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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

My Google-fu is weak, so i figured I'd come here. looking for a 13th century 'John' kind of name for my man's character. setting is generally Italian in area, though he's from just above that... Corinthia? Anyone got an easy answer for that?
Re: OOC thread

Gianni. Italian variant of Hebrew Yohan, meaning 'God is Gracious'

It's Johnny in Italiano, baaaasically.
Re: OOC thread

In the 13th century the Duchy Of Carinthia would be part of the Hapsburg lands within the Holy Roman Empire, basically bordering Hungary to the east and Venice to the south. It would have been a great big melting pot of Italian, German, Slovene, Hungarian, and Croatian.

So aside from Gianni for Italian (Giovanni would work too but might be a bit confusing), you have Hans or Johann in German, Janos or Janka in Hungarian, Janez in Slovene, or Ivan in Croatian.

Granted that's not really a simple answer but I couldn't help myself. Plus I just happened to help Bavaria conquer it from Lombardy earlier today in return for their helping me make Venice my bitch. Also hilariously I installed a Greek Karling on the throne of Saxony and he's rapidly converting them to his culture, so my main northern ally is now the Despotate of Saxony.
Re: OOC thread

that's exactly why i came to you guys, pretty sure at least you and OAMP were pretty steeped in the area from those games, hehe.

As for 'simple answer', i was more worried that someone was going to start hitting a textbook for an hour or two to give me a hand, and it really wasn't worth that. XD
Re: OOC thread

I'm also personally an expert on the name John too, because it's very useful for self inserts in CK2 ;)
Re: OOC thread

Huh, learn something new every day. I tend to self insert, but i don't carry my own name over very often. If i'm in a live game, i try for something close, easier for friends to remember, but that's about it.
Re: OOC thread

Well for CK2 I self insert as a time traveler trying to "fix history" fairly often .I've been John, Sean, Johan, and Ioannes as a Byzantine Emperor so far ;) In part I started because I noticed that in the game files CK2 actually recognizes which names translate to other names, therefore if you're and English John II for instance, and switch to Irish culture and name your kid Sean, Sean will be III not I.

For video games I tend to have a standard set of myself and two others to represent good neutral and evil on the standard spectrum. For tabletop half the time I'm GM, but if not I tend to play a rules lawyer with a troll flavoring. Lately however I've started to play myself, dressed up as Face from A-Team (for Shadowrun), because if I don't no one in my group is competent enough to handle diplomacy. Seriously, the extent of my sister's negotiating skills is asking someone if they want a fast or slow death. They're doomed without me.
Re: OOC thread

hah! That's amazing. Never had a chance at a shadowrun game myself, but I would have so much fun with it, I think.
Re: OOC thread

I think the GM got kind of fed up with me after I had us infiltrate a super-super max prison under the guise of a replacement kitchen staff who were bringing cupcakes (laced with knockout pills) for "staff appreciation day".

He did however get a kick out of the time the group critically failed stealth in an art gallery that was a front for demons. We had a large team, 7-8 people, and everyone's cover was blown except mine. Being mostly non combat, I simply left and went to Rent-a-Center to get a truck to carry out our objective "after everyone else got the violence out of their system." Their turns were some desperate combat where two people had to be revived per turn at one point, whereas my turns were spent filling out paperwork with fake IDs and pulling over to let an ambulance go by in traffic.
Re: OOC thread

Haha, that's beautiful. I play that character sometimes too. I remember my longest running DnD game, it started with us being hired to retrieve a reliquary from an ancient abandoned estate. We get there, everyone starts splitting up and hunting through the rooms for loot, and possibly reliquary. I sat down at the front step and started reading a book. Three different rooms had trouble go on at the same time, I calmly flip a page.

It was already middling level, so I had a telepathic bond spell going with my closest companion. He was in a library when mist started seeping out of a bookcase, starting to rise up and get humanoid. He pinged me in my head, so I dimension door over to him. DM was still describing the scene when i figure it out, and cast a spell. Interrupt him with a raised hand and an 'I cast Daylight'.

DM gives me a confused look, then shocked, then annoyed. "Son of a bitch. The vampire flees."

In the other rooms, one companion nearly died, one wound up poisoned, and the other did vaguely alright. XD
Re: OOC thread

Sometimes the only way to teach companions is to let them fail ;) That reminds me of the time in D&D though where we spent 30 real life minutes arguing about how to use a bucket of lava to make a steam explosion and blow up a false wall, only to find out the wall was an illusion the whole time and we could walk through it.

That said, after the art gallery incident, I also used my section of the pay to buy the most tricked out pistol available, so not only was there smug satisfaction of staying above the fray, but the next mission I became the combat powerhouse as the diplomat character, heh.

Granted, this was all supposed to be training for some new people, so experienced players of course had an advantage. The problem was they all picked the same class.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, go figure. A lot of the time I try to stay away from the common classes, but I also find that there's a couple people in my group that seem to have no original thought in their heads. So they constantly give up on characters and make duplicates of whoever seems to be doing the best at the time.
Re: OOC thread

Our problem was everyone wanted to be deckers (hackers). We had two, and also a rigger, who was basically a decker that just specialized in hacking vehicles specifically, and drones. To do a lot of their stuff they had to fully jack in to the matrix, so more often than not they'd find a public restroom and pass out in a stall to provide "support". We actually printed out a sign that said "decker HQ" and hung it on the bathroom in our house, heh. Problem being, more often than not, that left only my sister and myself in meatspace. Her char was a martial artist, so anything at range was difficult, and my character's strongest weapon was more or less talking his way out of a fight. It left us pretty unbalanced...
Re: OOC thread

Yup, that sounds reasonably problematic. The character I've always wanted to play in shadow run was a shotgun toting shaman, never really had the chance to, sadly.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry for disappearing for a few days there, my computer tried to die on me. I actually had to run start-up repair which actually managed to work after a few days of trying it. So it's quite possible that it'll still die before long and I can't really afford a new computer at the moment. I'll still be able to post but it might not be as often or maybe it will, I haven't exactly been quick with the posts lately.
Re: OOC thread

It's alright Ronny. My own speed is going to plummet drastically. Summer has come once again, and I'll be gone for most of it.

Hopefully your computer doesn't croak, because that'd just be annoying on a few levels.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah spring and summer do tend to be the slowest months for posting. Something about being able to go outside without freezing any body parts off. Still loss of computer would slow it down a lot more than I would like. I shall endeavor to post by tomorrow night but no promises.

Also hippy barthday to Blue.
Re: OOC thread

I'm partially disappointed in my newest upgrades for my computer because they are too efficient. It no longer makes any appreciable heat, and therefore in the winter I'm even colder.

I suppose we should all go outside and look for a suitable gift for a hippy having a barthday like Blue eh? ;)
Re: OOC thread

No no that was a mistake on my part it should be bappy hirthday.