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In today's news...


Demon Girl Master
Feb 16, 2012
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Re: In today's news...

How an internet mapping glitch turned a random Kansas farm into a digital hell

This is why you shouldn't rely on IP-adresses identification-capabilities, but some people and companies just doesn't learn.
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Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Alright everyone, and this will apply to anyone in coastal florida and further north. Hurricane is rolling through so we're all expecting to lose power, internet, our roofs, so there's a good chance I wont be around for the better part of the week. Etc etc. Some will be worse off, others might get lucky but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Wish us all luck, lord knows we'll need and appreciate it.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

*fingers crossed* good luck!

Mr NunSense

Lesbian Admirer
Nov 16, 2015
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Re: In today's news...

Alright everyone, and this will apply to anyone in coastal florida and further north. Hurricane is rolling through so we're all expecting to lose power, internet, our roofs, so there's a good chance I wont be around for the better part of the week. Etc etc. Some will be worse off, others might get lucky but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Wish us all luck, lord knows we'll need and appreciate it.
Them blighted hurricanes are probably as frequent in USA as flooding is in Poland. Soon you gonna run out of new names for them there

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

TO ANYONE UNAWARE! I have returned, Primarily unscathed, house is intact, power is back up (It was down... fucking trees >.<) and to anyone else living in that area I hope you made it out alright! lord knows some areas got luckier then others!


Oct 9, 2009
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Re: In today's news...

TO ANYONE UNAWARE! I have returned, Primarily unscathed, house is intact, power is back up (It was down... fucking trees >.<) and to anyone else living in that area I hope you made it out alright! lord knows some areas got luckier then others!
As a non-american, I have some questions for those of you who live in the hurricane zones of America:

  1. Why don't Americans build houses out of sturdier stuff, like concrete or bricks? Then you won't need to worry about your houses being blown away.
  2. I heard that some areas in Florida are actually below the sea level and often gets flooded during hurricanes. Why don't the people who live there build houses on stilts? A lot of third world countries in Asia have houses on stilts to deal with seasonal flooding, so it's not exactly an expensive thing to do.
  3. Why do houses in America lose power during hurricanes? I am aware that due to the low population density in America it is common to have overhead power cable rather than underground power cables, but in hurricane prone zones wouldn't it be cheaper to bury the cables underground than to replace them after every hurricane?

Yours sincerely,
A genuinely curious non-american


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
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Re: In today's news...

Well, something I actually know jack about!

1. I'm not sure why they don't make their structure out of more monolithic materials, but you'd still be likely to lose your roof due to the pressure differentials.
2. They could use Dolphins (not the animal) to have the entire house float effectively with any flooding, successfully done in the Birminghamshire region and the Netherlands. I'd say simple stilts would be out of the question due to the building code (combined with your point 1); if however Japan managed to do it without issues (for heavy construction) I'd be interested in looking into it.

3. Overhead is pretty common throughout North America, even for densely occupied areas. I'm actually not sure on the reasoning, but it may be more of a hold over, ie how it's always been done. Did hear of a growing movement to move them all underground though.

Glad to hear you made it through Courage!
Last edited:


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

I can answer 3! Stupidity.

Not on the electric companies' part, but everyone else. Fuckin morons will dig the god damn thing up. And not just private morons, town/county/state workers too! Don't think it's just electric cables either, phone/internet as well, I remember a thread from a reddit boad (tales from the help desk or something) posted by a telecom worker, where a huge region loses telecom because a work crew dug their backbone (Giant fucking mass of cables) right out of the ground while re-doing a sidewalk!

This is why we can't have nice things billy.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: In today's news...

Florida's soil is rather sandy, so it really isn't all that stable. Things have a tendency to shift and sink, and the threat of sinkholes is a very real problem. And to that the fact that the entire state doesn't gain much altitude, so the water table is sitting right there just waiting to claim whatever it can. It's why we don't have very many basements. Too much shit could go wrong.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

I can answer 3! Stupidity.

Not on the electric companies' part, but everyone else. Fuckin morons will dig the god damn thing up. And not just private morons, town/county/state workers too! Don't think it's just electric cables either, phone/internet as well, I remember a thread from a reddit boad (tales from the help desk or something) posted by a telecom worker, where a huge region loses telecom because a work crew dug their backbone (Giant fucking mass of cables) right out of the ground while re-doing a sidewalk!

This is why we can't have nice things billy.
Don't you
I don't know
Have documentation of what is in the ground and why it should not be taken out?

Because that is some serious negligence and likely to get people sued


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Assuming that proper procedure is followed, yes we do. There's a number, 811, that pretty much all areas have that directions are posted to call before digging. That service has the list of where lines and such things are buried...

Then, it's up to the digging company/people to actually call and verify. I believe that there might actually be fines or some such if there's no call, but some idiots refuse to check, preferring to "get things done quickly" so that they can move on to the next project, assuming that they don't get pulled to do something else first.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Assuming that proper procedure is followed, yes we do. There's a number, 811, that pretty much all areas have that directions are posted to call before digging. That service has the list of where lines and such things are buried...

Then, it's up to the digging company/people to actually call and verify. I believe that there might actually be fines or some such if there's no call, but some idiots refuse to check, preferring to "get things done quickly" so that they can move on to the next project, assuming that they don't get pulled to do something else first.

And that's why Stupidity is the answer to number 3. Why spend more money burying EVEN MORE stuff for idiots to dig up?


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

Assuming that proper procedure is followed, yes we do. There's a number, 811, that pretty much all areas have that directions are posted to call before digging. That service has the list of where lines and such things are buried...

Then, it's up to the digging company/people to actually call and verify. I believe that there might actually be fines or some such if there's no call, but some idiots refuse to check, preferring to "get things done quickly" so that they can move on to the next project, assuming that they don't get pulled to do something else first.
Can confirm this, when digging out our water line to repair a leak (which at the start we really didn't NEED to dig it all the way to the back alley...) we wound up having to check lines, as the gas line also goes into the house from that area.


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

R.I.P Tommy Ford, aka The Pope of Comedy


Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Sometimes you just get the urge to chuck fire-bombs through windows.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

In the 21st century, two criminal cases in Germany stood out above all else.

In 2001, 9-year-old Peggy disappeared on her way home from school. The police quickly zoned in on a mentally handicapped man and got a confession from him - however, it turned out they coerced and pushed him into making a false confession so one of the higher-ups could report a quick success for a nice career boost. Ever since then, barely a year went by without some form of development making waves in the news. However, Peggy's body wasn't found until earlier this year, confirming that she was indeed murdered.

The National Socialistic Underground (NSU) was a right-wing extremist terror cell, consisting of two men and one woman. They weren't uncovered until 2011 and were subsequently linked to several murders and bombings, the targets of which were almost exclusively immigrants. They operated with the help of a tightly-knit support network of Germany's neo-nazi community, several of which were actually police informants that neglected to mention the cell's existance to their contacts.

This Friday, DNA of one of the terrorists was found on a scrap of cloth from near Peggy's grave, linking two of Germany's biggest criminal cases.



Nov 10, 2008
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Re: In today's news...

(...)several of which were actually police informants that neglected to mention the cell's existance to their contacts.
I vaguely recall hearing this more often. This seems to be a theme with police informants.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: In today's news...

I vaguely recall hearing this more often. This seems to be a theme with police informants.
More of a theme of authorities in germany(and elsewhere) seeing a bit worse on the right eye. Nothing new.
I wouldn't say they stand out above all else though, the talk of the day in germany is the new upcoming of small scale terror attacks, ever since taking immigrants in too carelessly.


Sex Demon
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: In today's news...

Well sheeeeit son. All that's left now is for Trump to get on stage and say: "told you so."

and part one, since the second video assumes you watched the first:

The gist of it is: some guys decide to do something the mainstream media(it's more legacy media now, like newsprint) journalists haven't done in a while, some actual journalism. It turns out people working under the DNC or Clinton's donors are making use voter fraud to rig elections. That's not all! Allegedly, there are more videos to come. I can't wait to see what those are all about.
