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The Storm War RP


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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With one of my RPs on hiatus, and the other in a state of limbo/dead, I'm going to try my luck with a new one.

This one will be primarily fantasy based. It's also loosely connected with a story I'm trying to work on. The RP will take place after the story, but if it gets anywhere, I'll fill in the basic details that you'll need to know.

One note: Magic does exist in this world. However, it is rare. The best known form of it involves the would-be mage drawing power from a spirit-like entity that they have previously had summoned, and had defeated. Most of this form of magic ends up coming out as a variety of illusory and mental effects, with actual damaging types being rare, although not unheard of. There are rumors of another form of magic existing, but such rumors always portray it as being exceedingly dangerous and uncontrolled.

Further information will come depending on interest.
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Re: Potential RP

I'm still working on the races and character sheet design, but here's some background information.

Realms and History:

Kalivor - Realm located in the northern section of the Kolvir Mountains. Known for its rare materials, and unusual magic. Thought to be unassailable, due to its harsh climate, and the vicious storms that always seem to hamper and ravage any armed force that attempted to enter the mountains with hostile intent. The key feature of the capital city was the crystalline palace, known by some as the Castle of Storms. The true elite force of the kingdom, after hearing that moniker, took upon themselves the name of the Storm Knights. Ravaged by an apparent bandit ambush, the capital city currently seems to lie in ruins, and the realm is counted as fallen. It enjoyed a brief return during the "Kaliverus Incident", but with the disappearance of Elric Kaliverus, and perhaps the lack of the reformation of the Storm Knights, the realm once again seems lost to ruin.

Iselgarn Empire - Current power in the area. Capital city of Iselgard, ruled by Emperor Muristan. At one time, Iselgard was a small kingdom, much like others in the region. When House Gallias rose to power, however, that started to change. In a short amount of time, much of the southeastern part of the continent was under the control of Iselgard. During the rule of Menethel II, the current style of magic was developed: That of summoning a powerful entity, then dominating it through force to serve the mage. Only the rightful heir of House Gallias may command more than one such entity at a time, and most mages can only manage an entity capable of illusions or mental control. The later half of Menethel II's rule was marked by strained relations with several of the other realms, the most notable of which was Kalivor. Such strained relations escalated to minor conflicts on several occasions when some of the following emperors tried to force the Imperial style of magic on the other realms. Since the beginning of Muristan's reign, and the fall of Kalivor, relations have normalized, and the Imperial style of magic has finally taken precedence.

Magic - Two styles of magic are reported, in various tomes. The most well known is actually the younger method, as it is the Imperial system, developed during the rule of Emperor Menethel II. When a person is determined to have been born with the ability to use it, and reaches a certain age, they are approached by one of the Imperial Summoners, and offered a chance to become a mage. Should they accept, they are then given a year of study and preparation, before the Summoner who approached them summons forth a powerful entity, which the apprentice must overwhelm in combat, and subdue. The new mage then begins calling upon the entity for the magic. What entity is pulled forth at the Summoning determines the type of magic available to the mage, and the willpower of the mage determines the power that the entity is willing to use. This power increases as both the mage strengths their will, and the entity becomes more accustomed to its new master.

The second style is believed to have its origins in Kalivor. To the Imperials, it is both dangerous, and terrifying. The ability to use this form of magic is determined at birth, and usually manifests around adolesence. It also usually manifests in some combative form, such as a blast of some kind. Only in Kalivor, before its fall, was this discipline openly accepted, and often such "wild mages" would be taught by more experienced ones. Now, such a mage faces fear and distrust...Oddly enough, often either leading them to one of the Kaliveran exiles, or leading one of the exiles to them.

NOTE: When it comes to characters and the ability to use magic, I will make the determination as to whether they can or not, and which type. Also, I'll be concealing the results of the determination until play begins, since the characters might not even know themselves. Of course, if a player specifies that they do not wish to have the ability to use magic, I'll use that.

Key NPCs:

Emperor Muristan, of House Gallias - Ruler of the Iselgarn Empire, the emperor is viewed as a charismatic leader, and is also the most powerful mage of the Imperial discipline, having two entities under his command. Still in his prime, rumors seem to abound about him. Several scars are visible on the rare occasions he has his arms bare, and he is currently still recovering from some injuries sustained during the most recent conflict.

Codex - One of Emperor Muristan's servitors, Codex appears as an aged scribe in a large chair with a large, floating tome that's being held by chains. Its powers rest in enchanting the minds of others and divining secrets.

Scauld - One of Emperor Muristan's servitors, Scauld appears to be a construct version of Muristan albeit with a flaming aura of sorts. Its powers rest in flames and destruction of foes.

Elric Kaliverus - Believed to be the last remaining member of the Kalivor Royal House, he was behind the most recent conflict. Known to have extreme proficiency with psychic powers, and a great degree of energy control, his current whereabouts are unknown.

Arianna - One of Kaliverus' top commanders, she is of noble birth. However, her family was discredited after a number of incidents, and it is currently believed that she is the only remaining member. While no concrete evidence of it has yet surfaced, it is assumed that she has some kind of "wild talent".
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Re: Potential RP

Double-post for the races. More may be added later.


Humans - Perhaps the most common race, there are three main concentrations of Human settlements. The Western Lands, composed primarily of farmlands, is loosely allied with the Iselgarn Empire. It was, in the past, strongly allied with Kalivor, though. Nowadays, though, most of its people bow to the Empire. (Imperial magic, rare; Wild magic, rare) (Alternate - Westerner, sided primarily with the Imperials.)

The Iselgarn Empire itself is perhaps the largest region of human dominance, with many of its citizens being somewhat educated, either as scholars and mages, or as militia and armsmen. Most regions at least acknowledge the Imperial Law. (Imperial magic, uncommon; Wild magic, extremely rare) (Default, sided entirely with the Imperials.)

The smallest of the human regions is the Northlands near the Kolvir Mountains. Even after its fall, the people of this region follow the system of laws used in Kalivor. While often shown as part of the Empire, it rarely recognizes Imperial rule. (Imperial magic, extremely rare; Wild magic, uncommon) (Alternate - Northman, sided primarily with the Exiles.)

Kaliverans - Although human, the people of Kalivor bore enough differences that many Imperial texts refer to them as "near-Humans". For one, the so-called "wild magic" was extremely common in Kalivor. Also, they were taller, paler, and often longer-lived than other humans. All of the remaining Kaliverans despise House Gallias for its perceived role in the fall of Kalivor, and openly assisted Elric Kaliverus. (Imperial magic, none; Wild magic, common) (Sided entirely with the Exiles.)

Elves - Three distinct groupings of elves exist. The High Elves of the northeastern forests are the most well known, especially for their craftwork, and skill as scouts. While technically neutral, many find themselves welcome in the Empire. (Imperial magic, uncommon; wild magic, uncommon) (Default, sided primarily with the Imperials.)

There is a race of evil elves, called the Dark Elves. The only contact that the surface has with them, however, is the renegades who make their way to the surface to live as bandits. Officially, the Empire has a bounty out for them, alive only. This is in place, as the Emperor wishes to have each captured renegade questioned, to ensure that no hostile offensive occurs without warning. (Imperial magic, rare; Wild magic, extremely rare) (Alternate - Dark Elf, they're basically the drow. Sided primarily with the Imperials.)

While only rumors, there are rumors of a third group of elves. According to these rumors, a group of renegades from the dark race broke away en masse, forsaking the dark practises of their brethren. This act changed them to the point of being a distinctly separate group. Little is known about them, aside from that they were reported to be in the forests between the Western Lands, and Kalivor. (If they exist, then: Imperial magic, none; Wild magic, rare) (Alternate - Twilight Elf, appearance-wise, they look like the Night Elves from WC3. Silver hair and purple eyes are the most common, though. Sided with the Exiles.)

All elves are tall, even taller than the Kaliverans, although not by much. They are also ageless, and rarely become diseased. Half-elves exist, although they are sometimes mistaken for Kaliverans, if of High Elf-Human parentage. (Elven Parent's chances for magic.)

Dwarves - Two distinct groups of dwarves exist. Among the mountains in the southern part of the Empire lives one of the groups. They are best known for their quality metalworking, stoneworking, and their expertise in mining. (Imperial magic, extremely rare; Wild magic, extremely rare) (Default, sided with the Imperials.)

The second group, much closer to Kalivor, share those traits, but are also fascinated with technological marvels as well. Just about everyone else, save perhaps a few Kaliverans, view these "marvels" with a great deal of suspicion...With good cause. Such devices generally cause a great deal of clean-up and healing should they backfire. (Imperial magic, extremely rare; Wild magic, very rare) (Alternate - Irongrad Dwarf, sided with the Exiles.)

Dwarves are difficult to poison, even harder to affect mentally, and solid workers. Some are also known for being almost impossible to out-drink.
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Re: Potential RP

While I am basing this somewhat off of a world from a story I'm working on, I should point out that neither the story nor the world itself is fully finalized, yet. However, what's here is pretty well set, and I can try to better explain somethings if I need to.

I'm willing to listen to suggestions, as well.

EDIT: Adding character sheet format.

Character Name:
Character Race:
Physical Description: (Text or pic, I don't care.)
Personality Description: (Critical - Fill this one out.)
Character Background:
Magic Use: (This is only for the player to say "Yes" or "No" to whether or not they wish for me to make a determination.)
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Re: Potential RP

How critical is the personality description and how much detail is needed? I tend to find most of my characters' personalities tend to develop and finalize after I have played them for a bit sometimes ending up rather different from what I initially planned.
Re: Potential RP

That approach works, I guess. The key thing with the character personalities is that I'm trying to avoid two things.

First, if someone's character has a personality that will cause major problems, I can know either to request changes, or not allow the character.

Second, it will help prevent someone from making a character that sounds interesting, but has no real reason for going along with the other characters.
Re: Potential RP

By going along with the other characters, don't we need to know what we are doing? Have we been called to a tavern to do a quest, how long have we know each other, etc?
Re: Potential RP

Yes, there will be a plot-line. However, depending on what races characters play as, there may be some differences in said plot.

For instance, any one playing as a Kaliveran will not be wanting to assist the Iselgarn Empire. Most of the races, though, will be working for the Empire. As for prior meetings with other characters, I'll leave that up to the players themselves to decide that.

Whether things are done in one group or two will depend on how the characters are set up.
Re: Potential RP

Character Name: Valhendil Tinbedel
Character Race:Elven (I'm not sure whether I should specify)
Physical Description: Valhendil was blessed with a lithe body, being about the height of average human. The sharp, angled outline of his face and burgundy eyes give his face what can only be called a face suited to serious expressions. Long blonde/green hair flows from the crown of his head down to his shoulders, only interrupted by his pointy ears thrusting upwards from the sides of his head.
Personality Description: To those who do not know him, he is self-centred, caring only about his appearance in society and women. However, to the trusted friends that he has had for many years, he is an energetic, proud and also resourceful individual. Through his pride, he does acts of kindness but there are also many times when he does these acts out of genuine generosity. He is also very open about himself and rarely hesititates when introducing himself. Strangely enough, there are also moments when he becomes extraordinarily quiet as if he was in deep thought about an emotional decision which is usually the case.
Character Background: (Not Yet Complete)
Magic Use: Yes

(Not done... I'm sorry if my making a character is rushing you to finish the rules and whatnot of the game. Also... it's not done as you can see :( )
Re: Potential RP

Eh, don't worry about it, on both the rushing and the incomplete character sheet. And you only need to specify the region/kind if you're one of the "alternate" races. I'll be marking the "defaults" as soon as I finish this.
Re: Potential RP

So I take it that my character is acceptable, will that all be a secret for later or is that still undecided as of yet? Either that, or the information I'm lacking is too important to skip for that decision.
Re: Potential RP

The character is fine. Just try to get the background done soonish.
Re: Potential RP

Hmm, so my Drowish Necromancer would work well as a Dark Elf here.... hmm...
Re: Potential RP

Dark Elf mage, possible.

Necromancy and the undead, however, don't exist in this world. Keep that in mind.
Re: Potential RP

Hmm... any forbidden magics that she can persue?
Re: Potential RP

Not really, since the only form of magic that has any manner of "study," in the classic sense, involved is the Imperial kind. And that variety is determined by the disposition of the spirit that was summoned and bound.

Wild magic, as I've called it, is the closest thing to forbidden, but you're either born with that, or you can't use it, period. Magical aptitude is based on chance in this world, anyway. I do a dice roll to determine what form, if any, the character is capable of using. I then determine the form that the ability takes. That means either what the spirit is capable of, or what abilities are granted, depending on type. When I make the roll, I do take into account the fact that generally those who end up adventuring, if you will, are generally above average, though.

Players cannot directly choose what they have at the start. They can really only choose if they want the chance to use magic.
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