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Sexy Waffles - A strange World - Campaign thread

Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 13/13

"Hmmm, listen up everyone. I think I have an idea about this world...perhaps." Rain nodded after asking a few questions about the ants the little fairy.

"You see, this world can't be but a dream.We all know that we existed before the dream started, in our perfectly normal and boring world." she nodded, finishing with putting on her clothes. Judging by that, one could tell she wasn't going to just leave her things behind (?)

"Ι know, each of us could think, but what if I am the only one dreaming, and the others are just my imagination? Well, a dream couldn't provide you with knowledge you didn't have in the first place...and I sure as hell knew nothing about ants! This means that this is someone elses dream..!"
she concluded with a very stern look.

"However...I think we should still be able to manipulate the dream with our thoughts. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to fight back at all...even our physical fight was probably a mental fight, powered by our conviction that our abilities will work. Think about it, didn't our recent victory give you confidence...perhaps making you stronger at the same time?"
she explained the theory.

"I think, that if we all believe that our clothes would shrink when we eat the shroom...they would, indeed shrink. It is just that we currently think of it as nonsense, so we can't!"

"And it doesn't stop there! I believe we could just...hypnotize ourselves to believe...other things too. For example...Mistress...that may be one example..." she explained with a blush "
...or the way I can turn to a duck now...! Why don't we try to believe that our clothes will shrink along with us? Worst case scenario, the last one to eat will hide our clothes somewhere, along with the get big shroom!"

"But whatever you do...don't even think for a moment that the little fairies are actually trying to trick us into becoming their breeding slaves, that the tiny shroom will make us super horny too, and other things like that...if I am correct, they could actually happen!" she explained anxiously with a whispering voice to avoid alerting the little shroom-fairy. Then again, maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing to happen....but what if then, in their horny state found hard to reshape their dream....always assuming that crazy theory was correct...she pondered licking her lips.

Little Fairy. Tag: Everyone

Rain's suggestion seemed a little rediculous.. until her clothing began to shrink with her as well! Apparently there was no need to leave the sheep-girl behind on clothing duty, because some mushroom taste-testing, everyone was not only shrunk, but back in their normal gear as well. Apparently there was something to this theory of mind over matter.
The small fairy waved, and actually started moving in the direction of the lot of you.. once you shrunk, you realized why, suddenly things seemed much farther away.

Which ment it was likely best not to thinka bout being molested by the lustful fairyfolk and.. you weren't feeling a little warm and tingly from those mushrooms..w.. where you? "Not how it works. Still twenty points to the Duck."

A familiar voice founded, and a familiar, if not pretty face, hung upside down from someone lying ontop a mushroom, which, size-relative to you, now was about chest high. interestingly, he himself seemed to have kept the size he'd been used to. "Oh don't look at me like I'm intruding on your privacy, this is my realm after all and I decided to check up on things here.. where was I oh yes!"

The Fairy-man grinned up. "Your imagination can influence things here.. but not everything. For example, I dare you to try and imagine me as a waaay cuter version of myself."
He suggested, his form slowly shifting, turning into a seductively feminine, almost poisonous butterfly like shape, a lustful grin upon her(?) cheek!


"Hmnnn.. achhhahaa.. Hello. Heelloo.. New tongue."
She wiggled her tongue, upside down still.

"Alright, listen up sluts, usually I'd take my time pulling all those fancy fantasies you've got in your heads out, but I'm starting to think that, maybe, as hillarious as it is, having multiple dreamers in the same dream may actually not be the greatest idea. So! Make sure to not think about yummy fairy cum.
You've been nomming down those arousing mushrooms good, so you should feel a spreading hot hornyness, you can use that for a good fuck, but only if you manage to think about how it'll heal you and help you rest as if you'd slept for a night."

The seductive fairy purred.

"Make sure not to think about how delicious it'd taste. Warm, white, sticky stuff on your tongues. How badly you need to quench the heat between your loins. We wouldn't want you to turn into a horny mess and beg for some good fairy-dicking once the poor ant-farmer finds you, right.. can you already feel the tingle."
S/He chuckled. "Well, most of you, anyway. You aren't into submitting now, are you?"

She glanced over to the dark elf, snipping her finger. "'s all good, but I can't have you all in control and serious all the time, that's boring. How about we turn you.. into a psider."
She smirked, as Davia felt weird, her whole body twitching.. before she doubled over, shifting, like Rain had before, actually growing, well, not to be large, but larger than the others, compared in size, forced to watch through two, then four, and finally eight eyes as her companions were hit by a wave of unnatural arousal under the evil fey's guidance.
"Remember, how much you sluts want fairy-dickings aside, fairy cum is very restorative and will all you to skip a whole nights rest, isn't that amazing?"

She enthused, before leaning back behind the mushroom to a noise of:
"Mistresses? Are you around here? Ah, my bad, I should have come closer before you all shrunk.. still our home isn't far.."

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: Tiny Chibi Elf

Idriana thought for a bit about what Rain said. It did make sense that the world around them was shaped, molded and even changed by dreams and thoughts. Didn't dreams work that way were the reality shifted with the thoughts of the dreamer? She gasped as not only did Rain suddenly shrink with them but all their clothing shrank with them. "Oh!" she gasped as her own clothing formed around her. "That... that worked Rain! I think we may have an equalizing power over this world in which we are stuck."

When the voice intruded in their confabulation Idriana looked up. "You! I thought you were done messing with us." She stepped closer though eager to hear what this strange and powerful creature had to say. Idriana listened carefully as there were certainly clues as to what was going on in this big game in every word the creature dropped. It was cruel and teasing but also playing with them with hints that might not let them escape or fight back but could help them survive in this place and perhaps later escape. So Rain didn't quite have it right but it had worked.

Idriana rubbed her thighs together and closed her eyes as the warm arousal built. It was sooooo much easier to think about big, fat, ridged fairy dick than concentrate on what the trickster was saying. "Ahhhh... stop it..." she moaned and opened her eyes as she glared at the trickster. Of course Idriana began to suck on two of her fingers imagining they were fairy cocks while the other began to rub at herself through her clothing. No... of course she would not think of hot, thick fairy cum... so delicious... fed to her from huge fairy cocks. Idriana added two fingers as she sucked and licked. So big....

But! The fucking... heal and rest? Idriana stuck her hand down the front of her tights and found her hard button and folds wet and ready for hot fairy penis. "Mmmllfff..." she started to speak and realized that unfortunately she wasn't sucking a fairy cock and had to pull her fingers out of her mouth to speak. "But..." she was panting, tongue hanging out at the need for fairy cum... "Stop... I..." Idriana knelt knowing that the fairy would take her with his impossibly big cock and breed her with his wonderful cum, use every whole while she knelt before him like his beast. "But... Davia... no! Mistress." She glared at the sexy trickster. How could he change the Mistress. Then Idriana thought to herself as an idea filled her mind... filled her mind just like a sexy fairy cock would fill her sex... "But you like fairy cum too... you like to take it and give it when you are in your sexy form and when you're in your trickster form." The thought of fairy cum and fairy cock was confusing Idriana as the voice of the oh so virile sexy cum filled hard cocked lusty dominant fairy filled her ears just like his huge cock would fill her mouth and pussy... "Ahhhh... " fingers working hard between her slutty folds she imagined both forms of the trickster taking cum as a wicked female and then fucking hard, riding, breeding, filling and using her while he was in his male trickster form. "Cum... oh cum... feed me... hard... hard..." yet her eyes remained on him even as the fairy came up to take them all to his harem to fuck.
Davia Darklighter - Angry spider

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: transformed, Mood: angry, Tag: All

Davia was about to rebuke the fey when she found herself changing, turning into a small spider - though since everyone else had shrunk, she was comparatively large.

This is too far! I won't be someone's plaything like this!
She tried to retort, but found herself unable to speak, and thus cast spells. All she could do was hiss... and bite.

Remembering the spiders of the underdark, Davia raised her new body on her hind legs, taking on a threatening posture, showing off her fangs and hissing at the perverted fey. (Intimidate: 12)
9863026.jpg Nix the sheepling, Eleanah the rogue.
HP: 9/9 AC: 13 Conditions: Shapechanged into Eleanah
Tag: all

Nix looked around confused when she was woken up and Davia started trying to have her act like a valet or something. "You have other girls who says they'll be your slave, you can have one of them carry your stuff if you want." She answered the drow, then hearing what Rain was talking about. "wait I'm confused, so what you're telling me is we need to eat these and become small to see some fairies?" She asked, walking over and taking the mushroom which Rain had and taking a bite out of it, and of course as soon as she did, things went kind of bad with the master of tricks arrived and explained what was happening. "oh come one, of course you wait with telling just until I ate it."

"Hohohoho.. don't bite me you mean, dangerous spider.... have mercy!"
The evil fey grinned ever so slightly, backing off, and making it hard to draw a line between mockery and genuine worry about getting spider-nommed.

He.. she then shrugged at the shapeshifter. "Oh come on cutie.. this is funner! And no cute elf, I'm never done messing with people. Although I am kind of on your side..."
She winked, before slowly beginning to smoke, her form slowly dissipating again. "Remember.. don't mess around like eager whores too much..."
The creature teased, watching his effect on Idriana with a lusful, observant grin.

"Oh you lewd girl, I'm not gonna enslave you.. they are."
The fairy-master winked, before dissipating.. however, in the wake of that leave, the shadows under the mushroom elongated, and their fairy-friend,.. now as large as a grown man almost to their size, hid behind -another- mushroom, as shadowy, perverted fairies formed, three total, slowly stepping forwards on cloven hoves, guided by Idriana's vibrant, lustful imagination.


The virile, satyr like creature approached, one brushing his beard lustfully, reaching out to grab for Idriana, and Rain and Nix.. although they seemed to ignore the poor, propably still very fuckable spider, who could see the shadowfey eat up each of the women with lustful glances, before trying to force them over, not helping their lustful fantasies at all, as horse-like satyr shafts prodded free from very limitedly obscuring satyr-furpatches..

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: Tiny Chibi Elf, Aroused

Idriana glanced at the Trickster in wonder as he spoke. Cum... hot, thick and creamy fairy cum... How could she say that? It was...

She gasped as he slowly disappeared. But it wasn't the vanishing act; that she expected. No, it was the three figures forming in the shadows behind him. They were... oh gods, they were lusty, virile fairies who wouldn't take no, who would thrust her down, bend her over and take her like a mare in heat. No... Idriana tried to pull back but her movements were slow and uncoordinated... she stumbled and the satyr fairy gripped her arm. "Ohhh... nahh... no... " Idriana tried to shake her head, tried to escape but all she could see was the growing cock. Her free hand moved as if possessed and gripped the horse cock, stroking it... stroking and milking it for that hot, thick cum for which she yearned.

"Help... ahhhh..." Idriana glanced at her comrades even as her knees collapsed and she knelt before the fairy. Both hands came up and gripped the cock, rubbing it. "Please... make me... stop... nah..."

Davia Darklighter - Very angry spider

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: transformed, Mood: very angry, Tag: All

Seeing the new black fairies appear and approach with lewd intent, Davia once again hissed in anger. Their intent was obvious, and she would not stand for it.
Mine! They're mine! My slaves! You don't get to fuck them without my permission!

Thus she leaped at one of the black fairies, about to molest Idriana, and bit it, burying her fangs in its body with all her strength!

(Atk: 14, DMG: 1, Con save 9 or take an additional 1d4 poison damage)
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 13/13

Oh no, the tricky fairy was trying to plant perverted thoughts in their minds! To make themselves fall into a trap of their own making, where they greedily suck fairy cocks!

She had to resist! She had to avoid thinking about juicy satyr cocks, but that pervert Idriana had really turned the shrooms they just ate into powerful aphrodisiac!

She couldn't help but slide her hand between her legs a bit, rubbing herself lightly as she blushed. She had heard that Satyrs liked to fuck females for hours and that they had huge cocks...wonder if that was true...wait, she shouldn't think things like that! Not while Davia had turned into a little spider!

She knew how bad that was, not being able to speak and suck cock properly...no, there was something wrong with that thought...or was there? It seemed somewhat confusing.

"Hey, Fairy King! You gave me some points, right? I want to use some of them to turn Mistress Davia to a spider-girl that can talk and have fun! You can't say no! Also, you two will have to have some sex with her afterwards...!" she demanded, pulling the spider on her hug to prevent her from causing unjust damages to innocent cocks!

"It's ok Mistress, we will suck those cocks for you, and you can get your share of fairy fluids from the Fairy King's pussy...she should have superior cum, I think." she whispered to Davia

That way we can be free to suck some cock from the Satyrs...was it true that they had horse cocks? Maybe they could bottle some of the precious fairy cum for later...in their waterskin? Who needs water when you can have cum anyway...

Sexy Satyrs, Tag: The halpless females!

Whilest one of the Satyr-fairies screeched and began wrestling against eight legs, the other two had.. an easier time with their newfound companions. With Rain and Idriana's lack of resistance, they soon found themselves.. well in different positions, actually. Idriana found her hand catching a suspicious spot, beginning to stroke it, equine shaft flaring up happy and large before her, precum oozing form it, dripping onto her hand.. before kissing her lips, the goatmans shaft prodding forth and invading her mouth!

Meanwhile, Rain's request didn't seem to fall on deaf ears, as the angry spider shifted again!.. well, the good news were that apparently, she shifted into a dark-elf spider girl. The bad news was that, The Fairy Master being who he was, this shift left her under a very disapproving Satyr.. who proceeded to bend her over!

Speaking about bending over, Rain herself had tbeen too busy pleading to stop her Satyr from pushing her onto all fours and fornicating with her.. that was, a massive, hot, hard and throbbing and yes, indeed, equine shaft, not thrusting into her mouth whilest forcing her to the ground, the shadowy satyr moan-grinning in satisfaction.
Perhaps she should help their poor, helpless spider-drow companion by drawing more attention to herself, collecting some of that nice cum for later.

One way or the other, the lustful Satyrs didn't take long to fuck the girls into submission, splattering their rich tasting cum upon the girls.. and indeed, they felt oddly recovered and rested.. hmn.. but perhaps a little more of that cum wouldn't hurt either?

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 11/11
Tag: All
Conditions: Tiny Chibi Elf, Aroused

Idriana eagerly suckled the fairy cock like the good, obedient whore for fairy cum that she was. It was right, it was good and certainly the taste of the rich precum in her mouth was evidence of all of this! She bobbed her head on the equine shaft pleasuring the master with puffy, slick cock sucking lips and a tongue that seemed longer and more able to curl and wrap around the massive shaft in her mouth and throat. Her hands cupped the heavy, low swinging balls, teasing and tickling the virile orbs to encourage that she would receive a huge flow of semen. Idriana's throat bulged when she deep throated the cock again and again before pulling back a bit to allow the throbbing member to spew cum into her mouth until even frantic swallowing could not keep up with the flow. At that point she pulled back and let the satyr cover her face, breasts and belly with thick, wonderful fairy cum.

"Ahhhh..." she sighed, face blissful and body glowing with health and satisfaction as the fairy cum soothed her wounds, filled her with energy and satisfied the pang of hunger as her stomach filled with the offering of the huge cock. "That was wonderful, thank you," Idriana cooed up at the manly satyr and his still throbbing cock. She reached up and stroked it, teasing with clever fingers as she watched her Mistress now changed to a spider girl drow be fucked by another lusty satyr. She felt a hunger grow not in her belly but in her sex and as a shivering, addictive desire tickling her skin and her mind. "Come on big boy... take that horse cock and fuck me like a mare."
gmqwtxt0rni31.png Davia Darklighter - Very angry spidergirl

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: transformed, Mood: still very angry, Tag: All

Davia felt her body shift again. Ok, this is kinda neat... Davia thought as she beheld her new form, feeling all her new legs flex hydraulically. Maybe she'd have to whip Rain as a reward rather than punishment... she had had a capital idea there... However, her assailant had not been changed, still intent on violating her with his disgusting member. However, with some part of her Elven body restored, she had her abilities back...

Davia twisted underneath the Satyr's assault, trying to get a hand onto his cock, running it along his shaft, pretending to want to massage it, before focusing on her power. /Incinerate/, she chanted, shooting a bolt of fire at her attacker's junk!

Unfortunately, with all the humping going on, this was more difficult than she expected! (ATK: 6)
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 13/13

Oh, no! Mistress was getting into trouble again!

Rain knew that she had to both lure the Satyrs over, and help Mistress Davia to join in the fun...by helping her imagine something lewd that she would like!

She had learned a small trick by a traveling bard...using an illusion to tell a story! Here the trick would be even stronger, the illusion becoming real if the others believed it to be so...and others, in this case, was Davia, who was the only one who wasn't filled with cocks!

"Mistress! You have to save us! Satyr's are immune to damage, the only way to beat them is to find their female leader and fuck her into submission! She should be hiding somewhere...you have to find her and pleasure her, to save us!"
she pleaded! It was a small lie...but was it really a lie, or was it the truth? Certainly, she was a bard, so in this word made of stories who could say that her story couldn't possibly be true!

04d1eafaafae6628e9141e7f0855f798 (1).jpeg And indeed, Davia would notice a cute and shy fauness, naked and defenseless hiding behind a tree...she would have to catch her in her webs, and pleasure her if she wanted to save her slaves!

"We will distract the Satyrs, Mistress!" Rain cried dramatically as the Satyr was pushing his gigantic cock inside her, making her almost lose balance and fall down on the floor!

"Hmmm~~~cute Satyr, some over hereee~~~" she wiggled her tongue towards Davia's Satyr! She still had more holes empty...and she knew she could take those huge cocks even at the same time since this was a dream!

Sexy Satyrs, Tag: The halpless females! And RAGESPIDER!

Perhaps the snuggly spider secretly wanted satyr cock after all? The way she was caressing along it, feeling it's fertile lenght in her hand and then failed to burn it proper, seeming only to put the Satyr into an even greater heat..

Her friends most definitly seemed to enjoy it, Idrianna all too eager to debase herself for flared horse cocks, rocking along, moaning along, attending and sucking and pleasing the cock properly before encouraging her faun lover to bend her over and penetrate her wanting lips, seeking to breed her if not for impossiblity between species.. or was it? She wasn't certain. All she knew was that she felt reinvigorated and even healthier than before, after having done such a.. throughout job servicing the Satyr sluttily! (+2 to constitution permanently, but the sight of horse-cock will force her to make a DC 15 Wisdom save.. or surrender herself to her newly implanted primal urges!)

Idriana meanwhile took two Satyrs, but her spellcasting did distract her from enjoying the full, luring imprint of sexy Satyr schlongs rubbing up against her body.. (+1 to constitution and your DC save against Satyr sex is only a 10!)

Although, luckily, her plan seemed to succeed as well, luring the Satyr to her.. and at least distracting their drider companion with at third Satyr that, without any input on Idriana's end approached the spider-creature and brushed a hand along her chin with an alluring smile.. before trying to force the spiderlady down between her legs.

The scene was still overshadowed by lewd, wet slumping noises as Idriana recieved more deep attention from whom seemed to be the most virile of the Satyrs.. or perhaps her own, perverted imagination merely made him such? The Satyrs that had decided to double-team up on Rain certainly seemed to want to join the competition...

(If nova is not resisting female satyr sexing, you can all presume yourself well rested, recovered, and reaching Lvl 3 as you get ready to start your journey to meet the sage!)

Name: Idriana Starseeker the Do Gooder
AC: 14, HP: 28/28
Tag: Satyr lover
Conditions: Tiny Chibi Elf, Aroused

Idriana moaned as the masterful faun bent her over and prepared to take her like a mare. She wriggled her ass and arched her back as the long, throbbing horse cock pressed against her sopping folds. She felt strong, powerful and feminine as the thick seed of the satyr masters filled her with power. She reached back to cup the dangling satyr balls to encourage him to fuck her hard and fill her aching, heated womb with his seed. The entrance of the flared horse cock into her wet, eager channel brought her to an immediate and powerful orgasm. He would master her, breed his mare as she worshiped the godly cock with her body.
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 13/13

Rain moaned as she was getting rocked between the Satyr horse-cocks! She had already taken her fill...but she knew she couldn't just give in and be a good cocksleeve for the enormous and juicy cocks that kept filling her with their invigorating and aphrodisiac seeds!

No, she had to do something...like...something except trying to push the cocks deeper into her cum-drenched pussy...right! She had to try and collect some extra Satyr cum, for future use!

As she was ragdolled between the two Satyrs, her hands tried to grab some kind of container from her bag...anything would do...even those scroll cases!

She would then try to collect inside it as much cum as possible, given the high difficulty of the task!

(10, or 9 Dexterity check with disadvantage!)

After trying for a while, with only the reward of splattering cum all over herself, she decided to give up and instead focus on helping her Satyr's win their competition against Idriana's Satyrs! Who knows, maybe the winner would get a price or something...yeah, she was totally not getting addicted to the horse-cocks...surely not!
gmqwtxt0rni31.png Davia Darklighter - Very lusty spidergirl

Health: 8/8, AC: 13, Status: transformed, Mood: still very angry but also very horny, Tag: All

Davia looked at the female Satyr approaching her and licked her lips. Finally someone worthy of my attention!

Instead of being forced down, she jumped on the woman and drove her to the ground, head underneath Davia's pussy, already drooling with anticipation.

"Oh no, that's not how I roll, sweetie. Whether you're part of my imagination, or Rain's, or this place, or any combination, I will be in charge." She smirked, while thrusting one of her hind legs into the Satyress' snatch. "And I command you to eat me out like a submissive little whore! Make it good, I have ways to deny you your climax! Lick like your worthless pussy depends on it, because it does!" She taunted, grinding her own delta against the Satyress' face, eager to ride her to release. "You're not allowed to cum until I've had my fun with you!" Davia's leg was pushing in and out of her victim's folds with blazing speed, but went in so shallow, teasing how much better it would be if it went in all the way... But for that, the Satyress would have to give herself completely over, become a helpless little toy, and then maybe Mistress Davia would grant her this pleasure...
Tag: All

The Satyr-hunks, plus one quite female, indulge the party with enthusiasm, fucking them with suspiciously furred and equine-alike looking genitalia, turning especially Rain into a rather sloppy mess. The only reason Idriana is less so is that, quickly, she is filled up to the brim with rather copious amounts of fertile seed.

Where both of them felt refreshed as finally, their sex-partners dissipated into whisps of Shadow, Davia was still occupied dominating hers into submission as the.. magic.. whatever began to fade, leaving her in a puff of smoke, and barely readied to suckle up some of those lewd juices (you only count as short-rested, but aren't affected by any satyresque addictions in exchange!)

They lay there, basking in the lewdness of it all, and, for a strange moment, there was as if there was something wiggling and slithering.. not a physical sensation, but that was the best way of describing the way their thoughts felt, after indulging the gifts fo the Fairy-Master.

Until finally, their prior friend, now seeming about their size, found them again!


"Oh there you are my mistresses.. huh wasn't there one more? How peculiar.. anyway.. you should find shelter or travel on, it shall rain soon!"
The fairy pointed to the sky.. and for a moment you feel unconcerned, even staring at those darkening clouds overhead.

So what, you are a little smaller and the rain around here was a bit.. odd, but what could it possibly do to you?
Name: Rain, the Sexy Bard!
AC: 12, HP: 21/21

Rain lied on the floor. She wasn't tired by any means, but she did need a deep breath or two, first. And a couple breaths more, to sort out her thoughts.

She ignored the ant farmer, for a moment.

"We need to go to the Sage, to tell us which of us is real and what is going on." Rain mused loudly enough for the others to hear her "However...we have already figured it out. We are outsiders, brought in this dream...and we can even change it, depending on our thoughts." Yes, she should not think lewd things for now. There was work to be done first...except if...no, she shouldn't even think about it.

"We need to find who brought us here, and how. And we need to get out of here. Otherwise...our own thoughts could consume us." she continued, sighing.

"So...lets get up, and go to find that Sage. It shouldn't take too long...we could make it before the rain gets us." she stood up, turning to the ant farmer "Hey...could you just tell us where we can find the Sage? We won't be sleeping, after all...we are in a hurry, so if you know any shortcut, it would be great..." she asked.
gmqwtxt0rni31.pngDavia Darklighter - Very lusty spidergirl

Health: 11/11, AC: 13, Status: transformed, Mood: still very angry but also very horny, Tag: All

Davia was torn between denied disappointment and satisfaction. It had worked! The apparitions had disappeared, leaving her and her slaves alone, if a bit worked up. Though sadly the satyr bitch had dissolved before she pledged her eternal servitude to Davia. Whatever.

Davia decided to test her dreampowers by shifting back into her old body - the Drider body was nice, but maybe not appropriate. Also, she needed her own body to properly punish and train her slaves. Couldn't have them fall to a bunch of literal dicks again. She also used Rain's trick from earlier to make her outfit and backpack shrink as well. It wouldn't do being unprepared for any further incidents.

f97aeb0ae49d97aeeaaa5a3011a56e4b.png Back in her previous body, Davia turned to the pixy who had apparently just watched from behind a stalk. Davia wasn't sure what to think of this, so she decided to let it slide. Besides, they had to go look for this sage if they ever wanted to make it out of here again. "Very well. Lead the way." She told the fairy, while walking up between Rain and Idriana. "I think I can help you with your thoughts." She remarked, keeping her voice low and stern. "In fact, seeing you little sluts bow to these phantoms has shown me that I will have to teach you true pleasure and obedience." She squeezed both their buttocks to remind them that they both submitted to her before. She'd just have to make it permanent. And exclusive to her.