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The Odd Job (Cindi)

Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire averted his eyes constantly, more so as Cindi cried at him. And as he was asked of his true emotions, he was very hesitant, remaining motionless, without saying a word, or attempting to stutter a response. Until, he managed to turn his face enough to face Cindi, even though his eyes couldn't bear to look, "I... Would sacrifice myself to save her... I do love her..." he responded, inadvertently denying the claim that he'd kill Cindi.

Ferris went silent, staring at him, while Holding Cindi tight against her, keeping her head flat against her, to ensure Cindi could not build momentum to smash her forehead.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi pulled futilely against Ferris, wanting to reach Voltaire. It hurt her to see him like this, and she wanted to make it better, for both of them. But he was silly... He wouldn't throw away his false love for her. And that just made her all the more passionate to prove herself to him. "Voltaire... That's not answering me! Do something!" she yelled, unable to move because of Ferris' grasp, but that didn't stop her from trying, even though tears were still rolling down her pretty face. "You... You bitch! Let me go-o-o!" she cried, as she tried twisting her head in a way that would allow her to bite Ferris' hand. If only she could inspire Voltaire to do something, anything, things would start to get better. Or worse, depending on which side he chose.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire gave Cindi a depressed sigh, seeming helpless, "I will only do as Ferris desires... That's... All I can do..." he told her, while seeming uncertain as to what he could do, as he was clearly torn between the two, even though his love for Ferris was fabricated.

Meanwhile, Ferris gave Cindi a rough yank back, "I think that's enough drama, don't you?" she chuckled, breathing down Cindi's neck. Ferris began to smooth her hand along Cindi's head, coaxing her to relax, and submit, "Shh... Don't worry, little one... I won't turn you into what I am... I'll turn your life into an existence of pure pleasure, where the only thing you will ever know is obedience, and loyalty to your demon master..."

Informing Cindi of her plans, Ferris reached down with her tail, rubbing it gently against her clitoris, before the length of it began sliding against her pussy. Meanwhile, Ferris took to fondling her breasts, pinching her nipples with her fingers, occasionally biting on her neck gently, planting her pink lips on Cindi's skin...

All the while this went on, Voltaire seemed to intently be focusing on Cindi, with what seemed to be expectation in his eyes... As if he was expecting her to realize something very important... It was clear he wasn't interested in either of them being harmed by the other... But still, he did seem to be thinking of a way. 'God damn it, Cindi! Desire! Desire is the key! Get her to desire me! Then I can help you! Just get her to say something for me to use! Stop pouting! If you want to escape with your mind, you have to focus!' he thought to himself, wanting to scream it at Cindi, who had no idea of his dilemma.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi whimpered in fear as Ferris started trying to pleasure her with her tail, hands and mouth, the pleasure she would have got from anyone else lessened by the stinging of her bleeding lip, and her absolute terror of the demoness doing it. The life Ferris promised sounded like a good alternative to her current torturous existance, but she scolded herself sharply, telling herself that it was just a trick, a magically induced trick from the succubus, to turn her into a slave. She flinched from the touches, causing Ferris' tooth to nick her neck, a few drops of blood leaking out, while Cindi's pleading eyes met with Voltaire's. He was thinking something. Something important, but she couldn't read it, much as she wanted, and desperately needed to. As it was, she kept her mouth shut, controlling the urge to panic as she let Ferris get on with it, she was determined that nothing Ferris could do would change her, but she still needed to escape, with Voltaire, so she was thinking hurriedly of a way out of this. What if Voltaire could do something? But then, that could only happen if Ferris would let him, or Cindi could trick her into doing such...

Even though Ferris seemed determined to calm her down, trying to soothe her into submission, Cindi still knew better, and refused, continuing to wriggle in her grip while she thought. Suddenly, an idea came to her. "Why do you want me? W-why do you need me when you have Voltaire? I will never give in to you! Don't you love him? You have no need for two! What use is a woman to you, huh? Isn't a man far better for you, because, you know..." she said, doing rather well at controlling her fearful stutter, but not concealing it entirely, her blush deepening further at the thought, and the tracks down her cheeks remaining wet as her tears spilled. It was a long shot, but she was on the verge of a final, panicked struggle, and thinking straight was very difficult because of it. If this didn't work, Cindi was out of ideas.

((Seriously >_> I can't figure it out. *slaps self for being a retard*))
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

"Every soul I obtain adds to my power... Voltaire is just one, just the beginning, and I won't stop collecting souls even if I have captured over a thousand whores like you." Ferris explains, before lifting Cindi to her feet, and tossing her to the bed. Ferris quickly casts a magical seal over Cindi, preventing her from casting magic, before she climbs onto the bed, and places her hand over Cindi's lip. She could feel the succubus using her magic as she chants quietly in an unknown language, as the wound on her lip slowly closes, and the pain completely stops, leaving only the taste of blood in her mouth.

She smiled, already knowing that as far as the physical fight went, Cindi had lost, "Spread your legs..." she ordered her, "Seeing as how it means so much to you... If you're a good girl, I'll let Volti break your hymen..." she giggled.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi suppressed a whimper, making only a small sound as Ferris picked her up bodily to throw her onto the bed. She quickly brought her hand up to use this opportunity to launch a magical attack against Ferris, but whimpered in pain as she jolted, collapsing against the sheets, clutching at her hand, the seal that Ferris cast proving effective. The brunette cowered in fear as Ferris crawled above her, wincing as she placed a hand upon her damaged lip, quickly healing it, drawing a gasp from her mouth, only the metallic tang left on her tongue indicating the cut had ever been there at all.

Her mind was suffering, and she was almost ready to give in, being unable to figure out any way to escape the demoness. As such, at Ferris' command, Cindi's legs spread themselves wide open, while she looked on in shock at their disobediance, though Cindi quickly re-established control over her body, and slammed them shut again, not ready to surrender herself yet. "Y-You aren't taking me! Voltaire won't break me either, he won't! Love him, like I do! Voltaire, you're so beautiful..." she groaned, hiding her face in her hair to avoid looking at Ferris, and Voltaire. As she had been speaking, she had been giving Voltaire a loving stare, appreciating his attractive form. She was down to her last card, trying to pass Ferris over to Voltaire, at least he could deal with it, though it made her feel sick to try and make him get raped instead of her, but she wasn't feeling very brave right now.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Ferris sighs angrily, puffing some of her own blue hair out of her face, "My magic just won't sink into your thick skull, will it? You're just so obsessed over Voltaire... Honestly, even after he betrayed you, you still cling to him like a bitch in heat?" she directed an insult at her, frowning at her, "Since you won't stop yammering about him, I'll let him fuck you until you find obedience."

She lifts her hand, snapping her fingers at Voltaire as if calling a dog, "Volti! Break her! Penetrate her, and fill her cunt with your seed!" she commanded him.

Then, a depressed Voltaire would slowly rise, looking to Cindi hesitantly, before nodding, "As you wish..." he whispered lightly. Voltaire slowly began approaching Cindi, crawling onto the bed with the other two girls, and slowly approaching Cindi, not showing any signs of stopping, yet still hesitating, looking at Cindi with depressed eyes. Clearly, he wasn't doing this of his own free will, and it was destroying him emotionally...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi shook her head sadly, turning to show her rapidly paling face to the two now on the bed. She had no will left, no ideas or abilities to fight the demoness. She just couldn't go on... It was too much... So she went limp, lying back on the bed, only trying to hold back the freshest wave of tears as Voltaire crawled over to her naked form. "It's... It's called love, demon harlot. You made him do this, so it isn't betrayal... Voltaire..." she whispered dejectedly, puffing her own hair out of her face.

She didn't respond to Ferris' command, or Voltaire's approach, other than to try and curl up a bit to protect her virgin womanhood, still trying too much to hold back her tears than stop him. She wasn't physically strong enough to stop either of them anyway. In this position, she could do nothing more to stop them. "Voltaire... It's alright... You can make it better... But, you don't have to listen to her. Voltaire, if she told you to love her more than anything, that only worked at the time she told you... If you wanted... You could decide you love me even more now..." she whispered to him once he was almost on top of her, stroking a hand across his chest as she looked deep into his eyes, and there was rather a lack of emotion in her own now. Having given up, and resigned herself to fate, she was no longer panicking, and there was just sorrow in her gaze. Cindi could envision such a brighter world, where Ferris had never factored into the equation, and she could be with Voltaire, forever...

Sighing, Cindi stopped protecting herself, and opened her legs to Voltaire resignedly, trying to reach up for him at the same time. "Come on, Voltaire... Get it over with. But... Hold me... Make love to me..." she said quietly. The least that could happen was he could try and be passionate about it, to let her loose herself in the fantasy that they could still be simple lovers, instead of slaves to a demoness. Her face, while stained with the old tears, was now looking more pleading than sorrowful, her emotions in a maelstrom, but her will turned to ash. Still, her heart burned strong for him, but because of Ferris, Cindi couldn't use that any more. She was defeated, a conquest.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire, climbing atop Cindi, positioning himself between her legs, he was soon held from behind by Ferris, who wrapped her arms around his chest, holding him, as she peaked from above his shoulder, down at Cindi. She seemed to control his movements, as Voltaire bent down, placing a soft kiss on Cindi's lips. Cindi would also feel Voltaire's erect member pressing against her virginity, as well as 'something' against her rear entrance... Soon revealing itself to be Ferris's tail, which sought to take advantage of the inevitable sex, and drain Cindi's energy while Voltaire fucked her.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi could only open her legs further as Voltaire climbed atop her, chewing on her lip in distress. The brunette shrank into the mattress from Ferris' evil gaze, trying to hide herself beneath Voltaire. It was terrifying how she seemed to be controlling him, but her blue eyes went blank for a few seconds as Voltaire kissed her, and for that time, it was all she wanted. Unfortunately, it had to end, and Cindi lifted her head up after Voltaire's, keeping her soft lips pressed against his for as long as possible. When it became impossible to follow him, she lay back down, wincing as Voltaire's cock pressed against her delicate flower, but not saying anything. She whimpered in fear as the tail prodded at her rear entrance, and tried to clench her muscles in denial of it, gazing pleadingly into Voltaire's eyes. "Voltaire... Come on, please... Don't wait... Get it over with!" she asked, leaning her head up again, reaching for her lovers lips once more, and sinking her hips, gently pushing Voltaire's member into herself, until the entire head was buried in her, and Cindi's face contorted cutely from the invasion.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Voltaire gasped when Cindi pushed her hips down, to insert his cock inside her. Both Cindi, and Voltaire could feel the virgin's cherry 'pop' in that instance, as Voltaire's cock slipped past that thin layer of flesh that marked Cindi as pure. Meanwhile, Cindi would feel her 'other' hole become violated as well from her motion, causing the demon's tail to slip into her ass.

Cindi would be able to tell Voltaire was trying to be gentle. He knew he was breaking Cindi's virginity, and was being as careful as he could, trying not to hurt her. But still, he kept a slow pace, each thrust as gentle as could be, seeming to take a dreadful eternity each time...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

As her holes were invaded, Cindi whimpered, clutching herself closer to Voltaire as her cherry popped, her feet slipping down to try and push the tail out of her ass, a single tear leaking down her cheek as she stared pleadingly up at Voltaire. All those years, patiently waiting for the right man, taken away in an instant, as proven by the pain in her nethers, and the blood trickling out, and down Voltaire's cock. However... The brunette was certain, that the man now inside her could well be that one she had been searching for, for so long.

Again, Cindi clamped onto her lip, but only for a few seconds, not hard enough to injure herself, before she leaned up, her eyes closing as another tear came out, silently begging for Voltaire to kiss her, to take away the pain, to make it better... Her fantasies, those dreams where Ferris hadn't been there, and it was just the two of them, were being forced back into her mind by the tail slipping around inside her unwilling ass, even as the defeated girl moved her hips, gently speeding the thrusting up, encouraging her lover to continue, that it was alright, that nothing her did could hurt her. His concern, his gentle touch, everything made the brunette want him more, all for herself, and she was convincing herself that giving him something she held so dear would only bring him closer to her, quietly whimpering at the dual penetrations, but holding herself back. "V-Voltaire... Voltaire... I... I lo-love you... Tell me you love me! M-make love to me, make it all nice..." she pleaded slowly, her eyelids fluttering open to stare deep into his eyes.

The fear in Cindi's own blue eyes was being replaced, with soft warmth, and steely determination. She wanted him, but she wanted to free him. To free them both from the demoness, but she couldn't. She just couldn't beat her, and now, she was having sex with the only man she'd ever loved, her tortured, drunken, fatigued mind swirling around at a more restful pace. The girls legs slowly stopped moving, lying spread open, allowing Ferris undenied access to her rear, pretending that it was just her, and Voltaire...
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

While he didn't respond verbally, Voltaire made his point by answering the plea of her lips, and embracing her in a fervent kiss, constantly keeping a steady pace, steadily growing faster as Cindi encouraged him, and displayed her pleasure to him. And while his thrusts grew faster, so did the succubi's invasion into her ass. And from what seemed to be jealousy, or an attempt to hurt Cindi further, Ferris gently cupped her hand on Voltaire's cheek as he kissed Cindi, pulling him back, commanding him away from her, before turning his head to look back at her, as she placed her own kiss on his lips.

And what might have hurt most of all, was that Voltaire was returning her kiss, still thrusting into the girl below him, while his lips locked with the demoness behind him.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi pressed herself firmly against Voltaire, quietly moaning her want for him, another tear slipping down her soft cheek as both penetrations sped up, staining her nethers red, causing her to whimper in pain. She held on to Voltaire's lips lovingly, her tongue playing with his own, until he was dragged away from her, leaving her hanging, suffering as much mentally as she was physically, breasts bouncing as she could do nothing but stare miserably as the succubus tortured her with the sight of Voltaire kissing her as passionately as he done mere moments ago to the brunette. It wasn't fair... She was the one getting hurt... She needed his comfort...

Powerless as she was, Cindi leaned up again, another whimper of pain escaping her lips, as she tried to reach for Voltaire. "V-Vol-Voltaire... H-help me... Please..." she groaned pathetically, stroking his chest to get his attention. Her mouth hung open, losing control of herself to the new sensations she was experiencing as her innocent flower and ass were violated, and the brunette started taking pleasure from her torment, though she managed to restrain herself to merely breathing heavier, panting a little, desperately trying to do as much as she could in her position to claim Voltaire's lips for her own. As time went on, Cindi couldn't bring herself to continue helping the sex, slowly coming to a halt, and trusting Voltaire to keep up the more pleasurable pace, tongue lolling out of her mouth as hot clouds of breath rolled over the man she loved. "C-c'mon, Voltaire... Please... Make m-me... Feel good about this..." she groaned slowly, her soft hands gently massaging whatever she could reach of her lover.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Both Ferris and Voltaire looked down to Cindi as she beckoned to the man she claimed to love. And with a wet pop, their lips released each other, before Voltaire would lean down, along with Ferris on his back, and grip Cindi's lips with his own, kissing her just as deeply as he did Ferris, his eyes seeming just as lost in the passion as Cindi's body felt.

Meanwhile, as Voltaire prevented any more words with the kiss he locked Cindi into, Ferris leaned over, having to pull her tail out of Cindi's ass a little, until just the tip was wriggling around her back entrance just to get close enough to her, to begin kissing the side of her face. Ferris rolled her tongue along Cindi's ear, covering the side of her face with the demon's wet saliva, and sending an odd sensation throughout Cindi's body, strange, yet erotic, as Cindi's soul was sucked away in pleasurable waves, bit by bit, being absorbed into the demoness...

After a moment of being caressed and mentally drained by the her the two on top of her, Voltaire suddenly quickened his speed, while Ferris, a deep blush on her lips, her hot breath washing over the wet saliva on her face, sped up her tail as well, thrusting deep into her ass, to the point that both Voltaire's cock and the demon's tail were bumping against each other. Both seemed link together, as both of their motions suggested an approaching climax. With Voltaire's crotch making lewd, wet noises as he thrusted into Cindi, slapping against her own skin, and the intense expression on his face, it was clear he was about to cum inside of her.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi blinked as the pair broke apart, and again as her lips were embraced, her eyes widening, but quickly softening as she leant into Voltaire desperately, trying to gain access to his mouth with her tongue, caught up so much in the feelings that she even liked Ferris' attentions, even as she was made sticky with demonic saliva, and a little more of her spirit left her, her pleasure a free channel for it. The incredible feelings only heightened her arousal, and Voltaire's sudden speed in her untainted flower brought muffled moans to her lips. The sound of the pairs crotches slapping together filled Cindi's unused hear, while Ferris's kissing filled the other, leaving the brunette with nothing that wasn't sexual, anywhere, and she was slowly losing her resolve to the demoness. Even the pain was leaving her now...

The feeling of the tail in her ass meeting the cock in her pussy, inside her very walls, made Cindi blink a few more times, still locked in her tongue battle with Voltaire, and moan loudly. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't anywhere near her climax, even though she could plainly see Voltaire was about to shoot his love inside her, and... She wanted it. Lost to her basest, carnal desire to mate, Cindi bucked her hips frantically, subconsciously milking her partner for his seed, and hastening her ascent to orgasm, a little.

Her hair falling in waves across the sheets, Cindi found herself not even wanting to get Ferris' unwelcome intrusion away, far too desperate for climax to care who brought it to her, but wanting, oh so much, to seal her love to Voltaire. She wanted to cum with him, but simply couldn't stimulate herself enough to do so. Her eyes were begging Voltaire to play with her, and to help, she slowly moved her hands down to caress his hand, gently guiding it up to her breast, giving a small moan as the collection of fingers teased across her erect nipple. The brunette's own face was only soft, and loving, though a muscle in her cheek twitched from the relentless pleasure. Little by little, everything that made her, well, her, was being drained into Ferris, but she didn't care, nor could she want to fathom how a tail could climax, as the appendage in her ass suggested it was about to do from its actions.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Ferris, stimulating herself with her own tail, sliding it across her nethers as she uses the rubber-like tip to thrust into Cindi's ass, continues to pick up speed with Voltaire, their linked minds proceeding together towards a simultaneous orgasm, while they both thrust into Cindi's holes. Then suddenly, Voltaire leans up, gripping Cindi's hips, Ferris giving a gasp as she was taken with him on his back, before thrusting into her as fast as his muscles would allow, and finishing his desperate plunge into Cindi, by piercing her to the hilt, his cock throbbing inside of her as he ejaculated, planting his seed inside of her body, filling her womb with the sensation of carrying his cum.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi's whimpers and moans picked up in pitch and frequency as the mad thrusting caused her poor untainted flower and ass to hurt, gripping onto Voltaire as best she could, though her hands and feet were twitching and spasming, making it extremely hard to maintain her comforting hold as she moaned softly, continuing to buck on him as she tried her hardest to orgasm, willing herself to release with Voltaire.

To an extent, this worked, and as the two above her frantically pumped, almost at their orgasm, Cindi could feel herself almost there too, moaning like a whore as she bucked and twisted in an attempt to further stimulate herself, crying out Voltaire's name every so often as she struggled to keep a hold of him, leaning forwards to re-engage with their kiss after each cry.

When Voltaire sheathed himself completely inside her quivering folds, Cindi pulled away, falling back to the bed and arching her back as she moaned "Voltairrrre..." to the ceiling as he climaxed without her, hot seed spilling past her cervix, pressing against, then sliding into her womb, such a feeling to the brunette that she almost screamed in ecstasy, but reduced it to a long, high pitched moan. She was so close to climax it was unbelievable, but she just couldn't push herself over the edge, and now that Voltaire had stopped after reaching his climax...

Cindi reached up again, staring pleadingly at Voltaire. "V-Voltaire, please, finish me off... I don't want to go through this... Like this... Help me..." she asked desperately, shifting her hips around to grind against her lover as his seed splashed around inside her.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Ferris slid over to Cindi's side, off of Voltaire, before sliding a hand down Cindi's belly, until her fingers were just touching her clit. Then, without a single word, she grinned while stroking her finger over Cindi's womanhood, fingering her sensitive little nub. Meanwhile, Voltaire began making a few, last deep thrusts into Cindi's cum filled pussy.
Re: The Odd Job (Cindi)

Cindi could only watch through a pink haze of passion and defeat as Ferris slid off, and began to help Voltaire in encouraging the brunette to her climax. She couldn't resist, and moaned as her sensitive clitoris was toyed with, and she began to pant, words coming out amidst her passion. "It's... I-it's... So good... I'm cumming! Voltaire! I'm cumming!" she cried, then threw her head back and screamed, back arching as white hot pleasure ripped through her body.

As she arched, a squirt of the girls cum came out, splattering across Voltaire's groin, Cindi's legs bucking as the pleasure overwhelmed her. She didn't care any more for the demoness' evil intentions, all she wanted was to love Voltaire, as her vision turned white, and she collapsed, panting against the bed, quivering all over. "V-Voltaire... Voltaire... I love you... Voltaire..." she panted as she lay, staring blindly up at him, arms spread limply.