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Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

I, Toxic Shock, have married Raptor Jesus.

We have made many babies together, and the sex is great, with the help of his aphrodisiacs.

oop, looks like raptor lost
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

I know I can do both. I haven't officially become female yet. I think I'm at the purgatory of genders right now.

Hey, I see Nunu. HI NUNU
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

We'll have to strap a womb into RJ for twice the baby-making action (I want to make a crack about double-mint gum but I got nothin'.)
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Well, to celebrate, I shall do what I do best

*Forces Toxic to ingest aphrodisiac*

*Impregnates Toxic after many smexings*
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

I'm confused, what's going on?

Come on Wallpaper, this is your job.
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

D: I couldn't stop him, Toxic, there were too many of them! *weeps*
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Well, help me recover, just tell me what is going on and what I'm supposed to do.

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Uh, I well... >.> Either I can get a coathanger and we can try to spear those things outta there or we can go buy some 'how to care for your baby raptor' books and walk you through the steps? XD
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

(funny thing is, I have a "Plan C" t shirt, I feel terrible wearing it ever since I wore it to my college sex class the day we started talking about abortions)

Can I at least get a vaccuum cleaner with a nozzle instead?
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

(Yeah, it's lame. 9.9)

Well, if you want! O.O I'm not a certified abortionist, however, so it may pinch a little!
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Don't damage my vag, I just got this thing
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Not if she does first. QUICK, WALLPAPER, IMPREGNATE ME
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

:eek: Uhhh uhhh uhhh :confused:

Oh, I know!

*grabs a turkey-baster filled with tentacle-gunk and gets pumping*
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Definitely too much free time. >.> <.<

Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

Why, the ranch of course
Re: Raptor Jesus sues Toxic Shock

I did not give wallpaper the turkey baster or the potent gender changing tentacle cum.