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Ravnica - The City of Sluts Campaign

Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

"Help..." Reilida cried as the flames appeared! Wait...that felt familiar....Fire! Fire was nice! She felt nice when there was fire and destruction! It felt so nice!

Pain, suffering, destruction! Yes! "Hahahaha!" she laughed maniacally as she run away!

Fire was nice! Fire was the friend! Burning was the best! How could she forget! It had been a nice performance, but now the curtains had to close! She had to return behind the curtains for now, and wait for the end of the play!

Someone would have to burn down the theater after the performance, anyway!

"Haha~hahaaa~" she laughed again, hiding behind the first corner, but peeking at the battle with crazed eyes!

[Disengage and gtfo!]

Combat Round 1 - Krenko and Friends

Initiative: Neela -> Goblin Lieutnant -> Missara -> Iris -> Krenko -> Sikilla -> Goblin Guards

Neela moves in, igniting the fiery concoction recieved from Falish.. only to see it go wide, slamming besides a worriedly dodging goblin on the street.

In retaliation, Krenko's goblin-lieutnant rushes forth, ignoring the nude sluts around and attacks Neela! Luckily, she manages to catch the blade, drawing her own as the goblinoid snarls at her in disapproval!

Krenko.. gave Missara a good, lustful ass-slap of opportunity, grinning down at her with, what to the drugged up Missara seemed a powerful, handsome grin as he enthused. "I've got no idea what's going on here, but at least one of you sluts knows proper manners."
His grin widened as he continued squeezing Missra's breast next.. it seemed her masterful strategy of.. distracting the combattants was quite sucessful as she noticed a bulging in the goblin-lords more expensive pants to welcome her enthusiasm..
"You'll get more ale when you deserve it, slut.. 's expensive!"
He smirked.

Even as Iris, in less of a lustful goblin mood, threw her fire-bomb at the lieutnant, who growled as he caught fire, but didn't seem terribly hurt, even as the oily substance continued to burn through his armor.

Krenko was occupied grabbing Missara.. (ugh.. a str check of 5 can avoid being grappled though!)

Sikilla.. runs in the opposite direction of troubles.. even though her feet take her through some of the flames. Lucky for her, the goblins sprawled all over are too suprised to stop her much.

Speaking about, Krenko's soldiers get up, arm up and move upon the two fire-throwers, with two coming for Iris and one moving up on Neela, each pulling up their pants and drawing weapons.. well, not each, one doesn't even bother to even do that.
Finally, the last goblin, the one least.. distracted by all of this due to his sexual orientation moves up to Krenko's right hand man and pats out the flames, succeeding in quenching the fire Iris started!
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Warehouse, Tag: Battle!, Status: In combat, (12/12), Mood: focused,

Neela grinned as she caught the goblin's swing. "Nice try, greenskin! Now looky here..." She shifted her body as she readied her next thrust, causing her cleavage to jiggle enticingly. The goblin's eyes followed the at best half-covered fleshy orbs before wide as Neela ran him through with her blade. "Enjoy the view." She deadpanned as she pulled her blade out of the goblin again, watching the body crumple to the ground.

(Attack against the Lieutenant: 21, Damage: 10)

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Warehouse Tag: Krenko Mood: Seductive and Bold
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara ignored the turmoil behind her as Krenko smacked her shapely, plump ass and began to fondle her breast. For the moment is seemed that her irresistible, drug fueled lust perfectly coincided with a need to involve herself in the combat to aid her comrades. Not that they were supposed to fight with Krenko and his lieutenant as well as a handful of sexy, stud goblins. No, they were going to sneak in, find Krenko and then scoot out so that the authorities could clean him up. Even with surprise they could only have handled the original two guards. Now things had exploded way out of control; they might all die or be captured. Still, as Missara groaned again as Krenko squeezed her breast maybe getting captured wouldn't be a bad thing, especially if it got her more of the ale...

"Ahhh... Master..." Missara moaned, looking up at Krenko as she pressed her breasts into his hands. Her dextrous fingers found the laces on his breeches, unfastened him and her fingers reached inside his clothing to fish out his glorious cock. "Let me suck you and then you can fuck me. I'm wet and hot and so, so ready Master. Spank me and then fuck me hard." She bobbed forward and deep throated his cock.
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

"Hehehe, let's add some fire to the oil..." she chuckled. What was going on? Who was she? Why did she feel like burning some shit?

Well, it didn't matter...she just had to hide and throw some fires...yep! Nice plan! Stay hidden and throw fires!

"Awww...." she sighed in disappointment, as the firebolt she threw failed to hit the goblin lieutenant. Maybe next time...even if that other girl who had surrendered looked kind of hot...maybe she should get her in some performance...uhmm....what was that about again?

(missed with frebolt (8 attack) )

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

Iris blended into the shadows, no doubt that the gobs thought both bombs had come from Neela as she strode out into the light. Neela engaged in combat with the Lieutenant, Missara begged for more attention from Krenko who didn't seem adverse to her pleas, and the elf fled away from the group of goblins, gob cum still leaking down her thighs. Chaos. Iris liked Chaos, for that was the easiest way to sneak a dagger into someone's back.

Iris moved unseen behind the Lieutenant Neela was fighting while the other gobs surrounded her. Her two short swords lashed out at the Lieutenant's back!

[16 to hit with 8 dmg, 15 to hit with 4 dmg]

Combat Round 2 - Krenko and Friends

Initiative: Neela -> Goblin Lieutnant -> Missara -> Iris -> Krenko -> Sikilla -> Goblin Guards

The Goblin boss grunted in pain as Neela charged at him, even whilest wiggling her assets enticingly. However! This was not enough to down a creature raised in the back alleys of Tin-street and it readied itself to retaliate with a curved, slightly rusty looking blade that, whilest not having the bite of Neela's strike, still left her with a painful gash on the shoulder.. she had discounted it for dead a little too early! (3 slashing damage!)

Making love, not War, Missara founds herself happily groped by the goblin-boss. .. who seemed to glance over concerned at his followers struggling, but also found himself refusing to disentangle from the, as he called her, nice slut now attending his suprisingly large and ever so slightly smelly.. but thanks to the drugs she loved the scent right now, goblin cock.
"Hmnn nice.. alright, get the whores inside and kill everything that doesn't want to give some good goblin dick sucking boys!"
He commanded, to which the goblins cheered violently.. not too unlike the thrusting Missara's eager throat recieved right now.

Although perhaps their cheers were misplaced, as Iris jumps unto Krenko's right hand man and drives daggers into his back! With him already unbalanced from Neela's powerful blow, these twin-daggers, one for each lung, easily fell the nasty green creature as he collapses!

"Hoi.. they are killing me boys!"
Krenko growls and, even with the cock-sucking now also gets involved! However, one deep-throat later, the fire bomb he just pulled out goes far and wide over Iris head, the Dimir Assassine briefly noting the similiarities to her own designs delivered by Falish. Still, the thing just flies and crashes harmlessly against the muddy pavement, spreading a small fire-puddle on the street behind.

Sikilla's bolt, designed to A: Make a fun corpsefire out of the slowly burning out goblin-lieutnant or B: catch one of his friends on fire barely misses the latter in turn.. a lot of fire happing right now, but for some reason, the Rakdos-Gal doesn't mind it.

However. Combat is not yet over with the goblins defeat, as the death of their leader seems to only considerably enrage his friends.. plus, now there was as free spot to grab by anyone that could teach those sluts some manners..

However, the goblins assault was bit, well.. pathetic. One goblin fell over the charred corpse of his lieutnant, landing prone and complaing, two more threw blows at Iris and Neela respectively.. only to be parried. And only the final one got a bit too close to stabbing Iris for comfort.. although his blade too, barely, missed as she bend away.. although that one left a hole in her cloak!
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Warehouse, Tag: Battle!, Status: In combat, (9/12), Mood: focused,

Neela nodded to Iris as the girl dropped the wounded goblin for good. The two stood back to back, holding off the rushing minions. Neela saw an opportunity when one of the goblins tripped and fell, and with blurring speed she pounced, jabbing her rapier into the green flesh. "And stay down!" She yelled.

(Move to the prone goblin if necessary, Attack: 24 with or without Advantage against prone, Damage: 11)

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Warehouse Tag: Krenko Mood: Seductive and Bold
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara listened to the combat unfold behind her as Krenko fucked her mouth rather enthusiastically. It wasn't that Missara minded being used as a slut; with the influence of the goblin brew she rather craved the taste of goblin cock and precum and the thick, oily scent of goblin musk and sweat. Her guiding philosophy and worship spoke of accomplishing her own and the goddess' goals through love, joy and sensuality. Here she was gobbling a wonderful cock while holding back their powerful foe while applying wonderful suction. As her hand cupped his balls and her fingers tickled his green, hairy scrotum Missara considered applying her guiding bolt spell to his testicles. That would certainly shock him and inflict a good deal of damage but for the moment Missara was keeping him immobilized and out of the combat. Her comrades could finish off the hangers on and then they could all turn on Krenko.

Moaning as her decision was made Missara gripped Krenko's balls tightly as she rolled and stimulated him. The side effect was that if he tried to move away from him Missara literally had him by the balls. Meanwhile her touch would be exciting and sexy. Her free arm want around his waist to grip his ass and pull his hips forward and back as he fucked her mouth hard. Not only would she increase both of their pleasure but her grip on him would keep him pinned in place as she slobbered on his cock.
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

Yes, more fire was needed! Let the fireworks go off!

The agent of destruction had a wicked idea! With her elven (?) eyes she tied to find if any of the goblins were carrying any more of those nice, exploding flasks...sadly she couldn't see any.

She sighed and threw another bolt of fire, but sadly that missed too...what could she do, her hands were trembling from the excitement, and she was already wet from the sight of all those flames...the smell of burned flesh was so refreshing...ah...so nostalgic....

(4 Perception, 9 Attack)

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:
The bomb flying over hear head left her mind as soon as it was clear it wasn't going to hit her. Iris could feel her training taking over as she watched the body of the Lieutenant fall before her blade. This would be a dance. A tight, efficient dance, but a dance of blades none the less. Neela took advantage of a gob tripping, sinking her blade into the the prone form, but she had stepped away from Iris, so she followed like Neela's shadow, sticking to her back. She lashed out at another one of the goblins that were next to the two of them!

[Attack a Gob next to Neela and Iris. Attack 1: 14 and 5 dmg. Attack 2: 15 and 6 dmg.]

Combat Round 3 - Krenko and Friends

Initiative: Neela -> Missara -> Iris -> Krenko -> Sikilla -> Goblin Guards x2

Neela is tired with these goblins and pounces on the tripped over one, impaling him and ending the fallen creatures life then and there with a powerful thrust!

Missara's interest however goes towards much different thrusts... which is a shame, because as entertaining as fucking her mouth and getting his balls massaged by the lusty elf indubitably felt, Krenko could not indefinitly ignore his men being slaughtered.
He sighed, grabbing the lewd slut sucking him off, clearly intend on disabling her and dealing with the problem herself.. only for his disciplining hand to slip and push two fingers deep into her wanting slit! (All those nat 1's!)

Neela took care of one more of the goblins, twin-daggers gutting him from behind, sending him tumbling and falling over.

Sikilla threw a firebolt, this one closer to the goblins than before, but a brief jumping quickly pulled the goblin out of fiery range!

The two remaining goblins backed up intoa defensive position and looked at her... clearly sexily distracted boss as compared to their imminent demise, brandishing their swords intimidatingly rather than attacking.. it seemed they couldn't decide whom to deal with first considering their general lack of success and overall numbers so far...

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Warehouse Tag: Krenko Mood: Seductive and Bold
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara felt a surge of satisfaction and pleasure as her cock sucking not only kept Krenko distracted from the combat but he tasted and smelled GOOD and the act of servitude on her knees felt right. Yet as he jerked her away from him the jarring motion broke her concentration and pulled his fleshy spear from her mouth. That he immediately and accidentally plunged two fingers deep into her heated and dripping sex caused her to moan and almost collapse from the masterful sensation. She looked briefly around to see that her comrades were addressing the oddly inept goblins and sighed. It was time to set aside her own burning lusts and take action now that Krenko could no longer be distracting.

This would be rather painful and perhaps unfair but all was fair in love, war and sluttery...

Gripping Krenko's testicles in both hands she called out; "Starlight, star bright!" and unleashed a guiding bolt into his genitals.

OOC: Guiding bolt at point blank range 4d6 radiant damage plus advantage on attacks next round due to 'glowing'

Roll of 24 to hit, 7 points of damage... wow... nice low rolls...
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Warehouse, Tag: Battle!, Status: In combat, (9/12), Mood: focused,

Neela looked at the two remaining goblin goons shivering with their weapons held out.
"Take the big chief down. I'll take care of these two." She whispered to Iris before stepping up with a swagger, her hips swaying while her bloodied blade glimmered hungrily in the dim light.

"Alright, time to run or die. Doesn't matter to me." She said as she took her stance, giving the gobbos just a moment to decide. (Intimidate: 17)

Then she struck at whoever would remain steadfast, jabbing her rapier in a brutal, if perhaps imprecise thrust...

(Move into attack range if necessary)
(Attack: 8)

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

Even though they were mid battle, as Iris and Neela cut down their latest prey Iris turned a gave Neela a sultry smile. "Good fighting Neela, if you can take out the rest of them before I'm done with the boss, I might have a reward for you." And with that Iris disengages from the last two with a 5 foot step and then moves on Krenko and his slut who turned on him! With him held in place, Iris takes a couple of swipes at him!

[Attack 1: 17 with 6 dmg. Attack 2: 12 with 7 dmg.]
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

She looked at all those fires, but she felt that there was something missing. Why was everyone so calm?

They needed to be scared, to run away from the flames screaming, not keep fighting while nothing wrong was happening!

"Bad, bad puppets! Kranko...aren't you feeling like you should be running away screaming now~" she giggled, casting her spell! Soon Krenko would be wracked with the pain of being on fire, even if he wasn't....!

[Casting Dissonant Whispers on Krenko! DC 13 Wisdom save, for 7 damage or half if he saves. If he fails his save, he uses his reaction to move away, possibly provoking AoOs]

Combat Round 4 - Krenko and Friends

Initiative: Neela -> Missara -> Iris -> Krenko -> Sikilla -> Goblin Guards x2

The goblin guards and Neela were both equally ineffectual, parading blows.. although Neela could pride herself in her orzhov-inspired bladework holding two goblins at once at bay whilest the rest of her companions decided to bear down upon the goblin-boss himself!

Missara felt real bad for not being able to indulge more throughoutly in wonderful, throbbing goblin cock. But she had things to do, her friends relied on her and she managed to, mostly, banish the thoughts of helping them by giving each individually a good tasting of that wonderful, woozyness enticing goblin-ale to help soothe them over...

She blasted his shaft. And not the fun way. Krenko yelped and gasped and stumbled backwards, his dick glowing alight in holy radiance, although he was holding between his legs..
which only allowed Iris to ram a dagger into his shoulder!

Krenko growled under the whispering assault from Sikilla, shuddering.. and turning on his heel, to flee back into the building!

His guards, seeing this, had little hesitation about withdrawing all the same.

(Goblins can withdraw allowing you no aoos!)

Combat Concluded!

Well, Krenko tried to run anyway, but with Missara clinging tightly to his legs, he struggled to, panting raising an empty hand in surrender. "W.. wait we can talk about this! Who the fuck even are you what do you want.. owww my dick.."
He complained, seeming to forget about his bleeding shoulder mostly as he glared at Missara. "What do you sluts want?!?"
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Warehouse, Tag: Battle won!, Status: Out of combat, (9/12), Mood: focused, smug

Neela sauntered after the running goblin chief, Missara still clinging to him.

"What we want? You, back in prison. We want the money the Azorius put out. Nothing personal you see, just business. So come along, don't make any more trouble, and I'm sure Missara here will even visit you in jail!" (Persuasion: 20)

She didn't mind being called slut. It was obviously true. Everything about her outfit and her messy hair and sweaty skin from the fight screamed it. And soon, she'd be a richer slut than before.
Name: Sikilla , Tag:
HP: 10 AC: 14

It didn't take too long before a pissed off but recovered Sikilla changed her disguise and approached the captured goblin and the rest of the team. Everything was going so well, but the damned goblins had to mess up everything with their fires. How could she resist such temptations? Well, there were no failed performances...and there was still a job to be done...an act to be played...questions to be asked!

"Hmm. Good work capturing Krenko." she clapped her hands applauding the group as she approached. "I am Lissandra Vermir. It was wise of us to trust you with this task. I didn't even need to interfere. As part of your reward, you can each ask him three questions. Making him answer is up to you." Lissandra offered generously with a wave of her hand.

[21 Deceptionings!]

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Warehouse Tag: Krenko Mood: Seductive and Bold
HP: 10 AC: 16

Still nude and covered in a glistening residue of her adventures as a goblin fuck-toy distraction Missara remained on her knees before Krenko. With her blood and mind boiling with lust from the goblin potion it seemed so appropriate to be crouched in front of him. Unable to help herself Missara began to stroke Krenko's balls with one hand, teasing and pleasing him even as he was their prisoner. It was with an effort that that Missara looked up to make eye contact with Krenko dragging her eyes away from his cock, her face wet and smeared with goblin cum. "As my comrade said we are taking you back to prison for the reward. Tie him up Neela while I keep him in one place."

Leaning forward Missara kissed the goblin cock that seemed to fill her every thought as the potion ran its course through her body. She bobbed forward and gently licked him and then began to carefully suckle him. "I'm sorry to have injured such a lordly shaft. I'll make it up to you before we take you to prison." Missara took the entire cock in her mouth and tenderly ministered to Krenko's rod with lips and tongue. She only pulled back as the other woman approached. "And who are you to lay claim to our prize," she asked Sikila.