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Pathfinder OOC Thread


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Hello again, and welcome to my poorly thought out interest check for a game of Pathfinder, run in a chat. It'd be on either IRC or rachels chat, whichever the people involved would prefer. For those that don't know, Pathfinder is a system that was derived from Dungeons and Dragons V3.5, with very similar but slightly streamlined rules. It's not necessarily any less complex, but I don't want people to be discouraged just because of that. I'd be willing to answer any questions anybody had about it either here or via PM/VM/chat.

Further information is pending the response to the general interest check.
Here's the SRD for more info on the game itself.

Also, before anyone asks, it would a non-ero RP. IE: I refuse to write smut for it. If players want to sex each other, that's fine, but the monsters will be attempting to murder you, not rape you.

And character sheets:




Keat's dog


Iograr (Squawk)



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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm interested. And I'd prefer IRC over a chatroom.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Tentatively interested, but I'm not sure if I could fit into the scheduled time. These things need a regular timeslot to really work.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

You know, the one RPG I've not gone through chargen with was the various DnDs. Especially Pathfinder, I've never even looked into it.

But yeah, if you need another player I'll fill in.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

The time thing is something that I figured would be difficult. Basically, people would have to post whatever times they're available, along with their time zones, and we'd have to work something out. People have work and/or school and/or social lives to worry about, so hopefully we can figure out a decent time that everyone can meet at once. I've barely used chatrooms and never used IRC, so it's going to be a learning experience for me if we get this going either way.

Here's some more information now that I've got the requisite three people interested:
I'd be offering a handful of campaigns I'd thought about running, with varying degrees of seriousness/difficulty/ect. People could pick one, and if we have a split, it might be possible to run two groups at different times. that might make the scheduling thing easier for some people, at any rate. All of them would be in a campaign setting of my own creation. Here are a few options:

1) The party is a group of soldiers working for the Zetinian Empire, a kingdom surrounded by enemies, and where any use of arcane magic is met with violent death by the Templars, the highest ranking servants of the Emperor. You are the best of the low born, taken form the ranks of the army, the templars, and even the engineering core and scout brigades. Ten years ago, you all fought in the war to conquer the neighboring lands of Zer, a disorganized land filled with witches and sorcerers of all kinds. The last city fell long ago, and the troublesome province seems to have finally settled down.
You are all called to a meeting at the capital, there to be given a mission that will determine the fate of not only Zetinia, but of all the lands in the world.
Difficulty: As hard as it gets for me. Not really sure if that's saying a whole lot, as I'm generally a fairly easy going DM, but meh.
Restrictions: Heavy class and race restrictions. No arcane magic, no bards, and no divine magic except for Paladins. The only "caster" class allowed is the Alchemist. You do get death knights though.
Level: You start at level 5, and level fairly slowly unless you get a lot of stuff done.
Seriousness: Serious business. There will be little levity not provided by player interaction, and the required parts of your character backgrounds are slightly prohibitive. RP and combat heavy.
Alignment: Generally lawful, though there aren't any actual restrictions unless you take a class with them.

2) The party are all at the village of Firtallow, a small holding in the land of Zer on the same night. The reasons for this can be varied. Perhaps you are a native, just going about the end of their day as a guard or local hunter? Perhaps you're a traveling mercenary, trader or minstrel, just trying to find a way to pass the time until you can leave in the morning? Perhaps you're a criminal on the run from the kingdom of Zetinia to the West or Solaria to the South, or even one of the cities that control vast swaths of Zer? Regardless, all are in the tavern for one reason or another when the alarm sounds. The village is under attack. But by who? And is this just a random raid, or a sign of something more to come?
Difficulty: The first fight is Nintendo hard. After that or the escape run, it's not very difficult. It doesn't have as clear an objective as the first campaign, but that just allows for greater player freedom.
Restrictions: Not many. You can be almost whatever you want if you justify it right.
Level: Start at level 3.
Seriousness: Not so much, as it's more or less a high combat game where I'm going to be making up most of what happens as I go along.
Alignment: None. Anything goes, really.

3) All is not well in Vasia. The snowy realm has long been beset by monsters, bandits and dragons, but something else is going on. Something is coming out of the frozen wastes, and whole villages lying along the primitive highway that marks the only trade routes between North and South have disappeared, all that remains of their presence being smoking ruins. No bodies. No valuables, or goods of any kind. What could possibly be causing this?
The party could be a group of adventurers trying to figure out what was going on, or perhaps just hired to guard a caravan traveling along the route North that stumbles on a ruined village.
Difficulty: Not so much.
Restrictions: None.
Level: Start at level 8-10 depending on the number of people involved, and possibly work your way all the way to 20.
Seriousness: Variable. Lots of combat, but lots of potential RPing.
Alignment: None.

Also, a few notes about my DM style:
-Firstly, I use a lot of house rules and occasional fudging. I will also occasionally derp, as anyone who's RPed with me before probably knows. Please forgive this, and be patient with me. If it seems like I'm picking on you repeatedly, tell me. It could be that the dice just don't like you, and if so, I'll try to fudge things away from you a little. But, if it's because your character regularly just makes bad decisions and/or rolls, there isn't much I can do.
-For rolling, I prefer to believe that I can trust people. Things will go faster if you can roll everything yourself. We're all adults here, presumably, and the honor system has never failed me before. Don't be the one to change that. If I feel like someone is cheating, possibly because they never roll under a 16 or something like that, I'll contact them, and just start doing their rolls. If so, I'll just throw their rolls at them, and leave them to do the math themselves as punishment. :3
-Stats are up for debate. If people prefer rolled, or that it be via point buy, or if you just want me to give you numbers, that's fine. But everyone gets the same choice, so if no one rally care's, I'll pick and you'll just have to live with whatever it is that I go with.
-If you're planning on going with a chaotic-stupid character, IE: You roll for your characters actions, or are purposefully disruptive; Please just don't waste my time. I don't mind inter-party conflict, but doing it just for the sake of it is purely annoying.

Also, words words words.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

You know, for the longest time, I've wanted to start an adventurer's guild in a game. Like, merc work, exploring, running the base, that sort of thing. 2 sounds like it doesn't have a particular thread of adventure - we could do that in that scenario possibly maybe.

I'm pretty sure srs is not my forte.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm in, been hgoping to see something like this for a while. 3 sounds like it would be the most fun, but that's just cause I like the higher levels. EDIT: however, to help get this started, I'm changing my vote to 2. Starting our own mercenary company sounds like fun, too.

If we can manage it, I suggest we check out OpenRPG as the chat engine, as it has a semi-decent map, and built in dice and sheet-type stuff. Simple google search can get you started. Thing is a pain to install, from what I remember, but it's a few steps above anything else I've seen for doing this stuff on the internet.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

If we can manage it, I suggest we check out OpenRPG as the chat engine, as it has a semi-decent map, and built in dice and sheet-type stuff. Simple google search can get you started. Thing is a pain to install, from what I remember, but it's a few steps above anything else I've seen for doing this stuff on the internet.

It installed alright, but after that I couldn't figure out what the **** was going on. We'll see if I can make heads or tails of it, so perhaps we'll use that, if people are so inclined.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

We'll see if we can find some time together at some point, I'll help you out. Should be on Rachel's for the next several hours now, pop on if you have some time.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I use otg gametable myself and found it easy to use and learn.

As far as time, the only times for me that are reasonable for everyone else are my sat and sun mornings, a.k.a. other people's Fri and sat nights. I've got work every other day .
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Well, I have familiarity with Pathfinder, seeing as how I've been playing it for a while now, though the whole "finding time to game" thing might be difficult for me, given I have a hugely sporatic schedule, especially lately, and it's likely to change once end of August/beginning of Sept. rolls around, or if I get the job I applied for. Also, not that I can't get them, but I'm not familiar with the chat programs being used.

Playtime for me is generally middle of the night, EST. Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays I'm usually pretty open for times, though I'm usually not on until 10 or 11 PM EST. Sundays and Thursdays lately I'm hardly on at all and Tuesdays and Wednesdays I'm usually on after 1 or 2AM EST. I'd love to give it a go, but I don't know about the timeframe.

If it matters, scenarios 2 and 3 perk my interest more. I have issues with being completely serious in games, not to mention a slight aversion to Lawful Anything (except maybe Evil.)
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Alrighty. Personally, Mondays except very late at night and Fridays/Saturdays in general are bad, but that's looking like it's going to change. I'm usually available at any time between 12:30 PM and 3 AM Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Fridays and Saturdays are both maybes, and Mondays I currently have social responsibilities to worry about that generally take until late at night. I'm good once I'm done with that though.

So far, it looks like Copper, Incy and I are all only available late Saturdays or Fridays, and Shrike said she's probably okay with that time. That leaves spider and blarg to post times.
So far we've got 1 vote for 2, 1 vote for 3, and Copper would go with either. Any other thoughts?

Also, it's looking like we might be using OpenRPg for this. It's a bit difficult to learn at first, but it has a chat function and a giant map to use if we really want to figure out how it works. It even does the rolling for us! And it lets you input your character sheets! If anyone truly doesn't want to learn how to use it, I suppose I could be convinced to just use a regular something else. If you're interested, Shrike7 is the one who brought it up and taught me the basics of it. Just ask her.

Campaign setting information tiem! :3
Hopefully this will help people decide on what campaign they want, and then they can start making characters.
Campaign 1:
Zetinia (the place all of you are from) is a highly controlled country, with fortresses built all around it in order to keep its numerous enemies out. You'd be members of the military, who'd have to be almost fanatically loyal out of necessity. The races of the actual people are human and dark elves, which would use drow stats since I'm lazy. To the North, in the mountains, they constantly have to watch out for orcs and dwarves, with whom they are hostile since both use magic. To the East is Zer, a loose collection of city states sort of like ancient Greece, which you've just conquered ten or so years ago. To the West is Xyphos, a caste based society mostly comprised of humans and normal elves, which Zetinia has been in cold war with for centuries. That's where the party would be going, in an attempt to gather intelligence and cause chaos within the country. And finally, to the South is Solaria, a desert country ruled by summoners and wizards.

You can't have any arcane casters, since arcane magic is generally hated by the Templars that control the country. Divine casters are also exceedingly rare, as they have to be divinly gifted by the gods to be able to cast spells, so the only divine class you get are Paladins. The only "caster" allowed would be an Alchemist, since they use potions instead of traditional magic. Physical classes are anything goes. But, you also get access to the Deathknight class, which is a homebrewed class that I ported over to Pathfinder.

Campaign 2:
This is, as some of you might have guessed, on the receiving end of the invasion teased at in campaign 1. Races allowed are humans, elves, drow, dwarves, half-elves, half-orcs, merfolk, chimera, and goliaths. The stats for merfolk and goliaths will be posted later. Again, the drow are just stats for the dark elves, who are closer to Dunmer than traditional drow. Classes are anything goes, EXCEPT, still no divine casters other than Paladins.

The town is small and insignificant, with only a handful of guards to ward off bandits or wild animals. Most of the people are farmers, but there are a few craftsmen and such present. The mayor of the town is a sorcerer, though he isn't known for being particularly powerful.

Campaign 3:
Vasia is highly Nordic in flavor, as it's completely covered in snow almost year round. The Frozen Wastes are a massive uncrossable tundra that's sitting in the middle of the country. The cities and towns are only loosely organized, each has its own ruler, and all of them are only connected by similar culture and the roads that skirt along the edges of the sea. The country itself is massive, but much of it is taken up by said wasteland, as well as the continent-spanning mountain range that sits at the Southern end of the Frozen Wastes. Those mountains are filled with drakes, orcs, dragons, and any number of other incredibly dangerous creatures. The only way South through them is by boat, along one of two rivers that never freeze despite the arctic temperatures. The roads only skirt around the edges, but the way on the Eastern side of the continent is still extremely dangerous, as it comes close to the Drakhollow, the roost of the sapphire dragons. Its been generations since the dragons openly attacked, but the thread of entire cities being attacked by the magical beasts is still enough to keep travelers from straying too far to the West.

There are no class restrictions for this game, since this on on the opposite side of the world from the other two. Races are humans, drow, half-orcs, dwarves and goliaths. It might take a little while for this one to reach any actual combat.

For stats: As I've yet to get any feedback on that, I'm just going to throw numbers at people and let them decide where to put them. Stats are: 18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 12
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Hmm. Well, 24:30 @ -4 GMT would mean 7:30 for me. That's...doable, I suppose. At the moment I don't have anything Friday or Saturday mornings, though I'd prefer Fridays.

For campaign I'd prefer 2, though any of them goes.

I'll have to check OpenRPG. If it turns out too much of a pain to install, I'll pass.

EDIT: Well, looks like that to install it I'd have to build wxPython from source. I don't think it would be worth the bother. If you want to use a virtual tabletop, it looks like might do, and at least everyone should be able to run it with no problem.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

If there's still room, I may pop in. (Saturday is best for me)
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Is it too late to show interest for this?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I vote for 25 point buy.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

After talking to Incubus for a bit, it's looking like a switch to point buy is in order. Does anyone object to this idea?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Vote for game #3. 2 sounds like a party infighting disaster waiting to happen.

Although I'd also like a slightly lower level start.

And seriously, give gametable a try for a hosting place.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

If we do point buy, I vote for one of the higher arrays, either 28 or 32, 25 just hurts the MAD classes too much and in most cases I find it forces players to either minmax or suck.