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ACT [ おいらん一味 / Oiran Ichimi] アイリス☆アクション / Iris Action (RE087520, RJ087520)

Re: Iris Action


So is everyone ready for Trenia Action to be released soon!?
Re: Iris Action

should i take that as a sign that iris action is nearly finished ?
Re: Iris Action

LOL @ Trenia!~

I take it this is actually an April fools prank from the author xD Let's see where this runs off to x3
Re: Iris Action

New blog update. First, the creator mentioned that it was pretty exciting to have a number of visits on the site from overseas in response to their little April Fool's.

Now for the bad news. They're having issues with the game, and it's been pushed back again, now to late April. But at least they are working on it.
Re: Iris Action

its been showing late april on DLsite ever since it was delayed for the first time
Re: Iris Action

its been showing late april on DLsite ever since it was delayed for the first time

Well crap, I could have sworn it was saying early April before. Disregard my disregard for details then.
Re: Iris Action

Has there really been nothing on this game in the last 3 days?

MurphyMurph said:
Umm the game is coming out in April?

What more you need to know? This isn't some free game that gets content updates.

Also, the creator very sparingly even updates the blog at this point. I mean, at this point the updates are basically "the game is very close to being done, but it's taking a lot of time to do things that having nothing to do with new art or gameplay in the game". For example, iirc (too lazy to check) the last update was making sure the game would run well in most/all computer environments, it seemed that there were compatibility issues with some processors or operating systems. And if it weren't for responding to his own April Fool, he probably wouldn't have even posted that.

The next real update...will probably either be that the game is released...or the author telling us that it will be released as of the next update he makes.
Re: Iris Action

so as far as the latest playable version out, it ends on the tentacle boss right? the dog and spider level aren't playable right?
Re: Iris Action

Yes, And there wont be another demo release, just straight to release.
Re: Iris Action

ok thx, since i used the save that was posted here it showed lvls 1,3,4,5 and the wolf in the cg collection, but they weren't actually playable except for lvl 1.
Re: Iris Action

okay, so is there any download link for the game, cause wel I have no clue where to look on the blog/site.... :S
Re: Iris Action

wel I have no clue where to look on the blog/site.... :S
Instead of hoping for a post with links and instructions, I believe you will find this information already in the first post of the thread on Page 1.
Re: Iris Action

Well, from reading on his blog with the limited help of google translate..I gather the game is going to be pushed back to may due to bugfixing/making sure the game is absolutely "perfect" in the sense of it running well.

Of course im not ruling out a breakthrough of some kind and he releases late april but..Im going to say sometime early May.
Re: Iris Action

At least this one looks like its going to be a good solid full release and not some half assed "we release it now you pay then update the rest later"
Re: Iris Action

~sigh~ it's almost the end of April.

The creator had an update today. Can anyone give the details? It sounds like an unspecified delay.
Re: Iris Action

It appears to be a balancing issue..Or thats what google says.

Im still expecting this game to be released sometime around mid-may. Although im glad he wants a polished game rather than a rushed one.
Re: Iris Action

Ahhhh mid May is not the best time!

I am going to be playing Diablo 3 >.<