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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score
Op by Monceber:

JP wiki:

Before getting into the game, it’s necessary to mention two things.
Firstly, before even launching the game, if you’re not confident in your Japanese proficiency, consider launching English version of the game. In later versions of the game it’s as stable as Japanese one, and pretty much all of the important information is translated, so it becomes much easier to understand. To get English interface, in the same directory as the game, rename the file '_language_eng.rvdata2' to 'language_eng.rvdata2'.
Secondly, when you start a game and see a loading screen with running rabbit – it’s an author asking you to read README file. So, please, do so. There’s English translated part in readme about what to do in such situation, so don’t be lazy and find it (alternatively you could look this up in this thread).
There are three difficulties: beginner, normal and hard. If you weren't scared of by disclaimer - forget about beginner.
Ok, let's start over. There are two difficulties: normal and hard. On hard all your levels are converted into money whenever you reach safe zone and monsters have extra moves. Unless you're in for some challenge from the get go, I'd recommend you to stick with normal mode for starters.
Ok, now let’s get to the basic guide thingy.
About skills (with their default layout A and S):
Universal skills:
А + ↓ - Redemption (very useful control skill; requires 3 mana). Attacks enemies in 5 x 5 area in front of heroine, deals damage equal to 25% of monsters HP (at least supposed to), has a chance to paralyze, knock down; purifies. Purified enemies have increase essence drop rate, but they won’t drop any other items.
А + →↓ - Recuperation (moderate healing skill; requires vial of holy water; no cooldown). Recovers HP, cures up to 2 negative states (poison, passion beat, etc.).
А + →↑ - Splash of Holy Vial (requires vial of holy water). Deals moderate to high damage (depending on enemy type) to enemies in 3 x 3 range up to 5 cells away, has a blind chance.
S + ←↑ - Purifier's Craft (requires 18 mana). Craft 5 vials of holy water.
S + ←↓ - Quick Swap (free skill; ? turns cooldown). 1 turn buff which allows you to change any piece of equipment without consuming your turn.
S + →↓ - Maiden-Snow (requires 95% of green bar as well as all of your vials of holy water). Massive spell, purifies all enemies within its range and (supposedly) deals damage equal to 150% of their HP.
S + →↑ - Consecration (requires vial of holy water). Blesses your weapon, adds holy element, decreases durability consumption rate, removes one hex.
Q + Z – Flip back (has stun chance). Moves you 1 cell backwards, need target to work.
Melee skills:
А + ←↑ - Stigmata (powerful attack skill; requires 50% of green bar AND up to 25% of vitality). Attacks all enemies in straight line up to 4 cells away, and if next cell is empty – heroine moves there (otherwise she moves intp any free cell on this 5 cell distance).
А + ← - Angelic Hallow (moderate attack/movement spell; requires 6 mana). Attacks in area 3 x 5 cells, heroine herself jumps 3 cells forward (2/1/0 cells, depending if the destination is occupied). Unlike Stigmata this skill doesn’t pierce, so it strikes only the first row of the enemies.
А + ←↓ - Sword's Acute (moderate attack/control skill; requires 5 mana). Rush up to 2 cells forward and strike enemy in front of you with a chance to knock them back. Do note, that unlike Angelic Hallow this skill is not considered to be a jump, so if there are any traps in your way – you will activate them.
А + → - Protector's Oath (powerful healing skill; requires 15% of green bar and 1 mana; progressive cooldown). Recovers large chunk of HP on first use (can be used during first cooldown to recover lower amount of HP, but will be unusable for a much longer time afterwards), removes hexes (status down).
S + → - Lance of Fire (requires 50% of green bar). Self-buff, increase your resistances and melee damage, removes hex.
Ranged skills:
А + ←↑ - Guided-Cross (analogue of melee Stigmata, but heroine doesn’t move).
А + ← - Rondato (requires 2 mana and “Running” buff (<<<)). Heroine jumps 2 cells forward, may cause “Awe” status effect to enemies in the path.
А + ←↓ - Dawn Star (requires 5 mana AND consecration buff). AOE in 5 x 5 area up 5 cells away.
А + → - Under-Fire (requires 15% of green bar). Stop enemies by debuffing their movement.
S + → - Cross of Fire (analogue of Lance but oriented on ranged battle).
You can view area of effect of any skill by selecting it and holding Q button. Do note, that ranged skills AOE are modified by the type of ammo you are using.
About basics:
Heroine has 4 parameters which you should be mindful of: HP, MP, green bar (stamina, rage, whatever) and vitality.
HP may be restored by potions, berries and healing spells you possess (there’s also regeneration scroll, but be careful, because it affects everyone, not just you). Monsters and some of traps deal damage to your HP, obviously. Reaching 0 HP while surrounded by enemies will lead to immediate rape.
MP may be restored by some MP items and berries. There’s one trap which can hurt your MP. 0 MP won’t allow you to cast any MP spells.
Stamina is accumulated when you deal damage to enemies. Stamina always drains while out of the battle and is empty by default.
Vitality constantly decrease over time and may be restored by food. Potions and berries may also restore vitality, but by a very small margin. 0% vitality not only considerably slows you MP and HP regeneration rate, but being raped at this time will lead to game over (you are tossed out in the wild, you lose all your items and ect. as well as few levels).
About items:
If we talk about items, they can be divided into several categories, depending on their designation in the game.
These are potions, berries and food. Even though with recent patch you have a chance to find bread upon going to another level, it’s still good practice to have some food with you – running out of vitality in the wild is not the best situation to be in. Having elixir or its berry analogue is not bad either, as it will help you to survive in difficult situations.
Magic scrolls:
They come in different types, depending on their usage. Usually having around two or so control (lunatic, hypnos) or damaging (punishment) scrolls is a formula to a safe travels – being able to wipe all the enemies on the ground can be a life savior in certain situations. Other scrolls are quite situational and sometimes can change situation to worse, instead of helping you (avoid warped feather on undiscovered level). There are also some buffing scrolls, but they are better to be used upon finding them instead of occupying you precious inventory space.
Utility scrolls:
They come in three types – psalms, repair scrolls and encyclopedia. First are used to enhance your equipment, second are a source of precious durability out in the wilds while third are used for identification. At first it’s better to use psalms upon finding them to improve your gear and it’s good practice to bring one or two (or more depending on situation) of repair scrolls with you.
Repair scrolls can be divided into two types too – ordinary repair scrolls and full repair scrolls. Repair scrolls have 3 usages each, but they target only one item; also, they can’t repair broken items. Full repair scrolls target a set of items (i.e. if you have dual wielding weapon, scroll of full repair will restore both items, while ordinary scroll will affect only one of them); also, they can repair broken items. Beside that both types fully restore durability of the item to its maximum value (I’ll tell about durability later).
Toned down version of magic scrolls. Each of them have different effects and number of charges, they are pretty situational as well. If you decide to take wand with you, better chose one with controlling abilities (sleep, confuse).
They come in two types – melee and ranged. Ranged weapons typically need ammo to use them effectively. Weapons also have different materials they are made from as well type of the damage they inflict. Type of material determines how fast durability is reduced. At first stages you should be mindful of the items, which have silver or enchanted damage type – having one of them (or, better, both) will guarantee that you’ll be able to deal damage to all kinds of enemies. If you have trouble finding item with either of these types, you should be using Consecration when dealing with tough enemies (heck, you should use it all the time – it saves 50% of the durability!)
There are lot things to be said about weapons, but it’s not a topic for the basic guide. Therefore I’ll mention just a few notable weapons:
- Rapier: powerful dual wield weapon, step in strike, but it lacks silver or enchanted type;
- Falcon stake: upgrade of rapier, loses dual wield but has basic enchanted type;
- Vanguard lancer: single OP weapon when combined with shotgun ammo – be careful not to kill yourself.
Generally, just try to find a weapon you’re comfortable with.
It’s a good practice to have ranged and melee weapon on you in case of need. Depending on your play style you may want to have a few more weapons on you for different situations.
Each equipment piece grants bonuses to certain stats, while it applies penalties to other. Nothing much to say about it, you just need to try them yourself.
Typically you don’t really need to bring spare clothes with you – repair scrolls are much better decision on this matter.

So, all in all, when you go out in a wild, you should have a combination of the items described above + some free space for the items you’re going to find/sell.
About start:
Your first and foremost goal is to reach next safe zone. From the starting zone there are two directions two go (three if you count returning back as an option). As a new player, you should aim for the Mountain Cave, because there you will be able to repair your stuff, buy and sell items as well as identify them. When you reach this location, it should be easier for you – you have supply of food from cat, so you don’t have to be afraid of sudden starvation. Doing some runs into the wild to hoard good items, weapons and ect. is great idea. When you have good ect. base it’s advisable to move to Dwarf Shop, which is in the same location. You’ll be able to enhance your equipment for etc. there, do some alchemy and generally be a successful Inquisitor.
About traders:
They come in three types: cat, dwarf and bonfire. Cats give access to basic needs: buy, sell, repair (they won’t repair broken items though) and identify, as well recover lost items (item pool is quite random so it may take some time). Bonfires – lower tier of cats – you can sell and repair (full), but you can’t identify or buy items there. Also, you may preview alchemy results here. Dwarf allows you to buy, sell, identify and repair (full) stuff. You can also browse items, crafted by dwarf. Also, dwarf can enhance your items and you can also to alchemy (I’m not explaining this, duh!) stuff. Do note that dwarf won’t sell you any food, so be mindful when venturing forth to him.
About durability and enhancement:
All equipable items have durability. Whenever you use this equipment (hit with weapons, being hit when clothes are equipped), this durability goes down. If durability reaches 0, item will be broken and you won’t be able to equip it until you repair it (dwarf, bonfire, scroll of full repair). Whenever you repair an item via anything but scroll, its maximum durability will decrease. It will start decreasing after several repairs and will stay at about 60% (I think) of the initial maximum durability. You may restore it by using repair scrolls.
Whenever you restore durability on the item, it gets XP. This XP is required to enhance stuff at dwarf’s workshop. Up to +10 grade psalm scrolls grant enough XP for items to level them up, but after that just one scroll won’t be enough. You’ll need either to go to dwarf after using scroll, or use some more scrolls on the same item. Generally, the more XP item has, the less costly enhancement will be (I’m basing it on the scroll, didn’t actually test it with plain break-repair process).
About essences:
Another type of items, which I didn’t mention it items section are essences. If you’re a familiar with a concept of slotted weapons and gemstones from RPGs (e.g. Diablo 2), this won’t be hard for you. There are 3 types of essences: red, orange and purple. Now then, with exception of alchemy, orange and purple are pretty much the same, save that orange are dropped from monsters, and purple is dropped from you after pregnancy. When you view monster list, each monster has its own drop table for essences – that’s the orange essences you can get from that kind of monster. Orange essences can be inserted into slotted items and they can be taken out with alchemist tool. Red essences are pretty much similar, but they can't be taken out - they are embedded into item (there’s another difference which I’ll mention later).
There are up to 3 tiers (T) of effects that essences can grant. If we talk about elemental and parameter essences (Str, Agi, etc.), maximum is T3. So, to get T3 effect you need to insert two essences of the same kind, so that they total T 3 or more. E.g., if you insert two T2 Vit essence, you’ll get only T3 Vit effect and no more. Even if you insert four T2 Vit essences, you’ll still have the same effect.
Maximum for status essences (stun, paralyze, etc.) if T2. Now about another difference between read and orange essences. Maximum tier of orange parameter essences is T2, and for status essences – T1. But maximum tier of red parameter essences is T3, status – T2. So, in other words, what would have taken two slots of orange essences can be achieved with one slot red. Too bad, you can’t control red essences drop, so it’s up to your luck.
About monsters and fight strategy:
Main tip is – avoid open spaces and try to battle in the tunnels. It won’t do you any good being surrounded by monsters and then gang banged.
Be aware of your surrounding – whenever you spawn in open space room with monsters, don’t rush. Find the best course of action to reach narrow path, use your movement skills (sword’s acute, angels hallow, rondato). Don’t forget that with angels hallow you can jump over river path up to 2 cells wide as long as there are no obstacles on the way. If there’s no way to avoid fight in open space, try to minimize number of sides you can be attacked from – move to the corner. Using riposte stance and aiming diagonally you’ll be able to counter all of the 3 attacks.
Ah, monsters, yes. Nothing you won't be able to find out on your own, but be mindful of summoners - in first location these are blackish dog, green girl and spider queen. They can overwhelm you with number of monsters, so, once again try to avoid fighting them in the open. If you can't, and you have full stock of holly vials, you can spam them. Usually it takes 2-3 vials to kill simple summon, and vials have AOE, so you can reduce them to ashes if you're successful enough.
‘Tis but a grain of knowledge about this game – there’s also alchemy, stances and other mechanics not explained. For more detailed information I’d recommend reading this topic, as well as visiting – it’s pretty helpful.

Loli, fellatio, prostitution, monster rape, bukkake, combat rape, clothes changing/breaking, pregnancy

Overall objective:

Plot-wise, overall objective is beating 5 of the bosses that are located in different places of the game. There's supposed to be a final boss, but it was never implemented.
Game-wise, overall objective could be considered getting full enchanted gear with best essences/inscriptions. Generally, that depends on your overall enjoyment of the game.

Most of the content in this game comes from combat rape when you're toppled over during the fight. There are a couple of scenes that you might get when defeated by female monsters.
Also, there is a number of semi-animated events that you get by fulfilling certaing requirements (accessible from the menu).
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

When you get the Screen with the Little Rabbit Running on a clock do the Following (as copied from the Readme.html)...

"when you first start, input in the order of up, left, up, down and right."

Hope this helps anyone who is likeme and doesn't (usually) read the Readme files...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

the art works nice but I have know idea what the hell I'm suppose to be doing.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Anything animated in this? There appears to be no screenshots and I don't want to waste time downloading it once I'm able to.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Anybody could please help me ? Everytime I start the game I get an error ...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Anybody could please help me ? Everytime I start the game I get an error ...

at the Risk of sounding like a Farkhead, this is not very informative, error could me anything, have you got a screenshot?
a description of the error?
is it a windows error or a game error?

also is it asking for the code to start it which is written in post 2 , if there is a Rabbit on a spinning clock then use the advice in post two, otherwise we will need alot more info then, I get an error...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Anything animated in this? There appears to be no screenshots and I don't want to waste time downloading it once I'm able to.

The sex isn't animated, it hasn't got Sprite sex, at least not yet, I still hold out hope as it could be added in... basically when you lose all Life/stamina, the side of screen shows pics of you getting raped, it's extremely glitchy and half the time the screen goes black and all you can see is the text which i assume is explaining your getting Raped, I feel this is not really a Beta but more an Alpha... Still worth a look in as once flesh out it might be something worth waiting for... there is animation as in effect animation (screen wobble and such).

The Gameplay is much like Secret of Mana/Evermore... only no weapon animation, again there may still be a lot to come...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

yeah I'm not a fan of RPG's but this looks like it has some hope of being that rare case. the art work is pretty hot her facial expressions make up for not being animated enough to make me want more. even if I can't figure out what to do.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Information about the "2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください" Error..

Basically, this is a black screen error, where the game just plain refuses to start and pops up an error dialog. I honestly have no idea what causes it.

I did manage to fix it by extreme methods: specifically, running the game in a Windows XP VM. How practical this is for other people, I don't know.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

the art works nice but I have know idea what the hell I'm suppose to be doing.

looks like you go in doors to advance... kill or be raped!
also many many crashes to be expected!
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

at the Risk of sounding like a Farkhead, this is not very informative, error could me anything, have you got a screenshot?
a description of the error?
is it a windows error or a game error?

also is it asking for the code to start it which is written in post 2 , if there is a Rabbit on a spinning clock then use the advice in post two, otherwise we will need alot more info then, I get an error...

There you go ...

(sry that it is so little but I wasnt allowed to upload on an other page and link it here ...)


  • MaiDenSnow.jpg
    6.4 KB · Views: 43
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

The sex isn't animated, it hasn't got Sprite sex, at least not yet, I still hold out hope as it could be added in... basically when you lose all Life/stamina, the side of screen shows pics of you getting raped, it's extremely glitchy and half the time the screen goes black and all you can see is the text which i assume is explaining your getting Raped, I feel this is not really a Beta but more an Alpha... Still worth a look in as once flesh out it might be something worth waiting for... there is animation as in effect animation (screen wobble and such).

The Gameplay is much like Secret of Mana/Evermore... only no weapon animation, again there may still be a lot to come...

The screen goes black with the message as it's a demo. it isn't going to give you the full sex scenes and graphics except in the full version.

It's a turn-based grid battle, akin to that ARPG that recently came out or Dungeons and Prisoners.

The game also includes clothing damage, and you don't get a gameover if you lose all your vitality (You have HP and Vitality. When HP goes to 0, you fall over and can get raped, but slowly recovers back. Vitality goes down then, and you pass out if it goes to 0. but you then wake up covered in cum in another area)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Information about the "2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください" Error..

Basically, this is a black screen error, where the game just plain refuses to start and pops up an error dialog. I honestly have no idea what causes it.

I did manage to fix it by extreme methods: specifically, running the game in a Windows XP VM. How practical this is for other people, I don't know.

I am also getting this error, except it says "3HP" for me.

What in the world is a "3HP" anyways?? Readme says all you need is RPG Maker VX Ace, which even when I reinstalled with the latest version, didn't solve the problem...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Well, thanks to some information given to me by... someone who probably doesn't want to be mentioned in this thread... I've tracked down the 2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください error.

If you see an error like 2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください, extract the game with the Native Windows Unzip tool, NOT something like e.g. 7-Zip. Also don't tamper with the game files

There is a technical reason for this, but it's somewhat boring.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Well, thanks to some information given to me by... someone who probably doesn't want to be mentioned in this thread... I've tracked down the 2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください error.

If you see an error like 2HPより最新版をダウンロードしてください, extract the game with the Native Windows Unzip tool, NOT something like e.g. 7-Zip. Also don't tamper with the game files

There is a technical reason for this, but it's somewhat boring.

. - . it does stop the 2HP one, but now I'm getting 3HP (I'm on Windows 8 if that matters)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

ok a little help here and is a stupid question but well somehow i am bad at it

how can i unzip it with the native windows zip?

i have installed 7zip and rar- so windows only let me the options to unzip with those

can someone give me a little explanation of how to do it with native zip? and please not say unintall 7zip and rar plz

EDIT > nevermind already managed to unzip with normal but i still get the 2h can someone that managed to play it post the working demo in other place? just if possible. is not an obligation anyway hah
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

The 2HP issue is to do with file modification times - even if someone posted a 'working' copy, there's no guarantee it would continue to work after being unzipped.

The 3HP issue is less clear at the moment. It seems to be caused by the Game.rgss3a file being modified, but I don't know how that happened.

However, I think the key weakness here is that it all depends on the Game.rgss3a file. Hence there is an exploit: use a decrypter to decrypt the Game.rgss3a file into the same directory as the game, then delete Game.rgss3a. After some experimentation, this seemed to be the easiest way I could find to fix both 2HP and 3HP problems.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

The 2HP issue is to do with file modification times - even if someone posted a 'working' copy, there's no guarantee it would continue to work after being unzipped.

The 3HP issue is less clear at the moment. It seems to be caused by the Game.rgss3a file being modified, but I don't know how that happened.

However, I think the key weakness here is that it all depends on the Game.rgss3a file. Hence there is an exploit: use a decrypter to decrypt the Game.rgss3a file into the same directory as the game, then delete Game.rgss3a. After some experimentation, this seemed to be the easiest way I could find to fix both 2HP and 3HP problems.

Thanks :D that worked (got those who cares, google rgss3a decrypter should easily get you one)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

new game goes not
appears to be poorly programmed it invites us forever, nothing happens
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

The Heroine on the front looks nice, bit like dark magician girl to me.

Let's hope the game doesn't disappoint.