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North Region

Re: North Region

"Coffee..." Miranda muttered as she seated herself at a table, "I need coffee..."
Re: North Region

Shifting over to let Miranda next to her, Cynthia said "Morning Whitten, I see you are already prepared for the cold weather? I think it's quite nice for mornings to be this cold, brisk winds and that."
Re: North Region

Harrison wanders downstairs and takes a seat near the others.
Re: North Region

A little while after the group assembles Kenneth comes back out of the kitchen along with several chefs carrying trays of a variety of breakfast-related foods and drink. Settling them down the chefs head back into the kitchen.

"So, you wanted to view the town from the water tower?" Kenneth says as he turns to face Jin, not knowing what had just transpired.

Max, now oblivious to all around him thanks to the food takes a generous helping of bacon, sausage and mushrooms along with some toast and a mug of tea. He then goes to town on it.
Re: North Region

Tesla slowly and groggily made his way downstairs from his upstairs room he had rented the night before after having a shower and getting dressed. He shuffled over to the bar and asked for a cup of coffee, trying to get himself woken up.

((OOC: I know short and not interesting, but I needed to get back in this >_<. Anyways, if anyone feels like talking with him, PM me and I'll try to reply in like.))
Re: North Region

Miranda grunted at Cynthia and eagerly seized the coffee presented to her. "Mmmm...." she leaned her head back and her eyes rolled up into her head with delight. She sighed in relief as she sat, and quickly finished her first cup before nabbing a second one and a slice of toast. "Nice? This is nice? I've got frostbite in places I didn't even know I had." She chuckled, to let Cythia know her grumbling was in good humor.
Re: North Region

Jacob had merely nodded as thanks for the light from Max, and was slowly smoking the cigarette when the breakfast had arrived. He chose to leave it be, and merely sat down on a bar stool, gazing out on the bar, as if lost in thought.

When he finally spoke, it was in his usual deep voice, though it seemed to carry a hint of anger "Those bandits had better show up today. It's been some time since I've been in a fight. Don't want to get rusty." he says, taking a long draw from his cigarette and puffing out the smoke through his mouth in a gentle, slow breath
Re: North Region

Jonathan quickly assembled a breakfast for himself, taking a mug of tea as well. "I don't think that tempting fate is a smart move. It'd be better if this place remained undisturbed. Anyway..." Joules gave every one of his teammates a look. "Since we're talking about our job already, I figured I should tell you something. I'm going to be the leader from now on. Jin and I have talked about this already." Jonathan took a sip of tea, then began to eat. "Hmm... I suppose that at least a few of us should take a look." Joules spoke to Kenneth. "The more people know this place, the better."
Re: North Region

Jin started to dig in to a plate of food in front once he had everything he was going to eat. It had been a while sense he had some good home cooked food in place of the MRE he often at on base. Jin had relaxed a lot after Jonathan said he wanted to take over as it meant it wouldn't have to act like a commander over Max and the others.

As Jonathan made his announcement Jin took a swig from the mug in front of him to wash down the food he had in his mouth and went right back to eating as if nothing happened.
Re: North Region

"Thank you sirs, it is much appreciated." Cynthia thanked Kenneth and the Chefs as they bought out the breakfast, before helping herself to a little of everything. To Miranda's comment, she laughed, and said "Well now, we can't have that can we? Let's get some food in our bellies to warm us up a little, hey?"

Upon Joules' statement, she laid down her cutlery, surveying Jin and Jonathan cooly. "Hrmph. What bought about this change of heart, Conner? The Fuhrer made you our leader, did he not?"
Re: North Region

"Well, I've got business to take care of at the moment," Kenneth says as he scoops up a rather large and thick white coat and puts it on. "But if you and whoever else want's to check out the town from the water tower meets me there in a couple of hours I'll let you in." Kenneth bids the good bye and heads out of the tavern and down one of the streets.
Re: North Region

Miranda stuffs the toast in her mouth, nodding vigorously as she reaches for another slice. She'd comment on the change in leadership, but at the moment she was too hungry to care.
Re: North Region

Jin took another swig of the coffee he had to wash down what he had in his mouth as Cynthia asked her question. He grabbed a napkin to wipe and crumbs from his mouth as he turns to answer.

"I was only made leader as no one at the time wanted the job and I happened to ask about who would lead. I didn't want the job at first but no one else wanted it as I remember. Joules spoke with me a little earlier about wanting the take over. I'll still make a full report once we return and tell the Fuhrer my reason. If I somehow get hurt for it back home I'll deal with it." Jin answered in a confident tone.
Re: North Region

"Well, I dunno about the rest of you but I'll be staying here when whoever's going to go to the water tower goes there," Max speaks through a mouthful of food. Swallowing it all he lets out a large belch before continuing. "After all, I'm not going to be on the front lines seeing as I've never actually trained for combat. I'll be covering you all from behind if we have no other choice than to fight."
Re: North Region

(( OOC: Sorry for my inactivity, i had get my motivation and muses in order. ))

Tesla sat his coffee mug down after taking a few large swigs of it to wake himself up before replying, "Yeah. Me too, max. My skills are honed more fore long range fire and support rather then actual up close and personal combat."

(( OOC: short post is short, but I'm trying to get back in. ))
Re: North Region

Miranda stopped stuffing her face long enough to make a noise of agreement.
Re: North Region

Jonathan sighed. "Max... I'm sure that instead of going for the water tower, the attackers will be interested mainly in people. Therefore, a place with lots of people inside - like an Inn - would be one of the main targets. Besides, as our demolition expert, you might be required to install explosives in various places of the town. I'd prefer if you knew the layout. And Tesla, you should come too. Maybe our sniper will find the height to be helpful." Joules said the last sentence in a slightly joking manner, smiling as he spoke. "Actually, I think it'll be better if every person knows how to move around."
Re: North Region

"Well, if the boss wants me to tag along I guess I can't argue," Max says with a mouthful of toast before swallowing it and getting up of his stool. Checking his bag for his 'work tools' he then makes for the door. "We leaving now?"
Re: North Region

With not a word to counter what he said or anyone else of the group questioning Jin's reasoning, Jin turns to sit and finish off what he had on his plate. He ends the meal with meal with downing the rest of his coffee. All the while his listen to the others speak and such not questioning anyone reasons for anything. He watched as Max got up and quickly followed suit.

"Hope you aren't scary of high Max." Jin said jokingly. He step outside of the tavern to get a feel for how cold it really was and wasn't disappointed. He stretched in the bitter cold air in order to adjust and turns back to look at the doors, waiting for the others.

((OOC: Was waiting for Hero but might as well try to get this rolling again.))
Re: North Region

((Sorry for the delay, my PC died. I'll resume posting now.))

Jonathan finished his meal quickly. "Yes, we're leaving as soon as everyone's done with their breakfast. We'll take a look at the village and prepare a battle plan later." Joules quickly finished his tea and stood up. After gathering a few necessary supplies, he opened the door. "I'll be waiting outside. Join me once you're ready." The group's leader left the building.