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The Odd Job (Cindi)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
The night's breeze chilled the skin of most who walked the streets of the merchant town. However, there were few people to be seen outside, due to the scare of monsters and thieves, except for those few who left the Stampede Tavern, which was occupied by the town's few local perverted monsters, as well as the mercenaries, cutthroats, and lowlifes who made a living profiting from other's dilemmas.

The tavern was owned by a no non-sense centaur, who was the main reason for the tavern's safety. She kept peace whenever the female monsters got too aggressive, or when male men would fight each other, driven by the booze flowing through their systems. But asides from being a place for one to drown her sorrows, it also served as a place for travelers, mercenaries, and those who had no jobs to seek work in order to make ends meet. Often selling their bodies to the monsters, since, shamefully, it was more profitable.

Cindi was among those men and women who dressed themselves with weapons and merchant cloth, although she remained one of the few who would not do 'anything' for money, strictly remaining as a sword for hire, and nothing else. And because of this, she refuses various 'offers' from human men and monster women alike, except on one occasion when jobs were few, and enough rum flowed through her, she 'serviced' a seemingly handsome man, who happened to offer a fair price just for her to put her lips around his cock.

This night, however, was different. Perhaps it was the cold air, or the ominous cloudy sky decorated around the full moon that brought forth a dark chill beyond that of the air. The patrons sat in their wooden seats, most staring at their drinks as if hypnotized, and others passing quiet chatter with each other. From the most Cindi could gather, it was mostly nonsense, or comments on the eerie night.

Sitting at the bar, where the centaur was serving drinks to those who were pushing coin, Cindi was also made a victim of the strange night's effect on everyone. Her mind slowly became lost to the effects of the alcoholic drink in her hand, sending her into a daydream-like state, her own fatigue, combined with the booze starting to tempt her to lay her head down on the bar, and fall asleep.

A loud, clear voice suddenly snapped her consciousness back to full attention, more so when she realized the voice was directed at her. Raising her head, she was greeted by the bartender, who was scrubbing a wooden mug, "Hey, good news; That man over there, in the black robe," she gestures at a table in the corner, where a lone man sat, looking at Cindi, wearing a completely black robe, covering his face in a shroud of darkness, "he says he's got a job offering for you. Also says he's not wantin' sex, so it's right up your alley." she told Cindi, before returning to her job.

Across the room, the man sat, looking at Cindi, seemingly with anticipation as he waited for an unspoken regard to his request; if she would get up from her seat, and approach him, or ignore his request...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

At the bar, the brunette sat separated from the various other patrons of the tavern. Lost in her fatigue, and the odd effect of the chilly night, Cindi remained oblivious to those around her, her eyelids fluttering as she battled the urge to sleep, until the bartender began talking to her. Sitting up straight, she waited until the other woman had finished before stretching her arms above her head, stifling a yawn.

With a murmured "Thank you..." after the retreating back, Cindi offered a glance around towards her would-be contractor, and a curt nod. Turning back to her drink, she took a swig, before pulling out her money pouch to weigh it. Dismayed at how light it was, she stowed it away again, before finishing her mug, and standing up. She needed money, and if this guy wanted a non-sexual job, the least she could do was hear him out, even if he did look a bit of a wierd one. Hell, with any luck it would be a nice escort job, simple, and rewarding for the work she usually had to do.

Turning around, and sweeping her hair out of her face with a hand, she walked over to the robed man, one hand reaching behind her to scratch her back, brushing against the handle of her dagger as she reached the table. Seating herself, Cindi sat straight in the seat, hands intertwined on the table. Simply staring at the robed man for a few seconds, she said "So. I'm told you are offering a job? I gotta say, I'm interested, so let's hear it, but I warn ya, if you're just after sex you'll be worse off for it."
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

As Cindi approached, the man seemed unable to find an appropriate place to put his hands, switching from folding them on his lap, to placing them flat on the table, and then to folding them on the table as soon as Cindi arrived to take a seat. He seemed very nervous, though it was hard to tell if it was because of Cindi's attractive features, or something else she was unaware of.

When Cindi took a seat, and gave the man fair warning, he responded by reaching into his robe, and placing a single gold coin on the table, sliding it towards Cindi with his finger in offering to her. Certainly a good route to take if you want someone a mercenary listen. "T-that's pay in advance..." he stuttered, "I... I have a very embarrassing problem..."

"I... I need you to... To pretend... Like you and I are together..." he said to her with a continued embarrassed stutter, bringing forth many questions as to the man's mental state, such as why he would ask a woman with a blade at her side on a fake date, and why he would offer so much money for something so strange, and pathetic. A single gold coin could buy a decent house, another could buy a trained slave. So, the man could certainly be better off spending his money on that, rather than pay an armed, dangerous woman to pretend to love him.

Silent, the man seemed to feel just as awkward as Cindi might have felt as he waited for a reaction...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Seating herself, Cindi raised an eyebrow from the initial behaviour of the fidgeting man, getting a bad feeling about this guy already. Why would he be this nervous? It wasn't as if attractive women were particularly rare here, even if not all of them were human...

At the sight of the coin, her eyes widened, though she limited herself to that. Her hand twitching, she looked up at him in blatant surprise as he explained what he wanted doing. When he was finished, she maintained the surprised look, and reached a hand up to scratch behind her ear as she thought, while her cheeks turned red. Strange thoughts immediately began rushing through her head. Who was he? Who did he need protecting from? If he needed a pretend lover, why did he say it wasn't sexual? The turbulent trains of thought in her head were provided with dark and uncertain possibilities from the depressing atmosphere of the night.

"Wow. Well, umm... I don't know what to say. You're paying this much money, just for me to be with you, and for how long exactly? Uh, this does only mean during the time you're in public doesn't it? I'm afraid I'm going to need as much information as you're willing to part with now, if you don't mind at all." Cindi said, leaving the coin as it was for the moment, though she kept glancing down at it, and her right hand twitched occasionally as she waited on his reply. If it was as simple as it first seemed, she'd be out of money problems for quite a long time, but she doubted that. There'd be some catch, something difficult, there had to be, else he wouldn't be paying so much.
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

When asked if she'd need to continue the act in private, the man gave a silent shake of his head, seeming to think the answer to the question was of little importance, in favor of other things. However, things got more confusing, when the man decided to draw back his hood before continuing, revealing quite a handsome face, perhaps even cute. The tone of his face kept the masculinity, but was aligned with a feminine touch. His hair was golden blond, slicked back into a ponytail, seeming to have at least some length to it, as it was kept under his black robe. He would certainly have many female fans who would admire his 'qualities.'

Certainly enough to make Cindi's blush redden slightly more, whether she knew it or not, but it was when his eyes were shown, staring right into her own, that would make any woman's heart skip.

Clear blue eyes, crystal clear, in fact, were the last thing to greet Cindi. The man's eyes seemed to cast a strange feeling within her, as it likely did with any woman he talked to, that would give Cindi a rather 'unmentionable' feeling, which the booze flowing through her mind would only make worse. Not to mention making the task of 'pretending' to be lovers that much worse.

"... Just by reading your face, I... I think you might have an idea what my problem is..." he began to explain, "You see, I was born of a succubus mother, and I inherited her trait... Of attraction..." he blushed, lowering his head, while taking his gaze off of Cindi's face, looking to the floor as Cindi felt as if she dropped one hundred pounds, now that she was free of his infamously known, 'succubus stare,' which captivates those who return the stare back to the succubus with a powerful magic that quickly destroys reason, and replaces it with lust.

"This... Wouldn't be a problem, since I can just hide my face, and most monsters that catch me will... Well, they don't care." he cleared his throat, blushing himself, "But... I recently met a certain succubus... Once she saw my face, she... She started claiming that I was her property, and I thought she was going to have her way with me, and then let me go, just like the others, but she won't leave me alone!" he explained with a slowly raising voice,

"I haven't been able to sleep for more than just a couple hours! I can't even recall how many days she's been chasing me, and torturing me, but I can't take it anymore! I need someone strong enough to challenge her, and defeat her, while claiming to be my new lover!" he directed at Cindi, before pointing at the bartender, "She said you might be powerful enough to at least scare her off, and if she runs away, thinking someone else owns me, then maybe, I hope to the saints in heaven, just maybe she'll leave me in peace!"

His rant, thankfully, had not brought too much attention from the eyes of their peers. At his peak, he would likely be understood by those who actually were listening, but luckily, everyone seemed to committed to whatever current topic each one was discussing.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

As the man drew back her hood, Cindi's own blue eyes could only look on in shock, drinking in his positively gorgeous visage greedily, and she bit her lower lip. His hair, his face, those eyes... They all came together so perfectly that she instantly adored him, this... This was someone she could want after... She just couldn't stop staring, until he dropped his gaze, and she gasped, quickly looking to the side, ashamed of herself to have fallen so quickly for him. A trickle of sweat ran down her bright red face as she brought herself to face him again, the poor woman's heart beating quickly, her breath coming quickly as she calmed herself down.

"I... I... I don't know what to say... I mean... wow... Uh, I would like to help, I really would, but I just don't know... Succubi, I mean, they're powerful demons... Much stronger than any simple monster girl... I... I would have thought that, uh, one of the richer girls around here would be stronger fighters than me... Ah jeez..." Cindi trailed off, obviously distressed by the decision she was having to make. So much money, and he was obviously so nice... But a Succubus?

Looking back up, she continued "I... I think... You seem to be a really nice guy... Uh, I... I'll help you, ok? But... how are we going to find her? Do you know anything else about her? And... What's your name? I should at least know that? I... I'm Cynthia, but please call me Cindi." she finished, twisting her hands together, while she cast her gaze around the room, afraid the succubus might actually be there, her chocolate coloured hair dropping back across her left eye, which a puff of breath failed to move.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The man sighed, leaning back in his seat, and to Cindi's torture, looked back, directly at her face. His beautiful gaze burning into her mind and soul, and his words sounding like a melody to her ears, while dark, dirty thoughts began to arise in her mind, most of which enough to make her heart yearn for love, but all of which were enough to make her body beg for sex. "She's not as powerful as you might think..." he tried to tell Cindi, despite her ogling of him, "Though, I'm glad you'll accept my offer... My name is Voltaire. Thank you, Cindi. Perhaps with your help, I'll be able to get some sleep one day..."

With a heavy sigh, Voltaire lowered his eyes once more, in order to release Cindi from his deadly, and captivating charm, before the agreement of 'no-sex' is all but forgotten, not due to Cindi's own lack of personal control, but since, as a human, her mind is unable to resist the temptation of a Succubi's charm. "We won't be finding her... She will find us." he explained, "All I know about her, is that she's evil. She... She derives her sick pleasure from torturing me almost every night. I try to run from her, I tried to hide, but she somehow always finds me..."

Voltaire shook his head, "But, that's going to change." he announced, "She hasn't shown up yet tonight, so I think she'll be coming for me again, very soon. Let's get a room together~" he suddenly raised his hand, directing a gesture that told Cindi to hold her thoughts, "~but not like that!" he insisted, "We'll just have to wait until she shows up... Until then..." His hand reached for the wooden mug sitting near him, gripping it, and lifting it up in a gesture to Cindi, "Care for a drink?"
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

When she noticed that Voltaire was looking back up again, Cindi almost cricked her neck trying to turn away, but to no avail, as she found herself lost in his gaze once more, the assault on her senses rendering her incapable of anything other than the continued stare. She felt as if all of her problems would go away if she could just crawl into bed with him. Her left hand, currently unoccupied, slid off the table out of both parties sight, while her tortured mind conjured up imaginations of the two of them making passionate love under the covers, and she felt a slight dampness in her panties.

When he mercifully dropped his gaze, Cindi made a small noise, unnoticeable over the hubbub of the bar, halfway between a yip and a moan, and dropped her head ashamedly, noticing with horror that the hand that had left the table had worked its thumb into the waistline of her trousers and had been gently tugging at them, revealing a little more of her undergarments than she was comfortable with. Flushing even deeper than before, she pulled them back up hurriedly, while trying to draw as little attention to it as possible, disguising it as a scratch of the back, while she avoided looking at anything higher than Voltaire's stomach.

When he mentioned getting a room together, the poor woman's heart skipped another beat, addled as she was from the strange atmosphere and his lust-inducing gaze, though the dirty thoughts in her mind were vanquished by his stopping hand. Reaching into her pockets to draw out her coin pouch, she picked up the golden coin, and glanced questioningly at Voltaire for a few seconds, holding it above the pouch, before dropping it in, and instead drawing out some lesser money. "Y-Yeah... I-uh... I'll go get myself another, if you'll just, uh, excuse me for a second...?"

Wandering up to the bar, her cheeks turning back to their normal colour, Cindi grabbed the centaurs attention, and after ordering herself another mug, slipped a few extra coins into the waiting hand, and a "Uh, thanks for the tip on that guy, really, thanks." into the bartenders ear. Coming back to the table, she seated herself once more.

"So... Voltaire... I, uh, I would like it if... you know... you tried not looking into my eyes too often... I'm sure you know what it does to women, so it's really distracting... I'm not blaming you! I know it's not your fault! Just... Just... I don't want myself to do something I will be ashamed of because of it... But still, let's, uh, move onto something heartier, errr... I've already heard your story, and mines not nearly as... Interesting... But! I have a couple of party tricks! Like this one...!" Cindi said, stuttering at the beginning, but blurting out the last section, before pausing for a second, then pushing the sleeve of her coat up, and clicking her fingers, cupping her hands around the minuscule fireball now held by her, no bigger than an acorn, and shielded from the sight of anyone other than herself and Voltaire.

"I learnt this from a mage in my home town when I was just a girl, I can make it bigger, but not by much, and I don't want to attract too much attention in a place like this... Ever since I could walk I liked fire... It gives me warmth and light where there might not otherwise be any, which is always nice..." she trailed off, gazing now into the heart of the little fireball, lost in the dancing trails of flame.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The centaur didn't really pay Cindi too much mind, simply nodding her head as she was thanked. And after she was tipped, the woman gave Cindi a glance, before replying, "Yeah-whatever. Your welcome."

As Cindi returned, and explained, perhaps as best as she could, how Voltaire should refrain from looking at her, he blushed with embarrassment, licking his lips nervously, "I'm sorry..." he apologized in a whisper, "But, it's difficult for me to talk to you without looking at you..." he explained. He seemed to be feeling pushed away, despite his claim that he understood her meaning. But, his glum face would not remain. After Cindi showed him her 'trick,' a small smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the fire. He didn't appear too impressed, but he did seem to derive at least a little bit of a better mood from her efforts.

Voltaire looked away from Cindi's flame for a moment, to look at the palm of his own hand with a neutral face. "I know a few tricks as well," he told her, as a vine suddenly began to slowly trail up, and around his wrist, growing further along, until it reached his palm, where a small bud seemed to begin growing, growing larger, and larger, taking on a red tint, before becoming a fully grown rose in a matter of moments.

The rest of the vine around his wrist slithered up into one stiff base, becoming stiff, and straight. And with rose in hand, Voltaire made a gesture at Cindi, offering to put the rose in her hair, as many gentlemen often did to women they liked. "May I?" he asked her, ready to slide the vine into her hair, should she allow him to. And with him seeming to forget her request, looking straight at her, filling her stomach with butterflies, it would certainly take a great deal of willpower for 'any' girl to say no to a man so attractive, and well mannered...

About an hour later

Cindi and Voltaire were walking up to their room, Cindi with Voltaire's rose in her hair, both quite drunk, laughing and giggling with each other, constantly exchanging jokes, and stories of things they've done in their life, no matter how pointless, or irrelevant. Voltaire spoke of the mischief he was up to as a boy, and in turn, he listened to Cindi's tales of life as a wealthy rich girl, making jokes about how ridiculous her parents, and her teachers were, trying to force everything they could down her throat, no matter how useless it was, right down to their belief in religion.

Walking with Cindi, his arm around her shoulder, holding her to him, both too drunk to even think of how his trait of attraction might be affecting their rapidly growing relationship, Voltaire looked to Cindi with interest as she mentioned her life of luxury, (the mention coming forth whether or not of her own decision, thanks to the booze), and her abandonment of it, "But... Why would you walk away from such a rich life to live the life of a scrounger?" he inquired, "I long to return to my own home, which that monster stole me from, where I live in safety, and wealth beyond anything I could ask for..." He mused over his thoughts as he waited for her answer, wondering why Cindi would walk away from such a fate, while Voltaire himself adores it.

Meanwhile, unknown to Voltaire, Cindi's panties were completely damp, now quite fallen under his spell. The mixture of booze and the deadly gaze of his eyes destroying any rational opposition that might have fought off her craving to bed the man, and to enjoy a fiery night of debauchery and sin...

Should he give in to temptation, it would be unlikely that Cindi would be able to fight back. One kiss, and Cindi's mind would go blank. One sensitive touch, and Cindi's passion would be set aflame. The only thing Cindi would be able to manage under such powerful influence, would be to keep herself from throwing her body onto his, begging him to give her the release her soul greatly craved for...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

"Uh, don't feel bad! I'm sorry, but it's all right!" Cindi said, upset that she had caused Voltaire embarrassment.

When he summoned the rose, Cindi snapped the fireball out of existence, admiring his own display of magic, and she brought her hands up to cover her mouth, "Oh! It's... So pretty! I... I..." she stuttered, helplessly blushing again. Cindi turned slightly to the side, and pushing her arms down her torso like a child, offered her head to Voltaire's hand, breasts pushing outwards between her arms. "Yes, o-of course!" she blurted out, her confused mind going with the simplest option at this point. At the back of her mind, a part of her was trying to pull her away from him, knowing something would go wrong, but her conciousness was having too much of a good time with him, as was her body, despite the fact that he hadn't really advanced on her yet. No one had ever succeeded in getting her wet just from simply talking and looking at her. She was completely out of her depth in a situation like this, so instead turned to drink to help, the rose nestling happily behind her ear, the delicate flower protruding forward.


When they managed to totter up to their room together, Cindi glad to have his arm around her shoulder, and returning the favour with an arm around his waist, the first thing Cindi did was to sit on the bed, regardless of whether she dragged Voltaire down with her, and kicked her shoes off while they continued chatting together. During their conversations, she usually giggled like a school girl at his tales of mischief and play, feeling a little put out that she didn't feel her stories to be nearly as interesting.

When he asked about her leaving her rich life, Cindi shook her head, "It... It was dull... Living with people doing the hard things for you is boring, I wanted to do things for myself, and my family... would never approve... Beshides, I would have been forced into a marriage I didn't want if I'd stayed much longer than I did..." She said, before giving a small hiccup, covering her mouth with her hand with a giggle. "'Scuse me! I like living like this, even if it is poor. There's always something to do, and I like nothing better than being able to make my own decisions, which is why I've never had sex before... I've been able to defend myself against the monster girls, and it's just an awesome feeling."

While she was talking, she was shuffling across the bed, and when she mentioned sex, she had reached him, and was leaning against his arm, with a hand on his leg. The drink and charm had her in a mess, and the little bit in her mind representing her values and honour was desperately trying to hold the rest of her mind, including her heightened libido, at bay. Trailing her hand down his leg, Cindi shuddered suddenly as she realised how wet she was, and noticed that her scent was filling the air, the scent of a woman ripe for the taking. The sobering realisation caused her to recoil from Voltaire as if shocked, blushing madly. "I... I... I..." Was all she could manage, looking shamefully at her feet, hunched up to hide her face from Voltaire, crossing her arms over her crotch in defence, and yet still... She wanted him, and the poor girl was barely containing her fiery desires, her values quickly losing the internal battle against her natural, instinctive wants.

Looking back up to the man, Cindi's eyes were ablaze. "I... Want you... But... I can't... It's not right..." She murmured, hands still on her lap, but twitching as her gaze slowly left his face to trail down his body to Voltaire's own crotch, and there it lingered, all of her remaining effort concentrated on restraining her desire to sex-tackle the half-demon sitting across from her.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire blinked with interest when Cindi told him she was a virgin, at first, for a moment, not seeming to believe her, "You haven't...? At all?" he said with astonishment, "That's... A rarity on this island, to be sure." he commented. And when she leaned towards him, touching his leg, sending an almost irresistible signal that she was ready for sex, both Voltaire, and Cindi's faces turned crimson at the same moment. While shame filled Cindi, a degree of fearful guilt gripped Voltaire. Only now would he realize that he'd been, on purpose or not, seducing her with his magical presence. And the fact that he was stiff from the sight of her in such a vulnerable state combined with her drunken flirting didn't make him feel any less guilty.

He felt torn between two sides. Voltaire realized Cindi was in too deep for her to just stop her emotions, not to mention her sexual longing for him. She was suffering every moment she went without pleasure, and every moment he spent around her. But, another part of him knew that if Cindi were to obtain the pleasure she sought, she would at least be free of his influence once they both were satisfied.

Silence crept into the room. Voltaire had spent a great deal of time, thinking about what he should do, long enough for him to forget why he was thinking, and to just take notice of the fine woman before him, unable to stop her lecherous thoughts, before his drunken mind began falling to it's prime instinct to breed. And in a single moment, Voltaire placed his hand on her chin, lifting her head up to look at him, both of their glazed eyes staring back at each other, before he leaned forward with a fierce kiss, gently laying Cindi down on her back, while a hand trailed along her body, down towards her pants.

Voltaire drew back before going any further, his eyes never leaving hers as he gazed at her longingly, "It's alright, Cindi..." he whispered, "Please trust me..."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

"Well... I... I've given a blowjob before... But that's it, so I'm not entirely a virgin..." Cindi murmured at Voltaire's comment, though it was hard for her blush to deepen further than it already was. Seeing the bulge in his trousers, Cindi's mouth opened slightly, and she shuddered, knowing he was as ready for sex as herself. Drunk and horny as she was, Cindi failed completely to notice the guilty look on Voltaire's beautiful face, instead still battling her own inner demons.

It was a terrible maelstrom inside the poor woman's heart and mind, her booze-addled brain falling prey to the lust inducing presence sitting right next to her. Her own angels where completely overwhelmed by the massive assault, as the remnants of her rational thought slowly slipped away. Her heart was yearning for the man's love, even if that love came in the form of sexual satisfaction, and she couldn't stop herself from wanting him. Cindi's high libido had soaked her panties to such an extent that a dark spot was spreading across her trousers, increasing the power of her scent in the air.

During the wait while Voltaire pondered, Cindi's dark spot continued to spread every second she stared at him, still managing to control herself enough to stay her wants for the time being, though she began trembling from the strain. When Voltaire eventually made his decision, and kissed her, her passion broke free, running rampant through her body. Laid upon the bed, Cindi pressed back into him, pushing her own tongue into his mouth to tangle with Voltaire's, and she shuddered in his grasp, a single, soft moan escaping into his mouth. His hand trailing across her body, Cindi arched her back, pushing her breasts against Voltaire as she savoured the feelings he was giving her, even as it reached her waist. When Voltaire looked back into her eyes, he would see fear in hers as her honour made a final, desperate push against her lust. "B-but, I can't! I've only known y-you for a couple of hours! It's not right!" she cried, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, before those blue eyes slowly softened, her honour utterly crushed by the waves of emotion and desire, and she smiled, her own arms reaching up to wrap around Voltaire, pulling him closer for another kiss.

Pulling away shortly after, she said "It... It's alright... P-please... I... I trust you... Go ahead...", her voice sounding husky as her fiery passion drove her towards him, and her own hands trailed down Voltaire to reach his trousers, working around to the front to start undoing them, slowly allowing them to slip down his legs, and she kissed him again.
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire, his breathing getting heavier as she felt his erect cock pressing against her skin, nodded at Cindi reassuringly after he'd returned her kiss, "Do not worry," he whispered, "I will not rob you of your purity... I'll only set you free of this curse." He explained. Then, he practiced his meaning, as he pulled Cindi's shirt over her head, allowing her breasts to freely breathe the fresh air about them. He leaned down, placing his lips on her nipple, sucking on it, and pulling on the red rosebud with his mouth, giving a loud smack as he released it, only to continue anew, twirling his tongue around Cindi's erect nipple.

After Cindi's breast was coated with Voltaire's saliva, he crawled down even more, to the point that he was on his knees, off of the bed. He gently grabbed Cindi's pants, and slowly pulled them off, allowing the lustful woman's scent to fill the room in a matter of moments. He wasted no time with words, Voltaire simply gripped her legs, spreading them apart, before diving in with his lips and tongue. The first thing Cindi felt was his lips sealing around her clitoris, giving gentle tugs, while his tongue gave it quick flicks, causing her body to jolt as a reaction to the sharp stimulation.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Looking into her eyes, Voltaire would have seen a flicker of gratitude pass Cindi's face, even if she didn't entirely understand what was going on, whispering back "Th-thank you...". She lifted her arms up obediently for Voltaire to slide her shirt over her head, revealing her firm, round breasts, and smiled blissfully as Voltaire latched onto her nipple without delay, a soft, pleased gasp escaping her lips. Bringing a hand up, she grasped her other breast, playing with that stiff nipple while Voltaire worked the other. While her breasts were played with, Cindi raised her hips in anticipation from the foreplay, rubbing her wet folds against his torso as she desperately sought her satisfaction, moaning as her sensitive flower got even this slight stimulation.

When Voltaire left her breast covered in his saliva, and brought her panties down her legs, Cindi glanced down, seeing her dripping folds glistening in the light of the room, and widened her smile a little more as her legs were pulled apart, exposing herself to Voltaire's mouth as he plunged in-between her legs. Watching him grab onto her sensitive clitoris, and feeling him begin to pull sent shivers through her body, forcing the woman back on the bed, back arched and panting already, fingers and toes twitching as she lay with her arms flung out, and legs straight, even suspended over the edge of the bed as they were. Her hair spread out in waves across the sheets, Cindi twisted her head from side to side, dislodging the beautiful rose from behind her ear, where it was knocked away from her, coming to rest on the edge of the bed, out of harms way for now. "Ye-yes! Oh, oh! I... feel like I'm... On fire!" she cried, sliding her hands down her body, pausing briefly at her breasts before continuing to her waist, where she reached up to twist her fingers into Voltaire's wonderful hair, not trying to pull him closer to her, but just needing to hold something, and the sheets couldn't cut it. With a sudden jolt as his tongue flicked across her clitoris, Cindi stiffened her muscles, quite by accident pushing Voltaire's face further down on her flower. Releasing his hair, she gasped out "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't... Couldn't control myself!", bringing her head up to look down at him, before flattening against the bed once more as she moaned to the ceiling.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire didn't lose his stride as Cindi's body began acting on it's own as a result of the intense shock of pleasure. As her hands gripped his head, Voltaire gripped under her legs with his hands, lifting her ass into the air as he pushed his mouth with lecherous violence against her crotch. His tongue slithered deep inside her nether lips, squirming, and exploring each and every section of her pussy.

Voltaire drew his mouth from her pink lips, replacing his tongue with his middle finger, which gently stroked her sweet spot. He smiled up at her as he lifted her leg with his other hand, trailing his tongue along her leg in utter worship of Cindi's untainted body. "Don't hold back, Cindi~ Allow yourself to be devoured in pleasure~" he whispered passionately, his finger working her pussy suddenly picking up incredible speed, causing her legs to buck with reflex as the sounds of squishing came forth from his finger thrusting in and out of her hole.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

When her legs were lifted, presenting her ass to the air, a brief look of confusion crossed Cindi's face, before her eyes glazed over again as Voltaire's tongue stuck itself into her flower, causing her to moan lustfully as she arched her back again, grabbing at the sheets around her without even realising it, toes curling as she pulled the sheets towards her, then pushed them back away from herself. Cindi's pants came shallower and faster as the tongue-fucking pushed her towards what promised to be an intense orgasm.

As Voltaire lifted his mouth from her dripping pussy, Cindi gasped, then inhaled sharply as the tongue was immediately replaced by his finger. Twitching uncontrollably as the finger repeatedly brushed against her most sensitive spots, her moans getting louder and more frequent, she looked down to watch Voltaire licking his way up her leg, then to return his gaze as he finished his worshipping to look at her face. "I... Can't... It's so good!" She panted out, supporting herself on her elbows. When the finger inside her suddenly sped up, Cindi's face contorted cutely from her concentration on staying upright, throwing her head back to look at the ceiling, her hair falling below her in waves as her legs started bucking on the welcome presence inside her. Chest heaving, Cindi's upper body began slowly writhing about, causing her elbows to slip out and lay her flat on the bed again, twisting about and moaning loudly and passionately, those and the tightening of her thigh muscles to the point of visibility signalling she was about to cream herself. "So good... Gonna cum... So good!" she whispered repeatedly inbetween her pants and moans, until finally she arched her back, legs quivering as her powerful climax ripped through her body, turning her limbs weak and shaky.

Collapsing against the bed, Cindi cried out as her shuddering and twitching body released itself, a small squirt of her love juices splashing out over Voltaire's hand. Her vision was lost to white-hot pleasure as she lay on her back, lying spread eagled, perhaps with her leg still in the air, breathing heavily. After a short wait, Cindi recovered herself enough to push herself up on her elbows again. The embarrassed blush returned to her face as she looked down at herself, lying naked on the bed, saliva and femcum spattered over her legs, the dreamy looking man sat at the bottom of that bed, inbetween her legs. Cindi managed to shuffle over enough on the bed to make room for Voltaire to join her, nervously patting the sheets to indicate her desire to Voltaire.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire smiled as Cindi reached her climax, pulling his finger out, and spreading her pussy lips open as her cum squirted in a stream of pure, concentrated passion. And, thanks to Voltaire, Cindi felt all the pressure that had build up leaving her, at last allowing her mind to relax. Meanwhile, Voltaire knew that Cindi would start feeling better now that she had her much needed release. But... She still seemed horny. No longer were Cindi's eyes lost within the magic, they saw clearly. And now they were looking at him with untampered desire.

Voltaire was confused. He was sure that once she came, she would return to normal, perhaps thank him, perhaps not, before he would apologize to her for affecting her mind so greatly. But now, she was blushing, and calling for him to join her on the bed. He simply could not refuse an invitation from a woman so beautiful. Thusly, Voltaire slowly crawled up, and onto the bed, before laying down next to her, bracing his body up on his elbow as she gazed at her beautiful eyes.

He reached his hand out, and stroked her face gently, brushing some of the hair out of her eyes, "Are you... Feeling better?" he asked nervously, not too sure himself. His erect phallus only making his nervousness worse, to a point where he had to let something out. And that something revealed itself to be admittance, to both himself, and Cindi. "You... Are an incredibly beautiful woman, Cindi... I must admit... I do long for you, to touch you, and to give you pleasure..."

"I will do anything you ask, Cindi..."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Having Voltaire in the bed next to her, Cindi's gaze trailed up and down his body, before returning to his face, her blush not lessening for the sight of the bulge in his pants. Her hair out of her face again, Cindi said "Y-yes, much better! I've never felt anything quite that... good. Th-thank you... I... Just... Thank you Voltaire."

As she was talking, she quickly leaned over, snaking her arms around Voltaire's torso to pull the two of them together in a hug, Cindi nuzzling happily against him before dipping her head for a kiss, forgetting that she was naked and filthy in her afterglow, pancaking her breasts against his chest as she pulled herself as close as she could.

When Voltaire made his confession about her, Cindi's eyes shot open, her face reddening further as she processed the new information. "Well, thank you! I think, uh, I should say also, that... Ithinkyou'rethemostbeautifulmanIevermet!" she blurted out hurriedly, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And I, well, you've given me something so good, that I have never experienced before, and now you're offering me more, without asking anything, I have to return your kindness... So, I ask that you'll let me repay you, in whichever way you want, just... I feel I must, to ease my own mind." she said, appearing to be considering her words carefully as she spoke, but trailing her right hand down his chest, stomach, waist, before she ran over his excitement. Curling her hand around his phallus, she stroked it lightly as she finished speaking, gazing pleadingly into Voltaire's eyes.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire happily returned the embrace Cindi gave him, holding her to himself, just as much as she was holding him. Then, as they pulled away from each other, his hand slid slowly down, gliding along her flesh, until it found rest on her naked hip. He gave her a polite smile and nod as she thanked him, and complimented him on his good looks, acting as if it was all in a day's work for him.

He chuckled when she asked to repay him, "It's fine, Cindi. I-" he gasped when he felt her hand grasp his shaft, before he smiled, and leaned in to give her a small kiss on the lips, "I don't mind at all." he whispered, finishing his sentence, as he went to lay on his back, giving Cindi easy access to his cock, so that she might 'repay' him to her heart's content...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi, with a nervous smile as Voltaire lay on his back, put a finger to his lips, hesitated for a moment, then swung her leg over Voltaire's, kneeling either side of his knees. Pausing again, she leant forward, opening Voltaire's shirt to start kissing his chest, slowly trailing down back to his waist, where her hand was stroking up and down the shaft, keeping it rock hard in her grasp. Cindi looked up at his face, making sure he didn't want her to stop, before pulling his cock upright, and moving her legs down to let her lean forward to start licking slowly at the head of Voltaire's cock, covering it in saliva as it leaked its precum for her to taste, hot puffs of breath rolling from her lips.

While she lapped at the head, Cindi moved her free hand up the bed until she found Voltaire's own, picking it up and lacing her fingers between his, giving a gentle, compassionate squeeze. Ever so slowly, she gradually moved down to envelop the whole of his head in her mouth, beginning sucking motions, tongue swirling around the head, lapping over the slit and drinking all the precum that it cared to leak into her mouth, Cindi began bobbing her head slightly on the shaft, gently tugging as she raised herself, taking care to keep her teeth out of the way.

After a couple of minutes of the slow blowjob, Cindi sat herself up, still gripping his hand in her own, and starting to tighten her grasp around his cock, speeding up her stroking. "This.... This is alright... Isn't it?" She asked timidly, afraid of doing anything wrong.