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The Odd Job (Cindi)

Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire, leaning over Cindi, lightly pursed his lips, giving a light 'shh,' intending for her to be quiet. He leaned down to place a light kiss on her lips, before placing his palm over her eyes, and wrapping Cindi's mind in magically woven threads, intent on putting the girl's mind to sleep. And once Cindi had fallen into a deep slumber, Voltaire gingerly pulled himself out from her warm depths, finally allowing her love's cum to seep out of her.

Still laying at her side, the eyes of Ferris shine as she witnesses some of the cum that was trapped inside Cindi's pussy leak out, sliding between her legs, down her ass, and staining the bed. And after feeling content with the decision of Cindi's fate, Ferris gracefully slipped on top of the unconscious girl, her tail swaying slowly, yet intently, as she mounted the brunette girl underneath her. Ferris' wings flexed a little, before she'd regard Voltaire for only a moment. "You may look away, Volti. I'm sure you know I plan to turn her into one of my harem."

Voltaire twisted his lips from where Ferris could not see, not giving any verbal response as he remained content with sitting on the edge of the bed. And from his lack of response, Ferris smiled slightly, "At least you two will be together forever." she chuckled, poking at his emotional nerves, before her eyes would finally rest on Cindi's entire upper body. Through her mind's eye, she could see Cindi's weakened soul quietly resting in a peaceful slumber, vulnerable, and soft. Just weak enough for Ferris to slip inside...

Her wings slowly enclosed themselves around Cindi's sleeping body as Ferris leaned down, her breasts pancaking themselves against Cindi's chest, and her arms embracing the human girl, before her eager tail snaked between the cheeks of her round ass, and wormed it's way between Cindi's thighs. The pink tentacle squished between Cindi's flesh, easily sliding inside her greatly lubricated folds. Her tail not only slid into Cindi's body, but it's sharp point pierced her inner soul as well, throbbing soon after, seeming to pulsate with life, as if injecting some sort of substance from within Ferris' own body, into Cindi's.

On top of the unconscious human, Ferris writhed and wiggled from the pleasure of rubbing on her, as well as the pleasure from the orgasmic experience coming from her tail, pumping, over and over, a vile substance from Ferris' own soul, inside Cindi's weak shimmer of a soul. And after several minutes of contaminating the love broken mercenary girl with a poison not of this world, Ferris embraced Cindi in a final kiss, tasting the scent of Voltaire on Cindi's lips, giggling as she watches Cindi's unconscious reactions, knowing that the poison within Cindi was doing well to torture the girl with powerful dreams of sex and pleasure...


After last seeing Voltaire's hand cover her eyes, Cindi felt herself within the void of slumber. The time that passed her seemed both fast and slow at the same time. By the time her mind would wake, her body would feel as if it hadn't moved in forever, yet after meeting the palm of Voltaire's hand, it seemed to take only a moment before she woke again.

The room she was in was dark, so her eyes did not stain to open, and witness the room around her. Immediately, she'd notice she was wearing clothing not of her own taste. A skimpy, sexy, yet devilish set of bra and panties covered her sensitive areas. And soon after realizing her attire, she would also notice her surroundings.

She was laying on a fairly comfortable bed, in a room fitted for someone very wealthy. The room had red, plush carpeting, rich texture on the wall, many dressers and mirrors, and even a vanity set, highly hinting that the room itself was meant for a woman to occupy it.

A majority of the room's color was red, and several of the artistic drawings in the wallpaper depicted red roses, the exact same kind that Voltaire had given to her. And as the memory would no doubt flash through her mind, Cindi would discover that the very rose she was given before, although now in a more ruined state, was returned to her hair. However, the man who most likely put it there, was not with her in the bed.

Cindi was alone in the quiet room. Not a single sound was to be heard, but the sound of her own breathing...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi whimpered softly as Voltaire gently told her to shush, a small voice of herself cut off when her lover leant in to kiss her. She pushed back, trying to get the kiss to go deeper, still floating warmly along in the remnants of her afterglow. As Voltaire's hand came across her face, the girl whimpered again, feeling the magic tugging at her mind, easing her away, and the brunette's eyes fluttered a few times, before they stayed shut. Cindi was asleep at last, her conscious torment over, finally.

While Ferris abused the sleeping girl, filling her with the dark, corrupting poison, she twitched in her sleep. Each time the tail pulsed with the demoness' own pleasure, the human girl would buck slightly from her own miniature orgasms, her own juices trickling down between her legs to mix with Voltaire's on the wet sheets.


Cindi's dreams were controlled by the poison. Throughout the night, all her thoughts were controlled by corrupting passion. She was lying, in her childhood bed, back in the village she had grown up in, and the girl was mind numbingly horny. She was panting with need, completely unable to satisfy herself with her own fingers. She was naked, and writhing on the bed, bucking furiously on her hand in an attempt to stay her unnatural lust.

Then, her pleas were answered. Voltaire came into the room, seemingly from nowhere, the edges of the large bedroom shrouded in shadow as they were. He was naked too, and the brunette sat up, reaching towards him, calling out her love of the man before her, even as he climbed onto the bed and they fell into an embrace, kissing each other deeply on the sheets. For some reason, she couldn't even make sense of her own voice. It all seemed blurry, just on the edge of her hearing.

Voltaire lay down, Cindi on top of him, and as they kissed, the brunette moved her hips down, refusing to let go of the kiss as her erect nipples poked into the mans chest. Her dripping folds gently caressed his shaft as she moved up, cockhead dragging across her slit, bringing uncharacteristic moans of pleasure to the brunette's lips.

Eventually, she broke from the kiss, kneeling, poised above his rod, and then Cindi plunged down, a high, gaspy moan escaping her lips as she was impaled on the shaft. It felt so good, that the girl closed her eyes, and began bucking madly, fucking herself on Voltaire's stationary cock, moaning like a whore.

After a few minutes of this, the brunette finally opened her eyes. Surrounding the bed were a lot of faces she recognised. Her mother, her father, her younger brother, her best friend from childhood. The friendly old mage who had taught her magic, her neighbours, her old dog, every contractor who'd ever hired her, even the man who she had eventually succumbed to and prostituted her mouth for. And each and every one of them was staring at Cindi as she lowered herself to the image of a harlot, riding the stationary Voltaire's cock in mindless passion. And it only turned her on more. Sweat was rolling down her body, her breasts were bouncing madly, and loud shouts of pure carnal bliss filled the air, while the brunette's face turned bright red in shame. Her hair was flying everywhere from her unpredictable bouncing, obscuring her face from view as she continued to humiliate herself, not even wanting to stop, let alone be able to.

It didn't take long after this realisation for Cindi to start screaming, again muffledly from her strangely altered hearing. Screaming, screaming in pure bliss as the woman creamed herself on Voltaire's cock, clear, hot passion running down his shaft and her legs, and still her lust was not sated, even as she sank into her afterglow, continuing to bounce tirelessly up and down on her ride.

She continued, moaning, panting, screaming in mindless lust upon her lover, and managed to make herself orgasm another time, still without showing signs of tiring, until finally, Voltaire released into her, drawing a long, high pitched moan from the brunette's mouth as his cock slid past her cervix, flooding her womb with his seed, and still the girl continued, watched by the familiar faces, humiliating herself willingly for the sake of their carnal loving...


Cindi sat bolt upright, panting and sweating, staring without seeing in front of her. The girl's dreams had been so... Erotic, so wonderful, and even now, it showed, as Cindi felt that her pussy was soaking wet, though she could also feel that from somewhere, she'd acquired some clothes...

Still panting, still blind, the brunette sank back to the bed, head resting on the unfamiliar pillow as her hand slid down subconsciously to rub against her wet, covered crotch. After a few minutes, her vision finally returned, and Cindi finally saw what her new clothes were, and what her hand was doing without her telling it to. Yelping softly, she pulled it back, and scuttled up the bed into a sitting position, looking wide eyed around the room. Nothing was familiar, except the pictures on the wall.

Slowly, shakily, the girls hand reached up and began running over her bright red, sweat soaked face. She shuddered at the touch of her own fingers running across her sensitive skin, and then the digits worked their way into her hair, where they found Voltaire's rose, albeit slightly withered. Tears sprang to her eyes as the memories of the tavern sprung afresh to her tortured mind, but she fought them down, removing the rose carefully from her chocolate coloured hair. She held the beautiful flower in her hands for a while, trying hard to contain her emotions, before sighing miserably, and raising her hands again to slot the rose in again, securing it behind her right ear with her hair once more.

Cindi took to looking around the room once more, breathing heavily, still aroused from her dreams, but containing it. From the wetness of her new panties, the girl thought that she may well actually have orgasmed simply from the power of her poisoned dream world. Her entire groin was plastered with juices, causing her to shudder again as she swung her legs around to stand up. The vanity set was of no interest to her, she had never before wanted to lather the manufactured stuff onto her face simply to attract men, and now was no exception, especially considering she was likely still in a dangerous situation. First things first, the girl wanted to find something a little more... Covering. Wandering around in her underwear was not something Cindi was inclined to do, especially when she was gushing with lustful desire.

Still, the brunette refused to give in to whatever the succubus had done to her, refused to satisfy her lust as she looked around the room, for if any clothes or weapons immediately presented themselves. Then, a thought occurred to her. Cindi raised her hand to a few inches in front of her face, and concentrated, trying to reach back into her soul to draw off a bit of power, trying to get a fireball, a lick of flame, a spark, anything, to test if Ferris' seal had worn off or been removed yet. She assumed, at least, that she had been kidnapped by the demoness, so now she wanted to find her, exact her revenge, and take Voltaire with her away from... Wherever this was.

After this, Cindi looked around once more, and looked carefully under the bed, before making her way to the door of the room, calling out quietly. "Hello? Is anyone around? Voltaire?" she asked the silence, even as her hand lay upon the door handle, before twisting it down, and pulling away, trying to open it so she could head out. The girl's head was clearing, even if she still was horny, but now it was clear enough for her to think straight. She needed to escape, clad in whatever she had found around the room, but more importantly, she needed to search. Both for things to defend herself with, and her love, Voltaire. Her heart was burning all the stronger from after she had been sent to sleep, and she was not about to allow Ferris, or whatever else had spirited her away, stop the brunette from doing this.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Reaching into her soul, she found herself unhindered from releasing her threads of magic. No longer a difficult task to find her inner self, a spark of flame quickly grew into a ball of fire within her hand. Not only did her flame seem as good as it ever was, but it seemed far more potent now, as if her potential was enhanced since she last used the spell...

Searching the room's wardrobe actually displayed far more lechery than the outfit she already had on. Bras with holes cut out for the nipples, skin tight silk panties with strange little 'devices' planted along the nether area, that would no doubt drive a woman insane, just from walking. The only thing better than wearing an alternative to what she already had on, would be to wear her birthday suit.

Wearing only what she had on, a pair of bra and panties that hid no dimension of her body from any eye that might view her, Cindi would find that the door in her hand was not locked, and easily opened for her. Stepping out of the guest room, the hallway held a similar style that the bedroom did, depictions of roses all along the walls, growing from vines that slithered up to the ceiling, high above her head, where chandeliers hang, with red, glowing crystal roses that cast the hallway in an eerie, dark red light.

Coming from her left, walking down along the royal red carpeting, a perversely dressed maid carried a basket of clothes in her arms. Passing Cindi on her way to perform her duties, she greeted Cindi with a smile, hardly seeming affected by the red atmosphere. "Did you sleep well, mistress?" she inquired.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi was surprised at her apparently now stronger connections with her magic, and embarrassed beyond her hornyness by the disgusting 'clothes' she found in the wardrobe. For a moment, the brunette was sorely tempted to try on a pair of those specialised panties, just to see how they felt, but blinked, and shook her head, closing the wardrobe door to push away the unwanted temptation.

Out in the hall, Cindi was taken aback by the grandeur of the place, staring open mouthed at the many paintings, decorations, and chandeliers around the place, and as such, didn't notice the maid until she spoke to her. At this point, Cindi jumped slightly, and folded her arms protectively across her breasts and crotch, blushing madly as she observed the other woman's perverse dress code. The fact that the maid seemed to not be bothered in the slightest by her state of undress reinforced the unpleasant notion that in this place, it would all be like this. Perverts and lecherous looks everywhere, and the brunette was not at all comfortable with it, clutching herself tighter to hide the fact that despite all her ill thoughts, she was still slightly aroused, and besides that, her own panties were darkened from the juices she'd been leaking in her sleep.

The maid's question puzzled Cindi. She had been under the impression that she was a prisoner here, or at least, nothing special. Being addressed as 'mistress' was definitely something she wasn't used to, and she just looked open mouthed at the maid for a few seconds, before blinking. "I... I think I did...? Where... Umm... Where are we? Where's the succubus? And if... If... If there's no trouble, would you mind if I were to have some clothes? It's just... I don't like walking around like this..." she said slowly, blushing in embarrassment at asking a complete stranger for some clothes. While tempted, Cindi wasn't going to try and steal any of the maid's burden if she wasn't willing to give up any. She wasn't going to sink to the level of a thief for something so... Well, it was probably trivial. She didn't expect Ferris to be a fan of keeping people living in her home pleasantly dressed.

Anger was starting to build up in the mercenary girl. In one night, she'd been fooled into thinking she'd got the job of a lifetime, fell in love, been betrayed, captured, had her virginity taken away, been spirited away, and lost all of her possessions. All she had left were the memories and the rose behind her ear, and all she had gained was a man to aim for, and some horribly revealing underwear. Not the best start to the day...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The maid started blinking when Cindi began speaking, as if put off by her choice of words. "We are in the home of My Lady Succubus Ferris, mistress... And I do not understand what you mean. There are many succubi that live here with their lovers. And... You are wearing clothes right now." she informed Cindi, giving her a look up and down as she did so, before looking back up to Cindi in surprise, "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, milady! I should have put sexier clothes in your room for you! I knew I forgot something."

"These clothes are dirty," she told Cindi, gesturing with her basket, allowing Cindi to see that the contents were just as lecherous as the wardrobe she investigated earlier. Not to mention that they were covered in what could only be explained as the aftermath of sex. "but I will fetch you a fresh, sexy set of clothes for you right away, if you desire it."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

As the maid explained the truth of the situation, Cindi's skin paled, just a bit. There was more than just Ferris. A whole house, full of evil succubi, and she was alone in it. Alone, with no weapons besides magic, and no clothes besides the disgusting set of underwear she was wearing now. All in all, not the best situation. However, before the maid could leave, the brunette shook her head, and ran a hand through her hair despairingly.

"No no, I meant nothing of the sort. These things are plenty sexy enough for me, but don't really count as clothes... I meant rather, is there nothing more covering? Like, a shirt, trousers, gown, robe, dress, anything?" she explained exasperatedly, a deeper blush coming to her face at the thought of walking around in something even 'sexier' than her current apparel. The smell and sight from leaning over the basket caused Cindi to wrinkle her nose in displeasure, and wince, before she took a step back, and making a small gesture. "You know what, nevermind about the clothes, I'm sorry. Can you just tell me which way to go, to, uh, find your lady, Ferris?" she asked, one hand still covering her crotch as she stood, legs slightly crossed, sounding rather nervous.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The maid giggled at Cindi, smiling as she began to catch onto what the girl meant, "We don't dress like that here, it's very inappropriate mistress. We have a proper dress code to uphold, and covering so much of your body will only cause the patrons to laugh at you." she explained, her smile brightening a little more, as she seemed to want to encourage Cindi, "You've not an ugly body, mistress. Why cover it with such shameful clothes? You should be proud to have such nicely shaped breasts and legs." she complimented her.

"Lady Succubus Ferris?" the maid responded with confusion, "Be careful of how you address her here... You are within Lady Succubus Ferris's home, mistress. Any who disrespect the Lady are punished." she warned Cindi, before giggling, "Although, most of us don't mind being punished."

The maid turned her head, looking down the way she came, "Continue down the hallway, until you meet a door at the end. From there, you will be at the main hall. That's where many demons and slave humans like to gather. I don't know where Lady Succubus Ferris currently resides, but I'm sure one of her harem have seen her. I'm sure they can help you find her."
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Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The maid's comments and compliments only served to deepen the blush upon Cindi's face, the woman's arms wrapping themselves even tighter around her chest and groin. She couldn't hold back a small scowl at the maid's remarks about how Ferris liked to be addressed, and it spread as she continued on about the harem. When the maid was finished, the brunette sighed, and nodded, saying "Well... Thank you, I shouldn't stop you from getting on with your... Job...", throwing an obvious look of disgust at the clothes in the basket.

Flushed with embarrassment, Cindi waited for the maid to continue on her way, until she was alone in the corridor, before finally letting her arms drop, looking down apprehensively at the underwear. She highly doubted they were fireproof, or even slightly protective against fire, if she did need to fight. Her unarmed combat wasn't up to the same standard as her swordsmanship, so it was likely she would be trying to end any unfortunate contacts quickly with fire. Unless of course, she could find a sword, or something of similar length and weight to her own blade, wherever that had gone. A pang of guilt rushed through her as she thought of this, a family heirloom, lost due to her own incompetence. Cindi hung her head for a moment, quietly cursing herself, though she quickly recovered, and straightened up, beginning to walk down the hall. The quicker she could find Ferris, slay the bitch, and escape from here with Voltaire, the better. With any luck her man would know what had happened to her possessions, though that was merely an added bonus.

When she would reach the mentioned door at the end of the corridor, Cindi would pause, looking down once again at her nearly-naked form, the blush returning to her cheeks, before gently prising the door open, trying to steel herself for whatever was in the Main Hall. The quicker she could get this over with...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Walking through the door, the scene before Cindi was far more tame than she likely would have thought. Instead of some kind of otherworldly scene, the main hall and it's residents acted only a little different than the gatherings normal humans would have, even in places such as the Inn Cindi had stayed at. Immediately in front of her, a pair of demon women in fancy, upper class dresses that flaunted their physical features to the extent of revealing their nipples, to any curious eye, leaned against two pillars that supported the upper floor that overlooked the floor below from a set of railings. They were smiling, and laughing as they seemed quite involved in their conversation.

"It was very big, I never thought I'd see a human with such a monstrous thing." one succubus claimed.

The other laughed hysterically, "Are you kidding? Was he afraid of you? Or did he flaunt it?" she inquired.

And just as Cindi would have closed the door behind her, the succubi still payed her little heed in favor of their conversation, "He thought I wouldn't be able to fuck him because it was so big. He lost his arrogant attitude quickly, however." she giggled confidently.

"Did you keep him? I'd like to see just how big it was."

The story telling succubus shook her head, "No, but I can tell you where he lives," she chuckled, "His soul is pathetically weak, but it might be worth it if you just want to see if you can fit it..." she trailed off slowly as she saw Cindi exiting from the hall. Turning her head to look at her, she shared a quick glance with her friend, before they both were grinning at the human near them.

"Curious... What's a little human girl like you doing, just walking around all alone?" she giggled evilly, giving Cindi a predator's glare.

"Did you escape from your master?" the other demoness inquired, showing her sexual excitement through her shifty stance, and stiff nipples pointed directly at the brunette through the dress, now visible for Cindi to see, thanks to the demon world's lewd clothing design.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

A little bit of colour returned to Cindi's face when she entered the room. Here she'd been, expecting a room where succubi gathered to be one huge orgy, and here they were, merely chatting. True, their... Garments left much to be desired, and a faint flush hit the brunette's cheeks as she witnessed the exposed parts of the demons. This blush only deepened as she caught the nearest conversation, and her hands automatically went down to protect her womanhood, the desire for sex ever present, but currently suppressible.

Cindi spent a few seconds staring at the succubi, cautiously looking at each of the women's foreheads rather than how excited their nipples were, and slowly stuttered "U-u-uh, n-no... I-I-I j-just got separated... I... I-I just woke u-up, alone... I-I need to f-find... Umm... Milady S-Succubus F-F-Ferris...? And..." she trailed off, blushing vividly, still maintaining her gaze above each of the demoness' eyes, arms protectively covering her under-dressed form.

As much as she would deny it if asked, the succubi's conversation had piqued her newly-forged sexual interest, and her stance could probably give it away, blushing, avoiding eye contact, legs crossed together slightly, and hands pale as they secured themselves in front of her dampening crotch. And yet she refused to acknowledge it herself, still too afraid of it to do anything more.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The two demons giggled, sharing a glance with each other, before looking back to Cindi with eyes that went up and down the nervous girl's attire and nervous tremble. "You're going to approach Lady Succubus Ferris wearing 'that?'" the succubus asked incredulously. "Why not wear a jacket, while you're at it?" she suggested sarcastically, causing both succubi to erupt in haughty laughter at Cindi's expense.

The other succubus shook her head, "We can't allow you to wear such ugly things if you plan on visiting Milady." she announced to Cindi, lifting off from the pillar she leaned against, starting her approach towards the human girl before them.

Her cohort did the same, backing Cindi into the wall as the two demons approached her. Their arms reached out to grab Cindi, not aiming for her limbs, but her clothes, as their sharp nails sought to tear what little clothing she wore from her body.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

The demons remarks caused Cindi's discomfort only to deepen, stuttering out "Y-y-yes, I would love a j-jacket..." as the succubi laughed, blushing furiously, and avoiding eye contact still. She was in no way comfortable with the suggestions, merely taking them at face value, and ignoring the sarcasm.

As the demons had hoped, Cindi backed away from their advance, glancing behind herself hurriedly as she hit the wall, and raising her hands protectively. It took her a few seconds to realise the succubi were going for her clothes instead of herself, and she yelped, ducking slightly to avoid losing her bra, and batting at the hands approaching her. "G-get away! I am perfectly a-allowed to visit mi'lady like this! Leave my clothes alone, and tell me where mi'lady Ferris is!" she demanded, putting on the best air of authority she could muster in her unstable position, looking for some sort of opening to allow her to get out of her cornered position, the first she saw being the one she took, barging straight through if necessary. There was no way she would allow these demons to take what little decency she had, even more so considering how wet she was beneath her panties.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi's defensive motions made the succubi women only more intrigued, their hands reaching once more, faster than they had before, latching onto Cindi's shoulders and arms, before lifting her upright, and off of the wall. They cradled to either side of Cindi, holding onto her arms while the both leered at her with confident grins.

"Oh, please, who are you fooling?" one succubi retorted, "You're just having sexual issues, aren't you?"

"Afraid to expose your breasts?" the other teased, pushing up one of Cindi's fleshy mounds with her tail. "You can't even tell if her nipples are erect through this frugal cloth."

The succubi suddenly began walking, trying to drag Cindi with them, "Come on, we'll slip you into something better, and sexier too." she told her suggestively. And it seemed that Cindi was about to be carried off by the two demons if she didn't do something to stop them, before all three women were stopped by a female figure they each recognized.

"Ah, Cindi, darling! You're finally awake!" announced the mature, sexy, yet to Cindi, menacing voice, as the woman she was searching for seemed to have found her, rather than the other way around. "I felt that you had awoken. Though, tell me, are these two giving you a hard time, sweetie?" she asked coyly, as if she and Cindi were quite friendly with each other.

At Ferris' words, the two succubi unhanded Cindi, staring at the higher succubus like two children that had been caught doing something wrong. "Milady, we... We were about to outfit this human girl with... More fitting clothes, better meant for the enjoyment of your eyes." she explained nervously.

Ferris gave Cindi a look over, only rolling her eyes for a split second before continuing, "I'll take care of the rest, ladies. Bye-bye!" she waved her fingers at them teasingly, silently telling them to walk away from Cindi. Which was exactly what they did, giving a small bow to Ferris, and storming off with an upset stride over having lost the human meat that just happened upon them. Ferris paid no heed to them, simply grinning at Cindi as they left.

"Contain yourself, Cindi," Ferris warned immediately, "I feel your lust to kill me burning inside you, but before we skip to that, why don't we discuss the reason why you're here? Even if you killed me now, you have no idea where your dear, precious Voltaire is, and you have no idea how to leave this place. We will settle our differences, I promise you, my dear. But for now, I'd like to talk with you." Ferris turned to her side, making a well defined, feminine, royalist gesture that beckoned for Cindi to join her in a walk. "Will you walk with me? I'd like to speak with you."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi's eyes widened as her attempts failed, yanking her arms against her newest captors, to no avail. She was being carried off, again, by perverted monsters, and she wasn't strong enough to get them away! Again! The brunette bit her lip to fight back the wave of revulsion spreading through her, clenching her fists in silent fury as she pulled with all her strength against the succubi. Embarrassed, furious colour spread across her face as lewd comments were made, her sensitive breasts being teased by the tail rubbing against them, even through the cloth covering them.

And then, she was there. Ferris was standing before her, all high and mighty, commanding the respect of the two succubi holding her. Cindi staggered slightly as she was let go, but straightened up, looking the evil demoness straight in the eye, lips curling back in a wordless snarl as she raised a clenched, white-knuckled fist. Then Ferris spoke again, just as the brunette had taken a couple of steps forwards, and she stopped dead, fingers uncurling into a position she could snap her fingers, perfectly ready to unleash fiery hell upon the bitch.

Sighing, Cindi dropped her arms limply to her sides, squaring up against Ferris instead. She was telling the truth, unfortunately. She could burn the demoness into the ground, perhaps even her disgusting minions, but then, it would take her an age to find Voltaire. After that, another to escape, though... Likely Voltaire may know the way out. Regardless, it was too much to hope for to get that far. Her best option, unfortunately, was to listen to Ferris.

The brunette made no attempt at formality this time, leaning slightly on one foot as she snarled "True enough, there is only one thing I wish more than to see your ashes smouldering on the floor, bitch. And that thing I could not acquire right now. Gah. Very well. Lead on.", stepping right up to Ferris now, her blue eyes staring hatefully into the succubus' own. For now, she asked no questions, mainly reasserting control over her own body as she fell into step with Ferris, shooting scalding looks at her, seemingly far less concerned with her lack of current clothing. No matter how hard she tried, Cindi was finding it beyond her to completely suppress the filthy thoughts rushing through her mind, regarding Voltaire, and herself, away from all this, but she could at least ignore them enough to focus on whatever Ferris had to say.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Ferris blushed at Cindi's fervent display of aggression, giggling as she covered her mouth with one hand, almost seeming to admire her hate with a flirtatious stare. "You're too much, darling. To admit such passion in public! I'm embarrassed!" she told Cindi sheepishly, with a false, innocent tone. Her eyes narrowed at Cindi, appearing like a snake, staring from afar, "We should save such things for pillow talk, wouldn't you agree?"

Without waiting for an answer, Ferris stepped towards Cindi even closer than she herself had chosen to approach the demon, watching Cindi's hateful eyes intently, with a glitter of delight in her own. "Before I take you to my chambers, to meet your beloved man, and discuss some very important things together, I would like for us to understand each other." Her head tilted, examining Cindi further as she planted one hand on her hip. "I'm sure you're aware that Volti is very loyal to me. He is my precious pet, and would sooner sacrifice himself even to save me from a scratch on my perfect skin. So, while we're all together... It would be wise of you to show humility, lest you break poor Voltaire's heart... He asked that I treat you fairly, you know. He hopes you'll do the same to me. He's such a sweet boy." she giggled.

"Your time will come, I assure you. Don't be impatient for the end. But, you must know this, Voltaire will always be a demon. No naive thoughts of love and a happy ending will change the fact that he will always be a slave. Perhaps, if you kill me, you will be kind to him, but you cannot change his fate. All you can do is assume my place as his master..." she informed Cindi with a more serious tone, while her seductive stance still yet remained.

"Can you behave for the time being, Cindi? Even enemies should show each other respect."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi turned her head slightly to one side at the succubus' comments, eyeing Ferris cautiously, hand trailing to her hip, before realising that her sword wasn't there. She paused for a few seconds, obviously thinking hard, before sighing slightly, and looking down. "V-Voltaire said that? I... Uh..." she said quietly, before straightening up again, returning her hateful gaze to Ferris.

"Not true. H-he can be as free as... As a-apparently you are. Just... He h-has to be helped to get there, I th-think..." she continued, eyes ablaze, before turning to the direction they had been about to walk in.

"Fine. Fine... I-I... I'll be... 'Civil'. At least for n-now. Now lead on, please." Cindi said, gritting her teeth to restrain the snarl of fury rising up. At the very least, she could be thankful that burning hate was making it far easier to suppress the feelings... 'Down there'.

Truth be told, she wasn't paying as much attention to Ferris any more. Her words required thinking about. Voltaire... A slave? It couldn't be true. She was not so naive as to think it wasn't true right now, but she could fix it. What if Ferris was speaking the whole truth? She didn't appear to have any reason to be lying right now. Voltaire would sacrifice himself for her?

Regardless, as she pondered, Cindi had no choice but to nod meekly, and follow Ferris to wherever she was going.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Ferris only giggled at Cindi's naive response, and after noting her certain lack of interest in continuing their conversation, she gracefully turned about, and proceeded up the stairs from whence she came, to he second floor. Without stopping to make a turn, Ferris proceeded to walk straight through the first door she came upon. The hallway that followed, past the double doors, was long, and presented many windows along the sides, grand windows, who's length went up several dozen feet. Walking close enough to look past the windows, the sight that greeted Cindi's eyes would be interesting, at the very least.

Outside, Cindi would see that the courtyards in Ferris' 'castle,' were not the same as the green, lush, and beautiful sights she might have expected from a normal castle. Instead, the ground was brown, and dry, without any greenery of grass or plants. The artistry of the masonry, instead of artistic, was explicit, and erotic. Depicting the figure of the feminine body in appealing, and seductive ways. This seemed to add a dark aspect of life in this strange world Cindi found herself in. Sex, lust, and deception in a world with dead ground, a gloomy world at first sight. And to top it off, a look up would reveal a dark red sky, with jet black clouds that gracefully flowed through the air.

Walking past the 'beautiful' scenery, Ferris reached another pair of double doors, before turning her head back at Cindi, looking her up and down, before turning to face her proper. "After you..." Ferris told her, slipping her hands over the door handle, twisting it, and pulling it open, standing aside as she welcomed Cindi into the next room, which she could immediately see had a rather large love bed, with lots of room. And on the bed, laying on his back, Cindi would immediately recognize Voltaire. He lifted his head a little to look, and when he saw Cindi, instead of joy, he seemed distressed over her visit. He allowed his head to fall back, proceeding to stare at the ceiling...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi was... Disapproving of the castle grounds, to say the least. It was definitely not her homeland, that much was certain, but she had expected Hell to be a little... More fiery. Cold, dead, barren lands were not quite the same as great gouts of flame and lava. At least the sky was interesting, but she paid little heed to it, instead concentrating on remembering the way that Ferris was taking her, in case it helped later.

Then, of course, she was led into what was presumably Ferris' bedroom. Cindi gave a stiff inclination of the head towards Ferris at her gesture, and turned to enter. And Voltaire was there. On the bed. Nothing between herself and her love. But he was not as overjoyed to see her as she herself was for him, despite how well the brunette covered up her sudden rush of emotion, her eyes still widened, her mouth opening slightly, and a faint blush sprang to her cheeks, as the mere sight of Voltaire reminded her of her dream, a small hint of arousal running throughout her body.

The girl continued to stand, staring blankly at her love, for a few more seconds, before blinking, and rushing over to the bed, all thoughts as to why he could possibly not be doing the same to her... Non-existent. Instead, she leapt onto the bed, clad in only her bra and panties, and crawled up to Voltaire's side, totally ignoring Ferris as she stared down at him, chocolate-brown hair falling around her face, though the rose remained in place, red flower-head poking out at the side of her head. "V-Voltaire! I... You... Voltaire... A-are you alright? Voltaire...?" she blurted out hurriedly, leaving the last word hanging as she moved her arms around his shoulders, gazing lovingly at his face, all thoughts of peril temporarily forgotten.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire's eyebrows rose with a little surprise when he saw Cindi launching herself at him with arms open wide, quickly wrapping his arms around her as well, bracing her against his body as she collided with him. Holding her hips as she hovered over him, Voltaire slowly turned his eyes away from Cindi with a deep sigh. "Cindi..." he called out to her quietly, "You're in danger here," he said with grave warning on his tone, before reaching his hands up to grip her shoulders insistently, "Please, just do as I tell you, and run. Escape from this place, and seek out a priest in the real world to purify you. You can't stay here. Humans don't belong in this world."
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi was in a bit of a situation here. She was overjoyed to see Voltaire again, but that conflicted with her constant embarrassment at having nothing to wear but this unpleasant lingerie, and now he was telling her to run away! The brunette bit her lip, and shook her head, leaning down, and sliding off of Voltaire, sitting next to him now on the bed, and laying her head lovingly upon his shoulder. "Voltaire. I could n-never leave you. I'm staying, as long as you are. You belong here no more than I do. I'll run. I'll flee. I'll do as you say. But only if you come with me..." she murmured quietly into his ear, hopefully out of Ferris' earshot.

This done, she slipped one arm around Voltaire's back, holding onto him as she turned to look coldly at Ferris, but bit back her insults. "Mi'lady Ferris, you said you wished to talk, so please. Talk." she said simply, snugging up warmly against her lover, blue eyes blazing, but tone quite calm compared to earlier.