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North Region


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The north region is a far cry from Central; snow blankets the entire region, very little in the way of life can be seen for miles around, instead communities rely on trade from other regions for their supplies. What little life that can be seen in the frigid tundra consists mostly of wild animals; bears, rabbits and wolves especially though even they stay hidden away when the blizzards are at their worst.


The train slowly grinds to a halt as the station comes into view, and as the doors of the carriages open the group would instantly feel a drop in the temperature.

"Bwa- oh, looks like we've a-a-a-rrriiiiiiiiiived," Max yawns out as he wakes up, a line of drool running down his chin and his book scattered on the floor. Wiping his chin and putting up his book he quickly puts on his thick coat and grabs his belongings before making his way out of the carriage and onto the station itself. There he waits for the others and Jin's orders.
Re: North Region

Jonathan woke up a few minutes before the train reached it's destination. Now, he simply stretched himself, yawned, gathered his stuff and left, stopping near Max. He kinda liked the north - pure white snow looked very pretty. Sadly, he'd not have the time to contemplate it. Joules was sure that this mission wouldn't be a simple one...
Re: North Region

Miranda was slightly entranced by the snow, but mostly annoyed. She scowled as she pulled on the masculine heavy coat she'd stuffed into her traveling rucksack. "I hate cold weather." she groused as she crunched her way over to where Max and Jonathan were standing. "It's so... crunchy. Water should not be crunchy."
Re: North Region

Harrison looks much happier than normal, wondering around for a while before heading over to stand with the others, just in time to catch Miranda's comment.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"
Re: North Region

Jacob had been sitting at his seat the entire trip, his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Until the train began to slow, at which point he stands and ensures he has his backpack, then exits the train and stands next to Max, seemingly unfazed by the cold "The North. Anyone who can survive up here is not someone to trifle with." he says, taking in a short breath of the cold air, then releasing it gently "Perfect place to settle down when I retire."
Re: North Region

Tesla slipped on his his heavy trench coat, gloves and hat before stepping off the train. "It makes sense for the water to be slushy and crunchy when its cold. It's just the ice floating around in it and freezing up. I don't mind the cold as long as there's snow with it, I hate dry cold or cold and rainy. There's no point to it. Snow's a beautiful thing. It represents something human beings can never be..... pure." He said as he looked over the landscape before stepping up with the rest of his team. "Anyways, where do you think we should head and check first?"
Re: North Region

Miranda harrumphed, "I've lived my whole in a place where in never snows, and every time I see it I can't help but feel that way." she grinned sheepishly, "I know it's irrational but hey, I'm only human."
Re: North Region

Jin, unlike the rest of the group, was unable to get any thing close to sleep on the ride. His mind was trying to think up ideas to get the group on the same level. The main problem was how blunt Jacob dislike of Alchemists was. If he could only get past that then maybe the group would have an easier time working as a team.

As the train stopped he didn't move wait for everyone else to exit the train. Once he thought wore off the train, He stand and starts to walk to the door but stops when he saw the female soldier of his team still sitting. Jin walks over and taps her on the shoulder lightly. Her name was Cynthia if he remembered the PA system correctly.

"Hey....Cynthia. Time to get up." He said once again tapping her on the shoulder.
Re: North Region

Harrison shrugs at Miranda's response.

"Fair enough. I've spent most of my life in the North, so I love the cold."
Re: North Region

Jonathan chuckled as he listened to Harrison and Miranda. "I don't like cold either, to tell you the truth... But I really like snow. It turns the landscape into a truly inspiring sight..." Joules was wearing quite a lot of warm clothes on himself, proving his words. The alchemist's worries abandoned him as he observed his surroundings.
Re: North Region

"Wow, didn't expect something like that coming from you," Max said to Jacob in response to his comment, looking slightly impressed by the man. "Well the cold doesn't bother me so much, if it does get too much I'll just warm myself up."

Max was about to speak, though he paused because of what Michael said. "Hang on a minute," Max started, a look of confusion on his face. "Did you really just say 'It's just the ice floating around in it and freezing up.'? Because if you didn't already know ice is ALREADY frozen. And if our 'leader' would hurry up he'd probably agree with me that we should really be heading to the village, seeing as that is where we're supposed to be heading." Max pointed in the direction of what seemed to be a small settlement that appeared to be a little ways away from the train station.
Re: North Region

"Thank you." Jacob says, then nods his head down slowly, then looks back up at the settlement off in the distance. "It IS the leader's decision. But I'd suggest we hurry before some of us freeze to death." he says casually, tilting his head to the right and cracking his neck.
Re: North Region

"Bwuh?" Cynthia murmured, before her head jolted to face Jin as she jumped awake. Rubbing her neck, she pushed herself upright. "Oh, er, sorry, must've drifted off at some point... Yeah, shall we be going sir?" she spoke to Jin, shrugging on her coat and doing it up, before reaching for a furry hat, and shouldering her bag.
Re: North Region

Miranda nodded, her teeth already chattering, "Yes please, I'd like to thaw out again."
Re: North Region

"You weren't the only one to get some sleep. I only wished I got some too." Jin said as he turned to walk to the door. He didn't bother to tell her not to call him sir as it would be best just to say once in town so everyone would know and he wouldn't have to say six or seven times. As he reached the door he looked outside and everyone seeming to have a nice chat which confused him a bit. But that quickly changed as he noticed as few showing signs of the cold getting to them. He then turns back to Cynthia.

"Normally I would say "Ladies first" but seeing as a few of them are already shaking from the cool I should just get them going already." He said to her as turned to exit the train now. He looked at the group and part of him wondered if they said anything about him. He did feel a few hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Seeing as a few of use are already cold... Let's just get going. We can talk things out once we get to the village and warm again." He said the group. He saw the village and was surprised at how close it seemed. Jin took point and started to walk seemingly unaffected by the cold despite he was only wearing the State Alchemist uniform.
Re: North Region

Jonathan followed his leader, taking in the scenery as he went. He seemed to be lost in thought, and any attempt to communicate with him would have to be quite loud to snap him out of this "trance".
Re: North Region

Miranda hurried close behind, desperately trying to keep warm.
Re: North Region

Max follows along behind the group, hugging himself to keep himself warm.

The group walks for a little over an hour, the journey taking a little longer than the distance would suggest. The sun has begun to set as they enter the small village, the road that they are in is bordered by a row of houses on either side and about 60ft down the road there seems to be a bar of sorts that appear big enough to act as an inn as well, possibly the one they're booked into. Further down from the tavern are more houses with smaller roads branching off that housed shops and more houses. A little bit off from the village itself sits a water tower and some kind of warehouse, probably used to store supplies such as foodstuffs and the like.

"Finally, that took forever," Max says, annoyance in his voice as they enter the village. "Ergh, my legs are soaked." He comments as he looks down towards his feet. "So where should we head first, boss?"
Re: North Region

"You don't have to call me boss you know." Jin said as he looked about. With the tavern seeming to be the only place big enough, it seemed, to act as an inn he pointed to it.

"My guess is that's where we are booked for our stay here. You guys and girls go a head and check in. I want to get a view of the place from that water tower before the sun is completely down." He told the other as his finger pointed at first at the tavern then drifted to the tower he mentioned. He stared to walk to the tower once he was done pointing it out.
Re: North Region

Jonathan returned to reality when the group reached the village. It was getting cold, and even a day-dreamer like himself could feel this. Joules curiously observed the village, memorizing anything that stood out, before complying with Jin's order and moving towards the inn. Perhaps warming up a little would be a good idea...