth be told, some of the worry was still in here, and hearing the nun's words made her anxious again. Something hadn't exactly felt right about what had happened, and she was more then happy to cooperate. The fact that Reene could not be found also scared Unya a little, her note said she'd be right back.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Allowing the nuns inside, Unya would soon find them all surrounding her. Under the guise of wanting to help her, one of them was quick to bind Unya's hands behind her back. The second nun helping to hold Unya in place should she panic, the priestess smiled at the naked girl, soon unbuttoning her dress, letting it fall off her shoulders to reveal the skimpy, sexy set of underwear underneath, with a tail similar to Reene's own just above her ass, swinging behind her.

"Unya," the priestess began, "Please do not be afraid. This may seem intimidating, but it's very necessary that I examine you." she instructs her, "If you would, please part open your legs?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya's eyes went wide at the sudden forcefullness of the nuns. She let out a little squeek as she was bound. Unfortunately, she couldn't think of anyway to protest, really, as there was no way she could escape by force, she wasn't even big enough to stand a 50/50 chance against one of these women. She weakly opened her legs for the nun to "examine", mouth open wide trying to think of something to say.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Stepping forward, face-to-face with Unya, the nun grinned, lightly placing her hands on the red head's shoulders, before slowly lowering herself down, palms glancing over Unya's nipples, along her belly, before settling on her hips. Her face on level with Unya's crotch, the nun leaned in, sealing her lips over the farm girl's clit, sucking on it for a moment, pulling at the tiny nub, before pulling away, humming.

"You've been tainted by the touch of another woman... Your hymen remains, but the stink of lust is obvious." Looking up to Unya was a smile, the nun's eyes seemed to be accusing her. "I thought you to be more innocent than that, Unya... You let Reene make love to you, didn't you?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya stiffened. "Reene said... that this was how to heal people... or... something like that!" Unya had no idea what the nuns were talking about, she had assumed they were all like Reene, but that was now clearly not the case. Infact, it seemed that what she and Reene had done was the exact opposite of what the nuns wanted. "I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Unya hoped the nuns would realize she had been tricked by Reene and not punish her, or whatever they were planning.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Blinking with interest, the nun rose to stand before Unya, cupping her hand under Unya's chin to raise her head to look at her directly. "Poor girl, you were taken advantage of, weren't you?" she cooed, "Would you like to help us find Reene? We're sure she has something dark planned for you, now that we know what she's up to. She will likely come back for you. Would you be willing to lure her in to justice?" she inquired.
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

There really wasn't any other way, Unya would have to go along with the nuns' plan. Besides, acting as the bait didn't seem to really require any work on her part, she'd probably just have to wait around in the room like she was doing before. However, there was one question still on her mind. "Am I going to be okay, what did Reene do to me?"
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

The priestess waves her finger at Unya, "You needn't worry about that. You are under our protection. Whatever ill she has inflicted upon you, will be undone by our hands, and the grace of the dark god." Motioning with a gesture at her two sisters, Unya was released from their hold. "We must make haste. Reene's plan is growing further, and we must stop her."
Re: More Than Ordinary (Unya)

Unya relaxed slightly. She still was not so sure about the situation, but it no longer seemed like she was in immediate danger. "So... What do you want me to do..."