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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It should be said that Iggy has requested a temporary ban on himself so he can cool down. I think thats very mature and when i lift it in a few days y'all shouldact accordingly.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Like a cunt?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well thats how you treat everyone else oni, so in your case, yes.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Can you at least wait until the new year to lift it? At least we'll be free of one fuckass for the rest of the year.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Seems more likely he realised the shit-storm headed his way and decided to lie low for a while. Either way, good call on his part.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Someone didn't like how I introduced myself apparently on the introduction thread, but I honestly didn't expect to get attached to this forum so yeah, at first I didn't give 2 shits..

I may disagree, but that was well said sir, good opinion

Regarding something I said about toonpimp that seemed fairly accurate... Or not, whatever, somebody liked what I said.


Me failing at trying to be funny on the shinobi girl thread apparently.

Then I got 2 more good reds with no sig on them

Appropriate response~. -Iggy~<3

The rare occasion when trolling is not only accepted, but praised...
[dusty's castle thread]

Teh Boss

I'm guessing this was from CT, it's when I formed the SVS band.
At this point I had finally reached 2 green bar-thingies.. I can't tell you how proud and happy I felt.. Until...

I'm not here to make the world a better place. You're such a great person for wanting to clothe the homeless, but maybe you should start your campaign elsewhere

ToxicShock wrote that... I remember reading it.. And then like one day later I come back, and *poof*, all the sudden he was a mod...

I kinda froze for a second.. Then went back and looked at the neg-rep, and rubbed my eyes a little staring at it...

L-M-F-A-O.. (Almost literally)

I guess being a cocky sore-head has it's benefits, eh?... XD
How's THAT for twisted forum humor?

And you are... ? NEVER assume you speak for the so-called "Elite Members".

Seconds after seeing this I changed the words "elite members" in my post to "pirates"... But that didn't make the sting of the neg rep go away...
Tbh that seemed unnecessary, but I guess I must've offended an "elite member".. >_>

Ding ding! Update!

My reward for being attentive to the super deepthroat thread. Funny because that's kinda WHY I was being attentive to it, so that I'd hope some lucky person who was waiting for new info would praise me with a rep... Incentive ftw.

You deliver. :p

I really didn't understand this rep, it was given via a post I made asking about the high score table for shinobi girl.. *shrug*

All in all, more good than bad, I've made some mistakes, pissed off some unreasonable people, made friends with nicer people, and even got a few chances to shoot down some of the same unfriendly people on the forum, but I've got a ways to go... I ain't helping the world, and I never claimed to.. The reason I scolded ToxicShock was because I didn't understand he was "joking" when he was being such an ass towards the noobs...

Pardon me if I didn't understand how/why someone would/could "pretend/joke" to be an ass on purpose, willingly.. That honestly truly confuses me.. I admit I have much to learn..

Also, one last thing.. Oni..

U mad bro? :cool:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ok, I won't defend myself, cuz I saw how useless that was on you already. But I will try to explain myself. The topic of discussion were people who ask for things in the thread instead of PM's.

No, I didn't. Because I'm not fucking retarded

Incidentally, could someone send me a PM?

= My post said those people were retarded. And then asked for the game.

= "Asking for this is dumb." Asks for it.

= Offends a group of people. Includes myself in group of people.

= Point. Contradiction

So please.. PLEASE, stop acting like I was just pretending to act like it was a joke afterwards cuz I got "shot down" by a twit. Do you see why it is I don't respond to you about this anymore?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Like I said, I have a long way to go..

I fail to understand that calling noobs retards, even jokingly, EVEN OBVIOUSLY jokingly is somehow "okay", since using such a bold term is pretty offensive no matter how you slice it... Or hey, maybe that's just me...

I wasn't the only one who noticed you being a sore-head either, but I like how you instantly thought I was talking about you when I mentioned "unfriendly people"... Guilty much? :rolleyes:

And damn straight it's useless for you to stop me from thinking I'm right, you blatantly offended both retards, and my lead distributor WHILE making a joke about noobs, all in one fell swoop.. Like hell I'm just gonna let that slide and NOT think you were in the wrong.. But, like how the conflict ended on that thread, I do admit I have a tendency to take everything way too seriously, so I'm not gonna point any fingers..

But you can bet your ass I'm givin' some pretty cold glares.

Either way I think we should stop this cock-fight before the popo take interest... Cock-fights are illegal on this forum if I recall..

(Cock-fight - A fight between 2 incredibly cocky people)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Guilty much? :rolleyes:

Holy fucking Christ Sherlock, you caught me in your infallible logic. I'll just, step inside this police box, and arrest myself.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

*smirks, looking at toxicshock locking himself up in the police box*

*looks over at oni*

Oh, sorry.. Was that directed towards me? :cool:

But on a more serious note I have an obvious question..

How many people have hesitated to make a post on this thread because they fear of getting neg-repped for tattling on someone?.. Was just a random thought but
it crossed my mind when I first saw this thread.. Was just imagining how many positive/negative reps have possibly been caused by this thread alone, and possibly how many of those same neg/good reps were then posted ON this thread and maybe got even more of the same.. It sounds like a possibly vicious/enchanting cycle... (Which is why I would guess it's called the "halarity/insanity" thread.)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Actually it's usually the reverse effect. Posting good more likely gets you bad, or bad gets you good.

On my control panel, I can see 67 reps I've received from this thread. (probably more exist, but I can't see them anymore, unless I went to every post I made and clicked on the reputation icon). 14 of them are negative. (more like 10-11, but there's some grays that were intended to be negative.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Damn... So basically this is like... The equivalent of a training ground in an MMORPG, but for rep....

That explains it a little..

I should've guessed a person would get alot more rep interacting in the more casual-based threads than the hentai-games ones, since with that you have to be on your toes for new stuff all the time but on here it's like you just dive in, take a slice, and leave whenever you want.

But being who I am (All mr.seriousness) I very rarely find myself wandering on this part of the forum.. And when I do, it's not for long..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, that's pretty much the jist of it. I've got most of my reps from this thread. Oh and as a rule stiff, it's usually not a good idea to pick fights with people who have more green bars than you. (Feel free to talk all the shit you want to red bars though, they can't do a thing about it! LOLOLOLOLOL)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm not here to make the world a better place. You're such a great person for wanting to clothe the homeless, but maybe you should start your campaign elsewhere

ToxicShock wrote that... I remember reading it.. And then like one day later I come back, and *poof*, all the sudden he was a mod...

I kinda froze for a second.. Then went back and looked at the neg-rep, and rubbed my eyes a little staring at it...

L-M-F-A-O.. (Almost literally)

I guess being a cocky sore-head has it's benefits, eh?... XD
How's THAT for twisted forum humor?

You do know that it was actually my suggestion that Toxic be made a mod as well? Thanks for not only being a hypocrite and insulting him, but also saying that my judgement is "twisted" and "humorous".
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

1. I'm not a hypocrite, I never stated that I never insult people.. Being right and being mature are two different things, and more often than not, they never seem to mix very well on forums, it's always one but not the other..

2. I stand by my judgment.. I'm afraid both you and I are going to have to live with that... But for the record it was the timing of the occurance of him becoming a mod I found halarious, not your decision to make him one.. Your decision I simply don't approve of, I don't think it's twisted or humorous in any way.

@super_slicer : You can't be serious... From what I've seen it doesn't matter who you pick on or challenge you'll always get burned if they're bad-tempered... But if you don't stand up for what you believe in how can you sleep at night knowing how weak you are on the inside? Sorry if that sounded cheesy but it came from the heart...

The only effective way to get good rep is to earn it by being useful.. Sure, saying something funny/meaningful works, but I'd rather work hard (aka sitting at the desk all day eyeballing a dev's blog XD ) than depend on my ability to poke fun at something to get rep... I know what territory I tread in when I confront someone, it's just what happens..

Thus, I value bad rep just as much as I value good rep.. As long as it's bad rep with a purpose... If I can't learn from it, it's useless to me..

Which, ironically is WHY I purposefully target the higher-ranking and more-seemingly-arrogant members.. If they truly are smarter and more mature than me, then I will learn from them by interacting with them as such.. And if they aren't, I won't respect them, and I'll proceed to shoot down their false brand of justice and/or morals with no mercy... Simple... I do the same thing in real life and it works like a charm..
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I've got like three neg reps ever, and any time I get a neg rep I get one or two pluses for the same post. You know what my secret is? Don't be a dick. No one ever follows this advice, however, so carry on as you were.

EDIT: As a point of curiosity, I went and counted. The number is eight, from November 2008. And for every neg there's multiple +'s from either the post itself, or subsequent posts in this thread. Point still stands, I think.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I however DO find some of Darks judgement calls Humorous and Twisted...

Like all those times a few hours worth of derailed conversation while I was away left me with a locked thread to come back to in the Hentai Games section...

Though I do have to admit, there was alot to clean up when I first saw the new shiny modness gifted upon Tox... Spit my soda all over my comp, took forever to get it all out...

Now uh... Sponge? Didn't you post this earlier?
And you are... ? NEVER assume you speak for the so-called "Elite Members".

If you know what territory your in when confronting, I'd say that might be a boo boo...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I mean, no one hre is a BULLY per se, except for Oni, because he's.... famous for it? It's generally smiled upon here. And he has sharp teeth.

But it's time the harassment for fun is kep to people who can actually make it funny, and not stupid.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wow. Just. I had about three paragraphs typed out explaining how wrong you are when I realized that you're even worse than those idiots who can't be bothered to read the thread. You're actually encouraging them to keep posting. I'm not even annoyed anymore. I'm just stunned now.

And for the record, calling someone a "cocky sore-head" after you've been preaching about not being childish is being a hypocrite.
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