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ULMF Directive OOC


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The Unlimited Life Medical Facility, or as it is more commonly known, the ‘ULMF’ Directive, is a medical company that is the cornerstone for research in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders and illnesses. For decades they have unwaveringly dedicated their time into bringing about the end of mental sickness, a task that has proved itself challenging at times, though rewarding once breakthroughs have been made. Funded by the world government, the ULMF Directive asks simply for voluntary test subjects, who are naturally paid appropriately for aiding in the betterment of humanity.

This is merely the public image of the ULMF Directive, the truth is far, far sinister. The ULMF Directive exists for one reason; to further their understanding of the most perverse ways of controlling and breaking people. Using their medical and technological advancements, as well as their connections with the occult they have amassed an almost unlimited number of creatures used in their sick experiments as well as a plethora of drugs and devices to alter the state of their subjects.

The ULMF Directive has control over the entire world. They hold positions in all the worlds’ governments, every action that decides the next step the world takes has gone through them. This is the reason why no government has made to stop their actions.

Each day various test subjects, both male and female, are taken to different rooms. These rooms are home to various creatures or are laboratories where various drugs and devices are tested out of the test subject. During the process of the ‘experiments’ the test subjects go under enormous amounts of mental and physical strain as their bodies are ravaged by the creatures or undergo changes from the drugs. So long as the damage isn’t irreparable (eg. Limbs torn off, being gutted, killed etc…) the ULMF Directive can restore the test subject to their initial state thanks to their advanced technology. As well as repairing damage such as cuts, bruising and ‘restoring’ the test subjects virginity, they can also erase the day’s events from their mind so that they don’t go insane from being repeatedly raped and tested on. However it isn’t a permanent measure by any means. After a few months to a few years the test subjects are prone to mentally breaking down. This can either lead to a frenzied state where they have to be killed, they enter a catatonic state and are of no more use to the ULMF Directive and are again killed or they enter a state of constant lust. The latter is the rarest case but it does have its advantages as they can be used on other test subjects. In the rarest case there have been test subjects that haven’t been completely broken by having their memories erased and so they are continually tested on.

The ULMF Directive gets their test subjects in a few ways. They either monitor potential test subjects or drug them over time using a variety of different methods or, in the case of the test subject having no family, they simply kidnap the test subject.

This RP will play out much like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure Story’, each new, in game day, the test subject (which will be one girl, I’ve already got her designed) will undergo experimentation. You, the player, will get to decide what she is facing against and what actions are taken against her. Though which role you’ll play is will differ occasionally, most of the time you will take control of the monsters actions but there will be times where you’ll take control of the ‘heroine’. Whilst nearly any action can be suggested, I will frown upon stupid or pointless suggestions, such as ‘have the monster do a jig with [insert girls name]’ and the like. Such answers will be ignored.

Now, there will be a couple of additions to this in the form of a stamina and orgasm bar.

Stamina Bar; The stamina bar, as the name suggests, monitors her stamina. Actions that require the test subject to perform physically demanding tasks or actions that result in the test subject being attacked will drain the test subjects stamina. Once the stamina bar is empty the test subject falls unconscious and the test for the day is finished. Naturally the more physically demanding the task is or the more powerful the attack is the more the stamina bar is drained.

Orgasm Bar; The orgasm bar monitors the level of the test subjects state of arousal. The more aroused the test subject becomes the more the bar fills up until the test subject finally orgasms. As well as leaving the test subject defenceless for a short while (1 turn) it also drains ten percent of the test subjects’ stamina bar. After reaching their first orgasm it takes less time for the test subject to reach subsequent orgasms.

Stamina Bar: [----------]
Orgasm Bar: [……….]

Each hyphen indicates ten percent, up to ten hyphens. The periods are to signify empty percentage slots, and as the stamina bar is depleted the hyphens are replaced with periods and vice versa for the orgasm bar. As each hyphen indicates ten percent of that bar certain actions won’t result in an automatic increase/decrease. Actions such as lifting up a cardboard box or a light kiss would have to be performed multiple times to affect the bars, though this is also dependant on the subjects mood, which I will explain later on. Actions such as vigorous sex or a blow to the head would dramatically increase/decrease the bars. At the end of the day it is down to the person running the game to decide how much any given action will increase/decrease the bars. As a note, as the stamina bar decreases so does the test subjects activeness.

As mentioned above the test subjects mood can also affect how the bars increase/decrease. Humans go through many moods a day, be that happiness, sadness, anger and lust how a human acts to any given situation is usually based on the mood they are feeling. While normally the test subjects start off scared at the sight of a monstrous creature ready to violate every fibre of their being most, if not all of them succumb to lust eventually as their minds and will breaks and they give into the creatures wants and demands. Some however are more resilient and will fight back, some even start off wanting to copulate with the creature. After all, every person is different.

Here are a few examples of how moods can affect an experiment;

Neutral, apathetic, bored etc…: Test subjects experiencing this mood normally choose not to fight back or stop the experiment in any way. It has no positive or ill effects on their bars.

Scared, frightened, fearful etc…: Test subjects experiencing this mood normally try to keep themselves away from being attacked or experimented on, they don’t actively fight back instead they try to keep a distance between themselves and their pursuers. This has an ill effect on their stamina as they’re constantly moving about though has no positive or ill effect on their orgasm bar.

Angry, crazed, violent etc…: Test subjects experiencing this mood normally try to fight back against their attacker or whoever is trying to perform tests on them. They’ll actively attack to the point that they wear themselves out. Test subjects that have frequently shown this mood have shown signs of increased arousal as they’re physically attacked themselves. This has an ill effect on their stamina as they’re constantly trying to fight off their pursuer, it also has an ill effect on their orgasm bar if their primary mood is any anger related mood (more on primary moods later).

Lustful, aroused, turned on etc…: Test subjects experiencing this mood normally actively pursue sexual relations with whatever creature they may be with or willingly allow experimental drugs and devices used on them. This has no ill or positive effect on their stamina though it has an ill effect on their orgasm bar as they willingly allow themselves to be fucked or experimented on. As a note, it is very rare that a non-broken test subject will have this as their primary mood.

These are but four examples of how moods effect the test subject, there are many other moods they can experience but these are the most common.

[A note: These rules are not written in stone. Anyone can use them and change them to suit their play style, you don’t even have to use them if you don’t want to. They are here simply as a guideline and to show how I’ll be running the game.

I will also be allowing players to run their own games and the like, be that a CYOAS-type game or a full blown RP. So long as it is set in the ULMF Directive world it will be allowed. Just post a message or PM me and I’ll ask Nunu or Aika to set up a sub-board for you if one is needed. If not then you can post a thread and work from there. As well as that I encourage people to submit your own test subject characters as well as creature/drugs/devices ideas. I’d like this to turn into something that we can all work on as a community.]

So, is anyone interested? Both myself and Lila will be GM'ing this. A quick note, I still need to type up the characters and creatures I'll be adding but so long as there is interest I will post them once the sub board has been created.
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Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I was liking the idea, until I read,

This RP will play out much like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure Story’,

Then I made a sad face. The first thought on my mind was that we'd all be roleplaying ourselves as the test subjects.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Lol you can do that as well, as I said anyone can create their own RP in this but my intention for my part is an RP similar in concept to a CYOAS. Though, if more people would prefer me to do it as an RP where you all roleplay the test subjects then I may change how I'll be doing it.

Though if it does turn out to be a more freeform RP expect there to be forced transformations to your characters seeing as you will be test subjects. I was going to do it like a CYOAS because I thought people would have prefered to choose how the girl would be experimented on instead of it happening to them and you lot not having any say/not much say in what happens.
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Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Unless you plan on doing a CYOAS thread for each player, why not just put this up as a CYOAS in Blank Page?
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

. . .

Do not even kid about posting them there. People know of my hatred for them being post there.

Anywho, it depends on how people would prefer this game played out. My original idea was to have you all decide what should happen to the test subject, though you said that you didn't like it like that. Also, I'm hoping that others will take this idea and use it as their own, thats why I plan on making an RP board for it, so people can do their own games set in this RP world there. Though at the end of the day, depending on how people want this game to be played out depends on what I do. If enough people want it as a freeform RP then so be it, likewise if people want it similar to the CYOAS then I'll do that too.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I'm in. This RP sounds a lot like how I'd like Lila to be played in.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Here's hoping we can get a few more people interested in it.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I can has interest, in whichever format is most popular, 'sall good :)
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Wewt, another person! And I've even typed up a bit about some of the monsters, albeit only two though and they're of the undead variety.

The undead, or zombies as they are otherwise known that the ULMF Directive have under their care are an interested lot. The project first started out as a way to create the ultimate soldier, we had managed to get our hands on a virus from another company similar to ourselves in the hopes that we could manipulate it into creating what we needed. Once tests had been done we decided to test it in an urban area. However the results were far from what we imagined.

The virus did indeed create a new form of human, though these were very similar to what the other company had done. Though there was one difference; Whilst many of the undead showed signs of heightened aggression and fed off other humans there were several that developed a lust for human flesh instead of a hunger for it. Curious as to how these zombies became how they were we sent in some field operatives to scout out the area. That’s when they found a female zombie, or as we’ve come to know it a ‘Witch’. These undead seemed to have the ability to turn any man they raped into a zombie that felt the need to have sex. However women the Witch targeted did not meet the same fate as the men.

Noting this experiment as an initial failure we dropped in some more of our operatives and destroyed the city. Though we did manage to successfully capture several ‘L-Zombies’ and two Witches for further experimentation. We have renamed the virus that created these zombies the ‘L-Virus’.

A type of zombie that lusts after humans instead of hungering for human flesh. They usually hunt in groups of 3-5, one of them acting as the leader, and once they have found their target they chase them down until the target is either worn down or cannot escape them. They then proceed to rape their target until they have expended all of their energy or are satisfied and unless the target can manage to kill the zombies he or she will most likely be raped until the zombies have had enough. However, even though they don’t aim to kill their target if they are attacked by their target and receive sufficient damage they will then make to kill their target.

Their appearance isn’t that different to what they looked like when they were alive, all that is different is that their clothes are torn in places and their skin has taken on a greyish hue. There is little if any signs of decomposing on their bodies, though any wounds they have sustained before or while they are a zombie remain and have a high risk of worsening.

The Witch is an odd zombie, exclusively female it will hide in corners and dark places and make sobbing noises. This is so that any human that see’s her will lower their guard and try to see what’s the matter. The Witches appearance isn’t that different to how she looked when she was still alive. The only noticeable difference is the lack of pigmentation in her skin and hair, both taking on a pale white-grey hue.

If the human shines a light source or makes a loud enough noise the Witch she will then burst into lust frenzy, jumping the human she rips off his or her clothes and proceeds to have sex with them. The Witch will do everything in her power to stop the human from escaping until she has had several orgasms. If the human tries to help but walks away the Witch does nothing and stays where she is, continuing her fake crying, so long as the human doesn’t shine a light on her or make a loud noise.

Once the Witch has had several orgasms she will then slow down, her lovemaking taking on a more gentle approach, it is at this time that she becomes obsessed with her human partner. If the human is male he will eventually turn into an L-Zombie after several hours since the two of them had sex, the Witch will often continue to have sex with the human even after he has turned into a zombie, and the Witch will only stop once she is satisfied. If the human is female then nothing happens, the woman will stay as a human and will only be freed once the Witch has been satisfied.

As the Witch becomes obsessed with her human partners once she has had several orgasms she will often follow them around, making sure that they are kept safe even at the cost of her own life and will only do anything else once she needs to have sex again. For this reason the Witch can often be seen with a group of L-Zombie’s, the amount of zombies in the group indicates how many men she has had sex with, or at least how many that have survived. It isn’t uncommon to find several human women in the group, these are either the targets of the Witches affection or women that simply enjoy the pleasure that the L-Zombies give them. However, in the controlled environment of our experiment rooms the Witch is subdued before she can become emotionally attached to the test subjects. At least most of the time anyway.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Double post, because I can!

I've decided on how the game will play out. It'll be a semi-freeform RP for the most part, though at the beginning it'll have elements of a CYOAS. People will be able to choose between being a test subject or a member of the research department/elite guard, though for the most part I want test subjects as stuff will be happening that will force the test subjects to band together. I will still be using the bars, well, I'll definitely still be using the orgasm bar, and the game will be played out in turns. Each character initially will have their own thread but once the story moves along you'll all be joining up together. Well, the test subjects will anyway. The researchers/guards wont have as much of an active role right at the beginning.

I'll be talking to Lila to try and get a story going for this, but for now you can post your characters. Players can be male or female.

-------------character sheet----------------

Bio: (what did they do prior to being a test subject, how did they end up getting caught etc... that sort of thing.)
Kinks/Fetishes: (self explanatory, but this is what your character gets off on. It has two uses; 1) increases the rate the orgasm bar fills and 2) your character is more likely to succumb to sexual acts if they include his/her kink/fetish)
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Wait, so do we post our character sheets here?
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Yeah, post them here, then once I get a board for this up I'll make a character sheet thread where approved characters can be posted.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive


Name: Suzy Biggs
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Often considered more "cute" than "sexy", Suzy's hair is fiery orange and comes down to her shoulders. She stands at 5'5" with green eyes and a small-ish nose. As you'd expect from a ginger she has pretty pale skin and freckles across her face. She has B-Cup breasts and her favourite colour is grey. She has a slim, but healthy build, not skinny enough to show her ribs and such, but not chubby either. There is a scar on her left forearm from a knife mishap in her earlier life.
Bio: Suzy's father was a garage mechanic, and a pretty good one at that. She grew up learning from her father, but never intended to follow in his footsteps. She was average throughout her school-life, both in academic and athletic ability, and was never one of the popular kids, asides from being ginger and therefore, different, she was a bit of a loner in her earliest years. When she began socializing more in secondary school, she had no confidence in herself, and tended to murmur and look at her feet when talking, though this problem would eventually fix itself. Her parents died when she was about 17, her mother from cancer, and her father in an accident in his garage which ended up with a car on top of him shortly after. Since Suzy was allowed to live alone at her age, she did, an orphan and alone. She didn't really have any kind of dreams, learning to accept whatever shit got thrown at her. She rarely managed to hold a job for more than a few months, and all of her relationships ended badly, though not through any particular fault of her own. When she was in her early 24th year, her apartment was suddenly broken into while she was sitting alone with her drink. Being pretty drunk at the time, she could do little to stop them as they gagged and cuffed her, then bundled her into the back of a van to go to some unknown destination...
Kinks/Fetishes: Spitroasting, hogtied/otherwise restrained, cum-drinking.
Turn offs: Anal sex, excessive undead (i.e rotting or the likes), hermaphrodites.

'Sall good?
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Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Looks good. And oooh, I didnt think of turn offs, good thinking Batman! People, add Turn Offs to your sheets when you make them!
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I never liked Batman :( what goods a superhero without superpowers, ok yeah hes got a cooler costume than superman but whatever.

And I put that down cos I just really hate anal sex, lots and lots and lots
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Hey, Batman has a super power; the power of never giving up!


Okay, that is a lame power, but still. He's the coolest of the DC hero's. Well, if you don't count the Titans.

Oh man, with the addition of turn off's it'll give me a whole new way to fuck over your characters, both literally and figuratively.

And don't forget, monster idea's can be submitted by all of you as well. On that topic, players wil also be able to do their own little RP's in this as well with any character, so long as it's alright with the person who's created the character, obviously. I'll also be making some sample characters for people to play around with if they so choose to do so. Though naturally any RP outside of the main one won't be 'canon', they're just for fun. Any that I'll do will most likely be in the CYOAS format.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Everyone knows that in the DC/Marvel fight, it is settled by Thor alone.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Pfft, fuck Thor. Deadpool is where my money is going. Hell, that crazy bastard came back from being completely destroyed.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

Reading the thread again, the thought of the U-Genix lab from TSFP came to me, so maybe feature a slightly altered version of "The Freak"?

But Thor has Mjolnir.
Re: [RP Idea] ULMF Directive

I only remember GenX from the first forum, and thats only a vague memory. But sure, if you think it'll fit then submit it.

Yeah, but if I remember correctly Deadpool can't be killed because some other character refuses him his death. Cant remember the character, but he's in love with Death as is/was Deadpool and thats why he stops Deadpool from dying.